Imagens das páginas


ABATE, to blunt, iv. 169

Abated, subdued, depressed, v. 155

Affy, betroth, iii. 429
Affy, to confide, vi. 179

Abhominable, antiquated spelling of abomin- After-supper, a rere-supper, a second supper,

able, i. 112

[blocks in formation]

i. 541

Against the hair, against the grain, v. 298
Aglet-baby, a diminutive figure carved on a
jewel, i. 329, ii. 263, 445

Agnize, to acknowledge, vi. 264
Agood, in good earnest, i. 50

Aim, to guess, to surmise, i. 30, vi. 259
Aim! cry aim! to encourage, i. 56
Aim, to give, to direct, i. 56, 177
Ajax, a jakes, i. 129

Absey-book, A, B, C, book, catechism, i. 399 Albany, an ancient name for Scotland, v. 3

Abraham Cupid, i. 233

Abridgment, pastime, i. 522, v. 429

Abroad, disbursed, expended, iv. 396

Absolute, complete, vi. 78

Abuse, delusion, deception, iv. 245

Aby, to pay dear for, i. 507

Accidence, ii. 415

Accite, to summon, vi. 178

Alder-liefest, all-dearest, dearest of all, iii. 381
Ales, rustic festivities, i. 62

A'life, as life, v. 250

All at once, a trite phrase, iii. 4, 521
Alliterative examples, i. 542

Accordingly, conformably," proportionately, Allons! let us go, i. 111, 114

ii. 519

Accost, approach, iii. 239

Account of, to value, to appreciate, i. 14
Ache (a noun), pronounced ache, and forming
a riddle with the letter H, ii. 454, vi. 141
Ache (a verb) pronounced ake, iv. 462
Acknown, known, vi. 296

Acquaintance, amity, vi. 469

Allow, to approve, v. 40, vi. 434
Allowed, licensed, i. 127
Allowing, allowed, lawful, v. 207
All-thing, every way, vi. 28

Alms-drink, a portion of liquor drunk to
relieve a companion, vi. 108
Althea's dream, iì. 277

Amazing, confounding, appalling, ii. 91, 410

Across, to break, a tilt-yard technical, ii. 469, Ames-ace, both aces, ii. 513


Acture, action, vi. 500

Adamant, loadstone, i. 492

Adam Bel, the Archer, ii. 481
Adam, old, a serjeant, i. 185
Addiction, inclination, vi. 276

Additions, qualities, titles, characteristics, ii.
514, v. 298, 409

Address, to prepare, to make ready, i. 83, 524,
ii. 31, 309, 389, iii. 151, v. 544, vi. 428
Admittance, vogue, fashion, ii. 371, 414
Advice, consideration, representation, ii. 61,
iii. 19

Advised, assured, aware, persuaded, i. 416, ii.
262, 361, 462

[blocks in formation]

Amiss, a fault, vi. 449, 493

Amort, dejected, i. 361

Anchor, an anchorite, v. 444

Ancient, ensign, an ensign bearer, ii. 227, 282,

vi. 251

Andrew, a name for a ship, ii. 4
Angel, ancient, i. 385
Angerly, angrily, i. 10

Anthropophagi, Scythian savages, cannibals,
vi. 337

Ape-bearer, an instructor and exhibitor of
apes, v. 283

Appaid, pleased, satisfied, vi. 411
Apparent, nearest, v. 206
Apparent, manifest, v. 535

Apparitor, an officer of the spiritual court, i.


Apperil, danger, peril, iv. 11

Apple-Johu, ii. 280

Apply, to ply, i. 321

Apprehension, conceit, sarcasm, iii. 327
Approbation, proof, iii. 7, iv. 361

Approve, to justify, to confirm, ii. 38, v. 392
Araise, to raise, to upraise, ii. 506


Argosy, a large vessel, i. 343, ii. 4
Argument, conversation, ii. 446
Arm-gaunt, vi. 90

Aroint! begone! avaunt! vi. 7

A-row, one after another, successively, i. 195
Arras, chamber-hangings, v. 502
Arrive, to arrive at, v. 520

Arthur's Show, Sir Dagonet in, ii. 336
Articulate, to enter into articles, v. 119
Articulated, circumstantially drawn out, ii.

