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Walsall ce samedi 8 julliett. Mon cher coeur. Progers vous ora dit la prise de burton: qui fut apres ma letter escrite: nos gens en ont estte cy encourges qui sy: se nut estte vie commandement absolu de ne marester point nous orions estte a Darby et certainement lorions pris: mes moy seulle et cette pour ne le pas faire afin de ne perdre point de tamps je suis ariuee a se soir en ce lieu où je demeureray de min nos soldats estant fort las: et aussy: quils ont tant plundre que j ne seroit marcher auec leurs paquets et ne les veule point quiter tellement quils ont demin pour les randre: milord capell sera ysy demin et nous resonderons nře marche et sil plait a dieu lundy nous partirons et yrons par le chemin que vous maues mande par fred.

dimanche 9 juliett.

Comme je escriuois cette letter parsons est ariue et ma randu vře letter: je lay redespeche alinstant au prince rupert pour sauoir: se quil vouloit que je fisse et luy ay mande lestat de ne armee je ne liyray pas de maduanser demin: pour pouuoir aler par aucun des deux chemins: je croix que vous naues pas seu des nouuelles descose de longtamps: je vous en voye vne lettre qui vous en aprandra: je vous la voulois en voyer par Progers mais je loublie. Les lettres que jay reseeues de France massure que vous ores de se peis la tout ce que vous desireres: Mad de Cheurense gouuerne tout et se desclare vře agent commi Watt me mande je nescris point tout ce sy en sifre non estant point de besoing: et suis sy fort harasce qui ce jour je me donne toute lagee qui je puis: nous auons estte deux jours sans manger de viande qui le dernier vne fois de la froyde et de puis newarke josserois dire que je nay pas dormi 3 heures par nuit: mais tout cesy me plait puis qui cest pour vous: et pour vous faire voir par toute mes actions que je nay plaisir que celuy ke vous seruir et destre auons.

Milord Capell est ariue et nous auons resolu nře marche de demin qui sera a Kingesnorton M' Capell nous afait

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15. 35. 37. 45. 7. 65. 31. 35. 18. 50. 48. jls 48. 35. 40. 18. 35. 40.

t S

m i 1 1 e 70. 44. 27. 23. 24. 10. vne prompte responce je vous prie car jl est tres nessesaire nos forces en lincolnshiere ont disfait vne troupe de lennemy de 70 chevaux et ont tout pris aussy je oublie auons dire que tutbuery est auons les ennemis layant quite sur ce qui nous auions en voye de burton quelques forces pour les prandre et nous y auons garnison.

[Endorsed by the King] 9 July 1643. [Numbered] 19.

[In the Queen Henrietta Maria's handwriting. Deciphered by the King.]

Mon cher coeur.

Bathe ce 21 Aurill fred: cornwalis vous ora dit tout nře voyage jusques a Adbury et lestat de masante de puis mon ariuer en ce lieu je me suis trouuee plus mal tant dans lendormisement que jay qui mon ruine est or que ments jespere que le repos de aujourduy me fera du bien: je vois demin a bristou pour vous ranuoyer les charettes: jl y en a beaucoup desjre de retournees : milord dilon ma dit non pas direetement de vře part quoy quil dire que vous laprouues quil estoit apropos que jusse a escrire vne lettre aux commissionaires dirlande de cette effect: quil devoit ce desporter des choses quil avoit mit dans leur papier pour cette heure: et les assurer que lors que vous series en vne autre condition que vous neste que vous leur donneries contantement: jay cru la chose de vn sy grand engagement que je ne losse faire sans vře commandement cest pour quoy sy jl vous plait que je le fasse en voy es moy ce que vous voulles que je escrive afin que je ne fasse pas plus que ce que vous, ordoneres: et aussy que estant vos commendiments vous tenus ce que je promesteray car je serois bien fachee descrire rien que je ne vouluse tenir et quant vous me lores promis je me sieray : je crois aussy que descrire a milord muskery: sans les autres sera uses: car la lettre que je luy escrire sera demamin et sy est a tout les commissionaires elle sera par le secretaire: adieu mon cher coeur je ne puis escrire davantage sy non que je suis absolument


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15. 49. 18. 3. 75. 86. 48. 47. 66. the greatness kl.

