Imagens das páginas

show. Often there are questions about the pictures in the text. To make sure that they have interpreted the pictures correctly, the pupils may turn to the back of the book, where they will find a list of the pictures with the titles.

The map of the world is built up as the pupils study the book. There are a few simple maps, only two of which contain place names. The maps are superimposed on the globe, and directions are well developed. There are many exercises, games, and puzzles of appeal to children, some of which are rather ingenious, printed in smaller type than the rest of the book. It appears to the reviewer that it would have been better if the same size type had been used as for the regular reading material, as small type often conveys the idea of minor importance. Any teacher in the lower grades who is teaching about distant lands should obtain a copy of this book.

Seven Ages of Childhood. By Ella Lyman Cabot. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1922. Pp. 321. $2.75. An understanding of the child and his point of view and a capacity for interpreting the spirit of childhood has given us a different type of child psychology in Mrs. Cabot's book. Here, so to speak, child psychology is presented from the inside, from the standpoint of the child, rather than from the angle of the investigator or observer. With charm and simplicity psychological facts are given regarding the child from the time of his arrival in the "dependent age" to the time of maturity in the "age of problems."

A much neglected factor of education is touched upon in the following quotation: "I'm awfully disappointed in Dorothy," said her mother. "She has no independence. She does just what the crowd does. Now Harriet is fine. She is absolutely independent. always comes to me about every decision, and then she does exactly what I tell her to do."


Devices and Diversions for Vitalizing Teaching. By Alhambra G. Deming. Chicago: Beckley-Cardy Company, 1924. Pp. 213. $1.20.

Experienced teachers in reading and criticizing educational literature and in hearing speakers on educational methods often forget the army of recruits entering the ranks each year, many of whom are without professional training. For these new teachers this book will be a valuable handbook of concrete devices that will lead them to see for themselves that education should be made interesting to the child. And even the most experienced teacher will find in the book, no doubt, many devices that are new to them. The book is intended for intermediate and grammar grades, but

many of the devices may easily be adapted to other grades. There are eight divisions, as follows: Reading, Geography, Language, Arithmetic, History and Civics, Dictionary, Proverbs, and Sentiments for Inspiration.

The Development of the Professional Education of Teachers in Pennsylvania. By William S. Taylor. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1924. Pp. 293.

Students of the history of education in the United States will be delighted with this volume. We are generally inclined to the opinion that the early educational efforts in America were practically limited to New England. No doubt, the diversity in religious beliefs in the Middle Colonies was the cause of lack of unity in organization, but there was nevertheless a unity in the purpose and aim of the education as offered by the various religious denominations.

The author has traced the development of teachertraining in Pennsylvania, noting the successive efforts of the church, the work of the academies, colleges, and normal schools. The book will be particularly helpful to students of education who are seeking specific data for a single state rather than the broad and often indefinite type of information which most historical textbooks offer.

Beginnings in Educational Measurement. By Edward A. Lincoln. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1924. Pp. 151. $1.60.

In this little volume the classroom teacher who has had little or no training in educational measurement will find much of interest and importance. Such topics as subject-matter tests, intelligence tests, the use and misuse of tests, etc., are treated in a very interesting manner. The reviewer firmly believes that the use of educational measurements is no longer limited to the psychological laboratory. Educational tests have passed through the experimental stage and are ready for the process of refinement which must come through their application in the classroom.

Educational Tests for Use in the Elementary Schools, Revised. By Charles W. Odell. Circular No. 33 of the Bureau of Educational Research of the University of Illinois. Published by the University, Urbana, 1924. Free.

This is a valuable list of the widely-used standardized tests of intelligence and_school achievement, the latter arranged by subjects. Publishers and prices are shown, together with some brief comments on each test.



A Comparative Study of the Mental Capacity of Children of Foreign Parentage. By May Bere. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1924. Pp. 105.

Early Educational Leadership in the Ohio Valley. By Allen Oscar Hansen. Edited by B. R. Buckingham. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1923. Pp. 120. Paper cover.

The Education of the Consumer-A Study in Curriculum. By Henry Harap. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924. Pp. 360.

Education of Gifted Children. By Lulu M. Stedman. Measurement and Adjustment Series. Edited by Terman. Chicago: World Book Company, 1924. Pp. 192. Educational Problem Series. Edited by G. M. Whipple. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois :

No. 1.-Problems in Educational Psychology. Exercises. By Guy M. Whipple, 1923. 75 cents.


