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New Queries.

the different proportions and weight which thefe mixed bodies have to one another; the manner in which they are mixed and generated; and the subtilty of the integrant parts."


and therefore they cannot be dispersed by that means, care is taken that when thefe animals exonerate, vegetables may not be hurt by them.



C. 1, From whence originated the epithet of porter for ftrong beer; and how long has that name been in use ?

Q. II. BY THE SAME. The fame Sun which hardens the wax, foftens the clay-Nearly the fame might be faid refpecting the excrement of dogs. The beetle kind, in fummer, extract all moift and glutinous matter out of the dung of cattle, fo/2 that it becomes like duit, and is fpread by the wind over the ground. Were it not for this, the vegetables that lie under the dung would be fo far from thriving, that all that spot would be rendered barren. As the excrements of dogs are of fo filthy a nature that no infect will touch them,

Q: 11.

From whence derived the custom of putting up laurel, box, bolly, or iny, in churches at Chriftmas; and what is the fignification thereof.


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Is it known in general, whether fish fleep, and what natural fenfes have they?






(Concluded from Page 152)

IN the practifing either of thefe methods, of trailing or calling, great caution must be used, by the operator, to fupprefs and prevent the fcent of his feet and body from being perceived; which is done by overpowering that fcent by others of a ftronger nature. In order to this, ti.c feet are to be covered with cloths rubbed over with affafoetida, or other ftrong-fmelling fubftances: and even oil of Rhodium is fometimes used for this purpofe, but fparingly on account of its dearnefs, though it has a very alluring, as well as difquifing effect, as will be cbferved below. If this caution of avoiding the fcent of the operator's feet, near the track, and in the place where the rats are propofed to be collected, be not properly obferved, itill very much obtruct the fuccefs of the attempt to take them for they are very thy of

coming where the fcent of human feet lies very fresh, and intimates, to their fagacious inftinct, the prefence of human creatures, whom they naturally dread. To the abovementioned means of alluring by trading, way-baiting, and calling, is added another of very material efficacy, which is, the ufe of oil of Rhodium, which, like the marumlyriacum, in the cafe of cats, has a very extraordinary falcinating power on thefe animals. It is exhaled in a fmall quantity in the place, and at the entrance of it, where the rats are intended to be taken, particularly at the time when they are laft brought together in order to their deftruction; ard it is ufed alfo, by fmearing it on the furface of fome of the implements ufed in taking them by the method below defcribed; and the fect it has in taking off their caution and dread, by the delight they appear to have in it, is very extraordinary.

It is ufual, likewife, for the operator to difguife his figure as well as fcerit;


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which is done by putting on a fort of gown or cloak, of one colour, that hides the natural form, and makes him appear like a poft, or fuch inanimate thing; which habit likewife must be fcented as above, to overpower the finell of his perfon; and, befides this, he is to avoid all motion, till he has fecured his point of having all the rats in his power.

When the rats are thus enticed and collected, where time is afforded, and the whole in any house and out-buildings are intended to be cleared away, they are fuffered to regale on what they moit like, which is ready prepared for them, and then to go away quietly for two or three nights; by which means, those which are not allured the first night, are brought afterwards, either by their fellows, or the effects of the trail, &c. and will not fail to come duly again, if they are not disturbed or molefted. But many of the rat-catchers make fhorter work, and content theinfelves with what can be brought together in one night, or two; but this is never effectual, unlefs where the building is fmall and entire, and rats but few in number.

The means of taking them, when they are brought together, are various. Some entice them into a very large bag, the mouth of which is fufficiently ca pacious to cover nearly the whole floor of the place where they are collected, which is done by fmearing fome veffel, placed in the middle of the bag, with oil of rhodium, and laying in the bag baits of food. This bag, which before Jay flat on the ground with the mouth fpread open, is to be fuddenly clofed when the rats are all in it. Others drive, or fright them, by flight noifes or motions, into a long bag, the mouth of which, after all the rats are come in is drawn up to the opening of the place by which they entered, all other ways of retreat being fecured. Others, again, intoxicate er poifon them by mixing with the repaft prepar. ed for them, the coculus indicus, or the nux vomica. I have feen a receipt

for this purpofe, which directed four cunces of the coculus indicus with twelve ounces of oatmeal,and two ounces of treacle or honey, made into a moist pafte, with ftrong beer; but, if the nux vomica be ufed, a much lefs proportion will ferve than is here given of the coculus, Any fimilar compofition of thefe drugs, with that kind of food the rats are moft fond of, and which has a strong flavour, to hide that of the drugs, will equally well anfwer the end. If, indeed, the ceculus indicus be well powdered, and infused in the frong beer for fome time, at least half the quantity here directed will ferve as well as the quantity before-mentioned. When the rats appear to be thoroughly intoxicated with the coculus, or fick with the nux vomica, they may be taken with the hand, and put into a bag or cage, the door of the place being firit drawn to, left those who have ftrength and fenfe remaining escape.