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voir que sy 27. 23. 52. 62. 28. 45. 9. 66. 4. 48. 31. 10. 50.

h e t h

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d d 67. 46. 74. 64. 106. 19. 65. 75. 5. 20. 4. 5. 88. 50. 44. 64. put w the question k 5. 53. 38. 3. 78. 39. 4. 65. 354. 59. 39. 47. u 1 d be in to a treate y & for 77. 27. 6. a 4. admitted e5. nl. 16. 384. 67. a 1. c. Ld d i P. Rup. is 261. 7. 30. 18. 21. 70. upon my word 354. fl. mistaken Kinge hath c5. 241. e 2. 8. 44. 74. 48. 5. 1. 87. 38. 30. 24. 81. of P. R.

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75. 2. 64. 66. 68. sencible k 1. 354. 31. 49. 79. 2. 65. 3.

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58. 79. 59. the right way b 1. c5. n3. 47. 80. 40. 4. 66.

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to keepe my Dispaches to thy self, it was particular, (& not in generall) conserning those of Irland, not knowing whether thou thought secresy in that business so requiset as I knew it to be, for many ar of that nature as ar fitt to be showen, & wherin they ar of an undouted kynde, there I confess ther needs no items; but where I am not sure of thy concurring opinion, thereto giue thee a causion, may show my want of judgement, but not of confidence in thee: In a word sweet hart, I cannot be other then kynde to thee & confident of thee; & say what thou will, thou must, & does know this to be trew of him who is eternally Thyne.

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To my Wyfe 26 March 1645.

by Sakfeeld.

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tymes thou may want matter, but, I am sure, not of the other, in wch the variety is infinit, albeit the subject be but one.


I receaued

As I was wryting this, thyne of the 31 March, wch both amazed & trobled mee to fynde thee still comconcerning


plaining for-the-nonaryvall-of Colsters Ship, since Petit, who came 3 Weekes agoe, asseured me of her safe aryvall at Callice, but cheefly that thou hast beene put to such straites, for weh, I should nether forgiue my selfe nor any body else that I knew guilty: howsoeuer I am so sencible of the misfortune of it, that I cannot haue a quyet thought, untill some of thy cheerfull lynes doe reuiue my mynde, as for my sones jurny to the west, I put no question but that (by the grace of God) wee shall haue comfort of it, & so farwell deare hart.

[Written in the margin] A proposition hath beene made me concerning 540. 371. 477. 322. going into 194. (as Digby will particularly informe thee) but, in this, I will doe nothing, without thy councell, wch I desyre to haue with all possible speede. [Endorsed] 5.


To my Wyfe 3 Aprill

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wryting to me yet it is no warrant for me to follou thy example, it not being waranted by the law of Kyndness The corrections and no more then for me--to be angry-with-thee-for any-thing, (for-thou maist-dee-that-will--troble,

for what

Oxford, Thursday 3 Aprill Deare hart/ my last was
by Petit, since wch, there hath beene some little refreche- greeve-me-nay-what-I-will-not-name, but-Anger

neere Dorchester

ment of good newes, Goring hauing hauing routed a Thousand of Cromwells horse & Garret done as much to two Regiments of Midletons horse & some few foote yesterday morning in Wales; Some rambling Rebelles Forces, faced Bambery (about two thousand in all horse & foote) hoping to surpryse, as wee suppose, the E. of Northamptons Regiment of horse but failing of that, marched before