No. 2-Problems of Secondary Education. 75 Exercises. By J. B. Edmondson, 1923. 75 cents. No. 3.-Problems in Elementary School Instruction. 57 Exercises. By Clifford Woody, 1923. 75 cents. No. 4-Problems of the Administration of a School System. 83 Exercises. By J. B. Edmonson and Erwin E. Lewis, 1924. 90 cents.

No. 5-Problems of the High School Teacher. 68 Exercises. By. J. B. Edmonson and Releigh Schorling, 1924. 75 cents.

No. 6-Problems of the Rural Teacher. 74 Exercises. By Marvin S. Pittman, 1924. 75 cents.

No. 7-Problems of a High School Teaching Staff. 60 problems selected and arranged for use in high school faculty meetings. By G. M. Whipple and J. B. Edmonson, 1924. 75 cents.

Educational Supervision. By Charles Edgar Scott. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1924. Pp. 98. $1.00.

Educational Tests for Use in Elementary Schools. Revised. By Charles W. Odell. Educational Research Circular No. 33. Urbana: The University of Illinois. Pp. 22.

Fiscal Support of State Teachers Colleges. By Frederic Rutherford Hamilton. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1924. Pp. 51. $1.50.

Latent Religious Resources in Public School Education-A Study in Correlation on the Curriculum Side. By C. A. Hauser. Philadelphia: The Heidelberg Press, 1924. Pp. 319.

A Pedagogical Prognosis-Predicting the Success_ of Prospective Teachers. By Grover Thomas Somers. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1923. Pp. 129.

A Practical Handbook for Students in Observation, Participation and Teaching_in_Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third Grades. By Bain, Burns and Van Sistine. Chicago: The University of Chicago Bookstore, 1924. Pp. 38. Sixty-five cents. Paper cover.

Practical Problem Projects. For fourth through ninth grades. By F. W. Rawcliffe. Chicago: F. E. Compton and Company, 1924. Pp. 112. Thirty-five cents. Paper

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Better Everyday English. By H. G. Paul. Chicago: Lyons and Carnahan, 1924. Pp. 279. $1.60.

Books of Good Reading. Two pamphlets: one for first two years of the high school, another for the last two years. Syracuse, N. Y.: High School Reading Committee, 1924.

Burton Holmes Travel Stories. A Series of Informational Silent Readers. Edited by William H. Wheeler and Burton Holmes. Japan, Korea and Formosa-for fifth and sixth grades. By Eunice Tietjens. Egypt and the Suez Canal-for seventh and eighth grades. By Susan Wilbur. Pp. 404 and 404. $1.28 each.

Children's Books for General Reading. By Effie L. Power. Chicago: American Library Association, 1924. Pp. 8. Twenty cents each, 10 copies for $1.00, and 100 copies for $4.00.

In Mother Goose Land. A First Reader. By Agnes Goldman and Tessie Schottenfels. Boston: Educational Publishing Company, 1912. Pp. 78.

The Mind at Work in Studying, Thinking, and Reading. By R. L. Lyman. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1924. Pp. 349. $1.60.

Minimum Essentials of Correct Writing. By Carpenter, Carver, Maulsby, and Knott. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1924. Pp. 138.

Thought Test Readers. First Grade, Second Grade, and Supplementary Sheets for Second Grade. By Prout, Baumeister, Mischler, and Renner. Chicago: The University Publishing Company, 1924. Pp. 117, 152, and 44 respectively.


Real Stories of the Geography Makers. By John T. Faris. Chicago: Ginn and Company, 1925. Pp. 332. United States. Revised Edition. By Nellie B. Allen. Ninety-two cents.

Chicago: Ginn and Company, 1924. Pp. 340.

With Lawrence in Arabia. By Lowell Thomas. New York: The Century Company, 1924. Pp. 408. $4.00.


The Pilot Arithmetics. Book One. By LouBelle Stevens and James H. Van Sickle. Books Two and Three. By Harry B. Marsh and James H. Van Sickle. Chicago: Newson and Company, 1923 and 1924. Pp. 272, 304, and 312 respectively.

The Prevention and Correction of Errors in Arithmetic. By Garry Cleveland Myers. Chicago: The Plymouth Press, 1925. Pp. 75. Sixty cents. Paper cover.

The Slide Rule. A Beginner's Description, and Uses. By H. T. Erickson. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1924. Pp. 32. Paper cover.

