8. The cesural pause does not always occur at regular intervals, or in every description of poetry. EXAMPLES. 1. All hail to the ruins, I the rocks and the shores! Thou wide-rolling ocean, || all hail! 2. What is the Poet's highest aim, His richest heritage of fame? To track the warrior's fiery road, With havoc, spoil, destruction strewed? 9. The final pause always occurs in rhyme, in order that the similarity of final syllables, in which it consists, may be distinctly heard. The occurrence of these pauses, as well as the accent, is designed to promote the melody of verse; and on their judicious observance, depends much of the beauty of reading poetry. QUESTIONS.-1. How does poetry require to be read? 2. What should be regarded in reading it? 3. In what does English verse consist? 4. Of how many syllables are the lines composed, and which are accented? 5. How are the accented and unaccented syllables denoted in the examples given? 6. Is the metrical accent uniform in its occurrence? 7. By what is it varied? 8. What does this change often produce? 9. How is an immediate succession of several accented syllables read? 10. What other characteristic worthy of notice in the reading of poetry? 11. How many of these pauses are there, and what are they called? 12. Where does each occur? 13. What other pause sometimes occurs, and what is its use? 14. Does the cesural pause occur regularly, or in all kinds of poetry? 15. In what kind of poetry does the final pause always occur, and why? 16. What is said of the observance of these pauses THE SCHOOL READER. FOURTH BOOK. PART SECOND. LESSON I. SPELL AND DEFINE-1. ELAS'TIC, having the ability to recover the natural state after being bent. 2. BUOYANT, (pronounced bwoy'ant,) that bears up. 3. OB'STACLES, things in our way. 4. EXPAND, to enlarge; to dilate. 5. MATURE, ripe: (mature years, manhood.) 6. Ru'BIES, precious stones of a reddish color. 7. TREACH'EROUS, faithless. 8. SOLICITA'TIONS, earnest requests. BENEFITS OF EARLY KNOWLEDGE. WINSLOW. 1. THERE is, among the young, a most lamentable waste of intellect. How few do justice to their native powers! How few so improve their means and talents, as to rise to that eminence which a kind Providence has placed within their reach! 2. It is peculiarly desirable to acquire as much knowledge as possible while young, because it is then acquired most easily. All the powers of mind are then active and elastic,the feelings are fresh and vigorous,-imagination is lively, -the spirit exults in buoyant hope, which nerves it to severe effort, obstacles are soon surmounted,—and the yielding mind is readily molded to patterns of exalted worth and greatness. As you advance from youth, the mind becomes less inclined and less able to expand, so that if you pass on to mature years with your mind narrowed by ignorance, it will probably always revolve in the same little circle. 3. Early knowledge is not only the easiest acquired, but the longest retained. The memory becomes treacherous as age advances. With most persons, it begins to fail by thirty-five or forty, and they then find, by experience, that their early knowledge has the firmest hold of their minds. One thorough reading of a history, while young, is worth more for the purpose of impressing its facts upon the memory, than half-a-dozen readings at the age of forty or fifty. Hence, the lessons of the nursery, the primary school, and the Sabbath school, impart the knowledge which most faithfully attends us through all our life. 4. Early knowledge is very valuable capital, with which to set out in life. It gives one an advantageous start. If the possession of knowledge has a given value at fifty, it has a much greater value at twenty-five, for there is the use of it for twenty-five of the most important years of your life, and it is worth more than a hundred per cent. interest. Indeed, who can estimate the interest of knowledge? Its price is above rubies. 5. How often do we hear men advanced in life," say, "If I had only possessed the knowledge, when young, that I now have, I might have become rich, learned, great, and influential" The essential elements of knowledge you may acquire while young. The laws of nature, the laws and movements of the human mind, and the relations of cause and effect, are the same in all times and places. If favored with opportunities, therefore, it is your own fault, if you do not secure the needful knowledge. 6. Early knowledge is important to enable one in season to feel his own strength. Thousands mistake their calling for want of it. Men, who might have acted a brilliant part in the pursuits, for which they were adapted, are often doomed through life to a repelling and fruitless employment, because they did not possess sufficient knowledge, while young, to direct their energies into the right course. 