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either in opinions, manners, morals, or domestic duties. It should not be to think that very expensive dress and costly living constitute either the man or the gentleman. It should not be to become the most frequent, roistering, arrogant, and boisterous attendants at tavern bars, grog

learned to flourish their umbrellas, (numberillas, as they | results from false education. Would you guard then call them,) quite as stylishly as their masters and mis- against this greatest of all curses, both to individuals tresses, except when they first put themselves into and nations, the education of our sons should not be training; during which time their extreme awkward- either by inculcation or mere sufferance, to spend more ness in handling these skull protectors, forms a most of the family property than their parents allow them. ludicrous burlesque of the higher powers. A corres-It should not be to dictate to their fathers or mothers, pondent change in the summer-covering of our limbs and bodies, has been deemed equally essential to suit their diminished power of enduring summer-heat; so that the old fashioned, cheap pair of coats are now thought far too heavy, hot, and what is much worse, too ungenteel, to be sustained by those who can hardly sur-shops, and eating houses:-not to consider profanity, vive the dog-days in any thing but the thinnest and gambling, hard drinking and lewdness, altogether the lightest of those costly gossamer fabrics, at present most genteel accomplishments they can acquire:—not to used for gentlemen's summer apparel. Our foot tax, deem the effort to become of somewhat greater use in the also, for both seasons, contributes its full share to widen world, than merely "to consume the fruits of the earth," the difference between old fashioned and new fashioned either needless or derogatory to their stations:-not to expenditures: for most of us-especially our youth-run up bills with their tailors and with tavern keepers, must now have have at least two pair of thin boots for during their minority, which afterwards will require summer-two of more substance for winter, (although their whole income, for some years, to pay :-not to none of them are made to keep out water,) besides deem it penurious to keep accurate accounts of their reslippers, pumps, bootees, Jefferson shoes, &c., &c., the ceipts and expenditures—a habit (by the way) never to total number and cost of which, for one man, would be acquired, unless commenced in early life:-not to formerly have kept a whole family in boots and shoes become critics in the sublime art of cookery, nor first rate for double the period. judges of every variety of intoxicating liquors :-not to believe their young stomachs even so early as their tenth or twelfth year, incapable of performing all their healthful functions without the smoke or juice of that poisonous narcotic, tobacco;—not to feed their young brains with snuff, as if that were the only food they are capable of receiving. And lastly, it should not be to assume to be men, before they have qualified themselves to act as such.

When we compare the old with the new outfit for a winter campaign, the contrast is still more striking, still more illustrative of what I am trying to prove. Now, after a modern gentleman has ensconced himself in all imaginable envelopes deemed essential to his comfort and preservation within doors, at greatly increased cost, compared with former times, he has, alas! to guard himself with more than double diligence, against what the amiable Sancho Panza used to call, "the Could modern parents only be prevailed on to exert inclemencies of the Heavens." To do this most effectu- their whole authority, aided both by wise precepts and ally in the olden time, every man firmly believed, that virtuous example, to correct the numerous heart-sickena single, substantial great coat was amply sufficient, ing evils in modern education ;-to exert it too, but for and his practice accorded with his faith. Now, should a few years, without either cold or hot fits in applying the thermometer sink only a few degrees below thirty- it; and the whole generation of idlers, drones, dandies, two, not less than two over coats, (for great coats they and profligates, would be swept from the face of the can no longer be called, being much more like gun-cases earth, to be replaced by a band of hardy, active, inin tightness,) with a cloak to make assurance doubly |dustrious, intelligent and moral young men—the pride sure, must be added, to guard at least against being of their parent's hearts, and an honor above all price, frost-bitten, if not frozen to death. This triple pro- both to themselves and to their country. Do not, I vision against the horrors of congelation is particularly beseech you, understand me to say, or even to think, remarkable in a large portion of those truly unfortu- that we have no such young men, among the present nate victims of parental neglect just arriving at that generation. No,-God forbid; for it rejoiceth my old much envied, I wish I could say enviable age, when so heart-now almost worn out-to feel, with absolute cermany of them become their own masters, who are ut-tainty, that our good mother, Virginia, has many such terly unfit to be masters of any thing. But far be it to sustain her waning fortunes. But the misfortune is, from me to blame them so much for it. Their parents that their number is small, when compared with those are the great criminals in these cases: for they might of opposite character, and consequently it requires far have given their sons, by a proper physical education, more moral courage than young people--even the most constitutions too hardy to require such unmanly indul-intelligent, virtuous and best educated-usually possess, gences; and by a correct moral education, principles and to resist the ridicule and innumerable artful devices sentiments which would have led them to aspire to far always used to drive or to lure them from the paths of higher, much nobler distinction, than notoriety for dan-rectitude. The youths who, in these times, can sucdyism, and effeminacy.

