Imagens das páginas

his own misfortunes and poverty, but fewer than in many of his other productions. The following extract may serve as a specimen of this work, which is entirely in prose:

In Island (as I have read and heard) spirites in the likenesse of ones father or mother after they are deceased, doe converse with them as naturally, as if they were living. Other spirits like rogues they have among them, destitute of all dwelling and habitation, and they chillingly complayne if a Constable aske them Cheuela in the night, that they are going vnto Mount Hecla to warme them. That Mount Hecla a number conclude to bee hell mouth for near vnto it are heard such yellings and groanes, as Ixion, Titius, Sisiphus, and Tantalus, blowing all in one trumpet of distressed could neuer conioyned bellowe foorth. Bond-men in Turkey or in Spaine are not so ordinarilye sold, as witches sell familiars there. Farre cheaper maye you buy a winde amongst them, than you can buy wind or faire words in the Court. Three knots in a thred, or an odde grandams blessing in the corner of a napkin, will carrie you all the world ouer. Wee when we frowne knit our browes, but let a wizard there knit a noose or a riding snarle on his beard, and it is haile, storme and tempest a month after. . . . . . A poyson light on it, how come I to digresse to such a dull Lenten, Northren Clyme, where there is nothing but stock-fish, whetstones, and codsheads? Yet now I remember me, I haue not lost my way so much as I thoght, for my theame is The terrors of the Night, and Island is one of the chiefe kingdomes of the night; they hauing scarce so much day there, as will serue a childe to ask his father's blessing. Marry with one commoditie they are blest, they haue Ale that they carry in their pockets lyke glue, and euer when they would drinke, they set it on the fire and melt it. It is reported, that the Pope long since gave them dispensation to receiue the Sacrament in ale, insomuch as for their incessant frosts there, no wine but was turned to red emayles, as soone as euer it came amongst them. Farewell frost : as much to say, as farewell Island, for I haue no more to say to thee.


Filthie Italionat complement-mungers they are, who would faine be counted the Court's Gloriosos, and the refined iudges of wit; when if their wardrobes and the withred bladders of their braines were well searcht, they haue nothing but a fewe moath-eaten cod-peece sutes (made against the comming of Mounsier) in the one, and a few scraps of out-landish prouerbes in the other: and these alone do buckler them from the name of beggers and idiots. Other-while perhaps they may keep a coyle with the spirit of Tasso, and then they folde their armes like Braggarts, writhe their neckes alla Neapolitano, and turne vp their eye-balls like men intraunced.

Some may perhaps think that in the description of the physician and con-jurers afterwards pourtrayed, allusion may be made to Gabriel Harvey, his deadly enemy and opponent. The following passage may also with a little force of imagination and the change of a word be applied to some modern phrenologists:

Just such like impostures are the artes of Phisiognomie and Palmestrie: wherein who beareth most palme and praise, is the palpablest foole and Crepundio. Liues there anie such slowe yce-brain'd beefe-witted gull, who by the riuel'd barke or outward rynde of a tree will take vpon him to forespeak how long it shall stand, what mischances of wormes, caterpillers, bough breaking, frost bitings, catalls rubbing against, it shall haue? As absurd is it, by the external branched seames or furrowed wrinckles in a man's face or hand, in particular or generall to coniecture and foredoome of his fate. . . . . So also our faces, which sundrie times with surfets, greefe, studie, or intemperance, are most deformedlye welked and crumpled; there is no more to bee gathered by their sharpe embossed Joyuers anticke worke, or ragged ouerhangings or pitfalls; but that they haue beene layd vp in slouens presse, and with miscarriage and misgouernment are so fretted and galled. My own experience is but small, yet thus much I can say by his warrantize, that those fatall brands of phisiognomie which condemne men for fooles and for idiots, and on the other side for treacherous circumuenters and false brothers, haue in a hundred men I know been verefied in the contrarie. So Socrates (the wisest man of Greece) was censured by a wrinckled-wyzard for the lumpishest blockehead that euer went on two legs: whome though the Philosopher in pitie vouchsafed with a nyce distinction of art and nature to raise and recouer, when he was utterly confounded with a hisse and a laughter, yet sure his insolent simplicity might lawfully haue su'd out his patent of exemption: for hee was a forlorne creature, both in discretion and wit-craft. Will you have the summe of all: some subtill humorist, to feede fantasticke heads with innouations and - nouelties, first inuented this trifling childish glose vppon dreames and phisiognomie; wherein he stroue onely to boast himselfe of a pregnant probable conceipt beyonde philosophie or truth.

