Imagens das páginas

Parochial schools-Continued.

proposition from, in Woonsocket, R. I.,270.
reduce public school attendance in Racine,
Wis., 272.

See also Private schools.
Parr, S. S., mentioned, 896.
Parsons, W. W., mentioned, 895.

Parsons, Kans., common school statistics of, 276,
286, 296, 316,336,356, 376.

Parson's College, physical training at, 663.
Paterson, N. J., need of corporal punishment in,

Pathology, instruction in, at Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, 672.

Patterson, B. F., city superintendent, Pottsville,
Pa., 326.

Patterson, Calvin, city superintendent, Brooklyn,
N. Y., 322.

Patterson, James W., State superintendent of pub-
lic instruction of New Hampshire, 93.
extracts from report of, 151.

Pawtucket, R. I., notes from school report of, 270.
common school statistics of, 282, 292, 302,326,
348, 368, 388.

training of teachers in. 443.

Pay of teachers. See Teachers' salaries.
Peabody, Mass., notes from school report of, 259.
common school statistics of, 278,288, 298, 318,
340, 360, 380.

Peabody fund, aid to Nashville Normal College
from, 444.

aid to Sam Houston Normal Institute from,

aid from, to normal schools, 451.

statistics of appropriations from, for teachers'
institutes, 454.

aid to normal schools from, 455.

Peabody normal scholarships, in Alabama, 407.
in Arkansas, 409.

in Georgia, 415.

healthy educational sentiment created by, in
North Carolina, 437.

in South Carolina, 443.

in Texas, 445.

in Virginia, 447.

in West Virginia, 449.

See also Peabody fund.

Peabody Normal School, New Orleans, La., sta-
tistics of, 458.

Pearsall, H. L., county superintendent, Cameron
County, Pa., quoted, 202.

Pease, A. F., city superintendent, Pawtucket, R.
I., quoted, 225, 326.

Peck, E. J., principal of city high school, Owego,
N. Y., 324.

Peebles, G. A., superintendent Marion County,
Oregon, 326.

Peet, Isaac L., quoted, 823.

Pekin, Ill., common school statistics of, 275, 285,
295, 314, 334, 354, 374.

Penmanship, good results of special instruction
in, in Utica, N. Y., 267.

Pennsylvania, common school statistics of, 54, 57,

59, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84,
86, 88, 91.

changes in school law of, 158.

extracts from report of State superintendent,


reports of county superintendents on temper-
ance instruction, 216.

notes from reports of cities of, 268.

common school statistics of cities of, 281, 291,
301, 305, 306, 307, 326, 346, 366, 386.
training of teachers in, 440-442.
statistics relating to teachers in, 453.
statistics of teachers' institutes, 454.
statistics of normal schools in, 457, 460, 462, 464.
statistics of kindergartens in, 467, 485, 486.
statistics of kindergarten training schools in,
467, 493.

statistics of secondary schools in, 496, 498, 500,
502, 504, 512-516, 530, 531, 541, 557, 558, 564, 565,
576, 585, 606, 608, 625, 626, 629.

statistics of colleges for women in, 644, 652.
statistics of colleges of liberal arts in, 664, 687,

statistics of undergraduate work of colleges
in, 666.


notes from catalogues of colleges of, 673.
statistics of schools of science in, 708, 709, 716,
718, 725, 726, 728.

notes from catalogue of schools of science in,

statistics of college attendance in, 731, 734.
statistics of schools of theology in, 736, 737,
744, 746.

statistics of schools of law in, 749, 750, 752.
statistics of schools of medicine, of dentistry,
and of pharmacy in, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759,
762, 764, 766, 768, 772, 774.

statistics of degrees conferred by colleges in,


statistics of manual training school in, 794, 795.
statistics of industrial schools in, 796, 798, 800.
statistics of business colleges in, 803, 812.
statistics of nurses' training schools in, 814,


increased accommodations for schools for
the deaf in, 820.

statistics of schools for the deaf in, 830, 832,

statistics of schools for the blind in, 844, 813.
statistics of institutions for the feeble-minded
in, 853, 855.

statistics of reform schools in, 866.

statistics of education of the colored race in,

summer educational assemblies in, 900.
statistics of libraries in, 917, 922, 926, 930, 931,
938, 941, 950, 952, 954, 966, 970, 972.

statistics of educational periodicals in, 976.
Pennsylvania College, physical training at, 663.
Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind, superin-
tendent of, quoted, 838.

Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of
the Blind, notes from catalogue of, 843.
Pennsylvania Oral School for the Deaf, training of
teachers at, 820.

notes from catalogue of, 828.

Pennsylvania Reform School, notes from catalogue
of, 863.

Pennsylvania State College, admission require-
ments of, 639.

statistics of, 709, 710, 716, 718.
equipment of, 715.

Pennsylvania State Normal School, Bloomsburg,
Pa., statistics of, 460.

Pennsylvania State Normal School, Mansfield, Pa.,
statistics of, 450.

Pennsylvania State Normal School, Millersville,
Pa., statistics of, 460.

Pennsylvania State normal schools, courses of
study, 397.

Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded
Children, notes from catalogue of, 852.
Pennsylvania Working Home for Blind Men, in-
formation concerning, 839.

Pensions for teachers, recommendation relating
to, 212.

Peoria, Ill., common school statistics of, 275, 285,
295, 314, 334, 354, 374.

Periodicals, educational, for the deaf, 822.
See also Educational periodicals.

Perkins Institute for the Blind, kindergarten
features in, 466.

new buildings for, 838.

notes from catalogue of, 842.

Permanent endowments of secondary schools, 502-
507, 560-566, 580-587, 614-628.

of colleges for women, statistics of, 644-655.
Permanent funds, statistics of receipts from in-
terest on, in cities, 352-371.

Perry, R. J., city superintendent, Key West, Fla.,

Perry, W. S., city superintendent, Ann Arbor,
Mich., 320.
mentioned, 896.

Peru, Ill., notes from school reports of, 251.

common school statistics of, 275, 285, 295, 314,
334, 354, 374.

Pern, Ind., notes from school report of, 252.

common school statistics of, 275, 285, 295, 314,
334, 354, 376.

Petersburg, Va., common school statistics of, 283,
293, 303, 322, 350, 370, 390.

Petersburg (Va.) Benevolent Mechanics' Associa-
tion, use of library of, 941.

Pettee, Rev. J. T., acting school visitor, Meriden,
Conn., 312.

Pharmacy, schools of, statistics of, 751-775.

colored students pursuing, 880.
Philadelphia, Pa., system of examinations in, 243.
success of night schools in, 245.

potes from school report of, 263.

common school statistics of, 282, 291, 302, 326,
313,368, 388.

teachers' meetings in, 442.

[blocks in formation]

Phillips, J. H.. city superintendent, Birmingham,
Ala., 312.

Phillips Academy, province of, 587.

Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., requirements for
admission to, 1000.

Phillipsburg, N.J., common school statistics of,
280, 289, 300, 322, 342, 362, 384.
Philosophy, statistics of degrees in, 777-781.
Phoenixville, Pa., common school statistics of, 282,
291, 302, 326, 348, 368, 388.

Physical apparatus, in secondary schools, statis-
ties of, 534-543, 518-550, 580-567, 680–586, 014-

[blocks in formation]

remarks relating to, 227.

provision for, in Meridian, Miss., 203.

in Jamestown, N. Y., 205,

attention to in Shenandoah, Pa., 269.

at normal schools, 401.

at Nashville Normal College, 444.

in Wisconsin State normal schools, 45).
statistics of provision for, in secondary schools,
534-543, 548-550, 560-557, 5e0-686, 614-628.

in secondary schools, 367.

in colleges of liberal arts, statistics of, 603.

at Williams College, 673.

provision for, at Buchtel College, 673.

in Illinois Institution for the Deaf and Dumb,


in London, Eng, 981.

good accompitsaed by, 1010.