On this vital subject of education for our sons, have much more to say, than my present purpose will allow me. But if you will pardon a short digression, I will here state as briefly as I can, what it should not be, leaving the all important inquiry, what it should be, for a few concluding remarks: since I deem it demonstrable, that every thing censurable in the present times

cessfully resist such baneful, deadly enemies, deserve all the praise, all the honors, all the rewards that a grateful and generous country can confer.

In pursuing my contrasts between past and present times, relative to expense, I was about to say something of ladies' dresses; but on further reflection, I deem them quite too mysterious matters for us old men to talk about, with no better information than our modern

exquisites and men-milliners can give us. I will there- in attempts, often utterly abortive, to teach them cerfore be admonished on this delicate and recondite sub-tain things called "accomplishments," for which a very ject by the good old proverb, “least said is soonest large portion of these truly pitiable victims of parenmended." There are, however, some differences be- tal folly and vanity, have neither taste nor talents; actween their former and present educations-both phy-complishments, too, of which they make not the least sical and moral, which require animadversion. To use, after once gaining the liberty to neglect them. Nay, them, therefore, I will request your attention for a few why should they not neglect them, since a mere smat minutes. tering is the sum total of all their most costly, labori

The parents of former days were not entirely guiltless of this preposterous shameful waste and misapplica tion of time and money, in educating their daughters. Although housewifery, a term nearly obsolete in these perfectibility-days, always then held a conspicuous rank among the things to be taught; yet spinnels and harpsichords, (the fashionable instruments of those times,) were often made household gods, where no true worshippers could be either found or made, even by the most laborious and costly efforts. These instruments, however, were rare, comparatively speaking; and when kept at all, were looked upon as a kind of heirlooms to last for some generations. There is now one of these remembrances of by-gone times in a branch of my own family, but an alien bought for others' use, which seems destined--after indoctrinating three or four

In old times a degree of skill in housewifery was es-ous, and reluctant acquisitions?-acquisitions moreover, teemed an important, although by no means the most which, if made at all, require almost constant gadding essential acquirement for most ladies; since the great-about from home to display them! er part of their lives would probably be devoted to such domestic duties as wives and mothers should always be well qualified to fulfil--at least such wives and mothers as were taught to believe themselves under a sacred obligation to become real helpmates to their husbands-devoted, faithful, affectionate, ever watchful guardians of their children. In those by-gone days, it had never entered into the minds even of the most imaginative, the hop-step-and-jump racers after human perfectibility of which we had none before philosopher Godwin's day-that the entire emancipation of mankind from all moral and religious restraints was to be attempted, much less achieved, by reformers in petticoats-nor that females utterly regardless of all the general sentiments of mankind, relative to their appropriate occupations and duties, should become itinerant public lecturers or teachers of any thing. The univer-generations of " ne plus ultra" strummers in the musical sal opinion, in the olden time, was, that woman's most sacred duty, her greatest praise and highest honor, consisted in the zealous, untiring, faithful and judicious discharge of all those arduous, but delightful duties, (where they succeed,) which naturally devolve upon the mistresses of families. May God, in the plenitude of his mercy, forever bless them all, both in this world and the next; for painful indeed, most painful is often their lot; complicated, laborious, and frequently revolting, their necessary occupations; distressing in the highest degree, the scenes wherein they are the chief, the only actors; whilst they, most generous, most noble souls! ask no other reward in this world, than the love and devoted affection of husbands and children-the sincere friendship and lasting attachment of other relatives and friends; yet too seldom, alas! do they meet this reward, highly as they deserve it, and easy as it is to bestow. Pardon me, Mr. Editor, should you think I dwell more on this subject than is due to its intrinsic merits; but my mind and my heart are full of it, and I plead, in justification, the old adage, that "out of the heart the mouth speaketh." Our matrons, our mistresses of families, not only give a tone to society, but contribute (unobtrusively as they work,) more than all other causes put together, to form the national taste, opinions, principles and morals; how vitally essential then is it that all possible attention should be paid to their education. Our children derive from them their first lessons in every thing. Should they be incapable of giving them to good purpose, all their pupils will probably become instruments of evil rather than of good, and curses instead of blessings to society. Yet, for every dollar now spent towards qualifying our daughters to discharge those all important duties for which nature's God designed them-duties which men are physically as well as morally, incapable of performing-hundreds and thousands of dollars are worse than thrown away

