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For JULY, 1785.

Philofophical Rhapsodies. Fragments of Akbur of Beilis. Containing Reflections on the Lars, Manners, Cuftoms and Religions, of certain Afiatic, Afric, and European Nations. Col lected and now first published. By Richard Jofeph Sulivan, Efq. In three Volumes. 8vo. 15s. in Boards. Becket.

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HE following fragments were written by a native of Affyria, who, in very early youth, was removed to the continent of Europe, and thence to England. During his refidence in England with a friend of his father's, he became inftructed in its language, and in the principles of its religion. He then travelled; and in various countries threw together the reflections which appear in the following fheets."

This is the account of the editor, and we ought not to diftruft it; but whether Akbur really exifted, or fome European author has indulged his fancy, and wandered in idea under this guife, is of little confequence: the work itself is our object, and merits our recommendation. The author is a candid and intelligent traveller, a friend of his fellow-creatures, and a zealous advocate for the offices of humanity.' He travels, not to defcribe buildings, profpects, or the the various ornaments of differing, fancy; but to examine the manners and cuftoms, to delineate the human heart, and to fee it under different difguifes, but ftill poffeffing the fame generous propenfities, the fame virtues, and the fame weakneffes. His mind is enlightened, and his fentiments liberal: indeed his liberality fometimes degenerates a little into fcepticifm; but we find nothing to reprehend, for we difcover it only by the terrors which he feems to feel when on holy ground, and the reftraintfrequently visible when his enquiries have brought him to the verge of the fanctuary. His language is clear, fimple, and unornamented; and, in general, we think thefe Philofophical Rhapsodies, unconnected in form, rather than in fubftance, furnish a pleafing and rational entertainment.

VOL. LX. July, 1785.

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This mental travelling, this review of the minds and manners, is highly useful. It divests us of that unfocial pride, which raises our own imaginary rank; for virtues and vices are nearly the fame in all countries; benevolence is always amiable, and a narrow felfifhnefs defpicable, from the hovels ́of the Hottentot to the caverns of Lapland. It expands the mind, fince it fhows that happiness and mifery are more equally diffused than we should suspect, from a first and tranfient view; and it teaches us to respect the errors of others, when they are found not to be more grofs and numerous than our


The first question, which neceffarily occurs to the mental traveller, is the origin of the different nations, and the varieties of the human race. These questions are involved with each other; for, if the whole world did not proceed from one pair, no origin is neceffary, or at leall none can be determined. This is a fubject which has not yet been decided, and the road to investigation is fhut up, till fome liberal theologian fhall clearly fhow, that the Mofaic account of the creation is not to be understood in a literal or an univerfal sense. The first men for piety and learning, whom we have conversed with, have agreed that it is not fo; and indeed, the account of the early ages feems to have been chiefly defigned to preferve the Jewish genealogies. It is difficult to find one precept, either of morality or religion, except the punishment inflicted on the murderer, neceffary to the conduct of our lives, not to add, that the whole is related in the uncertain mode of tradition. We chiefly mean to refer to the ages before the flood; and should not have hazarded this opinion, if we had not known that it was fupported by the beft authorities. Our author dwells chiefly on the different races of men, and on those tribes, in appearance, most remote from them, viz. the white men on the ifthmus of Darien, and the Albinoes of Africa. But, in fact, there are no two species of the fame genus, in the whole range of animated nature, more distinct than the wooly-headed African, and the copper-coloured American. To talk of the effects of climate is abfurd: it may influence the height, the ftrength, and from thence the manners; but it would never enlarge the lip, flatten the nose, or bend the knees. Befides, we know of no effect of climate beyond what may be produced by the degree and duration of heat and cold, by the effects of moisture more or less combined with them. Yet in America there are parts as fwampy as the banks of the Gambia, and deferts as dry and torrid as thofe of Ethiopia. Akbur does not decide; but he acts a little unfairly;

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