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said Francis Henry de la Motte, falsely, wick- Southampton, and also in the harbour of edly, and traitorously notified, disclosed and Portsmouth aforesaid; and of the state and revealed (among other things) to the said condition of several of the said ships, and of enemies of our said lord the king, the time the destination of some of the said ships, and of the sailing of a squadron of ships of for what time some of the said ships were vicwar, of our said lord the king, under the tualled, and in what services some of the said command of sir Samuel Hood, then being ships were then expected to be employed; and one of the admirals of our said lord the of the number and names of a squadron of the king, from this kingdom, and the destina- ships of war of our said lord the king, then tion of the said squadron: and the said Francis shortly expected to sail from the said kingHenry de la Motte, on the same day and year dom, under the command of George Johnlast mentioned, at the parish aforesaid, in the ston, esq. then being one of the officers in county of Middlesex aforesaid, in prosecution the navy of our said lord the king, and of the of, and to promote his treason, imaginations, time for which the said squadron was victualand compassings aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, led, and of certain regiments of the army of and traitorously did send, and procure to be our said lord the king, then expected to be sent, all and singular the said several letters, taken to sea in the said squadron; and also instructions in writing, accounts or lists, and of the state and condition of divers ships of accounts or states herein before mentioned to war of our said lord the king, in parts beyond have been wrote and composed, and caused the seas; and also of certain ships of war of and procured to have been wrote and compos- our said lord the king, employed in cruizing ed, by him the said Francis Henry de la against the enemies of this kingdom; and of Motte, from the parish aforesaid, in the the service in which the said ships were so county of Middlesex aforesaid, to be delivered employed; in order, and with intent, to send, in parts beyond the seas, to several subjects of and cause to be sent, the same accounts, or the said French king, then and yet being ene- the substance, and contents thereof, to certain mies of our said lord the king: and that, dur-subjects of the said French king, then and ing the said war, to wit, on the 30th day of yet being enemies of our said lord the king: June, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish and for that purpose, he the said Francis aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, Henry de la Motte, afterwards, to wit, on the the said Francis Henry de la Motte, as such same day and year last above mentioned, at false traitor as aforesaid, and in prosecution the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middleof his said treason and treasonable purposes sex aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorousaforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously ly did carry and convey the said accounts to did retain, hire, and procure, and cause to be the dwelling-house of one Richard Otley, siretained, hired, and procured one Stephen Rat- tuate in the parish aforesaid, in the said cliffe, then and there being the master of a county of Middlesex. And the jurors aforecertain ship or vessel, to carry and convey, in said, upon their oath aforesaid, further prethe said ship or vessel, from this kingdom to sent, that during the said war, to wit, on the the kingdom of France, and there to deliver said 11th day of January, in the 20th year to certain subjects of the said French king, aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the said then and yet enemies of our said lord the county of Middlesex, he the said Francis king, certain letters and instructions, in writ- Henry de la Motte, as such false traitor as ing, to inform the said French king and his aforesaid, in further prosecution of his said subjects, then and yet enemies of our said treason and treasonable purposes aforesaid, lord the king, of the state, condition, destina- unlawfully and traitorously did retain, hire, tion, and stations of the naval and military and employ one Henry Lutterloh, to obtain forces of this kingdom; and other advice and accounts and intelligence of the ships of war intelligence, to enable and assist the said of our said lord the king, which should sail French king and his subjects in the prosecu- from Spithead aforesaid, and of the times of tion and carrying on of the said war against sailing, and the names, force, and destination our said lord the king and his subjects. And of such ships of war; and also of the arrival the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, at Spithead aforesaid, of such ships of war of further present, that during the said war, to our said lord the king, as should arrive at wit, on the 5th day of January, in the 21st Spithead aforesaid; and also of such ships of year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the war of our said lord the king, as should be in county of Middlesex aforesaid, he the said the harbour of Portsmouth aforesaid; and of Francis Henry de la Motte, as such false trai- the state, condition, and force of such ships; tor as aforesaid, in further prosecution of his and of the times when such ships were exsaid treason and treasonable purposes afore-pected to sail; and also of the times when said, secretly, knowingly, unlawfully, and traitorously did obtain, procure, and get into his hands, custody, and possession, divers accounts, in writing, of the number and names of the ships of war of our said lord the king, then being at a place called Spithead, near Portsmouth aforesaid, in the said county of