See also Gymnasiums.

Physics, study of, in seconday schools, 495.

Physiology, increased attention to, in Mont-
gomery, Ala., 245,

Physiology and hygiene, instruction in, desired
in Virginia, 168.

Sez olsa Tomberance instruction.
Physio-Medical College of Indiana, statistics of
matriculates pnd graduates 01, 1926,
Physio-Medical Institute, Chicago, Ill., statistics
of matriculates end grod mates of 12.
Physio-Medical schools, ae- Medicine, schools of.
Pickard, J. L, mentioned. 804.

Piekell, C. W., city superintendent, Ludi..gton,,
Mich., 12).

Pickett, Jos. Desha. State superintenkat of
public instruction of Kentucky, sú.
extracts from report of, 106.
quoted, 877.

Piqua, Ohio, common school statistics of T.
301, 324, 346, 366, 386.

Pittsburg, Pa., common school statistics of
201, 302, 326, 345, 308. 388.

Pittsburg (Pa.) Fomile Colleg, statisting of

Pittsfield, Mass., notes from school report of H
common school statistics of, 278, 288, 23× 3.*
310, 360, 360.

Pittston, Pa., common school statistics of, 2.
292, 3-2, 226, 018, 664, 38K,

Place, F., city superintendent, Cortland, X. Y


Plainfield, Conn., common school statist, s nå
274, 284, 291, 312, 362, 352, 872.
Plainfield, N. J., common school statistics of, 282,
289, 300, 322, 342, 302, 654.
educational institutions at, 453.

Plans of school-houses, instructions rating ta
204, 205.

Plastering, instructions relating to 10%
Plattsburg, N. Y., common school statistics of
280, 290, 300, 324, 344, 64, SKL

Plymouth, Ind., notes from school repert of 272
Plymouth, Pa., common school st. trst a of o
292, 302, 026, 344, 568, 6*8.
district institetes in, 412.
Plymouth (N. C.) State Colored Normal Schel
statistics of, 463.

Point system of printing for the Hand, R.
Political education, plan for the pro; otien ef 12
Poll-tax, amount of, collected in "Aishinta 31 07.
Polytechnic School of Washington University
notes froia catalogue of, 721
statistics of, 726, 728.

Pontiac, Mich., notes from school report of 10
common school statistics of, 278, 258, 21 Ju
340, 360, 382.

Pontotoc, Miss., normal institute at, 425.
Population estimated by States, 34.

average to a square mile, by States, 54.
proportion of, rolled. 59,

rate of growth of, in the United States, 57.
proportion of, in average attendance, 62.
school expenditures per capita of, by States 27,
value of school property per crita of, by
States, 83.

statistics of, in cities, 312–331.

proportion of college students to. 721-74
total enrolm: nt in foreign countras cen.
pared to, 9.8.

average per square mile, in foreign countries
statistics of, 1070.

tetal, of foreign countries, statistics of, 1000,
ratio of enrolment to, 1054.

Population 6 to 14, excess of, in the South, 54.
estimated by States, 04

compared with total pops'ation, 54.

proportion of, eurolled, 59.

proportion of, in average attendance, 2.
proportion of total enrolment in på

private schools to, by States, 6.

school revenue per capita of by states. 78.
school expenditures pir capità of, by Stat


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Portland, Me., system of promotion in, 244.

notes from school report of, 255.

common school statistics of, 277, 287, 297, 316,
338, 358, 378.

normal class in, 421.

manual training wanted in, 782.

Portland, Oregon, notes from school report of, 268.
common school statistics of, 281, 291, 301, 326,
316, 366, 386.

Portsmouth, N. H., common school statistics of,
279, 289, 299, 322, 342, 302, 382.
training of teachers in, 431.
Portsmouth, Ohio, common school statistics of,

281, 291, 301, 324, 346, 366, 386.
Potter, A. W., city superintendent, Wilkesbarre,
Pa., 326.

