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No brief summary can adequately set forth the actual condition and progress of education in the several States and Territories. There are too many important factors of influence to be thus summarily dealt with. The plan, however, has been to select from the State reports such utterances as would indicate the general condition, and then to cull such other salient features as would illustrate special movement and growth in the administration and development of the public-school system.

Those States and Territories which are omitted in this account either failed to transmit, or to publish, reports for 1885-'86.


It is gratifying to report an increased efficiency in the administration of the publicschool system, which is growing in popularity and offering the benefits of education to a greater number of children than ever before in its history. There is not only an increase in the number of schools and in the regularity of attendance, but what is of far more importance, the schools are being conducted by better qualified teachers.

The three normal schools for the whites and the three for the colored race are in a flourishing condition. If there be those who doubt the propriety of the State maintaining normal schools such doubts would be removed by a visit to the several schools of the State. These schools, with the exception of the one at Florence, have been in operation but a few years, and some of them turned out their first graduates last year, so that comparatively little has been accomplished toward supplying the increased demand for trained teachers; but their influence has already been felt throughout the State by creating, on the part of patrons, a demand for better qualified teachers. There are thousands of teachers in the public schools but poorly prepared for their responsible work, and hundreds so incompetent that the payment of school funds to them is but little better than a waste of public money; yet township superintendents are compelled to employ them, or do without schools. To train a sufficient number of teachers to meet the demand will require years, and the State should not grow impatient because this work cannot be done in a day.

The institutes held by county superintendents, and required by law, are creating an increased interest among the teachers. They are conducted to better advantage, and more teachers attend and take an active part in them. Where they are held more frequently both the attendance and interest are increased, and consequently much more benefit is derived. In some counties, however, they are seldom held and are poorly attended, and do but little good, while in a few counties they are altogether neglected. It seems to be the fault of the county superintendents if these institutes are not held and made of interest to the teachers.

The following recommendations by the superintendent of education illustrates the drift of opinion in educational affairs: (1) A law authorizing counties, cities, towns, separate school districts, and townships to levy and collect a special tax for building school-houses or for other school purposes. (2) A law raising the standard of quali fication for teachers. (3) A law repealing the local laws requiring the appointment or election in certain counties of three trustees instead of one township superintendent. (4) A law providing for a commission on text-books to select a series of textbooks to be used in the public schools. (5) An increase of appropriation to meet the demand created by the increase in school population.

The fact that no reports, except as to State appropriations, are made from cities and separate school districts tends to give the impression that the school system is an inefficient one. Such, however, is not the fact. The superintendent states that the public schools of the cities of Alabama will compare favorably with those of other States, and are improving each year.


A careful examination of the statistical part of the State report, the general summaries, and the reports made by county examiners will convince the most skeptical that Arkansas is making rapid progress in her educational interests. There is a deeper conviction in the minds of the people that the masses cannot be educated so well and

This report was not received in season to incorporate the returns for the current year in the State tables.

at so little cost by any other means as can be done in the common school. The best evidence of the truth of this statement is seen in the amount of taxes voted in the districts each year and in the growing scutiment in the minds of parents and guardians for more convenient school houses and better instruction. Now, while there is a growing interest demanding better methods of teaching and longer school terms, yet a remedy of existing defects may be justly expected by the State in consideration of the amount of money expended. This remedy is partly in county supervision, changing the present district system, needed legislation on text-books, longer school terms, better teachers, and better houses.

One of the greatest wants of the public-school system of Arkansas is intelligent county supervision. What is needed is some one who is qualified to visit each school in the county, observe the work of the teacher, and, when necessary, point out defects in methods of teaching and school government; instruct directors in their duties, and endeavor to create in the minds of the people a greater interest in the free schools of his county.

There are two ways of solving the difficulties relating to text-books: (1) County adoption, by a county board of education, from the series of books recommended by the State board, which shall not be changed in three or five years except by a majority vote of the county; (2) free text-books adopted by the county board.

The superintendent recommends the abolition of the present districts, except those organized under the special act for cities and towns, and the making of each civil or political township a school district, under the control and management of three directors. This plan will consolidate the funds and enable the directors to improve the school-houses and employ a better class of teachers and secure a longer school term.