such ships should sail; and the destination of such ships; and to communicate such accounts and intelligence to the said Francis Henry de la Motte, in order that he, the said Francis de la Motte, might send such accounts and intelligence to the subjects of the said French king, then and yet being enemies of

our said present lord the king. And the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, further present, that during the said war, to wit, on the said 5th day of January, in the 21st year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the said county of Middlesex, he the said Francis Henry de la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, and in further prosecution of his treason and treasonable purposes aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously did retain, hire, and employ the said Henry Lutterloh, to obtain information and intelligence of the sailing of a squadron of ships of war of our said lord the king, then shortly expected to sail from Spithead aforesaid, under the command of the said George Johnston, then being one of the officers in the navy of our said lord the king, and of the time when such squadron should sail, and of the number and force of the ships of such squadron; and immediately to send, and cause to be sent, such information and intelligence, to certain subjects of the said French king, then and yet being enemies of our said lord the king, against the duty of the allegiance of him the said Francis Henry de la Motte, and against the peace of our said present sovereign lord the king, his crown, and dignity, and also against the form of the statute in such case made and provided.- -Second Count. And the said jurors, for our said sovereign lord the king, upon their said oath, further present, that an open and public war, on the said 11th day of January, in the 20th year of the reign of our said sovereign lord George the third, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, and so forth, and long before, and ever since, hitherto, by land and by sea, was and yet is carried on and prosecuted by Lewis the French king, against our most serene, illustrious, and excellent prince, our said lord the now king; and that the said Francis Henry De la Motte, a subject of our said lord the king, of his kingdom of Great Britain, well knowing the premises, not having the fear of God in his heart, nor weighing the duty of his allegiance, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, as a false traitor against our said most serene, illustrious, and excellent prince, George the third, now king of Great Britain, &c. and contriving, and with all his strength intending, the peace and common tranquillity of this kingdom of Great Britain to disquiet, molest, and disturb, the government of our said present sovereign lord the king of this kingdom of Great Britain to change, subvert, and alter, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, during the war aforesaid, to wit, on the said 11th day of January, in the 20th year aforesaid, and on divers other days and times, as well before as after that day, with force and arms, at the said parish of St. George, Hanover-square, in the said county of Middlesex, unlawfully and traitorously was adhering, aiding, and comforting, to the said Lewis the French king,

and his subjects, then being enemies of our said present sovereign lord the king; and, in the prosecution, performance, and execution of the said traitorous adhering of the said Francis Henry De la Motte to the said Lewis the French king, and his subjects, then being enemies of our said lord the present king, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor, during the war aforesaid, to wit, on the said 11th day of January, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the said county of Middlesex, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously did compose and write, and cause to be composed and wrote, divers other letters and instructions in writing, to shew and inform the said French king and his subjects, then and yet enemies of our said present lord the king, of the state, condition, and force of several of the ships of war of our said lord the king, and of the number of the ships and forces of our said lord the king, then and there designed and prepared for the defence of this kingdom, and the enemies of the said kingdom to attack, repel, and resist; and how some of the ships of war of our said lord the king were manned, and for what time divers ships of war of our said lord the king were furnished with provisions; and of the stations of divers squadrons of ships of war of our said lord the king, employed in prosecuting and carrying on the said war; and the names of the commanders of such squadrons, and the number and force of the ships of war of which such squadrons consisted; and also of the service in which divers other ships of war of our said lord the king were then employed in prosecuting and carrying on the said war; and also the number and force of the ships of war of our said lord the king within certain ports of this kingdom, and of the state and condition of several of the said ships; and of the numbers of the land forces of our said lord the king in this kingdom, and the dominions thereunto belonging; and of the times of the sailing of divers ships of war of our said lord the king, and the destination of the said ships, and the services in which such ships were employed, and of the times when other ships of war of our said lord the king were then expected to sail from this kingdom, and the voyages, cruizes, and services upon which such ships were sailed; and also of the times when other ships of war of our said lord the king, employed in the prosecution and carrying on of the said war, were expected to arrive in this kingdom; and also of the times of the sailing of several ships and vessels, belonging to divers subjects of our said lord the king, from this kingdom to the dominions of our said lord the king, and other places, in parts beyond the seas; and also of the times when other ships and vessels, belonging to divers other subjects of our said lord the king, were expected to sail from this kingdom to the dominions of our said lord the king, and other places, in parts beyond the seas; and also of