Pottsville, Pa., common school statistics of, 282,
292, 302, 326, 348, 368, 388.

Poughkeepsie. N. Y., common school statistics of,
280, 290, 300, 324, 314, 364, 384.

Powell, Dr. F. M., mentioned, 850.

Powell, W. B., superintendent of schools of Dis-
trict of Columbia, 93.

quoted, 123, 124, 176, 229, 312.

Powell, W. B., city superintendent, Washington,
D. C., mentioned, 896.

Practical work in land-grant colleges, 710.
Practice of medicine, rélation of medical colleges
to, 1023.

Practice training schools, number of, in public
normal schools, 400.

Prairie View Normal Institute, information con-
cerning, 445.

[blocks in formation]

of colleges of liberal arts, statistics of, 664,

in schools of science, 706.

of land-grant colleges, statistics of, 708, 716.
of schools of science, statistics of, 725, 726.
Presidents, names of, of colleges for women,

of colleges of liberal arts, 675-691.

of land-grant colleges, 716.

of schools of science, 726.

of schools of theology, 740-747.

of law schools, 750.

of schools of medicine, etc., 760-769.

Preston, J. R., State superintendent of education

[blocks in formation]

Private schools-Continued.

public schools injured by, in Norwich, Conn.,

public schools injured by, in Duluth, Minn.,

reduce public school attendance in Nashville,
Tenn., 270.

abandoned in Brenham, Texas, 271.

ratio of enrolment in cities, 284-293, 306, 309.
patronized least in small cities, 308.
statistics of enrolment in, 332-351.
for Indians, statistics of, 871-873.
See also Parochial schools.

Private normal schools, statistics of, 464.
Private secondary schools, statistics of, 500-517,
514-516, 551-628.

value of, 587.

Productive funds, of colleges for women, statistics
of, 645.

of universities, statistics of, 658-661.
of colleges, 602.

of colleges of liberal arts, statistics of, 664,

income of land-grant colleges from, 707.

of land-grant colleges, statistics of, 708, 718.
of schools of science, statistics of, 725, 728.
of schools of theology, statistics of, 737, 740-

of law schools, statistics of, 749, 752.

of schools of medicin", etc., statistics of, 757-
759, 770-775.

statistics of incomes of libraries from, 932-
940, 942-953, 955-969,

See also School fund.

Professional education, in Argentine Republic,

increasing thoroughness of, 1995.

Professional schools in Universities, statistics of,


statistics of degrees conferred by, 777-781.
for colored race, 879-881.

Professors in colleges for women, statistics of,

in schools of theology, statistics of, 735-737,

See also Instructors.

Professorships. See Endowed professorships.
Promotions, discussion relating to, 240.
system of, in Lyons, Iowa, 252,

system of, in Richmond, Ind., 252.

change in system of, in Haverhill, Mass., 258.
change in system of, in Dover, N. H., 263.
requirements for, in Brooklyn, N. Y., 264.
change in system of, in Cincinnati, Ohio, 267.
change in system of, in Oshkosh, Wis., 272.
irregularity in, not advisable, 1010.

Property, assessed value of, per capita of popula-
tion 6-14 years, in cities, 284-293, 306, 209.
total taxable, in cities, statistics of, 372-393.
of land-grant colleges, 707.

owned by colored schools, 878-831.
Proprietors of circulating libraries, names of,


Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary of
Virginia, statistics of, 746.

Prouty, I. J., secretary city board of education,
Keene, N. H., 322.

Providence, R. I., common school statistics of,
282, 202, 302, 328, 348, 338, 383.

Prussia, comparative statistics of elementary ed
ucation in, 1003, 1002, 1004.

Public education, better sentiment in favor of, 198.
progress of, in cities, 223.

Public Funds, kindergartens supported by, 467.
statistics of secondary schools supported
wholly by, 496, 512, 519-543.

statistics of secondary schools supported
partly by, 498, 513, 544-550.

Public high schools, arguments for, by J. W.
Holcombe, 1015.

arguments for, by George Stuart, 1017.
Public Kindergarten Normal Class, Mushegon,
Mich., statistics of, 492.

