Venice Preserved, Or, A Plot Discovered: A Tragedy

proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British-Library, Strand, bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 1797 - 122 páginas

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Palavras e frases frequentes

Passagens conhecidas

Página 28 - Oh woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper man : we had been brutes without you ! Angels are painted fair to look like you : There's in you all, that we believe of" heaven ; Amazing brightness, purity and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting love.
Página 28 - For charitable succour ; wilt thou then, When in a bed of straw we shrink together, And the bleak winds shall whistle round our heads ; Wilt thou then talk thus to me ? Wilt thou then Hush my cares thus, and shelter me with love ? Belv.
Página 26 - Thou mad'st me what I am, with all the spirit, Aspiring thoughts and elegant desires That fill the happiest man ? Ah ! rather why Didst thou not form me sordid as my fate, Base-minded, dull, and fit to carry burdens? Why have I sense to know the curse that's on me? Is this just dealing. Nature ? Belvidera ! Enter BELVIDERA.
Página 16 - I receiv'd you ; Courted, and sought to raise you to your merits : My house, my table, nay, my fortune too, My very self, was yours ; you might have...
Página 19 - Belvidera ! Oh ! she is my wife And we will bear our wayward fate together, But ne'er know comfort more.
Página 35 - And bitterest disquiet wring his heart! Oh, let him live till life become his burden; Let him groan under't long, linger an age In the worst agonies and pangs of death, And find its ease but late!
Página 16 - At dead of night; that cursed hour you chose To rifle me of all my heart held dear. May all your joys in her prove false like mine; A...
Página 69 - Death here without repentance, Hell hereafter. Ren. Let that be my lot, if as here I stand, Listed by fate among her darling sons, 600 Tho' I had one only brother, dear by all The strictest ties of nature ;
Página 36 - I've told thee that which only gods, And men like gods, are privy to, then swear No chance or change shall wrest it from thy bosom. Jaf. When thou would'st bind me, is there need of oaths ? " Green-sickness girls lose maidenheads with such counters.
Página 73 - To eternal honour; To do a deed shall chronicle thy name, Among the glorious legends of those few That have sav'd sinking nations: thy renown Shall be the future song of all the virgins, Who by thy piety have been preserved From horrid violation: every street Shall be adorn'd with statues to thy honour, And at thy feet this great inscription written, Remember him that propp'd the fall of Venice.

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