art-to sound its last expiring notes in my own county. "Requiescat in pace," is my most earnest wish for it; but if it could speak, while remembering all it has suffered in being forced to attempt impossibilities, I have not a shadow of doubt it would exclaim, “let me return to my original dust, for I have had no peace, no plea sure on earth, during nine-tenths of my existence." Look at the present fashion in this matter of music-manía, if you can do it with impartial eyes, and what will you see? Not only must all be forced to learn, "nolens volens," and often to the entire exclusion of every really useful branch of knowledge, whatever interdict nature or circumstances may have interposed; but both nature and art must be tortured to perform what the one has forbid, and the other is incapable of achieving. Now, at least one piano, (pyannees, as some of the illiterate aspirants call them,) must be kept in almost every house, whatever the condition and circumstances of the owners may be, as a standing and necessary article of furniture, for visitors, as well as the females of the family to strum upon; but another more costly, must be given as an essential part of the wedding parapharnalia, to every daughter who has gained a husband (God help him!) by her fingers. It once happened to me, that in passing along the main street of a town, I counted in less than a quarter of a mile, some eight or ten of these instruments on which the diligent per formers were murdering certain marches and waltzes, although nearly as easy to execute as the once popular old tune of "Poor Betty Martin, tip toe fine," with as much uniformity, as if it had been a matter of previous agreement. I cannot affirm that there was in either case the "malice prepense" required by law to constitute the erime of murder in the first degree; but if there had been, the heinous act could not have been more effectually perpetrated.

Permit me to exhibit another still more striking con

the certain ruin of many innocent families. At the head of these must be ranked the entire tribe of gamblers, now, in these much vaunted times, formed into a regular systematic profession, and by far the most showy, dashing, and prodigal amongst us. Like so many vultures or prowling wolves, they are ever on the watch for their prey, and rarely indeed are they disappointed! For, the keepers of all our watering places, with few if any exceptions, rent to them rooms, at enormous prices, for the special purpose of carrying on their nefarious business; and no President of the United States has ever had more crowded levees, than the master spirits of these haunts (" hells," as they are very properly called,) of criminal cunning and fraud; plundering, under a pretence of fair play, the unsuspecting, the ignorant, the guilty victims of the gam bling passion.

At all our mineral springs, but particularly at those most celebrated as places of "fashionable resort," there may always be found hundreds of persons led thither by the mere love of show; of its inseparable companion-gadding about; and of almost every imaginable means of killing their great and inexorable enemy, time! Here you may often see, in heart-sickening crowds, fathers and sons, either gaming, drinking, or wasting their hours together in utter idleness,—which they call heathful recreation: young ladies-the future mothers and first teachers of the next generationdiligently preparing themselves for this most momentous, most sacred duty, by husband-hunting among the exquisites of our sex,-very many of whom would probably not sell for ten dollars a dozen, if brought into a fair market: while the doting mothers of these pitiable victims of false education, find full employment in looking on with fond anticipation of the great matrimonial speculations which their fingers and toes are to achieve for them; since far more care and expense is now lavished upon their instruction, than on any indoctrination of the head and the heart that man or woman either can possibly bestow.