Public Kindergarten Normal Class, St. Louis, Mo.,
statistics of, 492.

Public Kindergarten Training Class, Des Moines,
Iowa, statistics of, 492.

Pablic libraries, general interest in, in Rhoda | Queensland, comparative statistics of elementary
Island, 160.

number and importance of, in Argentine Re-
public, 997.

See also Libraries and School libraries.
Public moneys, statistics of libraries supported
by, 903-916.

Public school libraries, law relating to, in Cali.
fornia, 925.

statistics of, 926-930.

See also Libraries and School libraries.
Public school system, ten years' growth of, 89.
development of, in the South, 89.

in Alabama, needs of, 95.

progressive tendency of, in Arizona, 112.
growth of, in Dakota, 118, 119.
growth of, in Delaware, 120.

advance of efficiency of, in Florida, 125.
prosperous condition of, in Iowa, 129.
report on, in Kansas, 131.

progress of, in Kentucky, 136.

condition of, in Maryland, 141.

condition of, in Massachusetts, 143.

defects of, in Michigan, 144.

development of, in Mississippi, 146, 148.
satisfactory condition of, in Montana, 150.
growth of, in New Mexico, 153.

in Pennsylvania, general statement relating
to, 158.

general condition of, in Rhode Island, 161.
progress and condition of, in South Carolina,


general condition of, in Texas, 163.
defects of, in Texas, 164.
endowment of, in Texas, 165.
development of, in Virginia, 166.

progress of, in Washington Territory, 168.
efficiency of, in Switzerland, 986.
See also City school systems.

Public schools, progress of, in Maine, 140.
increase in number of, in Pennsylvania, 158.
number of, in Texas, 163.

number of, in Virginia, 166.

sentiment in respect to, in Virginia, 168.
function of, discussion relating to, 196-200.
subjects of instruction in, 197, 199.
manual training in, 782.

Public secondary schools, statistics of, 496-499, 512,

513, 519-550.

Publications of the Bureau of Education, 13.

list of, 1031.

index to, 1035.

Pueblo, Colo., common school statistics of, 274,

284, 294, 312, 332, 352, 372.

Pulte Medical College, statistics of matriculates
and graduates of, 1026.

Punctuality of attendance, remarks relating to, 232.
Pupils, average number to each teacher, 61, 273.
average amount of schooling given to each,


in kindergartens, statistics of, 467-490.
in kindergarten training schools, 467, 491-493.
of manual training schools, statistics of, 795.
in industrial schools, statistics of, 796, 799, 800.
in nurses' training schools, statistics of, 814,

in schools for the deaf, statistics of, 830, 831,

in schools for the blind, statistics of, 844, 845,

in schools for the feeble-minded, statistics of,
853, 855.

of reform schools, statistics of, 863-867.
in foreign countries, statistics of, 1002.
Purdue University, admission to, 189.

statistics of, 709, 710, 716, 718.

equipment of, 713.

Putnam, R. W., city superintendent, Ypsilanti,
Mich., 320.

Putnam, Conn., common school statistics of, 274,
284, 294, 312, 332, 352, 372.

Quay, J. W., city superintendent, Marysville,
Kans., 316.

Quebec, comparative statistics of elementary edu.
cation in, 1000, 1002, 1004.

education in, 1000, 1002, 1004.

Quincy, Ill., notes from school report of 251
common school statistics of, 275, 285, 295, 114,
334, 354, 374.

Quincy (Ill.) College of Medicine, statistics of
matriculates and graduates of, 1024.


Raab, Henry, State superintendent of public in.
struction of Illinois, quoted, 196, 208, 21.

Raab, Henry, city superintendent, Bellevilla 21.


Racine, Wis., notes from school report of, 272
common school statistics of, 283, 293, 303, 3,
350, 370, 392.

Rafter, George C., Esq., mentioned, 830.
Rahway, N. J., notes from school report of, 254
common school statistics of, 280, 289, 306 211.
342, 362, 384.