The public schools are in good condition, and are continually reaching forth toward a betterment. The influence of the normal schools is being felt more and more; and the graduates of the State University are becoming more and more frequently members of the instructing profession. There is much enlightened foresight displayed in the manner in which local taxes are self-imposed for "additional school facilities." More attention is also paid to the election of proper men for the highly responsible office of school trustees.

The one great want in the public schools is a closer attention on the part of teachers and other authorities to moral instruction---to character building. To turn out good, honest, clean-living men and women should be the principal end and aim of the public schools.

A great defect in the system is the fact that in many of the counties the superintendents of the schools are poorly paid. Now, the county superintendent is the most important officer connected with the system of public education, and he should receive a comfortable support, so that he may be contented and able to give his whole time to his duties, while his reasonable traveling expenses should not be deducted from his salary.

In November, 1884, the people by a vote almost unanimous made an amendment to the constitution of the State by which "the State board of education shall adopt a uniform series of text-books to be printed and published at the State printing office, and distributed at actual cost." The fruit of this enterprise is now apparent. The designs for illustrating the readers have been made by California artists; and admirable engravings executed therefrom. The cost at Sacramento of the books now completed is as follows:

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The series of readers, covering substantially the same ground as those heretofore in use, will cost but 5 cents, while the price of Bancroft's is $2.60; McGuffey's is $2.50; Appleton's, $3.00; and Swinton's $3.05.

The series of the State cost but little more than one-third of the price of the cheapest. This success will save millions of dollars in a few years.


Evidence of substantial growth and vigorous life are manifest in the school work throughout the State during the last two years. More care in the examination and selection of teachers, a disposition to grade the country schools, and to establish school libraries, and the organization of teachers' associations are among the things that are worthy of special mention.

About twenty-five counties (out of thirty-eight) have already organized teachers' associations, and others will do so in the near future. These associations have been attended with good results. Teachers have been inspired with new zeal, and school boards have been led to see the importance of making their schools better.

A regular course of study for the country schools has recently received considerable attention and encouraging progress has been made. The reports show that there are now a large number of country schools in the State that have adopted a definite course of study. It has been over four years since the course published in the Daily Register was first recommended to district boards of ungraded schools, but little seems to have been done until last year. The results are, the pupils are better classified, a more uniform series of books are used, while more efficient work is performed by both teachers and pupils.

More interest than usual during the past year was manifested by the schools of the State in tree-planting. Many trees were planted through their instrumentality, not only on school grounds but upon other public grounds.

Never before in the history of the State has there been a greater supply of excellent teachers. There is a constant influx of teachers from all parts of the Union seeking positions in the schools. As many as fifty names at a time were enrolled of those seeking an opportunity to teach, and no situations were vacant.


The following facts relating to teachers are of special interest:

1. (a) There are 1,631 schools, requiring 3,038 teachers; (b) of these, 561 are men and 2,477 are women; (c) four hundred beginners are required every year. If the same proportion as above prevails, 74 would be men and 326 would be women. 2. The following is a partial summary of teachers' wages for the past year:

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3. In some districts schools are not in session longer than six months, in very many not longer than eight months. There is no certainty of regular employment. Frequently three teachers, one for each term, are employed in the six or eight months. 4. Employment is not regulated by ordinary business considerations. The following are some of the influences which determine selection of teachers:

(a) Relationship by birth or marriage, without regard to any other consideration. (b) Alliances in politics and church.

(c) Misfortune, amiability, the desire to do something dignified, or to fill up unoccupied time.

(d) Locality; none out of town or district are considered.

5. Deducting those who have special training, 300 beginners, or one-tenth of all the teachers in the State, have not the exceptional ability which would enable them to command high wages. Indeed, very many from their youth and ignorance are positively certain not to have any teaching ability at all and cannot expect to receive high wages.

6. There is a great scarcity of teachers who have education and training, and the demand for skillful teachers is far greater than can be met.

The Normal School has on its rolls the largest number of scholars reported since 1859. The coming year will also show the largest number of graduates in the history of the school.