trast, in regard to expense, between past and present times. Formerly our wives and daughters usually rode on horseback, and greatly to the improvement and preservation of their constitutions and general health. Now, in these boastful days of human perfectibility, when we hear and read so much silly verbiage about "the march of mind," and witness so few proofs of its being really progressive, the horseback mode of conveyance is no longer endurable for women or girls, and scarcely for men or boys,-especially to take a journey. Of late years, all, at least among the real and quasi gentry, have grown so exceedingly delicate and refined; so lackadaisical and dyspectic; (a term formerly unintelligible except by the doctors,) so disqualified for labor either of body or mind; so fearful of melting or freezing from heat or cold, that to transport our ladies only a few miles, the costly barouche or tandem must be substituted for the cheap ponies and side-saddles; while the gentlemen, both old and young, with very few exceptions, cannot trust their locomotion to any thing less expensive than sulkies, gigs and buggies; the etymology of all which terms, by the way, is quite as untraceable as that of any terms in the Goolah negro dialect. But this is far from being the most effective cause in augmenting the extravagance of the present times, beyond any thing known or practised during the period which is now so derisively called "old fashion." Once a year regularly, nearly our whole white population are seized with a new disease, for which the doctors hitherto have found neither name nor cure in the whole materia medica. Its first symptoms always appear early in June, but the malady never assumes its most aggravated form, until about the full moon in August. That it is caused by the increased effeminacy, luxury, and dissipation of our people, seems perfectly certain; for our climate is not worse than it was sixty or seventy years ago; yet our physicians both diplomatized and self-created, have multiplied at least twenty or thirty fold. With permission of these learned gentlemen, I will call this wide-sweeping, devastating epedemic, the hydromania, or water-drinking Let me entreat you, Mr. Editor, not to suppose for lunacy; for it sets all who are afflicted with it to scam- one moment, that any of my remarks are designed for pering in every direction, after mineral springs, where, those who are really afflicted with such bodily diseases, without any knowledge, even approaching to certainty as good physicians have pronounced curable by the use of their specific qualities, they guzzle the water day of mineral waters; or, for the numerous and highly and night-as if for a wager-whose stomach could estimable persons, in good health, who may be found hold the most, and in full faith that each spring has occasionally, at all of them; and who visit them from perfect power to cure every disease under heaven. "To motives which none would condemn. They are aimed raise the wind" for these very expensive excursions, at those alone who labor under the maladies-incurable formerly so seldom taken in our state as scarcely to be either by medicine or medicinal waters of idleness, known, it is not now uncommon, especially for our indolence, licentiousness, prodigality, and, vanity, the farmers and planters, to obtain large loans from banks, greatest spendthrift of them all! And I am perfectly in anticipation of their crops, the proceeds of which, willing to submit it to impartial judges, if any such when thus neglected for one-fourth of the busiest time can be found, to decide whether the old or the new of the year, rarely fail to come far short of the money fashioned times have produced the greatest number of borrowed. And no wonder, since their farms are left these nuisances to society. One great cause of their during the whole of this water-guzzling campaign, to rapid increase of late years, did not formerly exist: it the tender mercy of men whose pecuniary interest it is is the wonderfully increased facilities of travel. These, to exhaust them for their own benefit, at the expense notwithstanding their vast and innumerable advantages of their absentee proprietors. Similar anticipations of to mankind, certainly hold out to the vicious, so many income, for similar purposes, are now common among more temptations to the indulgence of all their worst all other trades, professions, and callings, and with like passions, that it is no wonder they should multiply results. Multitudes of far less innocent persons than | enormously. Variety, despatch, secrecy, and quick imagina invalids, congregate at these mineral springs, escape from punishment, are constantly luring them to the great demorilization of society in general, and on; while no moral nor religious restraint holds them VoL. IV.81

back. Even on the virtuous portion of our race, | characters have only to pronounce the omnipotent fiat, these facilities of travel, truly valuable as they are, "let A, B, and C, be a doctor,—an attorney at law, or have had a baneful influence, by impairing most mani-a politician and statesman," according as he may petifestly, that fondness for domestic life, that love of tion to be; and each aspirant, in the twinkling of an "home, sweet home," without which, especially in eye, becomes, "au fait," up to every thing in his females, neither family prosperity nor family happi- selected line, although he may be scarcely able to read ness can possibly exist, in any degree comparable to or write his own language, or have common sense that which characterised, in the olden time, a very enough to acquire skill, even in the least intellectual of large portion of what was then called the best so- all the various trades, professions and callings essential ciety. The temptations to leave our homes having to the well-being of society. Should any doubt this, multiplied a thousand fold, it follows, naturally, that at the first glance, let them ask themselves to what the numbers who yield to them will augment in a cor- proportion of young men with medical diplomas in responding ratio. their pockets, they would be willing to trust their lives? To how many out of ten young attorneys at law, they would confide a cause involving as much money over the fifteen shilling fee, as would pay for dinner and horse-feed, at a county court? Or lastly, and above all, (in every case, however, premising that the self-questioners shall be in their sober senses,) let them ask themselves to what proportion of legislators and rulers in our state and federal governments, created, "speciali gratia" by "the sovereign people," they would feel safe in trusting their lives, liberty and property? Let them farther ask themselves, in regard to many of these hap-hazard deputies of the said sovereigns, if there could be any other rational answer given to the question, "for what purpose were they made?" than, “merely to fill up the assortment of human beings." Was this the case in old fashioned times, or was it not? I answer in the negative, although I am perfectly willing to submit the question to the arbitrament of better judges than myself,-provided, that half the number be old and half new fashioned people, pledging their honor to try the cause according to the evidence. But, to proceed with my contrasts between moral and religious education, in past and present times. Formerly, parents in general deemed it an essential part of their duty, at least to attempt, (however feebly and imperfectly,) the imbuing the minds of their offspring, with the great leading principles of morality, and with some idea of