Artificial, ingenious, i. 507
Artist, a scholar, v. 313
Aspersion, sprinkling, iv. 489
Assinego, an ass, v. 323

Assured, affianced, i. 179, 414
Astonished, thunderstruck, vi. 431, 468
Astringer, a falconer, ii. 563

At friend, on terms of friendship, v. 268
Atomies, mites, i. 227

Atomies, atoms, iii. 123, 131
Atone, to reconcile, ii. 87, iv. 359
Attasked, taxed, charged, v. 24
Attorney, advocate, pleader, vi. 363
Aunts, wenches, v. 241

Awful, authorised, lawful, ii. 302

Awful men, men of worth and authority, i. 41
Awkward, distorted, contrary, iii. 26, 419

BACCARE, stand back, i. 336

Baffled, treated with ignominy, ii. 86
Baldrick, a belt, ii. 425

Bale, injury, v. 102

Balked, ridged, heaped up, ii. 173

Balk logic, to dispute, to wrangle, i. 322
Ballow, a pole or staff, v. 73

Ban, to curse, vi. 362

Banbury cheese, a thin cheese, ii. 352
Band, a bond, i. 184, vi. 314

Ban-dog, perhaps a dog chained or banded,
iii. 394

Bankes's horse, i. 140

Banquet, a dessert, i. 373

Barbason, a fiend, ii. 373, iii. 17
Barbed, caparisoned, iv. 72

Barbers' forfeits, iv. 255

Bare the beard, to shave the beard, iv. 232

Barm, yeast, i. 488

Barnacle, a shell-fish, iv. 512
Barns, bairns, ii. 454

Base, a rustic game, i. 61
Base-court, lower-court, ii. 124

Bases, an embroidered mantle, hanging from
the waist to the knee, worn by knights on
horseback, also the housings of a horse,
also the hose, iii. 182
Basilisco, i. 461

Basilisks, huge pieces of ordnance, ii. 193
Basta, enough, i. 326 °

Bastard, a sweet wine, ii. 197

Bat, staff or club, vi. 497

Bate, to flap the wings like a hawk, i. 303
Bate, to blunt, i. 70

Batlet, a bat to beat linen with, iii. 109

Batten, to feed, v. 453

Battle, an army, iii. 43, iv. 167, vi. 251

Bavin, a faggot of brushwood, íi. 215


Bay-window, bow-window, iii. 278
Bead's-man, one whose duty is to offer up
prayers for another, i. 4, iii. 381
Bear a brain, to remember well, i. 223
Beards, fantastic fashions of, iii. 80
Bear-garden, Parish, iv. 347

Bear hard, to rein in from mistrust or fear,
v. 525, 535, 547

Bearing-cloth, an infant's mantle, in which it
is carried to the font, v. 238

Bear in hand, to encourage, to buoy up, i. 358,
ii. 264, 463, vi. 30

Beaver, the lower part of a helmet, sometimes
used for the helmet itself, ii. 226
Beck, a bow, iv. 16

Become, to adapt, to render fit, to adorn, i.
45, iii. 123, 354, vi. 493, 498
Becoming, self-restrained, v. 236
Bed-fellow, intimate friend, iii. 18
Bedlam-beggars, mad beggars, v. 91
Beetles, overhangs, v. 410

Beg a fool, to ask in wardship, i. 147, 163
Begetter, one who gets or procures, vi. 435
Beggar and the King, a ballad, i. 140
Beguiled, masked, disguised, vi. 427
Behave, to control, iv. 32

Belike, to favour, to approve, vi. 51
Be-mete, to beat with a yard measure, i. 363
Bemoiled, bedraggled, i. 354

Be naught a while, a mischief on you! iii. 92
Bench hole, forica, vi. 141
Benefit, a beneficiary, iii. 367
Benumbed, stiff, inflexible, v. 321
Bergomask, a dance, i. 529

Bermoothes, the Bermudas, iv. 458, 507

Beshrew, to curse, to imprecate sorrow or evil
on a person, i. 116, ii. 27

Besmirch, to soil, to befoul, ii. 366, iv. 114
Bessy, o'er the bourn, v. 53

Best, best one, an epithet of endearment, vi.

Bestowed, secreted, stowed, i. 161

Bestraught, distracted, i. 318

Beteem, to allow, to suffer, i. 481, v. 400

Better part, the spiritual part, v. 257, vi. 70

Better penny, a proverbial phrase, ii. 351
Bevel, crooked, vi. 482

Bevis, Sir, iv. 339

Bewray, to betray, to discover, iii. 345, 469
Bezonian, a term of contempt, ii. 326
Bias, a swelling out, vi. 353

Bid, to invite, ii. 24, iii. 145, vi. 186
Bid forth, invited out, ii. 24

Bid the base, to challenge in the game of
"base," i. 61, vi. 462
Biggin, a coif, ii. 313

Bilberry, the whortleberry, ii. 406
Bilbo, ii. 353, 389

Bilboes, instruments of torture, fetters, v. 482
Bills, to set up, to post bills, to advertise, ü.