Raines, John, president city board of education
Canandaigua, N. Y., 322.

Raleigh, N. C., notes from school report of S

common school statistics of, 280, 290, 200, IZA,
344,364, 386.

Randle, S. A., city superintendent, Salem, Ore-
gon, 326.

Randolph, Mass., notes from school report et 23.
common school statistics of, 278, 268, 298 4.
340, 360, 380.

Randolph-Macon College, physical training at, f
Rauch, Dr. John H., secretary Illinois baan, of
health, referred to, 1023.

Raymond, Sarah E., city superintendent, Rion-
ington, Ill., 314.

Reading, Pa., teachers' training school in, 442.
Reading, new method of teaching, in Auburn, X
Y., 264.

for teachers, in Blackstone, Mass., 424.
See also Supplementary reading.
Reading circles, first organized, 405.
value of, 404.

in Alabama, 408.

in Arkansas, 409

in California, 410.

in Connecticut, 411, 412.

in Dakota, 413.

in Illinois, 416.

in Indiana, 417.

in Iowa, 418.

in Kansas, 419.

in Kentucky, 419.

in Maine, 421.

in towns of Massachusetts, 424, 425.
in Michigan, 427.

in Minnesota. 427.
in Missouri, 430.

in St. Joseph, Mo., 429.

in Nebraska, 431.

in New Jersey, 433.
in New York, 437.
in North Carolina, 438.
in Ohio, 439.

in Pennsylvania, 441.
in Rhode Island, 443.
in South Carolina, 444.
in Tennessee, 415.
in Texas, 446.

in Vermont, 446.

in Virginia, 448.

in Washington, 449.

in West Virginia, 449.

in Wisconsin, 450.

[blocks in formation]

d Wing, Minn., notes from school report of, 262.
common school statistics of, 279, 288, 299, 320,
340, 362, 382.

Red Wing (Minn.) Norwegian Evangelical Luth-
eran Seminary, statistics of, 742.

Reed, G. H., principal of city schools, Waukesha,
Wis., 330.

Reference libraries, public, statistics of, 917–924.
Reform School, Lansing, Mich., notes from cata-
logue of, 861.

Reform schools, industrial training in, 789.

general remarks relating to, 856-858.

notes from catalogue and reports of, 858-863.
statistics of, 863-867.

remarks relating to statistics of, 868.

for the colored race, statistics of, 880, 881.
Reformatories for men, remarks relating to, 857.
Reformatory institutions, stigma attached to, 819.
Reformatory school, need of, in New York city,


Reformatory training, results of, 857.

Regents of the University of the State of New
York, supervisory work of, 508.
Religious denominations, of secondary schools,
551-559, 568-579, 588-613.

of colleges for women, 645-655.

of colleges of liberal arts, 675-691.

of schools of theology, statistics of, 737, 740-

See also Denominations, religious.
Religious freedom insured in Argentine Republic,


Religious societies, colleges supported by, in Ar-
gentine Republic, 996.

Religions training. See Moral training.
Remunerative work in land-grant colleges, 710.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, notes from cata-
logue of, 722.

statistics of, 726, 728.

Repairs, permanent, statistics of expenditures for,
in cities, 372-393.

Repetition courses in medical colleges, facts relat-
ing to, 1024-1030.

Reports, new form of, in Moline, Ill., 251.

system of, in Illinois State Reform School, 859.
Reports of Bureau of Education, annual, list of,


[blocks in formation]


Rhode Island, common school statistics of, 54, 57,
59, 62, 61, 65, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84,
86, 88, 91.

extracts from report of State commissioner of
public schools of, 159.

notes from reports of cities of 269.

common school statistics of cities of, 282, 292,

302, 305, 306, 307, 326, 348, 368, 388.
first teachers' institute in, 403.

training of teachers in, 442.
statistics relating to teachers in, 453.
statistics of normal schools in, 457, 462.
statistics of kindergarten training schools in,
467, 493.

statistics of kindergartens in, 467, 488.
statistics of secondary schools in, 496, 498, 500,
502, 504, 512-516, 531, 541, 542, 558, 565, 576, 585,
608, 626.

statistics of colleges of liberal arts in, 664, 687,


statistics of undergraduate work of colleges
in, 666.

statistics of college attendance in, 731, 734.
statistics of degrees conferred by colleges in,


statistics of business colleges in, 803, 812.
statistics of nurses' training schools in, 814,


pupils from, in American Asylum for tho
Deaf, 824.

