שר for geefe he hath kill'd, otherwife he had fuffer'd for't. Thou think'ft not of this now. Nay, I remember the trick you ferv'd me wheu I took my leave of Madam Silvia; did not I bid thee ftill mark me, and do as I do? when didft thou fee me heave up my leg, and make water against a gentlewoman's farthingale? didft thou ever fee me do such a trick? SCENE VII. Enter Protheus and Julia, Pro. Sebaftian is thy name? I like thee well, And will imploy thee in fome fervice prefently. Jul. In what you please: I'll do, Sir, what I can. Pro. I hope thou wilt. How now, you whorefon pefant, Where have you been these two days loitering? Laun. Marry, Sir, I carry'd miftrefs Silvia the dog you bad me. Pro. And what fays fhe to my little jewel? Laun. Marry, fhe fays, your dog was a cur, and tells you, currifh thanks is good enough for fuch a prefent. Pro. But the receiv'd my dog? Laun. No indeed fhe did not: here have I brought him back again. Pro. What, did'ft thou offer her this from me? Laun. Ay Sir, the other fquirrel was ftoll'n from me by the hang-man's boy in the market-place; and then I offer'd her mine own, who is a dog as big as yours, and therefore the gift the greater. Pro. Go get thee hence, and find my dog again, Or ne'er return again into my fight: ten of Away, I fay; ftay'ft thou to vex me here? A flave, that ev'ry day turns me to fhame. [Ex. Laun. Partly that I have need of fuch a youth. M 2 But But chiefly for thy face and thy behaviour, yè She lov'd me well, deliver'd it to me. Jul. It feems you lov'd not her, to leave her token: She's dead belike. As Pro. Not fo: I think fhe lives. Jul. Alas! Pro. Why do'st thou cry alas? Jul. I cannot chufe but pity her. Pro. Wherefore fhouldst thou pity her? Jul. Because methinks that the lov'd you as well you do love your lady Silvia: M She dreams on him that has forgot her love; You doat on her that cares not for your love. 'Tis pity love fhould be fo contrary; And thinking on it makes me cry alas! Pro. Well, give her that ring, and give therewithal This letter; that's her chamber : tell my lady, I claim the promise for her heav'nly picture. Your meffage done, hye home unto my chamber, Where thou shalt find me fad and folitary. [Exit Pro. SCENE VIII. Jul. How many women would do fuch a meffage? To plead for that which I would not obtain; Το To praise his faith, which I would have difprais'd. Enter Silvia. Lady, good day; I pray you be my mean Jul. From my mafter Sir Protheus, Madam. Sil. Urfula, bring my picture there. Go, give your mafter this: tell him from me, Jul. Madam, inay't please you to perufe this letter. Pardon me, Madam, I have unadvis'd Deliver'd you a paper that I fhould not; This is the letter to your ladyfhip. Sil. I pray thee let me look on that again. I will not look upon your mafter's lines, I know they're ftufft with proteftations, And full of new-found oaths, which he will break Jul. Madam, he fends your ladyfhip this ring. M. 3 Sil Sil. What fay'ft thou? Jul. I thank you, Madam, that you tender her; Poor gentlewoman, my mafter wrongs her much. Sil. Doft thou know her? Jul. Almoft as well as I do know my felf. To think upon her woes, I do proteft That I have wept an hundred feveral times. Sil. Belike fhe thinks that Protheus hath forfook her. Jul. I think he doth; and that's her cause of forrow. Sil. Is he not paffing fair? Jul. She hath been fairer, Madam, than fhe is: When she did think my mafter lov'd her well, She, in my judgment, was as fair as you. But fince he did neglect her looking-glafs, And threw her fun-expelling mask away, The air hath starv'd the roses in her cheeks, And pinch'd the lilly-tincture of her face, That now fhe is become as black as I. Sil. How tall was fhe? : Jul. About my ftature for at Pentecoft, Sil. She is beholden to thee, gentle youth.. I weep my felf to think upon thy words. [Exit Silvia. Jul. Jul. And the fhall thank you for't, if e'er you know her. A virtuous gentlewoman, mild and beautiful. [Exit |