Imagens das páginas

Thu. Anditby advice this night I'll put in practice.
Therefore fweet Protheus, my direction-giver,
Let us into the city prefently

To fort fome gentlemen well skill'd in mufick;
I have a fonnet that will ferve the turn

To give the onfet to thy good advice.

Duke. About it gentlemen.

Pro. We'll wait upon your Grace 'till after fupper, And afterwards determine our proceedings.

Duke. Ev'n now about it. I will pardon you.





SCENE Foreft.

Enter certain Out-laws.


ELLOWS, ftand faft: I fee a paffenger. 2 Out. If there be ten, fhrink not, but down with 'em.

Enter Valentine and Speed.

3 Out. Stand, Sir, and throw us what

you have about you, if not, we'll make you Sir, and rifle you.

Speed. Sir, we are undone; thefe are the villains that all the travellers fear fo much.

Val. My friends.

1 Out. That's not fo, Sir; we are your enemies. 2 Out. Peace; we'll hear him,

3 Out. Ay by my beard will we; for he is a proper


Val. Then know that I have little to lofe:
A man I am, crofs'd with adversity;
My riches are these poor habiliments,
Of which if you should here disfurnish me,
You take the fum and substance that I have.
2 Out. Whither travel you?

Val. To Verona.

I Out. Whence came you?
Val. From Milan.

3 Out. Have you long fojourn'd there?

Val. Some fixteen months, and longer might have ftaid,

If crooked fortune had not thwarted me.

1 Out. What, were you banish'd thence?

Val. I was.

2 Out. For what offence?

Val. For that which now torments me to rehearse: I kill'd a man, whofe death I much repent; But yet I flew him manfully in fight, Without falfe vantage or bafe treachery.

1 Out. Why ne'er repent it, if it were done fo. But were you banish'd for fo fmall a fault? Val. I was, and held me glad of fuch a doom. 1 Out. Have you the tongues?

Val. My youthful travel therein made me happy, Or elfe I often had been miferable.

3 Out. By the bare fcalp of Robin Hood's fat friar, This fellow were a King for our wild faction. 1 Out. We'll have him. Sirs a word.

Speed. Mafter, be one of them: it's an honourable kind of thievery.

Val. Peace, villain.

2 Out. Tell us this; have you any thing to take to? Val. Nothing but my fortune.

3 Out. Know then, that fome of us are gentlemen, Such as the fury of ungovern'd youth

Thruft from the company of awful men:
My felf was from Verona banifhed,
For practifing to fteal away a lady,
An heir and neice ally'd unto the Duke,

2 Out. And I from Mantua, for a gentleman Whom in my mood I ftabb'd unto the heart. 1 Out. And I for fuch like petty crimes as thefe. But to the purpofe; for we cite our faults, That they may hold excus'd our lawless lives; And partly feeing you are beautify'd

With goodly fhape, and by your own report
A linguift, and a man of fuch perfection
As we do in our quality much want.

2 Out. Indeed becaufe you are a banish'd man,
Therefore above the reft we parley to you;
Are you content to be our general?

To make a virtue of neceffity,

And live as we do in the wilderness?

3 Out. What fay'ft thou wilt thou be of our confort?

# Say ay, and be the captain of us all

We'll do thee homage, and be rul'd by thee,
Love thee as our commander and our King,

1 Out. But if thou fcorn our courtefie, thou dy'ft.
2 Out. Thou shalt not live to brag what we have

Val. I take your offer, and will live with you,
Provided that you do no outrages

On filly women or poor paffengers.

3 Out. No, we deteft fuch vile bafe practices. Come, go with us, we'll bring thee to our crews, And fhew thee all the treasure we have got; Which, with our felves, fhall reft at thy difpofe.



[blocks in formation]

Pro And now I must be as unjust to Thurie

Lready I've been falfe to Valentine,

Under the colour of commending him,
I have accefs my own love to prefer:
But Silvia is too fair, too true, too holy,
To be corrupted with my worthlefs gifts.
When I proteft true loyalty to her,

She twits me with my falfhood to my friend:
When to her beauty I commend my vows,
She bids me think how I have been forfworn
In breaking faith with Julia whom I lov'd.
And notwithstanding all her fudden quips,
The leaft whereof would quell a lover's hope,
Yet, fpaniel-like, the more fhe fpurns my love,
The more it grows and fawneth on her ftill.
But here comes Thurio: now muft we to her window,
And give fome evening mufick to her ear.

Enter Thurio and Musicians.

Thu. How now Sir Protheus, are you crept before us! Pro. Ay, gentle Thurio; for you know that love Will creep in fervice where it cannot go.

Thu. Ay but I hope, Sir, that you love not here,
Pro. Sir, but I do; or elfe I would be hence.
Thu. Whom, Silvia?

Pro. Ay, Silvia, for your fake.

Thu. I thank you for your own: now gentlemen Let's turn, and to it luftily a while.

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Enter Hoft, and Julia in boy's cloaths.

Hof. Now my young gueft, methinks you're me lancholly I pray what is it?

Jul. Marry, mine Hoft, because I cannot be merry.' Hoft. Come, we'll have you merry: I'll bring you where you fhall hear mufick, and fee the gentleman that you ásk'd for.

Jul. But fhall I hear him fpeak
Hoft. Ay that you shall.

Jul. That will be mufick.

Hoft. Hark, hark.

Jul. Is he among these?

Hoft. Ay; but peace, let's hear 'em.

Who is Silvia


what is she?

That all our fwains commend her?
Holy, fair and wife is she,.

The heav'n fuch grace did lend her,
That she might admired be.

Is the kind as he is fair?
For beauty lives with kindness,
Love doth to her eyes repair,
To help him of his blindness:
And being help'd inhabits there.

Then to Silvia let us fing,
That Silvia is excelling;

She excels each mortal thing
Upon the dull earth dwelling:

To her let us garlands bring.

Hoft. How now? are you fadder than you were be

fore? how do you, man? the mufick likes

you not.


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