& so ar returned from whence

night toward Chiping-norton x x x x x x x x they came towards Warwicke

× ×* I-rather--judge-ther-former so much for


I cannot yet tell thee, the precise day of my marching


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for nothing but uoluntary sylence will can looke lyke un thee wyt, let it be what it will my loue-torne-it-inte -kyndness therefor I ex

I expect no volumes a word or two satisfie me

betweene vs): one-kynd-word-from-thee,-mends-this,


from hence, but I hope fowerteene dayes, will be the &--remember-hath-many-habits-ehydingses-oftymes-one,

* This portion of the cancelled sentence is illegible.

communicating-of-vexations-another but anuf of

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Q. h a 27. 20. 10. 23. 18. 21. 66. 3. 10. 23. 49. 21. 149. 14. 20. t h beene i 1 1 thease Days 26. 50. 338. 23. 49. 12. 541. 3. 377. 71. 477. 20. 11. 21. e wch is the с e she 67. 25. 55. 22. 561. 430. 540. 19. 20. 55. 18. 33. 534. S not to your M. she C O m 1. 10. 23. 62. 22. 18. 472. 547. 573. 445. 534. 19. 36. 15. me to say t h is 7. 20. 61. 6. 18. 461. 547. 516. 62. 14. 430. 547. 574.


m a

i t e

n d S

to you

S 0 m e 0 t h e r t h i n g S 18. 36. 15. 22. 16. 26. 14. 33. 10. 79. 62. 50. 57. 11. 25. 18. I h a d in c h a r g e wch I 429. 14. 20. 6. 79. 431. 19. 14. 66. 10. 25. 22. 561. 429. the wth in a 570. 431. 20. 21.

have w r i t t e n to D. 412. 30. 10. 23. 26. 72. 33. 61. 547. 140. f e W days P e t i t S h a 1 1 24. 65. 30. 377. 18. 27. 58. 26. 75. 72. 79. 41. 14. 20. 49. 12. be r e t u r n e d in the m e 348. 10. 65. 26. 55. 10. 11. 33. 42. 431. 540. 15. 22. 20. 11. S p S h 1 a


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55. 22. 10. 40. 44. 1. 58. 52. 2. 33. 56, 71, 36. 33, your M. W i 17 1


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573. 445. 30. 75. 49. 12. 53. 10. 33. 19. 22. 75. 70. 51. nothing from her St h is W e 468. 394. 420. 64. 14. 430. 1. 22. 58. 2. 51. 4. 30. 22. 58. great h 0 e that t 11 is 8. 66. 10. 65. 431. 404. 14. 36. 27. 22. 545. 62. 50. 430.




e in

c k n

e S wch h a t h beene a 71. 57. 19. 2. 61. 65. 18. 561. 14. 67. 26. 14. 338. 20. 21. 57.

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W i 1 1 haue d 0 n n her good for her for 1. 75. 12. 49. 412. 6. 36. 11. 61. 420. 405. 393. 420. 393. km e i n d i S μ O 15. 22. 10. 21. 68. 61. 6. 23. 18. 3. 46. 41. 57. 72. 23. 479. I haue w r i t e 18. 429. 412. 1. 10. 75. 26. 72. 65. 11. 56. 20. 26. 21. 75. 26. 72. r g e for by her c 0 m mand to Digby 49. 20. 10. 25. 33. 343. 420. 19. 16. 15. 7. 330. 547. 140. 79. 44. 21. 196.

1 a

[Mem. in the King's hand]

Rebells Monies

Sturcy pour Stwassy Doury [Addressed] 393. 220. [Endorsed by the King] 39.


