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Voted that the remainder of the hearings which were to have been this day before the General Court be postponed until to morrow morning of which all persons concerned are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Sent up by Mr Rogers — Adjourned to 9 o'Clock to morrow morning


The House met according to adjournment

Whereas in and by an Act passed 28th of September 1787, it is enacted that the excise arising by virtue of said Act shall be farmed out and sold at Public vendue in the Several Counties in this State Sometime between the first day of October and the first day of February annually by Committees appointed for that purpose which time has elapsed and no sale made agreably to said Act

Therefore Resolved that the time for farming out said Excise be lengthned out until the last day of March next and that the Committees proceed to make sale of said Excise before said time is expired and that the Several Committees respectively are hereby required to take bond with two Sufficient Sureties of the farmer in each County the one half payable by the first day of June next and the other half by the last day of October next and that said Bonds be lodged with the Treasurer of this State - Also Resolved that the Several farmers of the Excise are hereby directed to give public notice of the time on which they will attend to settle & receive excise from the Innholders retailers and others in the Respective towns within their respective districts that the Inhabitants of the Several Towns may have an opportunity of setling and paying the Same without being put to the expence of unnecessary travelSent up by Mr Holmes.


*Upon hearing and considering the petition of Jerusha McAllester voted that the prayer of the Petition be so far granted as that she have liberty to sell ten Acres of Land lying in Bedford and is lot N° 7 in the Seventh range- also one quarter of a Saw mill and that she have leave to bring in a Bill for that purpose Sent up by Mr Holmes Upon hearing and considering the Petition of Richard and Simon Jenness voted that the prayer thereof be granted and that they have leave to bring in a Bill accordingly

Sent up by Mr HolmesAdjourned to three of Clock P. M.

Met accordingly

Voted that the Account of George Jerry Osborne amounting to twenty eight pounds two shillings and Six pence be allowed and that the President give order that the Treasurer pay the said Sum out of the revenue raised by impost- Sent up by Mr CoppAgreably to the order of the day proceeded to a hearing on Petitions but came to no determination before adjournment

Voted that the remainder of the hearings which were to have been this day before the General Court be postponed until to morrow morning of which all persons concerned are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly — Sent up by Mr Crawford

Whereas the Selectmen of Goffstown1 hath Petitioned the General Court sitting forth that some difficulties have arisen with respect to the line between the Towns of Goffstown and New-Boston and praying that a Committee may be appointed by said Court to perambulate and Establish the lines between said Towns

Resolved that Jeremiah Page of Dunbarton and Daniel Campbell Esq' of Amherst be and they hereby are appointed a Committee at the expence of said Towns to perambulate ascertain and establish a line between said Towns of Goffstown and New Boston, and make return of their doings at the next Session of the General Court, and that the said Committee give Seasonable notice to the Select men of said Towns of the time they will attend on said Business Sent up by Mr Crawford — *Adjourned to 9 o'clock to morrow morning





The House met according to adjournment

Voted that the hearing on the Petition of Sarah Purcell which was to have been this day before the General Court be postponed to Saturday next in the forenoon of which all persons concerned are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly

Sent up by Mr Bradley

The Committee on the Account of Jonathan Sawyer & all Similar matters reported that the said Sawyer receive one pound in full for his attendance as an evidence at the Court Martial and that the Same be paid out of the Treasury by order of the President — and that one pound be paid to Nathanael Kimball for the Same Service and in the Same manner Signed Joshua Bayley for the Comtee which report being read and considered voted that it be received and acceptedSent up by Mr Bradley

1 xii Ham. Town Papers, 45.