war of our said lord the king, between the Scilly islands and Ushant; and that certain ships and vessels were getting ready with provisions for the said squadron; and that a certain ship of war of our said lord the king, called the Marlborough, had sailed from Spit

the times when other ships and vessels of divers other subjects of our said lord the king were expected to arrive in this kingdom, from the dominions of our said lord the king, and other places beyond the seas: and that afterwards, and during the said war, to wit, on the 11th day of January, in the 20th year afore-head on Tuesday then last past, to join the said, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his said treason, and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously composed and wrote, and caused and procured to be composed and wrote, a certain letter to be sent to certain subjects of the said French king in parts beyond the seas, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king; in which said letter the said Francis Henry De la Motte, amongst other things, wickedly, falsely, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed to the said enemies of our said lord the king, that certain regiments of the army of our said lord the king were preparing to go to the West Indies; and also of the number of land forces of our said lord the king to be sent to North America and Canada; and of the stations of divers ships of war of our said lord the king, then employed in prosecuting and carrying on the said war by our said lord the king against the said Lewis the French king: and afterwards, and during the said war, to wit, on the 30th day of June, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his said treason, and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously composed and wrote, and caused and procured to be composed and wrote, a certain other letter, to be sent to certain subjects of the said French king, in parts beyond the seas, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king; in which said last-mentioned letter the said Francis Henry De la Motte, among other things, wickedly, falsely, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed to the said enemies of our said lord the king, that sir George Brydges Rodney, bart. then being one of the admirals of our said lord the king, was at the island of Barbadoes, in parts beyond the seas, with fourteen ships of our said ford the king, part of a squadron of ships of war of our said lord the king, employed in prosecuting and carrying on the said war, under the command of the said sir George Brydges Rodney, being such admiral as aforesaid; and that seven other ships of war of our said lord the king, other part of the said squadron, kept at sea; and that other ships of war of our said lord the king, other part of the said squadron, were under repair at St. Lucia, in parts beyond the seas; and also that Francis Geary, esq. then being one other of the admirals of our said lord the king, was Cruizing, with a squadron of other ships of

said squadron; and that certain other ships of war of our said lord the king, employed in prosecuting and carrying on of the said war, were off Cherburgh, in the kingdom of France: and afterwards, and during the said war, to wit, on the 1st day of August, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his said treason, and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and trai torously composed and wrote, and caused and procured to be composed and wrote, certain accounts, or lists, to be sent to certain subjects of the said French king in parts beyond the seas, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king; in one of which said accounts, or lists, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed to the said enemies of our said lord the king, the number, force, and station, of a certain squadron of ships of war of our said lord the king, then employed in prosecuting and carrying on the said war, under the command of the said Francis Geary, then being one of the admirals of our said lord the king; and in another of the said accounts, or lists, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed to the said enemies of our said lord the king, the num ber, names, and force, of certain ships of war of our said lord the king, then in certain ports of our said lord the king in this kingdom, and the state, condition, and destination, of the same ships of war; and in another of the said accounts, or lists, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed to the said enemies of our said lord the king, the times of the sailing and destination of divers other ships of war of our said lord the king, which had lately before that time sailed from this kingdom; and also the number, state, condition, and force, of divers other ships of war of our said lord the king, then in the ports of this kingdom; and in another of the said accounts, or lists, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed to the said eneinies of our said lord the king, the stations of divers ships and vessels of our said lord the king, then cruizing against the enemies of our said lord the king: and after wards, and during the said war, to wit, on the said 1st day of August, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as