Rhode Island-Continued.

statistics of schools for the deaf in, 830,832, 836.
statistics of reform schools in, 866.

statistics of education of the colored race in,

statistics of libraries in, 903, 914, 917, 923, 931,
938, 941, 952, 954, 966, 970, 972.

Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, character
of, 443.

Rhode Island Normal Training School for Kinder-
gartners, Providence, R. I., statistics of, 493.
Rhode Island School for the Deaf, notes from cata-
logue of, 829.

Rhode Island State Normal School, Providence,
R. I., statistics of, 462.

Rice, James H., State superintendent of education
of South Carolina, 93.
extracts from report of, 162.
Richards, Z., mentioned, 896.

Richardson, F. B., city superintendent, Woburn,
Mass., quoted, 237, 320.

Richardson, J. G., city superintendent, Bath, Me.,


Richardson, William, city superintendent, Sedalia,
Mo., 322.

Richmond, Ind., notes from school report of, 252.
common school statistics of, 275, 285, 295, 314,
334, 356, 376.

Richmond, Va., notes from school report of, 271.
common school statistics of, 283, 293, 303, 328,
350, 370, 390.

Richmond (Va.) College, physical training at, 663.
Richmond (Ind.) Normal School, statistics of, 464.
Richmond (Va.) Theological Seminary, statistics

of, 746.

Rickoff, Dr. A. J., mentioned, 896.

Rightsell, J. R., city superintendent, Little Rock,
Ark., 312.

Riley, John B., extracts from report of, 868, 869,
870, 872.-

Ripon College, physical training at, 663.
Roanoke Female College, statistics of, 654.
Robb, J. A., city superintendent. Lock Haven, Pa.,

Robbins, H. E., city superintendent, Lyons, Iowa,


Robbins, W. D. L., principal of city schools, Lam-
bertville, N. J., 322.

Robertson, W. W., city superintendent, Staunton,
Va., 328.

Robeson, H. J., city superintendent, Port Huron,
Mich., 320.

Robinson Female Seminary, statistics of, 650.
Rochester, Ind., notes from school report of, 252.
Rochester, N. H., notes from school report of, 264.
common school statistics of, 279, 289, 299, 322,
342, 362, 382.

Rochester, N. Y., physical training in, 227.

common school statistics of, 280, 290, 300, 324,
344, 364, 384.

training of teachers in, 435.

Rochester (N. Y.) Theological Seminary, statistics
of, 744.

Rock Island, Ill., common school statistics of,
275, 285, 295, 314, 334, 354, 374.

Rockford, Ill., common school statistics of, 275,
285, 295, 314, 334, 354, 374.

Rockford (Ill.) Seminary, admission requirements
of, 641.

statistics of, 646.

Rockland, Me., common school statistics of, 277,
237, 297, 316, 338, 358, 378.

Rockland, Mass., notes from school report of,


common school statistics of, 278, 288, 298, 318,
340, 360, 380.

Rockville, Conn., notes from school report of, 248.
common school statistics of, 274, 284, 294, 312,
332, 352 372.

Rockville, Ind., half-day sessions in, 229.
notes from school report of, 252.

Rockwell, Seymour, chairman city school com-
mittee, Montague, Mass., 318.

Rodgers, J. E., city superintendent, Palestine,
Tex., 328.

Rogers, C. P., city superintendent, Marshalltown,
Iowa, 316.

Rogers, W. M., chairman city school committee,
Methuen, Mass., 318.

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