The Stone Arithmetics. By John C. Stone. Chicago: Benjamin H. Sanborn and Company, 1925. Primary, Pp. 306, 72 cents. Intermediate, Pp. 322, 76 cents. Advanced, Pp. 326, 80 cents.


Evolution. By Vernon Kellogg. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1924. Pp. 291. $1.75.


Caesar's Invasion of Britain. Edited for the Use of Beginners. By W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. Adapted for Use in American Schools. By S. G. Ashmore. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925. Pp. 106.


Guessing the Geese in the Goose Family. By Margaret E. Wells and H. Mary Cushman. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1924. Pp. 102. $1.00.

What Shall We Play? By Edna Geister. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1924. Pp. 175.




From an Address by CARL VAN DOREN, Literary Editor, the Century Magazine*

SHOULD like to speak about a general movement in the United States touching the forms of public opinion and of public, and many forms of private, conduct. That movement is a revolt from a standardization which has become the great American vice-unless it is perhaps the great American vice of amiability. I used to think that amiability was our national vice, and possibly it is true that when a nation has standardized ways of doing things it is only a result of amiability. So it comes back to that in the long run.

Since I am primarily a critic of literature, I will speak about a book which is more than a book, which is the sign of the times, a kind of document in the history of education, more important in the history of education than any book, in my opinion, of recent times, Mr. Lewis' Main Street. And let me explain what I mean by associating that with education.

Public opinion in the United States has at various times in its history been stirred by certain books which, we realize, did a great deal to bring to the surface a large amount of public opinion not yet settled on that topic. Uncle Tom's Cabin is an example of that kind of precipitation of ideas.

One item which accounts for the great success of a new book, or a new solution, or a new idea, is that it is novel in the sense that it gives dramatic form to large ideas and opinions that do exist, and are floating, and are gathered together.

In Main Street, Mr. Lewis brought to the attention of a great many people the extraordinary idea-almost unprecedented in general popular American circulation, never before made use of by anybody in a popular book-that dullness

was one of the vices. We thought it one of the virtues.

To an amazing degree I think the amiable American people have got into the habit of believing that in some way or other it matters relatively little what happens to minds, so long as our morals are intact. This is, after all, an immoral conception. We urge children at various times to keep away from bad communications. That is, they are not to associate with persons who are drunken or loose in their speech or conduct, or evil or brutal. But there has never been any definite, emphatic movement of feeling on the part of Americans at large that we should avoid dull people as we would avoid people suffering from the smallpox. And we should avoid not only unnecessary contact with those persons, who by the acts of God are made dull, but those people who are not only sunk in dullness, but proud of the dullness, valiant in defense of dullness, and missionaries for dullness, who go out over the world preaching the gospel of dullness and and swinging the banner of dullness to every people.

I maintain that conduct can never be good except as it is based on intelligence, some kind of intelligence. In an army you can get a million or ten millions of men if you want, who by the virtues of obedience and loyalty and faith-those qualities of which there is such an enormous stock in the world-to follow a leader, but it took in the past war a long time to find one man who knew something about conducting an army. It took all the war to find a man who had enough sense to end it.

*Delivered before the Chicago Division of the Illinois State Teachers' Association, November 1, 1924.

Our ideal is not one of intelligence, of finding an idea and making it clear. Our ideal is always the person who holds himself in the paths of right conduct when right conduct has once been explained to him.

In the United States this, it seems to me, is rapidly becoming an impossible attitude, and that restlessness which we observe in what we call the younger generation is, I believe, nothing more than a revolt against the dullness which comes from minds which have been inoculated with certain hard and fast lines of conduct.

Let us take, for example, this Main Street, not regarding it so much as a work of art as a phenomenon in the history of education, because that book, you remember, was not merely published and put out and read by a few people and forgotten.

I talked, I remember, with Mr. Lewis at the time when he was just publishing the book, and he mentioned a very large sum of money that he had wasted on it. He had no notion the book would really sell well. He had no notion it would please people at large. He had written it to please himself. He had recently been writing books which he had been obliged to write for economic reasons, books of a more popular nature, for one of the great national magazines which sells for five cents a week.

In that magazine he had, so far as he could, done what the public wanted, as he conceived it, in order to get from the public enough to live on. But now he had saved his money, and had gone to work and had sunk his money in the hole, he believed, of Main Street, in order that he might rid his heart and emotions of certain ideas that were struggling there. But it caught fire, and it went throughout the United States. It has added a word to the language, it has added numerous words to the language, it has added characters to general popular discussion, and it has precipitated an opinion.