other ships of war of our said lord the king, service; and also the number and force of then cruizing against the enemies of our said lord the king, under the command of Robert Digby, esq. then being one other of the admirals of our said lord the king; and also the number and force of the ships of war of our said lord the king, then repairing in certain ports within this kingdom; and the times when certain other ships or vessels, belonging to certain subjects of our said lord the king, were expected to arrive in this kingdom, from the dominions of our said lord the king, and other places, in parts beyond the seas; and the times when certain other ships or vessels, belonging to certain other subjects of sail from this kingdom to the dominions of our said lord the king, were then expected to our said lord the king, and other places, in the said war, to wit, on the 17th day of Noparts beyond the seas: and afterwards, during

aforesaid, in prosecution of his said treason, and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously composed and wrote, and caused or procured to be composed and wrote, an account, or state, to be sent to certain subjects of the said French king in parts beyond the seas, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king; in which said account, or state, the said Francis Henry De la Motte notified, disclosed, and revealed to the said enemies of our said lord the king, the number of the naval forces of our said Ford the king, employed in prosecuting and carrying on the said war, under the command of certain admirals of our said lord the king: and afterwards, and during the said war, to wit, on the 9th day of August, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the County of Middlesex aforesaid, he, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his said treason, and treasonable adhering, and pur-vember, in the 21st year of the reign of our poses aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and trai- said lord the king, at the parish aforesaid, in torously composed and wrote, and caused and the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he the said procured to be composed and wrote, a certain Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false other letter, to be sent to certain subjects of traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his said the said French king, in parts beyond the treason and treasonable adhering, and purseas, then and yet enemies of our said lord poses aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and trai the king; in which said last mentioned letter, torously composed and wrote, and caused and the said Francis Henry De la Motte, (among other letter, to be sent to certain subjects of procured to be composed and wrote, a certain other things) falsely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed to the said the said French king, in parts beyond the enemies of our said lord the king, that certain seas, then and yet enemies of our said lord ships of war of our said lord the king had the king; in which said last mentioned letter, then lately sailed to reinforce a squadron of the said Francis Henry De la Motte, (among ships of war of our said lord the king, under other things) falsely, wickedly, and traitorousthe command of the said Francis Geary, then ly notified, disclosed, and revealed, to the said being one of the admirals of our said lord the enemies of our said lord the king, when a king; and that certain other ships of war of squadron of ships of war of our said lord the our said lord the king were then pre-king, under the command of George Darby, paring to join the said squadron; and that certain other ships of war of our said lord the king had sailed under the command of Murray, esq. then being one of the officers in the navy of our said lord the king, and the place of the destination thereof: and afterwards, and during the said war, to wit, on the 5th day of September, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his said treason and treasonable adhering, and poses aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously composed and wrote, and caused and procured to be composed and wrote, a certain other account, to be sent to certain subjects of the said French king, in parts beyond the seas, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king; in which said last mentioned account, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, (among other things) falsely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed, to the said enemies of our said lord the king, the number and force of the ships of war of our said lord the king, then being in certain ports within this kingdom, equipped for


esq. then being one of the admirals of our said lord the king, and then employed in prosecuting and carrying on the said war, was expected to return to this kingdom: and afterwards, and during the said war, to wit, on the said 17th day of November, in the 21st year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his said treason and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously composed and wrote, and caused and procured to be composed and wrote, a certain account, to be sent to certain subjects of the said French king, in parts beyond the seas, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king; in which said last mentioned account, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, (among other things) falsely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed, to the said enemies of our said lord the king, the number of land and sea forces of our said lord the king, in this kingdom, and other the domi nions of our said lord the king beyond the seas, and also the number of seamen in the service of our said lord the king: and after