The following passage contains the allusions mentioned above to his own misfortunes, and the expression of his obligations to his patron Sir George Carey :

The next plague and the nearest that I know in affinitie to a consumption, is long depending hope friuolously defeated, than which there is no greater miserie on earth and so per consequens no men in earth more miserable than courtiers. It is a cowardly feare that is not resolute inough to despaire. It is like a pore hunger. staru'd wretch at sea, who still in expectation of a good voyage, endures more miseries than Iob. He that writes this can tell, for he hath neuer had good voyage in his life but one, and that was to a fortunate blessed Iland, nere those pinacle rocks called the Needles. O it is a purified Continent, and a fertil plot fit to seat another Paradice, where or in no place the image of the ancient hospitalitie is to be found. While I liue I will praise it and extoll it, for the true magnificence and continued honourable bountie that I saw there. Farre unworthie am I to spend the least breath of commendation in the extolling so delightfull and pleasaunt a Tempe, or once to consecrate my inke with the excellent mention of the thrice noble and illustrious Chiefetaine, vnder whom it is flourishingly gouerned. That rare ornament of our countrey, learned Master Camden, whose desertfull name is vniuersally

admyred throughout Christendome, in the last repollished Edition of his Britania, hath most elaborate and exactly described the souereigne plenteous situation of that Ile; as also the inestimable happines it inherites, it beeing patroniz'd and carefully protected by so heroicall and couragious a Commander.

Men that haue neuer tasted that full spring of his liberalitie, wherewith (in my most forsaken extremities) right graciously hee hath deigned to reuiue and refresh mee, may rashly (at first sight) implead me of flatterie, and not esteeme these my feruent tearmes as the necessary repaiment of due debt, but words idly begotten with good lookes, and in an ouer-joyed humour of vaine hope slipt from me by chance: but therein they shall shewe themselues too vnciuill iniurious, both to my deuoted obseruant dutie, and the condigne deare purchased merite of his glorie.

Too base a ground is this, whereon to embroyder the rich storie of his eternall renowme; some longer lyned Tractate I reserue for the full blaze of his vertues, which here onely in the sparkes I decypher. Manie embers of encumbraunces haue I at this time, which forbid the bright flame of my zeale to mount aloft as it would. Perforce I must breake from it, since other turbulent cares sit as now at the stearne of my inuention. Thus I conclude with this chance-medley Parenthesis, that whatsoeuer minutes intermission I haue of calmed content, or least respite to call my wits together, principall and immediate proceedeth from him. Through him my tender wainscot studie doore is deliuered from much assault and battrie: through him I looke into, and am lookt on in the world: from whence otherwise I were a wretched banished exile. Through him all my good (as by a conduit head) is conueighed vnto me and to him all my endeuours (like riuers) shall pay tribute as to the Ocean. Did Ouid entitle Carus a Noble man of Rome the onely constant frend hee had, in his vngratefull extrusion amongst the Getes: and writ to him thus, "Qui quod es id vere Care vocaris."

And in another elegie,

"O mihi post nullos Care memorande sodales ?"

Much more may I acknowledge all redundant prostrate vassailage to the royall descended Familie of the Careys: but for whom, my spirit long ere this had expyred, and my pen seru'd as a puniard to gall my owne heart.

For some further extracts from this extremely rare volume consult Beloe's Lit. Anecd., vol. i, p. 271, &c. See also Dibdin's Libr. Comp., vol. ii, p. 193; Collier's Hist. Eng. Dram. Poet., vol. iii, p. 222; and Todd's Ed. of Spenser, vol. i, lxxiv. We are surprised that Mr. Collier, whose research in such subjects is so profound, and who remarks "that he does not recollect to have seen this work mentioned in any list of Nash's productions," should not have remembered or known of Beloe's account of it from the same copy that he notices, viz., the one formerly in the library of the Marquis of Stafford, and now in that of Lord Ellesmere. We believe that no copy of this work exists in the British Museum, nor in any of the libraries in Oxford or Cambridge. Nor is it mentioned in the list of this

writer's works given in Watt's Biblioth. Brit. The present copy has the title and first leaf very neatly repaired, but, excepting this, is quite perfect. Bound by Charles Lewis.

