Imagens das páginas

operation several times, and after a few days the contents will become sufficiently decomposed to take away.

5th. After removing the contents of any egg cleanse the shell thoroughly. Fill it with clean water and shake vigorously, blow out the contents and repeat the operation until the specimen is perfectly clean. This is particularly desirable in white eggs, as black spots will show through the shell after a time if the least particle of the egg or blood stains remains inside.

6th. Save all your eggs in sets-that is, keep all the eggs each bird lays by themselves. This is the only way to form a correct knowledge of the eggs of any species, as a single egg, particularly of the blotched ones, frequently gives a very erroneous idea of the general markings-a very unsatisfactory representative of a set. For instance, in my collection are four eggs of the Buteo lineatus, found in the same nest, two of which are pure white and two blotched. It is not very uncommon to find great variations in markings in the same species and in the same nest.

7th. Keep a memorandum of the place and date of collecting each set of eggs.

8th. Use some kind of a blowpipe in preparing your eggs for the cabinet. The common blowpipe, with the addition of a fine pointed tip, will answer; yet it is a severe tax on the lungs and brain if you have many eggs to blow. I have many a time been dizzy and almost blind from overtaxing my lungs in this operation. Within a few years Mr. E. W. Ellsworth, of East Windsor Hill, Conn., has invented a blowpipe which is operated by the thumb and finger, which works very perfectly and expeditiously. I would not be without it on any account. After using it for a time, and then letting it remain unused until the leather packing becomes dry, the instrument does not work satisfactorily to those unaccustomed to it. The remedy is simple. Take off the blowpipe and work the instrument submerged in a bowl of warm soap suds, when the leather packing becomes pliable and works as well as new. I have used the same instrument six years, and it works to-day as well as when new by following the above directions. The printed directions which accompany each instrument are intended to be a sufficient guide in case repairs are needed, and the maker can be referred to for any further information required.




I WISH to call the attention of ornithologists to a paper recently published in the London "Ibis" (vol. ii, January, 1872), upon the relationship of the North American White-fronted Owl, known as "Nyctale albifrons Shaw," or "N. Kirtlandii Hoy." The author of the paper in question, Mr. D. G. Elliot, refers that bird to the N. Tengmalmi Gmel., of Europe, with which species he also considers our N. Richardsoni Bonap., to be identical. That both these opinions are erroneous, I purpose showing in the following remarks:

The little owl above mentioned, is a bird identical in all the details of form and size with the N. Acadica Gmel., an exclusively North American form, which is scarcely more than half the size of the N. Tengmalmi, and cannot, by any means, be referred to the latter species. The birds which Mr. Elliot supposes to be identi cal with "N. albifrons" are merely the young of N. Tengmalmi, in a plumage analogous to that of the small North American species, but resembling the latter no further. Mr. Elliot is by no means the first to notice this plumage, for it has been long known to European ornithologists, and its relations correctly understood (see Naumann "Die Vögel Deutschlands," i, p. 500, pl. 48, figs. 2 and 3-where both the adult and young plumages are illustrated). Neither do I claim to be the first to refer the "N. albifrons" to the N. Acadica, as being its young stage, for Strickland in “Ornithological Synonymes" (i, 1855, p. 177) places the two together.

Being aware of the differences between the adult and young plumages of the N. Tengmalmi, and seeing a direct analogy in the characters of the N. Acadica and N. albifrons" I suspected a similar relation between these two small North American forms; and in the course of my investigations of the North American Strigida in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution I found other reasons for considering them old and young of one species. These reasons I present as follows: :

1st. All specimens examined, of N. albifrons (including Hoy's

type of N. Kirtlandii) are young birds, as is unmistakably apparent from the texture of the plumage.

2nd. All specimens examined of the N. Acadica, are adults; I have seen no description of the young.

3rd. The geographical distribution, the size and proportions, the pattern of coloration (except that of the head and body, which in all owls is more or less different in the young and adult stages) and the shades of color on the general upper plumage, are the same in both. The white "scalloping" on the outer web of the alula, the number of white spots on the primaries and the precise number and position of the white bars on the tail, are features common to the two.