An Act to enable Gershom Lord to file a Complaint at the next Superior Court of Judicature for the County of Strafford - was read a third time and passed to be Enacted—

Sent up by Mr Bradley & Mr Thomas Voted that the account of the Select men of Plastow amounting to one hundred and nine pounds eleven shillings and eight pence Lawful money be allowed and paid out of the Treasury by order of the PresidentSent up by Mr Thos Dow

The vote respecting the bounties on killing wolves &c not being concurred-The following Resolve came down from the Honb1 Senate for Concurrence

Resolved that the bounty given by an Act of this State passed the 10th of Nov 1785 for killing of wolves and wolves whelps be considered as payable out of the hard money tax and that the said Act ought to be so construed and intended-which resolve was read & Concurred — Sent up by Mr Robinson

*The Committee on the Petition of the Town of Lan* 13-399 caster1 Reported that the prayer of said Petition be so far granted that they have liberty to levy and collect a Tax of two pence on each acre of Nonresident land (public rights Excepted for three years for the purpose of making roads and building bridges and that they have leave to bring in a Bill accordingly — Signed Amos Shepard for the Committee which report being read and considered voted that it be received and accepted

Sent up by M2 Orr Voted that Mr Odlin, Mr Jona Dow & Mr Runnels with such of the Honb' Senate as they shall join be a Committee to consider of his Excellency's letter to the Honb' the Speaker of this House and report thereon Sent up by Mr Greeley

The Committee on the Petition of Richard Furber & wife, Reported that they be allowed pay for Pierce Powers deceased late a Midshipman on board the Continental ship of War, Ranger, agreably to the Resolves of Congress and the Law of this State from the 24th of April 1778 to the 29th of June 1780Signed Joshua Wentworth for the Committee which report being read and considered voted that it be received and accepted and that the Pay master of Invalids be directed to govern himself accordinglySent up by Mr Dakin

The Committee on the Treasurers letter to his Excellency reported that the Treasurer should continue to calculate Interest on the Excise bonds, the Interest to commence at the time the whole excise is due and that he issue his extents on said Bonds

1 xii Ham. Town Papers, 353.

when the whole sum becomes due - That he receive orders drawn on the Impost and excise promiscuously as they are offered him— That he issue two precepts for the Ten thousand pound tax to be

paid in presidents orders. Five thousand of which to be 13-400 Assessed in the present year and paid by the first of January 1789 and the other Five thousand to be assessed in the year 1789 and paid by the first of January 1790That the Treasurer deliver to the loan officer of this State all the Certificates for Interest in his hands issued by said Loan Officer on Continental Securities and to take said Loan Officers receipt therefor and also that the Treasurer call on Josiah Gilman Esqr comptroller of state accounts for a receipt given by the Loan Officer for Five thousand five hundred and Eighty two pounds Six Shillings and eight pence of the aforesaid certificates to be accountable therefor to the State and exchange the Same with said Loan Officer for a receipt for that Sum as received by him in his capacity in behalf of the United states-That the Treasurer receive orders drawn for the attendance of the members of the House of Representatives in discharge of any specie state tax due from the respective members constituents Signed E Thompson for the Committee which report being read and considered voted that it be received and accepted, excepting that part that relates to calculating interest on excise bonds and issuing a precept for five thousand pounds to be assessed in the year 1789 and to be paid by the first of January 1790 Sent up by Mr Dakin

Upon hearing and considering of the Petition of Henry Gerrishi Esq' and others voted that the further consideration thereof be postponed to the third Wednesday of the next Session of which all persons concerned are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly upon which vote the yeas and nays were called and are as follows viz

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35 Yeas-27 Nays - Sent up by Mr Holmes

Mr Chandler
Mr Barrett
Mr Jona Dow
Mr Prentice
Mr Duncan

Mr Simpson

The Committee on the Petition of John Pierce in behalf of the Masonian proprietors reported that they recommend that the prayer of the Petition be so far granted as that a Committee be appointed and impowered to treat with the Petitioners - Signed E Thompson for the Committee which report being read and considered voted that it be received and accepted

Sent up by Mr HolmesAdjourned to 3 0Clock P. M.

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An Act to impower Elisha Day and Sarah Day to sell certain lands in Lempster, was read a third time and passed to be enacted — Sent up by Mr Holmes & Mr Dakin

The vote on the Petition from Lancaster1 came down from the Honb' Senate for the following amendment (viz) That the tax shall be levied on all other lands (except public rights) as well as Nonresidents lands, and that the Tax be two pence on each Acre for the Succeeding three years which amendments were read and concurred — Sent up by Mr Holmes

Upon a motion for granting the prayer of the Petition of James Hayes the yeas and nays were called and are as follows-(viz)

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