7. Most of all is early knowledge important, to dispose and enable you to escape the perils and temptations of sin,to invite your rising energies away from the solicitations of youthful passions,-to lay before you the vast motives to rise to the proper dignity of your intellectual and moral being; that you may thus secure the great end, for which you were made, which is to glorify God and enjoy him for ever. 8. In a very important sense, youth are saved by knowledge, and destroyed for lack of it. "My people are destroyed," said God, for lack of knowledge; because thou hast rejected knowledge, I also will reject thee." Therefore, 66 let every young person, to whom the acquiring of knowledge is yet possible, be admonished to seek it rather than fine gold, to prize it above rubies, assured that all the things to be desired, are not to be compared with it. QUESTIONS.-1. What is it desirable that the young should do? 2. For what reason? 3. How does the mind become as we advance in life? 4. What will be the result? 5. For what other reason besides the easier acquisition of knowledge, should we seek it while young 6. What do vou say of the memory 7. The lessons of the nursery &c.? 8. What s the relative value of knowledge at twenty-five and fity? 9. What do the aged sometimes say? 10. How have thousands mistaken their calling? 11. For what is knowledge most of all important? GENERAL QUESTIONS.-What words in the third verse are often wrongly articulated? How are hundred and interest fourth verse sometimes falsely pronounced? Where is the quotation to be found in the last verse? Ans. Hosca. 4th chap. 6th verse. Should the rising or falling inflection be employed at the dashes, second verse? (Rule VIII., Remark 2.) LESSON II. SPELL AND DEFINE-1. ECONOMY, management of affairs. 2 AGRICULTURAL. farming. 3. GAMBOL to skip about in sport. 4. HUMBLED, made to fall. 5 PROPORTIONED, adjusted by comparative relation; given out according to strength. 6. DOMESTIC relating to the labor of the house. 7. RUDDY having a healthy countenance. 8. FABRICS, cloths; structures of any kind. 9. DESSERT, fruit or sweetmeats served at the close of an entertainment. 10. LUXURY costly living 11. WARDROBE clothing. 12. PERENNIAL never perishing. 13. SAGES wise men. 14. ENERVATED weakened. 15. RENOVATE, to restore to its first state; 16. ALLI ANCE, union. to renew. FAMILY OF THE NEW ENGLAND FARMER. MRS. SIGOURNEY. 1. I HAVE seen no class of people, among whom a more efficient system of industry and economy was established, than there is among the agricultural population of New England. Their possessions are not sufficiently large to allow waste of any description. Hence, every article seems to be carefully estimated, and applied to its best use. Their mode of life is as favorable to cheerfulness and health, as it is eminent in industry. 2. The farmer, rising with the dawn, attends to those employments which are necessary for the comfort of the family, and proceeds early with his sons, or assistants, to their department of daily labor. The birds enliven them with their song, and the lambs gambol, while the patient ox marks the deep furrow; or the grain is committed to the earth, or the tall grass humbled beneath the scythe, or the stately corn freed from the intrusion of weeds. Fitting tasks are proportioned to the youngest ones, that no hand may be idle. 3. In the interior of the house, an equal diligence prevails. The eldest daughters take willing part with the mother in every domestic toil. No servant is there to create suspicious feelings, or a divided interest. No key grates in the lock, for all are as brethren. The children who are too small to be useful, proceed to school, kindly leading the little one who can scarcely walk. Perhaps the aged grandmother, a welcome and honored inmate, amuses the ruddy infant, that she may release a stronger hand for toil. 4. The sound of the wheel, and the vigorous strokes of the loom, are heard. The fleece of the sheep is wrought up, amid the cheerful song of sisters. Remembering that the fabrics which they produce, will guard those whom they love from the blast of winter, the bloom deepens on their cheek with the pleasing consciousness of useful industry. 5. In the simple and abundant supply of a table from their own resources, which shall refresh those who return weary from the field, all are interested. The boy, who brings his mother the fresh vegetables, selects a salad which his own hand had cultivated, with some portion of the pride with which Diocletian pointed to the cabbages which he had reared. The daughter, who gathers treasures from the nests of the poultry that she feeds, delights to tell their history, and to number her young ducks as they swim forth boldly on the pond. 6. The bees, whose hives range near the door, add a dessert to their repast, and the cows, feeding quietly in rich pastures, yield pure nutriment for the little ones. For their bread, they have sown, and reaped, and gathered into barns;" the flesh is from their own flocks,-the fruit and nuts from their own trees. The children know where the first berries ripen, and when the chestnut will open its thorny sheath in the forest. The happy farmer at his independent table, need not envy the luxury of kings. 7. The active matron strives to lessen the expenses of her husband, and to increase his gains. She sends to market the wealth of her dairy, and the surplus products of her loom. She instructs her daughters to have, by their diligence, a purse of their own, from which to furnish the more |