His device was simple enough, and in a sense unimportant, and the reasons why many people took it up were really not the ones he had in mind. His device was to take a young woman who was dissatisfied in a small, dull community, and show her in the process of her dissatisfaction. Every thing went against her. The young woman had the disadvantage of being a goose, which is always in any community a disadvantage. You hate to admire a heroine or hero who is a goose. Mr. Lewis was thus, in a sense, stacking the cards against himself. And yet he was victorious.

Carol Kennicott was, after all, only a contemporary radical, and like many radicals something of a goose. But, as many of you know, while many radicals are often wrong, all conservatives are always wrong, because in human life the only law is the law of change, and there can be no such outcome as that a person who sets out to resist change will be right.

Mr. Lewis, allowing that the girl was a goose, still liked her and admired that little element of rebellion that was in her. She hates to see a community in which they have all got into standard ways of feeling and doing and thinking. At a little party everybody must always do the same thing. When you are introduced, you must always make the same response to the salutation. When you get up at a meeting, you must always begin your remarks with the same apology for the bad speaker you are, an explanation that is almost always unnecessary. nity in which as a matter of fact, the ways of life had got to a kind of mandarin standardization. So, while doubtless persons there might be sane, might be very virtuous, might be very healthy, might be very hearty, they had ceased to think, because you cannot think as long as you agree with everybody else.

I do not mean you have to disagree with everybody to be right, but you have to know why you agree with other people to be right. You have to have thought the

matter out and to have come to a conclusion before there is any chance of being right. Agreement with the mob is, therefore, not thought, but habit; not thought, but a kind of vague emotion, the kind of emotion that glues us together in war, and glues us together in times of national excitement, without the power to move our wings or move our minds..

Now, in Main Street, Mr. Lewis represents Carol as a trivial girl, upholding the ideas which she has about what is owed to the mind and the ideas which she holds to the effect that dullness is not, after all, one of the major virtues, or one of the virtues at all. Mr. Lewis, for the first time in the history of American opinion, managed to give to that loyalty to unrest on her part, that preference for those things in life which are not deliberately dull, a kind of dramatic and representative quality. And it was taken up, you see, all over the country.

Now, what was there in his book, besides the naturally entertaining qualities, that brought forth so instantaneous a recognition? It was precisely the fact that there was already in the United States a large number of people who were beginning to revolt against the very standards which we were being told on every corner were our national glory, when, as a matter of fact, they are our national danger, if not our national defect.

It is easy enough to account for the way in which such standards, such mechanical standards, have encroached among us. If you were a farmer, to put it in simple terms, and you went to some new country, and if you had a very small farm, with no stones on it, and no trees, and the drainage already well established by nature, you would find that the task of putting it under cultivation was fairly simple. It would probably be managed by handwork, with the freedom and ease which handwork implies. But if you went to a farm which was enormous, which was covered with trees, full of stones that must be removed, marshes that must be drained,

and if you were short handed as to labor, you would find yourself obliged to make use at once of all sorts of labor saving devices, and you would find yourself obliged to do what you did in accordance with the standardized method of production, with a standardized method of distribution.

That has been the history in brief of the United States. There was a rough continent to be subdued to the purposes of man. In order to get it subdued at all, our citizens have had for a long time to work vigorously, to work on an extremely large scale.

The vision of one political party, or one party of opinion in the United States, has been that of a great centralized country with a powerful government in Washington, which could send out in all directions its communication, so that the whole country would move as nearly as possible in one mass. There have been, of course, political dissent from that idea. In the late eighteenth century the West wanted to secede, and it was only with some difficulty kept from doing it. At least there was a party for secession. In the early part of the nineteenth century many persons in New England wanted to secede and get rid of this strong centralization, which it resented. In the middle of the nineteenth century the South did secede, and although the war fixed the nation together in a new unity, what had happened was merely the expression of this little bit of dissent. But since the Civil War there has been a continual growth in these various forms of standardization in the United States, so that now you go from city to city, and you can hardly find any difference at all.

With regard to the value and importance of these external forms and standards, there perhaps would be much question. Because of a really magnificent gift of organization, the United States has accomplished things in the way of sanitation, in the beginnings of education, although only the beginnings, in a certain kind of local organization, in distribution

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