4th. The most extreme example of " albifrons" has the facial circle uniform brown, like the neck, has no spots on the forehead, and the face is entirely uniform dark brown; but

5th. Three out of the four specimens in the collection have the facial circle composed of white and brown streaks (adult feathers) precisely as in Acadica, and the forehead similarly streaked (with adult feathers). Two of these have new feathers appearing upon the sides of the breast (beneath the brown patch), as well as upon the face; these new feathers are, in the most minute respects, like common (adult) dress of N. Acadica.

The above facts point conclusively to the identity of the Nyctale "albifrons" and N. Acadica. This species is easily distinguishable from the N. Tengmalmi which belongs to both continents, though the North American and European specimens are distinguishable, and, therefore, should be recognized as geographical races.

I give below a brief synopsis of the two species, and the principal list of synonymes belonging to each :

Tengmalmi and Acadica.

COMMON CHARACTERS.-Tarsus longer than middle toe; tail slightly rounded, or nearly square: five outer primaries emarginated on inner webs, their ends broad and bowed; 3d quill longest. Upper parts generally chocolate-brown, more or less spotted with white, the tail having distant transverse narrow bars of the same. Adult Facial circle and forehead variegated with white; eyebrows and face grayish white; lower parts white with longitudinal spots, or stripes, of chocolate brown. Young: Facial circle and forehead plain blackish brown; eyebrows pure unvariegated, white; face plain dusky; lower parts without markings; the breast plain chocolate brown; the abdomen, etc., plain ochraceous.

A.-Nostril sunken, opening laterally; elongate oval, and obliquely vertical. Cere not inflated. Tail more than half the wing. Bill yellow.

1. N. TENGMALMI.-Wing about 7.20; tail 4.50.

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a. Legs white, scarcely variegated; lower tail coverts with only narrow shaft streaks of brown. (Maximum amount of white, the spots of this color much extended, on the scapulars even largely predominating over the brown.) Hab. The Palearctic Region (Europe, Liberia and Northern Africa.) Var. Tengmalmi.* b. Legs ochraceous, thickly spotted; lower tail coverts with broad medial stripes of brown. (Minimum amount of white, and excess of darker colors; the latter not only deeper in tint, but occupying larger areas. The difference readily appreciable on comparison.) Hab. Northern portion of the Nearctic Region (Arctic America south to the northern border of the U.S.). Var. Richardsoni.† B.Nostril prominent, opening anteriorly; nearly circular. Cere somewhat inflated. Tail not more than half the wing (rather less). Bill black.


2. N. ACADICA. -Wing 5.25 to 5.80; tail 2.60.- Hab. Cold temperate portions of Nearctic Region (Southern British America and Northern U. S. from the Atlantic to the Pacific on the mountain ranges, southward nearly to the southern borders of the U. S., and into Mts. of Mexico. Oaxaca, Scl. P. Z. S. 1858, 295).


Strix Tengmalmi GMEL., S. N. p. 291, 1789 (et Auct. var.). Nyctale Tengmalmi BONAP. et Auct. Noctua Tengmalmi Cuv., et Auct. Athene Tengmalmi BOIE. - Ulula Tengmalmi BONAP. et Auct.— Scolophilus Tengmalmi SWAINS.— Strix dasypus BECHST. (1791) et Auct.Nyctale dasypus GRAY. - Strix passerina A. MEYER (1794). — PALLAS. Nyctale planiceps BREHM (1831).— Nyctale pinetorum BREHM (1831). — Nyctale abietum BREHM (1831). - Nyctale Junerea BONAP. (1842). (Not of LINN., 1761, which is Surnia ulula.) – Nyctale Kirtlandi ELLIOT, Ibis, II, Jan., 1872, p. 48. (Not of Hoy!)


Nyctale Richardsonii BONAP. Eur. and N. Am. B., p. 7; 1838, et Auct.

