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́HAS NOT HAD THE BOOK.-We forwarded a bill to one of our subscribers to whom we have sent the Journal for the last year, and have received the following reply:

"I Hav not had the Book That you dune me For and thare fore doe not expect to pay for it." E. W. T. Ought we not to excuse the fellow under the circumstances?

GIRARD COLLEGE FOR ORPHANS, at Philadelphia, is in a prosperous condition. Number of pupils 361; expenditures for the last year $80,000, or about $220 for each orphan. SAMUEL H. PERKINS, Esq., President of the Board of Directors, and WM. H. ALLEN, D. D., President of the Faculty of Instruction. It is said that the College is under decidedly religious influence. How this can be while the infidel will of its founder is unbroken, is more than we can understand. WASHINGTON COUNTY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Pursuant to a call by the Directors, this Association met at the commodious Central School IIouse in Waterbury, Friday, Feb. 15th, and was called to order by the President, at 10 1-2 o'clock A. M. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Luce of Waterbury.


The report of the last meeting was read. The president announced the discussion on the question," Is it judicious for a parent to compel his child to attend school?"-which was ably sustained by Messrs. Clark, Durkee, Luce, Stone, J. G. and S. Stimson. The general conclusion was that the affirmative was the right side of the question.


The Association met at 2 o'clock. Mr. J. S. Spaulding delivered a lecture: Subject,-Arithmetic. Miss Hattie Newton read an essay: Subject,-The Teacher's Work. Remarks were made on the subject of teaching scholars to think, by Messrs. Stone, Parker and Spaulding. The prevailing idea was, that the scholar has gained much when he has learned how to think; that he must learn facts, to be sure, but he is well educated if he has learned to think properly.

The Association then adjourned, to meet at the M. E. Church at 6 1-2 o'clock P. M.


Met in the M. E. Church, at 6 1-2 o'clock. Mr. Spaulding

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moved to change the Constitution, so as to have the regular meetings of the Association held on the second Friday and Saturday of June, of each year. The resolution was laid upon the table.

Mr. E. P. Stone delivered a lecture: Subject,-Work. The resolution discussed at Montpelier, at a previous meeting of the Association, to wit," Resolved, That the efficacy of our public schools depends more on home than on school influence, was taken up and discussed by Messrs. Spaulding, Ballou, Jordan, Stone and Parker. There was a diversity of opinion in regard to it, but many hints were thrown out which parents and teachers would do well to remember.

SATURDAY. The Association met at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer was offered by Mr. Gorham of Montpelier. The report of yesterday's meeting was read. The subject announced on the programme, to wit, The Best Method of Conducting a Recitation, was then considered by Messrs. Spaulding, Gorham, Luce, Ballou, Stone, Greene and Parker. This discussion was very interesting and profitable.


Met at 1 1-2 o'clock. The School Journal was then presented and recommended to the Association by Messrs. Parker and Spaulding and a subscription list circulated. A contribution was then taken up to defray the expenses of the Association. Miss Felt read an essay: Subject,-The Character of Society Determined by Common School Influences. Mr. Gorham then deliv ered a lecture: Subject,-Reading.

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On motion of Mr. Spaulding the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Association are hereby tendered to the inhabitants of Waterbury for their generous hospitality, in entertaining the members of the Association.

On motion of Mr. Luce, it was

Resolved, That the thanks of the inhabitants of Waterbury, and of this Association, are due, and are hereby tendered, to Messrs. Spaulding, Stone and Gorham, for their able and instructive lectures, and to Misses Newton and Felt for the finely written, and instructive essays with which they have favored us. Passed.

Mr. Spaulding then introduced a resolution requesting the Secretary to prepare and forward his report of this meeting for publication in the School Journal, and in some paper in Washington County. Passed.

Mr. Spaulding moved that when we adjourn, it be to meet at Northfield, on the first Friday of June next. Passed.

A doxology was then sung, and the Association adjourned.

This meeting of the Association was quite interesting. The attendance was very respectable, the discussions quite warm and spirited, the lectures and essays well prepared and delivered, and nothing seemed to be lacking to make the meeting one of much pleasure and profit. ALBERT CLARK, Secretary.

NOTICES OF BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, &c. Sargent's Original Dialogues-This work is prepared to accompany the Standard Series by the same author, Epes Sargent. It contains fifty-five dialogues. The subjects,-Friends without knowing it, Rolling Stone, Honesty without Policy, Lying Rides on Debt's Back, Brother's Choice, Hero through Cowardice, Be Courteous, etc.,-sufficiently indicate that the work is intended to exert a healthful influence, as well as to please. We can heartily commend it to teachers and parents as an excellent book for school and family reading and representation. Published by John L. Shorey, Boston.