Bills, halberds, battle axes, ii. 452, v. 69
Bills, pikes of watchmen, ii. 483

Bird-bolt, a description of archery, ii. 480
Bisson, blind, v. 431

Biting the thumb, a contemptuous action, i.


Bawcock, beau coq, fine fellow, iii. 270, v. Blacks, mourning habiliments, v. 205

Blank, a mark in gunnery, v. 222

Bleneb, to flinch, to start off, iv. 230, v. 211, 295 | Brew good ale, a proverb, i. 36

Blend, blended, vi. 501

Bless the bridal-bed, i. 543

Bless the mark, i. 47, ii. 18, vi. 251
Blind-worm, slow-worm, i. 494, vi. 41
Block, a hat mould, ii. 422
Blood in, with the blood up, i. 97
Blood-boltered, clotted with blood, vi. 44
Blow, to swell, vi. 140

Blue caps, the Scotch, ii. 203
Blunt, dull, insensible, iii. 524
Board, to accost, ii. 433, iii. 239

Boar's Head Tavern in East Cheap, ii. 250
Bob, to rap, to hit, i. 488, iii. 113, iv. 167
Bobbed, tricked, vi. 321
Bodged, bungled, iii. 474

Bodkin, a stiletto, a dagger, v. 436
Bodykins, God's, an oath, v. 432
Bolds, emboldens, v. 77
Bolted, sifted, v. 253
Boltered, clotted, vi. 44
Bolters, sieves, ii. 220

Bolting-hutch, the bin into which meal is
bolted, ii. 205

Bombard, or bumbard, a barrel, a capacious
vessel, sometimes of leather, for holding
drink, ii. 205, iv. 336

Bombast, a sort of wadding used to fill out
dresses, i. 134

Bona-robas, women of pleasure, ii. 292
Bone-ache, the Neapolitan, v. 322, 361
Boot, help, advantage, ii. 86, iii. 353
Boots, to give, to sell a bargain, i. 59
Bordered, restrained, v. 61

Bribe-buck, ii. 405

Brize, the gad, or horsefly, v. 305, vi. 125
Brock, a badger, iii. 259

Broken music, the music of stringed instru-
ments, iii. 85, 97, v. 329

Broker, a pander, a procuress, a cheat, i. 8,
415, ii. 528, vi. 499

Brooched, adorned, decorated, vi. 150
Brooded, watchful, i. 426
Broom-groves, iv. 490

Brown-bastard, a sweet wine, ii. 217
Brown-bill, a battle-axe, v. 69

Brownist, a follower of Brown, a sectary,
iii. 265, 296

Bruit, report, iii. 325, 519, v. 376, 400, vi. 61
Buckle, to bend, ii. 261

Buff, the dress of a sergeant, i. 184

Bug, a bugbear, a goblin, iii. 525, iv. 421,
V. 483

Bulk, the breast, v. 478
Bully-rook, a jolly dog, ii. 356
Bung, a cutpurse, ii. 283

Burden, the base, foot, or under-song, i. 61
Burgonet, a helmet, vi. 89
Burst, broken, i. 354, ii. 298
Busky, bosky, woody, ii. 232

But, unless, except, i. 235, 418, ii. 326, vi. 127,
144, 519

But, only, v. 426, 529

Butcher of a silk button, i. 300
Buttery bar, iii. 292

Buxom, lusty, sprightly, buoyant, iii. 7

Buz, buz! an interjection of impatience, v. 429.