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Mr-Mills May



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Maty before 22. 61. 573. 445. 429. 14. 36. 3. 22. 348. 393. 33. 4. 11. that comfort which this shall 46. 30. 545. 19. 36. 15. 389. 561. 62 14. 430. 18. 14. Queens 66. 49. 12. 21. 19. 479. 24. 23. 10. 15. 33. 149. 18. health mends dayly 56. 14. 22. 52. 49. 26. 14. 21. 15. 33. 11. 6. 18. 377. 49. butt she is yet too weake 40. 345. 534. 430. 572. 547. 16. 21. 30. 58. 5. 2. 547. giue your Maty ac count 25. 75. 39. 22. 573. 445. 20: 61. 34. 66. 19. 32. 36. by her hand 70. 45. 26. 477. 75. 62. 343. 420. 36. 30. 61. 53. 14. 330. little cough remaines 18. 36. 7. 33. 440. 19. 36. 39. 25. 50. 56. 10. 33. 15. 20. that keeping from 23. 11. 18. 545. 2. 58. 51. 27. 431. 64. 420. 394. 18. a nights

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a fortnight 431. 20. 389. 470. 25. 16. 42. 34. 30. 23. 12. 49. 431.

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64. 547. 18. 20. 23. 11. 26. 8. 25. 58. 10. 15. 66. 68. and Q. Regent all this Court 11. 18. 160. 330. 20. 12. 49. 4. 26. 50. 430. 369. haue been and continue infinitly 412. 338. 330. 19. 36. 45. 26. 23. 11. 70. 33. 431. 24. kind and respectfull 57. 11. 75. 26. 49. 40. 2. 23. 61. 42. 330. 10. 51. 18. 3. 65. to and but for the


19. 26. 59. 55. 12. 49. 547. 420. 330. 345. 393. 540. 18. substantiall things


55. 13. 18. 26. 20. 11. 26. 75. 66. 49. 12. 56. 26. 50. 431. for the support the 64. 18. 393. 540. 18. 28. 27. 3. 16. 10. 62. 477. 540. to be wished affairs of England not 337. 477. 145. 472. 547. 348. 30. 23. 18. 14. 58. 6. 21. otherwise expectations 16. 540. 10. 1. 23. 18. 22. 74. 16. 55. 10. 79. 22. 9. 27. 33. the Duke of Lorraine 19. 26. 66. 26. 75. 479. 18. 477. 540. 371. 477. 49. 46. 10.

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23. 49. 12. 21. 10. 65. 18..55. 15. 33. 34. 18. 28. 32. 50. other propositions








77. 16. 540. 73. 44. 3. 10. 16. 27. 46. 18. 68. 62. 57. vsefull most 479. 18. 21. 67. 18. 460. 348. 15. 16. 18. 26. 555. 24. releife Queen your 55. 49. 12. 547. 573. 10. 22. 49. 33. 75. 59. 22. 149. receaued Eng. hath 14. 66. 26. 14. 21. 10. 51. 19. 58. 57. 70. 22. 6. 477. cheirfull 49. 66. 62. 33. 34. 19. 14. 51. 52. 10. 24. 39. 12. 49. from Matys all parts concerning your 471. 394. 66. 12. 49. 497. 71. 363. 573. 445. 18. 337. SO contributes much affaires nothing 468. 19. 479. 62. 10. 75. 13. 55. 26. 33. 18. 4. 18. 36. her health 8. 15. 39. 32. 14. 56. 20. 18. 545. God giue your 12. 26. 50. 53. 64. 16. 42. 44. 25. 23. 55. 22. 573. this progress


that to

547. 420. 14. 65. 67. Maly


445. 20. 21. 3. 10. 36. 25. 10. 65. 18. 21. 62. 14. 430,

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suteable 41. 47. 15. 7. 33. 10. 21. 18. 39. 23. 6. 334. 547. 540. of itt the the beginning of hopes 14. 16. 27. 51. 71. 477. 540. 348. 25. 23. 11. 61. 68. 45.