Blue Morocco, elegant. Gilt leaves.

NASH, (THOMAS.) — Haue with you to Saffron-walden, or, Gabriell

Harueys Hunt is up. Containing a full answere to the oldest sonne of the Hatter-maker. Or, Nashe his Confutation of the sinfull Doctor. The moth or Posie instead of omne tulit punctum. Pacis fiducia nunquam, as much to say, as I sayd I would speake with him.

Printed at London by John Danter, 1596. 4to.

This celebrated satirical and dramatic writer, whose works are now become exceedingly scarce, and are also intrinsically valuable in furnishing notices of several early writers, was born at Lowestoff, a small seaport in Suffolk, in 1567, and received his education at St. John's College, in Cambridge, where he took the degree of B.A. in 1585. It appears from a very scarce tract, already noticed, entitled, "The Trimming of Thomas Nashe, Gentleman, &c." published in 1597, 4to., under the assumed name of Richard Lichfield, but written by his great antagonist, Gabriel Harvey, that whilst he was at Cambridge, "he had a hand (i.e.) wrote a part in a show called Terminus et non Terminus, for which his partener in it was expelled the Colledge;" that Nash acted a character in it; and that (probably in consequence of this) when he was of seven years standing in the University, "being Batchelor of the third yere," i.e., about the 1587, or 8, and before he had taken his master's degree, he left Cambridge, and went to reside in London, where he published small tracts of poetry and prose, and grew intimate with the poets and wits of the time. Amongst others Nash was a companion and contemporary writer with Robert Greene, the poet, with whom he lived on terms of great friendship, and was present at the time when he was seized with his last illness. He was also intimate with Churchyard, the poet, and in one of his publications, he admits, in answer to an attack by Harvey, that he had formerly had a quarrel with Churchyard, which Harvey had endeavoured to revive, but which he declared that nothing

under heaven should draw him to do, and then addressing himself to Churchyard he exclaims, "I loue you unfainedly, and admire your aged muse, that may well be grandmother to our grand eloquentest Poets at this present. Sanctum et venerabile vetus omne poema." Here also it would appear that in company with Greene and others, he was guilty of great licentiousness and imprudence, and was frequently confined in different prisons for debt. It was during this part of his life that he became engaged in a violent paper warfare with Dr. Gabriel Harvey, who was also a member of the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Trinity Hall. It arose out of the attack made by Harvey upon Greene after he was dead, and the chief charge of Nash against Harvey, or at least that which offended him most, was that Harvey was the son of a rope maker, which was at that time considered a low and vulgar trade, and is spoken of contemptuously by the writers of the time. This warfare against Harvey, which was begun in the time of Greene, and was carried on by satirical squibs and pamphlets, attracted at the time considerable attention and curiosity. But at length it was carried on with so much violence and bitterness, that the parties were interdicted from publishing any more satires, chiefly through the interference of the Archbishops Whitgift and Bancroft, who endeavoured to suppress what had already appeared, by procuring an order in 1599, "That all Nashes bookes, and Dr. Harvey's bookes be taken wheresoever they may be found, and that none of the same bookes be euer printed hereafter," which is one principal cause of the present great rarity of these pamphlets. For an amusing and interesting account of this quarrel, consult D'Israeli's Calamities of Authors, vol. ii, p. 20, who has completely exhausted the subject.

Nash appears, however, before his death to have altered his licentious and sinful course of life, and to have turned his thoughts to more serious subjects. In an address to the reader in his Christs Teares over Jerusalem, "an cloquent and repentant production," printed in 1593, 4to, he bids, "a hundred unfortunate farewels to fantasticall satirisme: In those vaines here-to-fore haue I mispent my spirit, and prodigally conspir'd against good houres. Nothing is there now so much in my vowes, as to be at peace with al men, and make submissive amends where I have most displeased. As the Title of this Booke is Christs Teares, so be this Epistle the Teares of my penne, Many things haue I vainly set forth whereof now it repenteth me. S. Augustine writ a whole booke of his Retractations. Nothing so much doe I retract, as that wherein -soever I haue scandaliz'd the

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