The Normal School has given especial attention to training in elementary science, with a view to introducing this, or at least its methods, to the common schools. With this purpose elementary science is taught in the model schools and the graduates are thus able to give instruction to children in this important field.

The system of normal training now comprises a large Kindergarten, four school rooms on the Normal School premises, and five rooms in adjoining towns. Three of these rooms contain pupils of the highest grammar grades, and in the others are children of primary and intermediate grades. The training, therefore, covers all the grades of teaching below the high school.

In the three years past the Normal School has been largely instrumental in bringing to the notice of teachers throughout the State:

(1) The value of Kindergarten ideas and occupations.

(2) The value of elementary instruction in science and the possibility of carrying out such instruction in the common schools.

(3) An entirely new and now almost universally approved plan for mental work in common and decimal fractions.

(4) A better and easier way to teach penmanship.

(5) The subject of phonics, advanced reading and gymnastics; and,

(6) A systematic and legitimate use of occupations, or busy work bearing upon every part of primary work.


Considered as the growth of ten years, the Delaware system of "Free Schools" is a most gratifying work. Never before has public sentiment been so strong in favor of the support of free public schools as to-day. The press of the State is a unit in their favor. The leading men of all parties and of all religious denominations acknowledge and defend the truth that the State has duties as well as rights, and foremost among them is the duty of securing a good common-school education to the children

of all classes.

The increase of interest in the free schools is evidenced by the number of beautiful and commodious houses that have been erected during the past year in the three counties of the State; the old, comfortless, home-made desks that have given place to new and improved school furniture; the willingness with which the people have in many of the towns and rural districts used their influence to obtain good school apparatus and efficient teachers, and the manifest general desire to elevate the standard of free education.

It is impossible to set forth in a brief way the good results of the county institute. In this State, especially, is its value incalculable. There is no normal school for the training of those who desire to become teachers; therefore, the young who enter the profession are almost wholly unacquainted with methods of teaching. Hence, the county institute serves as a substitute for the normal school. In all these meetings the very best talent in the shape of institute workers and lecturers which the available funds would allow have been summoned to assist in the work, while some prominent educators outside the State have given their services free of charge.

Prominent among the hindrances to the efficiency of many of the schools are: The want of permanency of employment of teachers, a misapprehension on the part of many parents and school commissioners of the real objects of the schools, and, in some places, the lack of trained teachers.


The growth and advancement made in the public-school system of the State is apparent not only in numbers of schools, the attendance of pupils, and interest on the part of the people everywhere, but also in the excellency of the work done and the increased efficiency of the teachers, coupled with a most laudable ambition on their part to excel in everything that tends to make up a real teacher.

Much of this growth, advancement, and efficiency, and excellent result, is the outcome of the liberal provision made by the Legislature for the support and maintenance of all the machinery of the system.

The increase in the number of schools for 1886 over 1884 is 415 schools, with an in creased total attendance of 12,686 pupils.

In February, 1886, there was assembled the first State Teachers' Institute and the first convention of county superintendents ever held in the State. A State Teachers' Association was formed and regularly organized, and the beneficent influences of this State Institute have been patent throughout the year.


The census of 1880 makes the alarming exhibit that there are in Georgia 128,000 white persons over ten years of age and 392,000 colored persons of the same class, making a total of 520,000, one-third of the entire population, who cannot write their names. Words cannot give as much emphasis to the necessity of an efficient State system of common schools as is given by these facts. In view of them it is pertinent to ask what has the State done to meet this necessity? Public schools have been in operation fifteen years. The increase in attendance has gone regularly forward, and from year to year small additions have been made to the fund. In 1855 71 per cent. of the white school population and 49 of the colored, 61 per cent. of the entire population, white and colored, were enrolled in the public schools.

The gross school fund of 1885 yielded $1.63 per capita of enrolled children, and $2.42 per capita on average attendance. After deducting all expenses the actual amount that went toward paying for teaching the children was $1.54 on each pupil enrolled and $2.29 on average attendance. This sum was sufficient to keep up the schools for something over two months, and they were kept in operation for three months only by force of a provision of law which compels patrons to supplement. The superintendent further says: "The State ought now, in my judgment, to make provision from her own resources for a four monthis' school."