THIS to many people may prove no lefs advantageous than any, especially where thefe infects are a fecond plague of Egypt to people: to do this, gather afmart or hounds tongue, an herb with a long fharp pointed little leaf, that grows in ditches, in molit places in fummer, dry it to a powder, add to it as much of the powder of farfafax wood, as will lay upon a fhilling, fprinkle them a little with juniper water, mix it with the wool of a black fheep, cut off betwixt the horns, in the wane of the moon, write on a piece of paper thefe characters♂m h ! fprinkle the paper, when you have folded it up, with the juice of rue, and few it up in a thin filk bag, and with a little fmall cats guts hang it about your neck, when you go to fleep: and if you are awake the power is the fame: you will rell without being disturbed with thefe, or any other infects.

( 183 ) TALISMANS.

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THE doctrine of Talismans or Te-ther, without the maker or the Talefmes, I know from experience to be lifman having ever been within a thouone of the most enveloped in the whole fand leagues of the perfon intended to circle of magic. The practice receiv- be affected-to accomplish this, I ed more oppofition from perfons called fay, is a great art. And yet, it is an divines, than perhaps any other in art, which has been more or lefs permagic. On the other hand, it has fectly known to philofophers of all food its ground more firmly.-Mourn ages, and which I have completely ing rings, miniature pictures, lockets, matered after many ftruggles and opdevices, armorial bearings, are all on pofitions. this principle-And fo far has feeling retained its hold on the actions and minds of the learned, that we often fee quoted from Virgil:

Sunt lachrymæ rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt.

They feel, that pleafant fenfations are produced by pleafant images; and not only this, but that indefcribable fenfations are often produced by an undefined combination of forms. They perceive, even in the leaft apparently animated bodies, what they call an air of grandeur, a fomething of folemnity, &c. which excites thefe refpective emotions and fways the mind to them. But to define the principle on which thefe cafes act-----to learn fcientifically forms and times, which will produce propofed effects on given objects, even though the form may not an eye of tafte betray its intention, nay, though it be concealed in an envelop, or buried in the earth, and far

even to

Will you exercife it for the good of mankind? I will, and do for the good of myfelf and friends, and for the deftruction of my enemies. And any

perfon who may want my affistance, and will apply for it, will not meet a rebuff, but fatisfaction as ample as he can conceive.

I know, there is nothing but which falls before me in either my will or my telefmes for the fecond can iflue from only the firft. But I tell them fairly, that I treat mankind no more as freemen-I cannot trust to either their fenfe or their generofity,I therefore will be PAID, and paid HANDSOMELY, The matter is very fhort---if they want ME, and can get nobody elfe to atchieve what I can, they will do what is neceffary--otherwife they will not. ----A few choice friends I except.


Secrecy is the very foul of Telefines. Any perfon may apply, through Mr. LOCKE, by Letter to me.


I SHALL employ this Number to controvert and difcufs thofe wretched furmifes which the Egyptian darkness of modern literature has made on the rife of Augury, and, with all the impudence and carelessnefs of fly-like inanity, attributed to the wisdom of the antients.

If the ancients advanced, that the Birds did retire at certain periods to communication with the invifible

GOD, they advanced found theology and found philofophy; not the hellish jargon of incorrigible idiots, fuch as have lately difgraced, or like harpies defiled, every branch of learning. And, farther, they advanced common fente when I fpeak of common fenfe, I fpeak of those who have fone fenfe, and are a degree removed from idiocy, not of any modern collegians or academicians, I affure you.


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In this 'tis GOD directs, in that 'tis Man.

They were not fo funk in reafon as to quit COD and prefer their own wifdom: or, fcripturally speaking, they had not caten fo very gluttonoutly of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, as Chriftians have.

Next, they advanced, that "GOD feedeth the young ravens when they cry,"--that the eyes of all wait upon GOD; and HE giveth them their food in due feafon, "that the fowls of the air

fow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet the fame HEAVENLY FATHER foedeth them-" that “known untɔ GOD are all his Works." This they faid-What fays modern philofophy-that thefe poor ignorant heathens were fuperftitious enough to think, that "Birds went out of the fphere of the earth at certain times--"Ah! you abominable fools!! You don't know, that beings may be in communication with Heaven, and yet on earth But, if "the kingdom of Heaven were within you," you would know it. St. James was, therefore, right, when fpeaking of Wisdom like yours, earthy and fenfual," he added,

and devilish."And what fays. a diflinguifhed divine, as quoted in No. 3-for I never took the trouble to read him, that "there was a natural propenfity in ignorant people to imagine this communication, as foon as fome adventurous genius had the impudent temerity to affert it--" i. e. this acquaintance between GOD and

bis works.