In the foregoing contrasts between old fashioned and new fashioned people, I have confined my remarks chiefly to matters of expense. Let us now see, more particularly, how they will compare in regard to moral and physical education. In the olden time, almost every parent, whether religious or not, taught their children to say their prayers, at least once in every twenty-four hours; a practice, which however inefficient of itself, gave them, if nothing more, some idea of a future state of rewards and punishments; some notion of their accountability to a supreme being; which, if modern children in general acquire at all, it must be by their own seeking, rather than by parental inculcation. Formerly, they were always taught implicit obedience in all matters which they were too young to understand. Now, they must be reasoned into it, even while yet in their nurse's arms; often too, by mothers whose own reason has never been trained for any such duty, as that of early education. For merly they were taught, both by precept and example, to love home; to aid their parents in such little domestic labors as they were capable of performing; to avoid public houses as they would the devil; to abstain from drinking ardent spirits, as a practice that would be followed by condign punishment; to treat old age with the utmost deference and respect; and to consider the whole period of their minority not a proper time for playing the parts of men, but to make all suitable pre-religion. Now, it seems, at least to the new fashioned parations for it. Now, they must be breeched nearly people, that all these perplexing, anti-sensual matters, as soon as they can walk; must be dressed like men by can be far better taught (if at all,) in our public acade the time they get into their "teens ;" and, long before mies-as schools of every grade are now called-for, they get beards, mustachios and whiskers, must be in every one of these, the formal pledge is constantly suffered, for fear of cramping their geniuses, to strut given, that, every possible attention shall always be paid to the about taverns in all the fancied dignity of manhood, morals of the pupils; and this seems to be considered by inuring and case-hardening their yet unvitiated sto- a very large portion of the patrons and patronesses of machs to alcohol, in all its innumerable combinations; these bettering hospitals, as a complete exoneration and, to cap the climax, of precocious health-destruc- from all farther domestic attention to their children, tive indulgencies, finishing off their manly education than merely to feed and clothe their bodies; their inby becoming, per saltum, perfect judges in regard to tellects from seven or eight years of age, being left the true gusto and fumèt of segars and chewing to- entirely to those who make a public profession of directbacco!-articles, by the way, in the use of which a ing and guiding what, in modern times, has been youth of the olden time would have been quite as much called,(God save the mark,) "the march of mind.” ashamed of being caught, as with a stolen sheep on his Not that I mean to disparage, in the slightest degree, back. Moreover, our children of the present day either the true march, or any of the well qualified conmust often be taken from school to be introduced into ductors of it—for they form a highly useful, most merigeneral society, lest the girls should be too awkward torious, ill-requited class-but merely to maintain, that to substitute the mistress of the family, should accident far too much is left for them to do, which it is the take her out of the way, and the boys become quite sacred duty of parents themselves to perform. Sacred! too bashful for the practice of medicine, law, or politics, aye, most sacred! but whether better performed now, which they are all destined to commence as soon as than formerly, may perhaps be inferred, with some possible, in spite, often, of nature's most manifest in-approximation to truth, by contrasting certain wicked terdict,―for, the legalised creators of such professional practices, springing from the same evil passions, as

they have manifested themselves, during the two pe- in human shape, that certainly belong to our race, riods I have undertaken to compare.

own slang,) each others "magards perfectly unintelligible," but can actually inflict death by the unarmed hand. Another improvement, as the moderns must deem it, is, that this practice of crippling and killing "secundum artem," is usually performed for money, not from anger. On the contrary, the performance is always prefaced by as polite bows and apparently cordial shaking of hands, as if the parties were old friends met for some convivial purpose. Whether the modern fashions in these matters are better than the old, let your readers decide.