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Betton Wedensday 21 May 1645. Deare hart/ when I first intended to send this bearer Adryan May to thee, it was to know of the healthe, as being sicke, now, I thanke God, it is to bring me word how thou art recouered, as lykewais to excuse my not sending to thee sooner (the expectation all this whyle of a Passe from London being the Cause) wch though, I am confident, is needlesse knowing to loue to me & knowledge of me, yet my verry misfortune requyres an expressing appologie, the seeming to be negligent in Loue being a falt if past in sylence let the necessety be neuer so euident: I will not troble at this tyme with newes, because they will not be freshe, before they come to thee; only for the generall state of my affaires I asseure thee that they haue a much hansomer asspect this yeare then they had the

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last, wch though not ydle, yet I beliue this will be of much more action; at least of greater consequence; for speedely Armies, of bothe sydes, ar all drawing together, so that it is probable anufe that a Criticall blow may be giuen, within this two Monthes: I haue commanded this beare to bring me a particular account of thy health & euery circumstance wch belongs to it, wherfor I desyer thee, for my satisfaction, to giue him verry full information; as well concerning thy mynde as boddy; for, I know, when either is trobled, nether can be well; And when I am not fully asseured of thy perfect disposition in bothe nothing else is a contentment to me him who is

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May it please yo' Matie.



day Fairfax This 74. 123. 381. 83. 1. 33. 40. 17. 306. and Browne hither 77. 93. 83. 50. 34. 41. 36. 31. 44. 75. 91. drawne 163. and have with their forces consisting 93. 157. 298. 281. 23. 33. 377. 53. 82. 114. 53. 25. 55. of and about twelue 1000 horse and foot 70. 182. 80. 233. 97. 82. 279. 497. 174. 93. 375. 82. 93. about twenty and Battery 97. 278. peeces 233. 50. 11. 72. 71. 44. 33. 84. 83. 93. environed Artillery they 326. 44. 30. 61. 26. 34. 235. 46. 22. 73. 426. 281. 84. 83. with them

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2. 15. 10. 34. 306. 83. betwixt 17. 11. 34. 54. 71. 41. 32. and Woluercott and haue 76. 93. 36. 42. 4. 60. 45. 35. 2. 43. 72. 75. 93. 157. Quarters all the neerest 456. 53. 74. in 90. 281. 231. 53. 71. 77. village 53.73. to Oxford very quickly 273. 436. 80. and 78. soe 95. 296. shall 294. 252. 203. be here very great 73. 105. 169. reduce 20. 73. 273. 294. 149. 124. 70. 34. of People 45. 55. 53. 78. having abundaunce 233. 47. 44. 41. 49. in Oxford and but very small pro 6. 46. 74. 181. 436. 93. 104. a 294. 53. 19. 90. 78. 244. Victualls

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of this Place is 114. 53. 57. 68. 62. 45. 31. 2. 44. 74. 233. 282. 239. 178. such att present 267. 95. 226. thing 94. 243. 268. 79. 216. 186. 57. 40. 35. seruice and Crowne your Matys 72. 54. 314. 418. 55. 73. 481. 93. 1. 33. 40. 36. 31. 45. and Lo. Gor wee heare about 93. 382. 178. is now 296. 168. 97. 73. 70. 10. 61. 32. 72. such soe farr 235. 74. 266. 80. 64. 11. 33. 34. 81. 10. 50. 268. 80. 95. for him to impossible it is 186. 48. 40. 53. 55. 23. 50. 4. 57. 75. 134. 164. 273. com to releife 115. 273. our 33. 44. 4. 53. 25. 65. 46. 82. 77. wherefore the Lords here doe humbly 281. 406. 53. 169. 118. 14. 61. 19. 50. 5. 85. 81. 105. 53. 44. ly take your Mat