Power of Religion on the mind, in retirement, affliction, and at the approach of Death, exemplified in the testimonies and experience of persons distinguished by their greatness, learning, or virtue. This excellent work contains brief and terse sketches of over eighty persons, frow Job and Solomon down to Sir William Jones. It contains much useful biographical information, and many moral sentiments, as well as reflections of a religious nature. The author, Lindley Murray, who wrote the grammar studied by so many of our parents, in his last will bequeathed certain funds to trustees in America, his native country, for the gratuitous distribution of → Books calculated to promote piety and virtue, and the truth of Christianity."

By his liberality this work is furnished by S. S. & W. Wood, 389 Broadway, New York, for twenty-five cents, although strongly bound in calf and containing 372 pages.

The Sabbath School, a superior collection of choice tunes, newly arranged and composed, and a large number of excellent hymns. This little work is gotten up in a neat and attractive form, and is substantially bound in cloth. It pleases us the best of any similar work we have seen.

Published by Horace Waters, 333 Broadway, New York.

The Mother's Scripture Question Book, 248 pages, consisting of questions and answers upon various portions of the Bible. This book will prove a useful help to parents in Sabbath instruction. S. S. & W. Wood.

The Atlantic, for April, presents the following attractive table of contents:-April Days, Professor's Story, Bubbles, Cities and Parks, Life in the Iron Mills, Reign of King Cotton, Glimpses of Garibaldi, Two or Three Troubles, Marion Dale, Charlestown under Arms, Reviews and Literary Notices, Recent American Publications. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's New Story-Agnes of Sorenti-will be commenced in the May number.

Harper's Monthly, for April, is upon our table with the following rich repast:-Three Months in Labrador, Dish of Capon, Chapter on Mites, Rarey, the Horse Tamer. The foregoing articles are illustrated, and are instructive as well as entertaining. Besides, there are, Adventures of Philip, by Thackery, and many other articles. We regard the Monthly Record of Current Events as worth the cost of the Journal. The Editor's Table is always good. Subject this month-Point of Honor. The Editor's Easy Chair and the Foreign Bureau are racy and full of interest, and the Editor's Drawer is "chuck full" of anecdotes that might cause one to laugh if met with unexpectedly.

Arthur's Home Magazine, and Peterson's Lady's National Magazine, are both upon our table, enriched by fine steel engravings, wood-cuts, the latest fashions, patterns in all the fancy work of ladies, receipts in housewifery, etc., with an abundance of light reading. Excepting the latter, we consider the contents worth the cost ($2 per year,) ten times over.

The Mathematical Monthly maintains its high character.

Volumes First and Second of the Vermont School Journal, unbound, can be obtained for one dollar, or fifty cents each, on application to A. E. Leavenworth, West Brattleboro, Vermont.

Loss OF HAIR.-Much of this deprivation is caused by sheer neglect after illness, or some other drain upon the follicles at the root of the hair. Dr. Bellingham, of London, has identified his great name with a "Stimulating Onguent," invented by him expressly to meet such emergencies. Messrs. H. L. Hegeman & Co., of New York, now have the entire agency for the American continent. This is quite a sufficient endorsement of the universal reputation of the article. See their advertisement.

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In what does this culture consist? Simply in employing those means which are essential to the preservation of the bodies which our Creator has given us, in the full enjoyment of their natural health and vigor. It is strange that the American people should so far have overlooked the fact that activity is life. From infancy, even the farmer boy is taught to feel that exercise and work are irksome, and in the golden dreams of his boyhood and youth he looks forward to the time when he shall no longer be required to labor, but may live at his ease, in the enjoyment of luxury and pleasure.

It is a mistaken idea that work is the curse pronounced upon man. The ground was cursed for man's sake; that is, to give him work.

Nothing in nature is idle. Its universal law is change, action, work, if you please so to call it. You look abroad upon the fields. Everything in inanimate nature is undergoing the changes produced by this universal law. Every leaf is active. In every fiber of the plants, could we see its workings, we might detect its influence. What is there, where there is no action? Nought but death. Action is life. Stop the action going on in the trees, the plants, the grasses, and death ensues. Even at the season when all seems at rest in Nature's domain, were we to dig down beneath the sway of Winter's stern scepter, we should find ceaseless activity in Nature's workshop down there. Every root, even to its tiniest fi

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