who are fashionably styled "professors of the pugilistic In by-gone times the prevalent fashion for working art," and who are greatly encouraged in training some off the spirit of "combativeness," (as certain modern of our own congenial native breeds for this noble purphilosophers call it,) was, to take a bout or two at "fis- pose. These adepts moreover, have so marvellously ticuffs;" an exercise which cost nothing for the outfit, improved upon the old fashioned manipulations in perand rarely resulted in any greater damage to the belli-sonal conflicts with the naked fist, that the master-artist gerents, than the temporary obfuscation of an eye, can not only very soon render (according to their seldom used for beneficent purposes; the change of locality in a tooth, or an unsightly derangement of the facial angles. But in these modern days of vaunted amelioration and refinement, the most fashionable and approved style of evaporating this combative spirit, is, by pistoling or stabbing, according to the fancy of the operator, (both being equally genteel,) but both must be performed with very nice and costly implements; and such are the skill and dexterity of the adepts in these modern accomplishments, that the death of one or both of the parties is almost sure to finish the sport. Our newspapers-(those most veracious transmitters Take another contrast. In by-gone times, when a of news,)—report, that one of the Bowie knife adepts married pair discovered that they had made a mistake lately gave the quietus to two men within the incon-in choosing each other" for better for worse," and that ceivably short period of four or five minutes,—a sur- the latter part only of the alternative was verified, they gical operation, by the way, as far surpassing all praise, usually passed through all the vicissitudes of war and as it exceeds any idea that an old man like myself can occasional suspension of hostilities, during life, rather possibly form of the skill of these death-giving gen- than break the solemn compact to cleave together try, without ocular demonstration, which God, in his "until death did them part." Now, instead of waiting mercy forbid. So fond indeed, have the moderns for this universal peace-maker, they have grown so grown of these fashionable amusements, utterly un- Fanny-Wrightish as often to part before the year is out, known in my younger days, that it is not now uncom- either voluntarily, or by the running away of one of mon, in some portions of our country, for men to ride a the parties, or by the more formal process of divorce. hundred or more miles, solely for the pleasure of shoot-This latter mode enables them to make another matriing or dirking others in their own houses, or abroad, as monial experiment, (for marriage has not yet gone enmay be most convenient; and if the victims happen to tirely out of fashion,) and exempts them from the penalhave wives and children reduced to beggary by this ty inflicted by the law, for bigamy. And such is the most fashionable mode of committing murder, so much wonderful liberality of our modern legislators, quoad the better; it greatly enhances the enjoyment of the divorces, compared with our old fashioned law-makers, operators. A most notable instance of the increasing that the number of these legalised separations have popularity of this fashion, which has all the advantage increased probably fifty fold. Which of these fashions of public over private assassination, lately occurred in a is best, let our popes of the press decide. legislative hall, during the hours of business, where, even the speaker of the body deliberately left his seat to murder one of the members, for the heinous offence, the outrage inexpiable but by the death of the offender, for words spoken! things which, in former times, were met either by other words of similar character, or by fisticuff argument. It is true he was arrested, and tried, but it is equally true, and still more astonishing than true, that the verdict in the case was justifiable homicide. Which fashion is best, the old or the new, let others decide. Very promising symptoms of the prevalence of the modern fashion, are beginning to appear elsewhere in the highest class of society, (if public men can justly be so ranked,) but I forbear to comment upon this most foul, national disgrace; for all my principles, all my feelings, utterly revolt at it. Yet, I must take the liberty to remark, that unless it can be put down by the strong arm of the law, a domicil among the most savage and barbarous people upon earth could hardly be worse than one in those parts of our country wherein the practice is most countenanced. But lest this murderous spirit should not become, by its own workings, sufficiently common to keep pace with the grand intellectual progress of the present generation, we are beginning to import from our mother country, animals

There is another contrast which I would fain offer, but must do it, in much fear and trembling, for it relates to these said popes themselves. For a long period, in the younger days of our commonwealth, the entire van, centre and rear of our whole editorial corps in Virginia, consisted of two individuals, called Dixon and Purdy or-Purdie, I forget which. Theirs was the only newspaper in the State; and so very chary were these editors of their own remarks upon any subject whatever, that nothing was so rare in their paper, as an editorial article. We have now no means of judging whether this forbearance proceeded from ignorance, laziness, or modesty; a term by the way, nearly obsolete as applicable to men, and not in the best odor even among our fashionables of the other sex. But such was the state of the press and the conduct of its managers in the olden time; and no more remarkable contrast can be found in the world, between past and present times, than that which is exhibited by the followers of these men: for whether old or young, learned or unlearned, wise or foolish, virtuous or vicious, they act (with very few exceptions comparatively speaking,) as if they verily believed, that the mere ownership and publication of a newspaper qualified them instanter and conferred the absolute right to

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