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order for instant 234. 20. 46. 35. 75. 134. 181. 53. 70. 11. 30. 72. 73. 33. releiuing this place your May 10. 4. 45. 24. 62. 182. 78. 282. 239. 82. and 77. 314. 418. knowes what 105. 54. 71. 75. 188. 55. 301. difference 71. 169. 74. 178. place in present Chester or any 94. 243. 268. 78. betwixt 338. 234. 92. 73. other 239. 181. England and Oxford the business will I feare 364. 93. 436. with 79. 81. 177. 139. 281. 334. 305. admitt delay all 74. 10. 21. 18. 25. 72. 226. 22. 57. 6. 13. 86. 81. 94. 90. I be able to send any 77.226. 33. 74. shall 177. 105. 96. 76. 273. 269. 92. other to your Maty and 17. 44. 53. 55. 57. 32. 9. 45. 34. 74. 273. 314. 418. 93. to beseech your Maty therefore 177. 105. 54. 45. 57. 2. 14. 314. 418. 78. 273. itt to heart the hastening 70. 11. 29. 46. 75. 179. 273. 167. 75. 281. 161. 30. 182.

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ar coming to Stafford wch if we fynde trew we shall goe asyde to salute them; otherwaise we shall goe to joyne

straight to Vxater & so towards Newarke then with some of my Forces thereabouts, & expect the coming of Charles Garrat & newes from Goring; whom I have comanded to aduance that way, with all speede, because I fynde (most asseuredly) that all the Rebelles Armys ar gathering together Northeward, to distresse this, or (as themselfes usually call it) a King caching, of wch (according to comparatiue probability of former Yeares) they ar lykely to haue smalle comfort: I will not send thee Westerne Newes, but leaue those to my Sone, lykewaise I hope Adrian May (whom I could not send safely away till now) will picke some good freshe Newes out of the West to present thee with, though what he carryes from hence will be but stale: So praying as hartely for thy healthe as success to my selfe I rest eternally Thyne. [Endorsed] 1645

To my Wyfe 23 May. 2.

[The whole of this letter is in the King's handwriting, and the corrections occur in the original.]

May it please yo' Matie

Since yo' Matie had notice of ye Rebells quitting Oxon as soone as yo" came to Harborow, I hope yo' coming thither could not much preiudice_yor Mats affaires or designes. Though J shall not Psume to advise any thing conĉning yor Ma's designes or enterprizes, yet whiles J have ye honor to be yo' Mats Secric my duty obligeth me to signify such intelligence as J receave & humbly to leaue it to yor Matie to forme yo indgem vpon it, as you shall see cause: Jt is most certeyne that whiles ye Rebells lay before Oxoñ all

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1 d


the north

that if you 25. 22. 78. 283. 183. 313. went into 281. 226. 33. 70. 15. not get any considerable forces to 78. 314. would 226. 70. 151. 92. 348, 96. 377. 55. 273. march with you out of that Country and that you would 222. 298. 313. 232. 233. 283. 341. 93. 283. 313. 297. there fruitlessly

72. 169. 78. spend all the Sumer 64. 34. 62. 23. 70. but if you 206. 203. 80. 104. 183. 313. should present 203. 53. 72.

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ly 8 tr

i k e Counties 23. 27. 57. 77. 181. 273. 281. 327. 20. 44. 74. 341. 54. undone

were all

they 75. 281. 84. 307. 90. 80. 292. 121. 82. J heare that Sr Tho. fairfax


105. 226. 36. 222. 44.

hath order to

he be now

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in to Hertford sheere 74. 181. 273. fight

385. 479. 79.) 158. 439. 273. 74. follow and with your Matie and to 93. 74. 64. 24. 7. 14. 71. 73. 298. 314. 488. 77. 93. 273. fall if he can 81. 64. 90. 80. 235. 314. 242. 53. 235. 81. 183. 166. 111. you are in the field when

on your per son

82. possibly discerne that 313. 91. 181. 281. 378. 303.

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[Addressed] [Endorsed]


for yor Sacred Matie Secretary Nicholas June 8th 1645.

[Not deciphered by the King.]

To the Right Hoble the Lordes of the House
of Parliamente.

The humble Petition of the Parishioners of the
parish of St. Leonardes Foster Lane London.

Humbly shewinge That, William Warde late Rector of the said parish church hauinge beene clearely proued



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