Borne in hand, encouraged by delusive pro- Buzzard, a beetle, i. 339

mises, vi. 30

Borrowed, assumed, vi. 504

Bosky, woody, ii. 232

Bosom multiplied, many-stomached, v. 141

Bots, worms in the stomach of a horse, i. 348,
ii. 187

Bottled, bloated, iv. 89

Bottom, to wind round, or upon, i. 33

By and by, immediately, ii. 390, iii. 400,
iv. 485

By day and night, at all times, iii. 284, 381
By these ten bones, a common adjuration,
iii. 393

By'rlakin, by our ladykin, or little lady,
i. 498, iv. 485

Bought and sold, entrapped, betrayed, made a CADDIS, worsted galloon, ii. 196, v. 249

victim, iii. 350, v. 315

Bourn, boundary, v. 68, 436

Bow, yoke, iii. 129

Bowed, bent, iv. 290

Brach, a hound bitch, i. 315

Braid, false, deceitful, ii. 537

Braved, bedizened, ornamented, i. 364, iii. 114
Bravery, finery, ostentation, iii, 114, iv. 193,
v. 569

Braving, blustering, hectoring, vi. 191
Brawl, a dance, i. 142

Break a day, to make a breach of contract,
ii. 72.

Break up, to carve, i. 94, ii. 23

Cade, a barrel, iii. 432

Cadent, falling, v. 22

Cain-coloured, yellowish red, ii. 412

Cake is dough, hopes are frustrated, i. 324,

Caliver, a hand-gun, ii. 297
Call, a bird-call, i. 431

Callet, a strumpet, iii. 154, v. 225, vi. 315
Callino, castore me, iii. 57

Calm, a mispronunciation of qualm, ii. 281
Camelot, v. 90

Can, knows, vi. 518

Canary, a dance with castanets, i. 88, ii. 506
Candle-wasters, Bacchanals, revellers, ii. 466

Break with him, to open the subject to him, Canker, the dog-rose, ii. 428, vi. 456

i. 12, v. 534

Breast, voice, iii. 250

Breath, a breathing, a combat for exercise,
v. 356

Breathe in watering, to take breath while
drinking, ii. 195

Breeched, sheathed, mired, vi. 25

Breed-bate, an exciter of quarrels, ii. 359
Brentford, Gillian of, ii. 415
Brewer's horse, ii. 218

Canstick, a candlestick, ii. 210

Cantle, a slice, a corner, ii. 210, vi. 124
Cantons, cantos, iii. 247
Canvas, to toss, iii. 313

Can you hit it? a song, or dance, i. 96
Capable, impressible, susceptible, i. 413, 416
ii. 262, iii. 111, iv. 462

Capitulate, to confederate, i. 763, ii. 217
Capocchio, a simpleton, v. 347
Capricious, goatish, iii. 127

Captain-jewels, superior-jewels, vi. 456
Captious, capacious, ii. 503

Carbonado, a collop cooked on the coals, ii.

Carbuncle, a gem supposed to emit native light,
vi. 241

Carcanet, a necklace, i. 171, vi. 456

Card, by the, according to the book of manners,
v. 478

Card, to, to mix, or mingle, ii. 215
Carduus Benedictus, the blessed thistle, ii. 484
Career, or Careire, a term of the menage, ii.

Careful, painful, anxious, i. 198
Carkanet, a necklace, i. 171, vi. 456
Carlot, a churl, iii. 133

Carouse, a bumper, a drinking bout, v. 496
Carpet knights, iii. 298

Carpets, coverings for the table, i. 354
Carping, taunting, ii. 215

Carrack, a ship of great burden, vi. 257
Carry coals, to submit to indignities, i. 213,
iii. 30

Carry out a side, a card-table phrase, v. 78
Carrying dead bodies off the stage, v. 502
Cart, a car, or chariot, v. 443

Carve, to give an amorous sign, i. 146, ii. 357
Case, a brace, a pair, iii. 29

Case, a skin, iii. 285'

Charming, magical, fascinating, iv. 358,
vi. 190

Charneco, a sort of wine, iii. 405
Charters, blank, ii. 157
Chases, a term of tennis, iii. 13
Chaudron, entrails, vi. 41

'Cheater, an Escheater, ii. 358, vi. 493
Cheater, a gamester, a cozener, ii. 282
Check, to fly from, or shy at, v. 471
Cheer, fare, v. 444

Cheer, visage, aspect, i. 505, ii. 44, vi. 394
Cherry-pit, a game, iii. 270

Cheveril, a soft leather, i. 243, iii. 211, iv. 290
Chewet, a noisy chattering bird, ii. 233
Chide, to rebuke, to re-sound, iii. 27

Chide with, to quarrel with, iv. 423, vi. 316,

Child, a female infant, v. 247
Childing, teeming, i. 490

Children that have no names, illegitimate
children, vi. 79

Chopines, clogs having very thick soles, v. 498
Chop-logic, a nickname, also, to exchange
logic, i. 268, ii. 145