Strix Acadica GMEL. Syst. Nat. p. 296, 1789, — DAUD. N. Orn., II, 206, 1800. — VIEILL. Ois. Am. Sept., I, 49, 1807. — AUD. B. Am. pl. 199, 1831; Orn. Biog. V, 397. — RICH. and SWAINS., F. B. A., II, 97, 1831, — BONAP Ann. Lyc. N. Y., II, pp. 38, 436; Isis, 1832, p. 1140, — JARD. (Mis.) Am. Orn. II, 66. — NAUM. Nat. Vog. Deutschl. ed. nov. I, 434, pl. 43, figs. 1 and 2. — PEAB. B. Mass., p. 90.-NUTE, Man. p. 137, 1833.- Nyctale Acadica BONAP. List. p. 7, 1838; Consp. Av. p. 44.-GRAY, Gen. B. fol. App. p. 3. 1844.-KAUP. Monog. Strig. Crut. Orn. 1852, p. 104. — STRICKL. Orn. Syn. I, 176, 1855. — NEWB, P. R. R. Rept. VI, 77, 1857. — CASS, B. N. Am. 1858, 58. -COOP. & SUCK. P. R. R. Rept. XII, ii, 156, 1860.-COUES Prod. B. Ariz. 14, 1866, GRAY Hand List I, 1869, 51. — LORD Pr. R. A. I, IV, iii (Brit. Columb.). — Scotophilus Acadicus SWAINS. Clasif. B. II, 217, 1837. - - Strix passerina PENN. Aret. Zool. p. 236, sp. 126, 1785.FORSH., Phil. Trans. LXII, 385.- WILS. Am. Orn. pl. 34, f. 1, 1808. Ulula passerina JAMES. (Wils.) Am. Örn. I, 109, 1831. — Strix Acadiensis LATHI. Ind. Ørn. p. 65, 1790. — Strix albifrons SHAW. Nat. Misc. V, pl. 171, 1794: Zool. VII, 238, 1509.-LATII. Orn. Supp. p. 14. - Bubo albifrons VIEILL. Ois. Am. Sept. I, 54, 1807. Scops albifrons STEPH. Zool. XIII, ii, 51, — Nyctale albifrons CASS, B. Cal, & Tex. 187, 1854. BONAP, Consp. Av. p. 54. — CASS, Birds N. Am. 1858, 57. Strix frontalis LICHT. Ath. Ak. Berl. 1838, 430,- GRAY Hand List 1, 52, 1869. — -Nyctale Kirtlandii HOY, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. VI, 210; 1852. — S. phalanoides DAUD. Tr. Orn. II, 206, 1800,- LATH, Ind. Orn. Supp. p. 16, 1802; Syn. Supp. II, 66, Gen. Hist. I, 372, 1828.- Athene phalenoides GRAY. Gen. B. fol. sp. 43, 1844.- Athene Wilsoni BRI■, Isis, 1828, 315.



SINCE the investigations of Clark, Carter and others upon the sponges and their allies, anything which adds to our knowledge of the Flagellate Infusoria is of especial interest. I have fortunately had an opportunity of making a careful study of a genus Urella of Ehrenberg, about which thus far but little that is satisfactory has been known.

Until recently but little has been known of the real nature of the Monadina. As a natural consequence, organisms have been referred to the different genera of this family upon very slight

Fig. 88.

A colony of about forty Monads.

study and superficial resemblances. Urella, which Ehrenberg describes thus, "aggregate monads, free-swimming, tailless, devoid of an eyespeck and having one or (doubtfully) two flagelliform filaments," has of course received its share of attention until one might think from

the "species" and the

figures given that the diagnosis of the genus had been "anything very minute,, aggregated, free-swimming," whether Infusorian or Alga making no difference.

When, therefore, I found in a collection made at Spy Pond, near Cambridge, on the 25th of November last, a large number of individuals of this genus (probably the species glauconia Ehr.), I made use of the opportunity for a careful study of it, devoting my spare time to it daily as long as I continued to find it in the water; what follows is therefore the result of a number of observations, at which each point has been examined and verified.

* Communicated to the Section of Microscopy of the Boston Society of Natural History, Dec. 13th, 1871.

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