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BLOT from the great mass of human ill-doing and suffering the consequences of the use of alcoholic liquors and other narcotics and something like the millennium would remain.

But in a Republic such blotting must be voluntary with a majority of the people before it can be compulsory, because a government of the people cannot compel majorities. Majorities are the law-making power that must first be convinced that alcohol and kindred narcotics are by nature outlaws, before they will outlaw them. As long as a majority of the voters believe in and want to drink alcoholic liquors, they will not vote to forbid their sale.

Total abstinence among the people is the object sought by prohibition, but under our form of government prohibition is impossible until a majority of the voters are already total abstainers. Legal prohibition will come as a result of the personal prohibition of the mass of the people. To secure such personal prohibition the popular fallacies which lead to the formation of drink habits must first be dispelled before appetite is formed. This can be most easily and universally accomplished by teaching the children of our land through the schools the truth about the nature of these substances and the peril of beginning to use them at all.

Popular ignorance of the fact that alcohol and other narcotics have the power to create an uncontrollable and destructive appetite for more, leads to the formation of such appetites and their awful consequences. At that point the people are misled and we must let on the light.

No boy expects to be a drunkard when he begins to drink. Teaching him only the evils of an intemperance that he imagines he could never be guilty of will make small impression. He must be shown that because of the nature of the drink there is a scientific connection between the first glass and the drunkard's fate.

It is the dangerous current in the placid looking stream above the rapids, more than the cataract at Niagara that should be exposed to the boy with a boat. In fancied security the youth of generation after generation has embarked in the current of tippling only to be drawn into the rapids of appetite and finally plunged over the awful abyss of drunkenness. To prevent this and thus preëmpt the childhood of today and the nation of tomorrow for an intelligent sobriety, is the object of the movement narrated in the following pages.

Communications from anyone concerning the interests or extension of this work are cordially welcomed and will receive early and earnest attention.



Hyde Park, near Boston, Mass., U. S. A.


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1885. — Ten New States, Fifteen in all, 14. - The Passage of the Pennsylvania
Law, 14-17. — The Pathfinder Series ready, 17-18. - Mrs. Alford resigns,




1886. - Three New States, 19. The National Temperance Education Law
Enacted, 19-24. — The Federal Government endorses the W. C. T. U. Text-
books, 24. The Vermont Law Amended, 24. — Text-book Situation, 25.
A Market for Radical books, 25-26.


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