Chrisom, a white cloth used in the baptism of
infants, iii. 79

Chuck, chicken, term of endearment, i. 114,
iii. 270, vi. 301

'Cide, to decide, vi. 453

Caskets, in Merchant of Venice, story of the, Cinque-pace. a dance, i. 146, ii. 723

ii. 72

[blocks in formation]

Cataian, a term of reproach, ii. 365

Cates, cakes, dainties, i. 172, 339

Catling, a lute string, i. 282

Circle, diadem, vi. 128

Circumstance, conduct, circumstantial deduc-

tion, i. 5, v. 339

Circumstance, circumlocution, ii. 8

'Cital, recital, ii. 237

'Cite, to incite, i. 21, iii. 479

Cat, the agent and favourite of witches, vi. 68 Cittern, a musical instrument, i. 130

Cautel, crafty circumspection, v. 404
Cautelous, treacherous, insidious, v. 156
Caviare, a delicacy prepared from sturgeon's
roe, v. 499

Censer, a fire-pan for perfumes, i. 363
Censure, to pass judgment, i. 8, iv. 197, 264,
v. 406, vi. 492

Ceremony, pronounced as a trisyllable, ii. 515
Certes, iv. 486, vi. 250
Cess, measure, ii. 187

Chamber wall furnishings in old castles, ii.

Chambers, small pieces of ordnance, iv. 279
Chances, crossings, casualties, v. 252
Changeling, a child changed by fairies or
gipsies, i. 488, 490, v. 238

Channel, kennel, iii. 486

Civil, sour, bitter, ii. 436, iii. 268
Clack-dish, a beggar's dish, iv. 223
Clamour, to refrain or silence, v. 250
Claw, to flatter, ii. 428

Clean, utterly, completely, ii. 114
Clean kam, rigmarole, v. 146
Clear-stories, upper rows of windows in a
church, iii. 299

Cleave the pin, to split the wooden pin in a
target, í. 56, 96

Clement's Inn, ii. 336

Clepe, to call, to designate, v. 409, vi. 30, 379
Clerkly, scholarly, i. 16, ii. 400
Cling, to shrivel, to shrink, vi. 60
Clip, to embrace, v. 271

Close, by stealth, secretly, i. 317, 435
Close, to wheedle, to fawn, to flatter, iv. 248
Close, wanton, iv. 43

Cloth-of-gold of tissue, cloth of gold on a
ground of tissue, vi. 98

Character, handwriting, ciphers, v. 27, 236, Cloud in the face, a dark spot in the fore-

271, 538, vi. 458, 496

Chares, drudgery, v. 152

Charge, of Watchmen, ii. 483

head of a horse, vi. 115

Clout, the white mark in a target, i. 96
Clouted brogues, nailed shoes, iv. 410

Charles's-wain, the constellation called the Clown, merryman, iii. 293

bear, ii. 187

Charm for tooth-ache, ii. 483

Charm, to conjure, v. 537

Charm the tongue, to restrain or put a spell
upon the tongue, iii. 529, vi. 329
Charmer, an enchantress, one who works by
spells, vi. 302

Clowns or Jesters, the practice of retaining,

ii. 558

Coast, to advance, vi. 376
Coat, coat of arms, vi. 501
Coats in heraldry, i. 539
Cock-a-hoop, i. 230

Cock and pye, a popular adjuration, ii. 262

Cockatrice, a fabulous monster, i. 256, iii. 271, | Consigned, sealed, v. 350

vi. 402

Cockle-hat, a pilgrim's hat, v. 464
Cockney, a spooney, a cook, v. 37
Cock-shut, twilight, iv. 160

Coffin, the crust of a raised pie, i. 363, vi. 234
Cog, to load dice, to cheat, to defraud, i. 120
Cognizance, a badge, iii. 328

Coil, trouble, turmoil, i. 10, 511, v. 436
Colbrand the giant, i. 399

Cold to bed, to thy cold bed, i. 314

Consort, fellowship, fraternity, i. 41, 160, 250
Consort, a band of musicians, i. 39
Conspectuity, vision, perception, v. 121
Constancy, consistency, i. 522, v. 544
Contain, to hold, to retain, ii. 67

Contemptible, mocking, contemptuous, ii. 442
Content, acquiescence, vi. 356

Content, continent, self-restrained, v. 561
Continence, temperance, vi. 178
Continent, capacious, v. 463

Collied, smutted, blackened, obscured, i. 481, Continuate, uninterrupted, vi. 304

vi. 281

Collop, v. 205

Colme-kill, vi. 66

Contraction, marriage-contract, v. 452
Contrive, to scheme, to plot, ii. 58, iii. 48, v.


