Imagens das páginas

like these. The teacher who has no such power, has mistaken her calling, and the sooner she finds it out the better for hersel f and the school. We trust you will all be able, at the close of your term, to give a good account of yourselves; that you will leave. your schools fully impressed with the importance of the teacher's position and a determination to elevate your profession by earnest self-culture.



New Subscribers continue to send in their names. It begins to be understood that we do not publish the Journal for profit, if we save ourselves from loss. At the extreme low price charged, no one can plead inability to take it. Is there a teacher or any friend of education in the state who cannot week for the cause of education? for the Vermont School Journal. Vol. III, which extends to Jan. 1862. ond page of cover.

afford to spend two cents per Yet, this is more than we ask We repeat our special offer for See advertisement on sec

Our July Number.--We have promised our readers this month, better paper and cleaner type and trust they will not be disappointWill our friends in the different parts of the state, make another effort to extend our circulation?


Prompt Payment is expected of all our subscribers. Let those who owe us send in the amount due without delay. Postage Stamps are taken for change.

To Advertisers.-All advertisements should be sent in as early as the 15th of each month, as the form is made up soon after.

Cmnecticut. We acknowledge the receipt of the Superintendent's last Report of Common Schools. It is an interesting document and will be read with pleasure and profit by all.

Our Exchanges (except from the seceded states,) are promptly upon our table. The Massachusetts Teacher, Maine Teacher, N. H. School Journal, Ct. Common School Journal, R. I. School Master, Pa. Teacher (out with a new name and in new dress,) New York Teacher, Michigan Journal of Education, Ind. School Journal, Iowa Instructor, Wis. Journal of Education, and Me. Teacher, all dollar monthlies and each worth twice that sum to any subscriber. | As it should be.-"A copy of the Ct. Common School Journal is, by

aw, sent to the Board of School Visitors of every town in the state." Wis. Journal of Education receives a liberal contribution from the state. The School Committee of every town in North Carolina, has received a copy of their Journal at the expense of the state. O.


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The New York Naval and Military Path-Finder is a large four page paper, and contains a full and reliable account of the United State Forces, the doings of the Rebel Army, and every item of news of the least interest connected with the Great Struggle. The entire profits accruing from the publication of the paper, are to be devoted to the patriotic fund for the support of the Volunteers and their families. Five cents per copy, or three dollars per year. All orders and communications to be addressed to the Editor of the Naval and Military Path Finder, 66 John St., New York. "

Arthur's Home Magazine.-We are much pleased with the healthy tone of this periodical. The articles are short, entertaining, and instructive. We think that parents may place it in the hands of their children with entire confidence. Published at Philadelphia at $2,00 per year.

The Polylingual Journal. In reply to inquiries, we answer that this periodical, noticed in our last number, or specimens of it, can be obtained by addressing Hiram C. Parks, Editor and Proprietor, New York.

Circular of Scientific Department, Yale College.-By a recent donation from Joseph E. Sheffield of New Haven, of one hundred thousand dollars, this college has been enabled greatly to extend its plan of scientific and practical education.

Scientific Departshall impart disci

It has been the object of the Faculty of the ment to arrange a new Course which, while it pline and cultivation of mind, shall at the same time put the student in possession of as large an amount of knowledge of direct practical value in business life, as may be possible. The Ancient Languages have necessarily been excluded from this Course. The new Course embraces Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Geology and Botany, General Principles of Agriculture, Surveying, Industrial Mechanics, Modern Languages, English Literature, History, Physical Geography, Political Economy and Com mercial Law.

The special Courses in PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, Metallurgy, Geology, and Civil Engineering, will be given as heretofore. Course in Military Engineering commenced June 10.

A Catalogue containing the full Course of Study, the requirements for degrees, and other information, will be sent on the reception of the Catalogue of any School or Academy, or on application by letter, to John A. Porter, Dean of the Faculty, New Haven, Conn.

Excellent School Books.-Among the orders adopted by the School Committee of this city, at their quarterly Meeting last Tuesday, was one from the Committee on Text Books, for the introduction into all the Primary Schools of "Eaton's Primary Arithmetic." Eaton's Written Arithmetic has been used in all of our Grammar Schools for the past two years with much satisfaction, and the adoption by our Committee of the Primary Arithmetic, so soon after its issue, shows the estimation in which these Arithmetics are held.-Boston Transcript.

Atlantic Monthly for July.-Contents; Our Orders, Agnes of Sorrento, Sun-Painting and Sun-Sculpture, Emancipation in Russia, The Haunted Shanty, Rhotruda, Greek Lines, The Ordeal of Battles, The United States and Europe, Washington as a Camp, Between Spring and Summer, Ellsworth.

An unusual interest attaches to the Atlantic for June and July, owing to the sacrifice at the recent battle of Great Bethel, of the scholarly and brave Major Winthrop, the author of the finely written articles, "New York Seventh Regiment," and Washington as a Camp."