The State makes no provision for normal schools or teachers' institutes, but the trustees of the Peabody fund have expended liberally of their available fund in Georgia for both objects. The opinion of those in attendance on the Peabody Teachers' Institute of 1886 was almost unanimously favorable. The following memorial to the Legislature was circulated among those present for signatures, and was signed by all to whom it was presented:

"In view of the great need of institute instruction among the 7,000 teachers of

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Georgia; in view of the good work which has been done by the Institute held in the city of Atlanta during the month of August, in the year 1886; in view, moreover, of the fact that the appropriations from the Peabody fund, by means of which the Institute has hitherto been wholly supported, will most certainly be discontinued unless some corresponding appropriation is made by the State: We, the undersigned, do hereby petition the Legislature of the State of Georgia to make such an appropriation as will, during the ensuing years, continue and increase the work now being done."


The superintendent of public instruction earnestly recommends the change from the present district system to the township system in school administration. The following reasons are assigned: (1) Under township organization for school purposes, the work of 22-34 officers could be performed by tive persons elected by the township at large, and performed better and more to the satisfaction of the people of the township. (2) Inequality in the taxation for school purposes would be remedied. In the same township there are districts now paying 25 cents or less and others paying 200 cents on the $100 of the assessed valuation. (3) The 11,500 elections for directors throughout the State would be dispensed with. No class of elections causes more feuds and animosities than school elections and consequent litigation. (4) Grading the county schools, which is now done under great difficulties even in the best situated counties, would thus be solved naturally.

During the past three years the institutes in the different countics of the State have become a mighty power for good, not only in advancing the scholarship of the participants, but also in fostering more rational methods of instruction, and, what is not to be under-estimated, in arousing a greater interest among the people in behalf of the public schools and public education generally. And since the conduct of these institutes imposes no burdens upon the tax-payers, but all expense is borne by the teachers themselves, and the results are such as to convince the people of the advantageous effect of this agency, it is to be hoped that the law on the subject may remain in full force until something better and more lasting may take its place. Whenever the teachers of the State had an opportunity of expressing their approval of the recent amendments to the school law respecting the county superintendency, they have done so in the most unqualified terms. Heretofore only a few favored counties gave their superintendents time to visit schools and pay therefor; in the rest of them the county superintendent was reduced to a mere clerk, who had to keep accounts, to conduct teachers' examinations and grant certificates, and to make reports. Now all over the State the county superintendent is what his name implies-an overseer of the schools of the county-and this happy change for the better should be felt in the remotest nooks, and corners, thus tending to equalize the benefits of education and making the population of the State more homogeneous.


The experience of past years is convincing that there is not only a place among educational institutions and movements for such an organization as the State Teachers' Reading Circle, but that the present organization evinces gratifying indications of permanency and usefulness. It must be understood that the course implies more than a mere reading of the work suggested; it is designed that it be carefully studied. The action of the state board of education in giving credit for reading circle work in the science of teaching was on the presumption that the work should be carefully and faithfully pursued. Following is their action: "Ordered, That the Reading Cirele examinations in the science of teaching be accepted by the county superintendent in the place of the county examination on that subject, and that the average of their four successive yearly examinations in the science of teaching be accepted by the State board in the examination for State certificates."

Educational associations of all kinds are numerous in Indiana, and they are generally well sustained by the teachers and the public. In many counties the teachers keep up active and useful organizations, meeting once or twice a year. The county superintendents meet annually in general convention, and those in different parts of the State have occasional meetings for consultation and discussion. The city and town superintendents in like manier maintain several organizations. The three most important institutions of this kind are the Indiana Teachers' Association, the Northern Indiana Teachers' Association, and the Southern Indiana Teachers' Association.3 How to secure the best text-books for the schools at the least expense is a question that has been much discussed in the State of late years by practical teachers and school superintendents, as well as by Senators and Representatives in recent sessions of the General Assembly. The evils of frequent changes, of want of uniformity, and of heavy expense are generally recognized. Indiana is fairly free from the first two of these evils. The county boards of education prescribe what text-books shall be

State Report, pp. 23, 24.

Ibid., pp. 143–144.

Ibid., p. 161.

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