I knew of no adventurous genius, that has afferted it with more freedom than David, particularly in the 148th Palm, and the fon of David--I affert it too-And does England, or the ter ritories of any poor tottering German defpot, produce a fool hardy enough to deny it I mention German defpot, in alution to thofe rafcals orly who oppofe France. If any one want to

know what connection there is be tween thefe fubjects, he must find it out, or wait till I choose to tell him.

There is a farther theological ini quity in barring up the only external windows, by which the heathen world received the light of Gov. Scripture fays, and fays it to and of these very Gentiles in question too-that" hath not left himself without a witnefs any age." Therefore, thefe fellows give GOD the lie dirc&t.



In confidering laftly the philofophy of an union between the architect and all his works, their fubfiftence will appear autopfical evidence. If the filt caufe of existence be removed, how can exilence continue? Therefore GOD muft enter into his creation every moment as neceflarily as he did the firstHE is as neceffary to fubfiftence as to existence. Thus fools! Have you any the birds communicating with their thing to fay against the philofophy of Heavenly Father?" Nothing; but this is not all: If any part of creation be loft, the creation of which it makes a part must be destroyed

"From Nature's chain whatever link you Arike

Tenth or ten thoufandth breaks the chain alike."

Under the Levitical law, nothing maimed was to be offered in facrifice; and of the great facrifice it was provided, that a limb of him fhould not be broken. Here, however, I muft leave modern philofophy the merit of having left my ground clear, and I leave it gladly-they have exploded annihilation-whereas any removal of the FIRST CAUSE is annihilation ipjo facto.

I have now galloped with a loose rein, but firm feat, over the folid fields which yield Augury. The Nations that ride beft ufe no curb. LIBERTY

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Caglioftro to triumph as a Mafon.

the principles I have afferted here, before the Areopagites, had no reafon to be afhamed before either Chriftians or Philofophers; nor on the other hand did he treat their poets at Athens with that contumely, which has been done for fome years paft. He condefcended to quote them, and even to admit, that they worshipped the TRUE GOD, though not luminously; for I do not confine this fentiment of approbation to the altar as an altar, (which every one knows to have been erected by order of the Oracle to ftop a plague); but I fay, that GOD's having an altar there, though he was not known, is a proof, that he was fecretly worshipped; and thus St. Paul understanding it, he faid what I have quoted: "And the very circumftance of this altar's being erected at the com


mand of the Oracle is in point to prove, that GOD had not left himself without a witnefs in even the ravings of the Pythonefs and the dark avenues of Dodona-ergo, that there was fome fenfe in them :" Is this conclufion allowed me?

The Free Mafons are the only Corporation, whether under the name of a church, a nation or a focicty, who have melted the knowledge of GOD the CREATOR poffeffed by the Antients into the fame fire with the knowledge of a REDEEMER given to the Chriftians. May they fhine with invigorated glories! They fhall! And fhall give Rome the blow, it has always fufpected and feared from their hands. As far as Caglioftro is a Free Mason, he shall revenge and triumph.


THE Baron, afterwards Duke of Biron, being under fome uneafinefs of mind, occafioned by the death of Lord Cerency, and others flain in a quarrel, is faid to have difguifed himself in the habit of a letter-carrier, and perfonating that humble character, confulted the celebrated La Broffe, a Mathematician, highly reputed for his fkill in cafting nativities. Having informed the conjuror of the purport of his vifit, he prefented his nativity drawn by fome other; not acknowledging it to be his own, but that of a gentleman whom he ferved, and desired, for par. ticular reafons, to know what was portended by it. La Broffe rectified the figure; after which, he faid it was meant for a perfon of diftinguished birth, and looking carneftly in the face of the pretended letter-carrier, afked if it were his? The Baron refused to fatisfy him; but perfifting in his defire to know what his life and end fhould be" My fon," replied the old man," he whose nativity this is, fhall ife to great honour by his military atchievements, and might be a king, were VOL. I.

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it not for a caput algol.
"What do
thofe words import?" enquired the
"Afk not, returned La
Broffe. "I infit upon knowing the
meaning," rejoined the other.
you must know," cries La Broffe, “he
will commit a crime that fhall bring him
to the fcaffold !" whereupon the Baron
affaulted the poor conjuror, and thwack-
ed him as never wight had been be-
fore; leaving him half dead. He
locked the garret door, carried the
key away with him, and was after-
wards heard to boat of the exploit.

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He had a conference with one named Cæfar, a Magician at Paris, who told him that nothing would prevent his acceffion to the throne, but a backblow from the Bourguignon. This prediction he recollected when imprifoned in the Baftile, and intreated one of his friends to enquire what countryman the executioner was? when, on hearing he was a Bourguignon, or Burgundian, "Then," exclaimed the Baron, "I am a dead man!" and foon after was beheaded for having been concerned in a confpiracy.


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