DAY SCHOOL BELL, No. 1.-This book contains many popular airs, set to words appropriate for use in the common school, at the seminary, or the academy, and also at floral concerts, school exhibitions, or holiday festivals. The music is adapted to the piano, rendering the book a fit companion for the family circle. Many of the words are well adapted to kindle aud strengthen love for country, for truth and virtue. For further particulars, see advertisement in this number.

Godey's Lady's Book for One Dollar.—To meet the times, the sixty-third volume of Godey, commencing with July, 1861, will be sent to subscribers for One Dollar. This volume comprises the

six best numbers of the year, and will contain seven steel engravings, six of the large double extension fashion-plates, and all the winter cloak patterns. Address, L. A. Godey, 323 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Peterson's Magazine.-The July uumber of this popular Monthly is already on our table. In addition to its usual quantity of sto ries, Poetry, Household Receipts, Steel Engravings, Fashion Plates and Patterns for the Work-Table, it contains Two Splendid Colored Patterns, one of which is a "Stars and Stripes" Bed-Quilt. Every lady ought to have a number, so as to make one of these Quilts. A new volume begins with July. Price only two dollars. a year, a dollar less than Magazines of its class. Just the one for the times. Three copies for five dollars, or eight copies for ten dollars, with a superb Premium to the person getting up a club. Specimens gratis. Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Lewis' New Gymnasium comes to us each month, richly freighted with valuable information for those who believe that "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure." We are glad to learn that Dr. Lewis is about to establish a Normal Institute. We should like to enroll our name, and would recommend to all who can do so, not to fail of securing the training and health which we are sure will result.


The Eleventh Annual Meeting of the VT. STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION will be held at Middlebury, on Aug. 19th and 20th. To accommodate those who wish to attend the meeting of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION, held at Brattleboro' on the same week, the meeting of the ASSOCIATION will be held earlier in the week than otherwise, commencing on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and closing on Tuesday evening.

The principal exercises will be as follows: Monday, P. M., Address on "Music in Common Schools ", by PROF. C. H. CLARKE, of St. Albans; to be followed by a discussion of the same subject. Monday evening, Address by Mr. JUDAH DANA of Windsor, on "The best mode of teaching Arithmetic."

Tuesday A. M., Address on " Moral Culture in Common Schools," by REV. WM. SEWALL of Lunenburg.

Tuesday afternoon, Address by PROF. M. H. BUCKHAM of the University of Vt.

Tuesday evening, Address by HIRAM ORCUTT, A. M., of Brat tleboro.


The Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION will be held in BRATTLEBORO', VT., at the TOWN HALL, on the 21st, 22d, and 23d days of August.

The Board of Directors will meet on the 21st, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

The Public Exercises will be as follows:

Wednesday, August 21st.

At 2 1-2 o'clock, P. M., the meeting will be organized for the transaction of business. The usual addresses of welcome having been made, the President will deliver his Annual Address; after which the following subject will be discussed:

How many hours a day ought Pupils to be confined in School; and should they be required to prepare lessons at home?

At 8 o'clock, P. M., a Lecture by Hon. ANSON SMYTH, State Commissioner of Schools of Ohio.

Thursday, August 22d.

At 9 o'clock, A. M., a discussion. Subject: The Proper Qualifications of Primary School Teachers.

At 11 o'clock, A. M., a Lecture by II. E Sawyer, Esq., Principal of High School, Concord, N. H.

At 2 1-2 o'clock, P. M., a Lecture by Lewis B. Monroe, Esq. Subject: The Human Voice.

At 3 1-2 o'clock, P. M., a Discussion. Subject: Methods of Teaching Elocution and Reading.

At 8 o'clock, P. M., a Lecture by Calvin Pease, D. D., President of Vermont University.

Friday, August 23d.

At 9 o'clock, A. M., a Discussion. Subject:

Universal Education the Great Safeguard of a Republican Government,

At 11 o'clock, A. M. a Lecture by T. D. Adams, Esq., Principal High School, Newton, Mass.

At 2 1-2 o'clock, P. M., a Lecture by Prof. Edward North, of Hamilton College, N. Y. Subject: The Tuition of Amusements. At 8 o'clock, P. M., Addresses by Representatives of the Several States.

Ladies attending the meeting, will be welcomed to the hospitalities of the citizens of Brattleboro'. Those who purpose to be present will greatly oblige the Committee of Reception, and will avoid personal inconvenience, by sending their names, as early as possible. to Mr. Hiram Orcutt, West Brattleboro', Vt., or to the Secretary, West Newton, Mass.

It is expected that the usual reduction of fares, on the several Railroads, will be made, of which duc notice will be given in the newspapers.

West Newton, June 12, 1861.


Recording Secretary

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