wards, and during the said war, to wit, on the said 1st day of December, in the 21st year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his said treason and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously composed and wrote, and caused and procured to be composed and wrote, a certain other letter, to be sent to certain subjects of the said French king, in parts beyond the seas, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king; in which said last mentioned letter, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed (among other things) to the said enemies of our said lord the king, the time of the sailing of a squadron of ships of war of our said lord the king, under the command of sir Samuel Hood, then being one of the admirals of our said lord the king, from this kingdom, and the destination of the said squadron. And the said Francis Henry De la Motte, on the same day and year last mentioned, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, in prosecution of the said traitorous adhering of the said Francis Henry De la Motte to the said Lewis the French king, and his subjects, enemies of our said lord the king, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously did send, and procure to be sent, all and singular the said several letters, instructions in writing, accounts or lists, and accounts or states, herein before-mentioned to have been wrote and composed, and caused and procured to have been wrote and composed, by him the said Francis Henry De la Motte, from the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, to be delivered, in parts beyond the seas, to several subjects of the said French king, then and yet being enemies of our said lord the king; and that during the said war, to wit, on the 30th day of June, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, and in prosecution of his said treason and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously did retain, hire, and procure, and cause to be retained, hired, and procured, one Stephen Ratcliffe, then and there being the master of a certain ship or vessel, to carry and convey, in the said ship or vessel, from this kingdom to the kingdom of France, and there to deliver to certain subjects of the said French king, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king, certain letters and instructions in writing, to inform the said French king and his subjects, then and yet enemies of our said lord the king, of the state, condition, destination, and stations of the naval and military forces of this kingdom, and other advice and intelligence, to enable and assist the said French king and his subjects in the prosecu

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tion and carrying on of the said war against our said lord the king and his subjects. And the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, further present, that during the said war, to wit, on the 5th day of January, in the 21st year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, he the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in further prosecution of his said treason and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, secretly, knowingly, unlawfully, and traitorously did obtain, procure, and get into his hands, custody, and possession, divers accounts, in writing, of the number and names of the ships of war of our said lord the king, then being at a place called Spithead, near Portsmouth aforesaid, in the said county of Southampton, and also in the harbour of Portsmouth aforesaid, and of the state and condition of several of the said ships, and of the destination of some of the said ships, and for what time some of the said ships were victualled, and in what services some of the said ships were then expected to be employed; and of the number and names of a squadron of the ships of war of our said lord the king, then shortly expected to sail from the said kingdom, under the command of George Johnston, esq. then being one of the officers in the navy of our said lord the king, and of the time for which the said squadron was victualled; and of certain regiments of the army of our said lord the king, then expected to be taken to sea in the said squadron; and also of the state and condition of divers ships of war of our said lord the king, in parts beyond the seas; and also of certain ships of war of our said lord the king, employed in cruising against the enemies of this kingdom, and of the service in which the said ships were so employed; in order and with intent to send, and cause to be sent, the same accounts, or the substance and contents thereof, to certain subjects of the said French king, then and yet being enemies of our said lord the king; and for that purpose he the said Francis Henry De la Motte, afterwards, to wit, on the same day and year last above mentioned, at the parish aforesaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, falsely, wickedly, and traitorously did carry and convey the said accounts to the dwelling house of one Richard Otley, situate in the parish aforesaid, in the said county of Middlesex. And the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, further present, that during the said war, to wit, on the said 11th day of January, in the 20th year aforesaid, at the parish aforesaid, in the said county of Middlesex, he the said Francis Henry De la Motte, as such false traitor as aforesaid, in further prosecution of his said treason and treasonable adhering, and purposes aforesaid, unlawfully and traitorously did retain, hire, and employ one Henry Lutterloh to obtain accounts and intelligence of the ships of war of our said lord the king, which should sail from Spithead aforesaid, and

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