Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

of adjectives, 116.

Complement, direct object, 61.
double object, 216.

objective, 94, 145.

subjective, 67, 68.
Complex sentences, 53.

Compound personal pronouns,

uses of, 106.

Compound predicate, 19, 20.
Compound sentences, 50.
Compound subject, 20.
Concession, clauses of, 186.
Condition, clauses of, 186.
Conjugation, active voice, 128-

130, 132, 134.

defined, 127.

emphatic, 149.

imperative mode, 134.
indicative mode, 128-130.
interrogative, 129.

passive voice, 140-142.
progressive, 148.
subjunctive mode, 132.
Conjunctions, 46.

coördinate, 174.
correlative, 175.

in compound sentences, 50.
subordinate, 176, 177.
Conjunctive adverbs, 172.
in noun clauses, 204.
Contractions, 130.

Coördinate conjunctions, 174.
Correlative conjunctions, 175.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Comparison, clauses of, 188, 189. Defective verbs, 154-157.

of adverbs, 170.

how denoted, 116, 117.
irregular, 117.

Complement, defined, 61.

Demonstrative adjectives, 113.
Dependent clauses, 52.

Descriptive adjectives, 110, 111,
Direct and indirect discourse,

Direct and indirect quotations, | Impersonal verbs, 157.


Do, as principal verb, 157.

In, 37, 38.

Independent elements, 39, 40.

Double object, of preposition for, Indicative mode, 127.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

modifier of noun, 215.

modifier of verb, 218.

object of preposition, 220.

object of verb, 213.

part of double object, 216-

subjective complement, 213.
summary of, 224, 225.
used independently, 221.
with to, 209, 210.
Interjections, 43.

Interrogative adjectives, 113.

Interrogative adverbs, 170.

Interrogative conjugation, 129.

Interrogative pronouns, 108.
errors in use of, 109, 110.
in noun clause, 204.
uses of, 108.

Interrogative sentences, 23, 24.
order of, 24.

Into, 38.

Intransitive verbs, of action, 64.
of being, 64, 66, 67.

Irregular verbs, defined, 135, 136.
errors in use of, 137-140.
principal parts of, 137.

It, as anticipative subject, 201,
212, 247.

Lay and lie, 137.

Like, 181.


Number, defined, 74.

singular and plural, 74, 75.

Limiting adjectives, 110, 113, Numeral adjectives, 113.

Manner, clauses of, 181.
Masculine gender, 77.
May and might, 155, 156.
Mode, defined, 127.
imperative, 134.
indicative, 127.
subjunctive, 131, 132.

Modifier, 26.

Must, 155, 156.

Natural order, 22.

Neuter gender, 78.
Nominative case, 83, 84, 100.
Noun clauses, 200.

introductory word of, 203, 204.
uses of, 200, 201.
Nouns, abstract, 14.
adverbial, 91, 92.
as adjectives, 27.
as interjections, 43.
case of, 83, 84.
collective, 166.
common, 13, 14.
compound, 81.
declension of, 84.
defined, 11, 12.
direct object, 61.
gender of, 77, 78.
in apposition, 85–87.
in exclamation, 40.
in -ing, 240.

indirect object, 89.
number of, 74-76.
object of preposition, 35.
objective complement, 94.
parsing of, 96.
possessive, 79-82.
proper, 13, 14.

term of address, 39, 40.
used absolutely, 237.

[blocks in formation]

Parsing, of adjectives, 120.
of adverbs, 174.

of nouns, 96.
of prepositions, 179.
of pronouns, 100, 208.

of verbs, 150, 168.
Participial phrases, 229.

Participles, agreement of, 239.

dangling, or floating, 239.

defined, 228, 229.

differing from adjectives, 231.

errors in use of, 239.

forms of, 228.

summary of, 243, 244.

uses of, 140, 144, 145, 148, 228,
229, 231, 235, 237.

Parts of speech, summary of, 57.
Passive voice, 140-142.

Past participle, 135, 228.

as subjective complement, 144,

in passive conjugation, 140.
Person, of nouns, 98.

of pronouns, 98.

of verbs, 127.

[blocks in formation]

Principal parts, of irregular verbs,


Progressive conjugation, 148.
Pronouns, adjective, 121.
compound personal, 106.
defined, 18.

in clauses of comparison, 190,


indefinite, 204.
interrogative, 108.

parsing of, 100, 208.
personal, 98, 100, 103.
Pronouns, relative, 196, 197.
review of, 207.
Proper adjectives, 111.
Proper nouns, 13, 14.

Punctuation, of a series, 20, 25,
26, 32.

of appositives, 86–88.

of compound sentences, 50.*
of compound subject and predi-
cate, 20.

of declarative sentences, 10.
of exclamatory sentences, 44. ▸
of interrogative sentences, 24.
of phrases, 32.
Purpose, clauses of, 184.

Raise and rise, 138.

Reflexive use of pronouns, 106.
Regular verbs, 135, 136.
Relative pronouns, 196, 197.
what, 204.

Result, clauses of, 184.
Retained object, 146.
Review, general, 257-264.
of adjectives, 120.
of adverbs, 173.
of analysis, 252.

of clauses, 206.

of infinitives, 224, 225.

of nouns, 96, 97.

of participles, 243.
of parts of speech, 57.
of prepositions, 179.

[ocr errors]

Review, general, of pronouns, 207. | Subjunctive mode, tenses of, 132.

of sentences, 55.

of verbs, 72, 168.

Sentences, complex, 53.
compound, 50.
declarative, 9, 10.
defined, 9, 10.
elliptical, 249, 250.
exclamatory, 44, 45.

imperative, 41.
interrogative, 23, 24.
review of, 55.
simple, 48.

Sequence of tenses, 125, 163.

Series, of adjectives, 25.
of phrases, 32.
of predicates, 20.
Set and sit, 138.
Shall and will, 151.

in indirect discourse, 163.
in interrogative sentences, 152.
rules for use of, 152.
Should and would, 160-162.
in subjunctive mode, 155.
Simple adverbs, 170.
Simple predicate, 16.
Simple sentences, 48.

Simple subject, 11.

Since, 179.

Singular number, 74.
So, 179.

Subject, compound, 20.

defined, 9, 10.

how found, 16.

simple, 11.

transposed, 22.

Subjective complement, 67, 68.
adjective, 69.

infinitive, 213.

noun, 67, 69.

participle, 144, 145.

prepositional phrase, 69.

Subjunctive mode, 131.
conjugation of, 132.

Subordinate conjunctions, 176,


Summary, of adverbs, 173.

of case relations, 97.
of infinitives, 224, 225.
of participles, 243, 244.
Superlative degree, 116.

Tense, 123.

errors in, 125, 126.
in noun clauses, 201.
primary, 124.
secondary, 124.

sequence of, 125, 163.
Term of address, 39.
The, an adverb, 170.
There, 247, 248.
Till, 179.

Time, clauses of, 180, 181.
To, omitted in infinitives, 217.
To, use of, 37.

Transitive verbs, 60, 61.

followed by indirect object, 90.
followed by objective comple-
ment, 94.

what they denote, 62.
Transposed order, 22.

[blocks in formation]
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