Coloquintida, a plant bearing a bitter fruit, Convent, to agree, to be convenient, iii. 290

vi. 338

Colours, artifices, iii. 326

Colours on sculpture, v. 287

Colt, to gull, ii. 190

Combinate, contracted, iv. 219
Combination, contract, iii. 290

Come away, come away, a song, vi. 67
Come off, to pay, ii. 396

Comforting, encouraging, abetting, v. 224
Commend, to commit, to submit, to resign, ii.
548, v. 227, vi. 142, 399

Commission, warrant, authority, v. 205
Commit, to fornicate, v. 49

Commodity, advantage, self-interest, i. 415
Common, public, i. 86
Common liar, rumour, vi. 78

Common players, strolling players, v. 428
Compact, made up, compounded, i. 176, vi. 358
Companion, a low fellow, i. 188, iv. 371, v.
176, vi. 316

Company, companion, ii. 538, iii. 5

Convent, to summon, to cite, iv. 244, 324
Convert, to turn, iv. 37

Convertite, a penitent, a convert, vi. 407
Convey, to filch, to manage by stealth, ii. 136,
435, iii. 312, iv. 353, vi. 49,,127

Convicted, vanquished, i. 427

Convince, to conquer, i. 133, iv. 361, vi. 18, -


Convive, to feast together, v. 360
Cooling-card, iii. 361

Copatain-hat, a high-crowned hat, i. 371
Cope, to encounter, ii. 60
Copy, theme, i. 192

Coranto, a dance, ii. 512, iii. 79

Corinth, a cant name for a bordello, iv. 20
Corinthian, a wencher, ii. 195
Cornuto, a cuckold, ii, 388
Corollary, an overplus, iv. 490
Corporal of the field, an aide-de-camp, i. 92
Costard, the head, i. 80
Coted, came alongside, v. 427

Comparative, ready in comparisons, or similes, Cot-quean, a molly-coddle, i. 277

ii. 176, 215
Compassed, arched, vi. 361

Competitor, coadjutor, confederate, auxiliary,
i. 26, iii. 278

Complements, point-de-vice manners, i. 74,
242, iii. 21

Comply, to fraternise, to play the courtier,
v. 428, 487

Compose, accord, agree, vi. 93
Composure, composture, composition, iv. 50,
v. 324, vi. 87

Compt, in, in trust, to be accounted for, vi. 16
Comptible, susceptible, sensitive, iii. 245
Con, to know, to allow, to award, ii. 540
Conceit, imagination, i. 249, ii. 106
Conceited, conceptive, apprehensive, vi. 423
Concent, agreement in music, iii. 78
Conclusions, experiments, iv. 363, v. 457
Concolinel, i. 88, 142

Concupy, concupiscence, v. 367
Condition, profession or art, iv. 5

Condition, nature, disposition, ii. 15, 540, iii.
99, v. 536, vi. 275

Conduct, a conductor, a guide, i. 253, 289, iii.
272, 408, vi. 396
Coney-catch, to cheat, i. 372
Coney-catcher, a sharper, a trickster, ii. 644
Confess and be hanged, a cant phrase, vi. 306
Conger and fennel, ii. 286
Conjurations, entreaties, i. 288

Consent, agreement, unison, ii. 320, iii. 78

Cotsale, or Cotswold Hills, ii. 411
Couching, crouching, v. 544

Counsel, in counsel, secret, in secret, i. 26, ii.
352, 531, iv. 620

Countenance, to receive, to entertain, i. 355,
iii. 91, v. 185

Counter, to run, to track the scent backward,

i. 204

[blocks in formation]

County, an earl, a peer, i. 267, 466
Couplement, i. 128, vi. 444
Courage, mettle, spirit, iii. 485
Course, carrière of a horse, i. 427
Courser's-hair, a vulgar superstition concern-
ing, vi. 83

Court-cupboard, a cabinet, i. 228
Court holy-water, glozing speeches, v. 45
Court of wards, i. 205

Courts, a term in tennis, iii. 13
Cousin, a kinsman, i. 229
Covent, a convent, iv. 236
Cover, to prepare the table, iii. 111
Cower, to bend or sink, iii. 205

Cowl-staff, a pole used to carry a bucket, ii.


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