The following Instrument was transmitted to us by John Anftis, Efq; Garter King at Arms: It is mark'd, G. 13. p. 349. [There is also a Manuscript in the Herald sOffice, marked W.2. p. 276; where Notice is taken of this Coat, and that the Person to whom it was granted, had born Magistracy at Stratford upon Avon.] TO all and fingular Noble and Gentlemen of all Estates and Degrees, bearing Arms, to whom these Presents shall come: William Dethick, Garter Principal King of Arms of England, and William Cambden, alias Clarencieulx, King of Arms for the South, East, and West Parts of this Realm, fend Greetings. Know ye, that in all Nations and Kingdoms the Record and Remembrance of the valiant Facts and virtuous Difpofitions of worthy Men have been made known and divulged by certain Shields of Arms and Tokens of Chivalrie; the Grant or Testimony whereof apperteineth unto us, by virtue of our Offices from the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, and her Highness's most noble and victorious Progenitors: Wherefore being follicited, and by credible Report informed, that John ShakeSpere, now of Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick, Gentleman, whose Great Grandfather for his faithful and approved Service to the late most prudent Prince, King Henry VII. of famous Memory, was advanced and rewarded with Lands and Tenements, given to him in those Parts of Warwickshire, where they have continued by some Defcents in good Reputation and Credit; And for that the faid John Shakespere having married the Daughter and one of the Heirs of Robert Arden of Wellingcote in the said County, and also produced this his ancient Coat of Arms, heretofore affigned to him whilst he was her Majesty's Officer and Bailiff of W of ar fer of that Town. In confideration of the Premises, and for the Encouragement of his Pofterity, unto whom fuch Blazon of Arms and Atchievements of Inheritance from their faid Mother, by the ancient Custom and Laws of Arms, may lawfully defcend; We the said Garter and Clarencieulx have at affigned, granted, and confirmed, and by these Presents exemplified unto the faid John Shakespere, and to his Pofterity, that Shield and Coat of Arms, viz. In a Field of Gold upon a Bend Sables a Spear of the first, the Point upward, headed, Argent: and for his Creft or Cognifance, A Falcon, Or, with his Wings displayed, standing on a Wreathe of his Colours, Supporting a Spear armed headed, or steeled Silver, fixed upon an Helmet with Mantles and Taffels, as more plainly may appear depicted in this Margent; And we have likewise impaled the fame with the ancient Arms of the said Arden of Wellingcote; fignifying thereby, that it may and shall be lawful for the faid John Shakespere, Gent. to bear and use the fame Shield of Arms, fingle or impaled, as aforesaid, during his natural Life; and that it shall be lawful for his Children, Issue, and Posterity, lawfully begotten; to bear, ufe, and quarter, and thew forth the fame, with their due Differences, in all lawful warlike Feats and civil Use or Exercises, according to the Laws of Arms, and Custom that to Gentlemen belongeth, without Let or Interruption of any Person or Perfons, for use or bearing the fame. In Witness and Testimony whereof we have subscribed our Names, and fastned the Seals of our Offices. Given at the Office of Arms, Lon E an te the D ha go Day of don, the : TO THE MEMORY of my Beloved the AUTHOR, Mr. WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR; And what he hath left us. To draw no envy (Shakespear) on thy Name, While I confess thy writings to be such, And And tell how far thou didst our Lily out-shine, + Paccuvius, Accius, him of Cordova dead, 1 And fuch wert thou. Look how the Father's face Lives in his Ifsue, even so the race Of Shakespear's mind and manners brightly shines In his well torned, and true filed lines : In each of which he seems to shake a Lance, |