Imagens das páginas

Expeditions from Philadelphia, page 81.-State of the Britif

army, 82.And of that under Washington, ib.-Treachery of

congrefs toward Burgoyne's army, 83.-Drafts of the conciliatory

bills fent to congrefs, 84.-Their refolutions, ib.-Effects of the

meafure, 85.-Arrival of the French treaty, ib.-Its effect, 86-

La Fayette's expedition to Barren hill, ib.- Sir William Howe

recalled, 88.-Superb feftival, called Mifchianza, ib.-Arrival

of the commiffioners, 89.-Paffport refused to their secretary,

ib.-Terms propofed to them by congrefs, ib.—Answer, 90.—Ex-

planatory letter of the commiffioners, 91.-Pretended offers of

bribes, 92.-Difcuffions refpecting governor Johnstone, 93.-

Manifefto of the commiffioners, 94.-Refolutions, 95.— And

counter-manifefto of congrefs, ib.-Evacuation of Philadelphia,

96.-Judicious retreat of fir Henry Clinton, 97.-Severities

exercifed againft loyalifis, ib.-Alion at Monmouth-court-

boufe, 98.-British army go to New York, ib.-Difgrace of

general Lee, 99-Sailing of the Toulon fquadron under

D'Eftaing, 100.-Purfued by Byron, ib.-The French arrive

at the Chesapeak, ib.-Expedition against Rhode Island, ib.-

Actions at fea, 101.-The Americans repulfed at Rhode Island,

ib.-Lord Howe refigns the fleet to admiral Gambier, 102.-

Expedition to Buzzard's bay, ib.-Surprize of colonel Baylor,

ib.-Attack on Egg harbour, 103.-Pulaski's legion cut to

pieces, ib.-Reduction of Georgia, ib.-Defruction of Wyoming,

104.- And other fettlements, ib.-Disappointments of Byron,

105-D'Eflaing fails to the Weft Indies, 106.-Capture of St.

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State of the public mind, page 110.-Difcordant views of oppofi

tion, ib.--Syftem of lord Chatham, ib.-Probability of his

having intended to form an administration, 111.-Public indigna-

tion against France, ib.-Preparations against invafion, ib.-

Keppel commands the grand fleet, ib.-Captures two frigates,

112.-Returns to port, 113.-Is reinforced, ib.-His engage-

ment with d'Orvilliers, ib.-Public difcuffion, 115.-Publica-

tion by fir Hugh Pallifer, 116.-Meeting of Parliament, ib.

-The late naval transactions debated, 117.-Altercation between

Keppel and Pallifer, ib.-Court Martial ordered on Keppel, 118.

-He is acquitted, 119.-Rejoicings and outrages of the mob,

120.-The admiral thanked by both houses, ib.-Pallifer vacates

his feat, and refigns his appointments, ib.--Is tried by a court

martial, ib.-and acquitted, though not without cenfure, 121.-

Keppel diffatisfied, ib.-Refigns the command of the grand

fleet, ib.-Fox's motion against lord Sandwich, ib.-The earl of

Bristol's motion for his removal, 126.-Motions refpecting the

Navy, and Greenwich hofpital, 127.—Refignation of naval offi-

cers, ib.-Infubordination of the navy, ib.-Debates on the

manifefto of the American commiffioners, ib.-Burgoyne's mo-

tion for papers, 128.—Granted, ib.—Similar motion by fir

William Howe, ib.-Granted, 129.-Committee formed, ib.-

Evidence examined, ib.-Burgoyne's evidence, 131.-Counter

vidence to fir William Howe, ib.-Committee diffolved, 132.

-Affairs of Ireland difcuffed, ib.-Partial relief granted, 133.

Diffatisfaction of the Irifb, ib.--Non-importation agreements,

ib.-Volunteer Affociations, ib.-Motion by the marquis of

Rockingham, 134.-Relief afforded to proteftant diffenters, ib.

Rupture with Spain, 135.-King's mage, ib.-Addrefs,

136.-Amendments moved, ib.-Militia bill, ib.-Altered by

the Lords, 137.-Paffes in its amended flate, ib.-Bill for an-

nulling famen's protections, 138.-Termination of the feffion,

ib.-Rife and progress of the difpute with Spain, 139.-Spanish

ambafador withdraws, 146.- Manifefto, ib.-Letters of marque

iffued, 147.-French manifefto, ib.--Ably anfwered by Gibbon,

ib.-Obfervations on the conduct of Spain, ib.-Siege of Gibral

tar commenced, 148-Ineffectual attempts on Jersey, 149-

Junction of the Frensh and Spanish fleets, ib.-which infult the

British coafts, 158.

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relief of the people, 224.-The refolutions reported, ib.—Motion
for account of monies paid to members of parliament, ib.-Vote
for rendering certain officers incapable of fitting, ib.-Illness of
the Speaker, 225.-Adjournment, ib.-Motion against diffolving
parliament, ib.-rejected, 226.-Indignation of Fox, ib.-Further
proceedings on the petitions, 228.-Report of the committee re-
fufd, ib.-General obfervations, ib.

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