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different indeed is the course of those, whose precipitate and ignorant zeal would overturn the fundamental institutions of society, uproar its peace, and endanger its security, in pursuit of a distant and shadowy good, of which they themselves have formed no definite conception-whose atrocious philosophy would sacrifice a generation-and more than one generation-for an bypothesis.


How much would it add to the value of a slave, | assure us that the results may not disappoint our expecthat he should be capable of being employed as a clerk, tations, and that we may not do evil instead of good. or be able to make calculations as a mechanic? In But are we therefore to refrain from efforts to benefit consequence, however, of the fanatical spirit which has our race and country? By no means: but these mobeen excited, it has been thought necessary to repress tives, this labor and self distrust, are the only conditions this tendency by legislation, and to prevent their ac-upon which we are permitted to hope for success. Very quiring the knowledge of which they might make a dangerous use. If this spirit were put down, and we restored to the consciousness of security, this would be no longer necessary, and the process of which I have spoken would be accelerated. Whenever indications of superior capacity appeared in a slave, it would be cultivated; gradual improvement would take place, until they might be engaged in as various employments as they were among the ancients-perhaps even liberal ones. Thus, if in the adorable providence of God, at a time and in a manner which we can neither foresee nor conjecture, they are to be rendered capable of freedom, and to enjoy it, they would be prepared for it in the best and most effectual, because in the most natural and To Mr. T. W. WHITE, gradual manner. But fanaticism hurries to its effect at once. I have heard it said, God does good, but it is by imperceptible degrees; the Devil is permitted to do evil, and he does it in a hurry. The beneficent processes of nature are not apparent to the senses. You cannot see the plant grow or the flower expand. The volcano, the earthquake and the hurricane, do their work of desolation in a moment. Such would be the desolation, if the schemes of fanatics were permitted to have effect. They do all that in them lies, to thwart the beneficent purposes of Providence. The whole ten-mittance. This would have been done long ago, but I dency of their efforts is to aggravate present suffering, and to cut off the chance of future improvement; and in all their bearings and results, they have produced, and are likely to produce, nothing but “pure, unmixed, dephlegmated, defecated evil."

Editor of the Southern Literary Messenger.

I have been, for many months past, "in a peck of troubles," lest my non-appearance among your correspondents might realize, in my own case, the old adage, "out of sight out of mind.” But no man above the grade of a brute beast is willing to be forgotten by his fellow men,-especially by that portion of them with whom he has long maintained friendly intercourse. I hope, therefore, that this natural feeling will plead my excuse for knocking once more at your door for ad

was so thrown "all a-back" on the last occasion, by the fearful anathemas of certain popes of the press, (as our modern newspaper editors may justly be called,) for being “too old fashioned," that I have hardly yet recovered sufficient courage to show my antiquated If Wilberforce or Clarkson were living, and it were phiz again, among your numerous fashionable visitors. inquired of them “Can you be sure that you have pro- Some short time ago, however, I was just beginning, moted the happiness of a single human being?" I once more, to excogitate a few addenda to my former imagine that, if they considered conscientiously, they "Odds and Ends," when I was startled by the sight of would find it difficult to answer in the affirmative. If my own name, in your Messenger. Not even imaginit were asked "Can you be sure that you have noting that any other person would so fall in love with it been the cause of suffering, misery and death to thou-as to counterfeit the signature, and being most deplosands?"—when we recollect that they probably stimu-rably forgetful, I began to ask myself, “Is it I? Can I lated the exertions of the amis des noirs in France, and that through the efforts of these, the horrors of St. Domingo were perpetrated, I think they must hesitate long to return a decided negative. It might seem cruel, if we could, to convince a man who has devoted his life to what he esteemed a good and generous purpose, that he has been doing only evil-that he has been worshipping a horrid fiend, in the place of the true God. But fanaticism is in no danger of being convinced. It is one of the mysteries of our nature, and of the divine government, how utterly disproportioned to each other, are the powers of doing evil and of doing good. The poorest and most abject instrument, that is utterly imbecile for any purpose of good, seems sometimes endow ed with almost the powers of omnipotence for mischief. A mole may inundate a province-a spark from a forge may conflagrate a city-a whisper may separate friends; a rumor may convulse an empire-but when we would do benefit to our race or country, the purest and most chastened motives, the most patient thought and labor, with the humblest self distrust, are hardly sufficient to

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already have done and forgotten what I supposed I was just about to do; or am I dreaming?" The thought suddenly flashed across my mind, that Cogia Hassan, or "the sleeper awakened," when in a somewhat similar predicament, as recorded in the "Arabian Nights Entertainments," had severely pinched himself to make sure of his personal identity. I resorted instanter to the same rousing process, and immediately discovered upon beginning to read, that "a fresh hand had taken hold of the bellows." The perusal of a few lines only, convinced me thoroughly of his blowing it far better than I had ever done, or could do; and I was on the point of publicly surrendering my name in his behalf, and praying for an act of our legislature to sanction the transfer, (as the law requires,) when it occurred to me, that I owed it to myself, before such petition to our beneficent law-makers, at least to attempt some selfvindication against the alarming charge of being "too old fashioned." This, however, is no easy task, in the entire absence of all those specifications which the law requires in every case of indietment, showing the hote and

the wherein the alleged offence has been committed, and moreover, in a case where the accused has scarcely a chance of being tried by a jury of his peers. The only plan I can think of to effect my object, if possible, is, by contrasting many old fashions with new ones, in relation to similar things; and if all fails, to throw my self on the mercy of your court. Even then, unless half at least of its members are sexagenarians and past that age, I cannot cherish much hope of acquittal But the charge against me is still recorded in your Messenger, and not a word have I yet offered in my defence. Now then, or never, let me offer it, unless I am barred by your act of limitation.

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to the maxims of Dr. Franklin's Poor Richard, where they will find it stated as an axiom, that "other people's eyes cost us more than our own." And between ourselves, I must think, that this most silly and ridiculous passion for show, which I verily believe has existed ever since the Devil tempted our mother Eve to eat the apple of knowledge, is far more virulent in these days of perfectibility, than in those by gone days which I am laboring to vindicate against the anathemas of our newspaper popes.

As to our daily meals, either with or without company, the cheap, homely tables once used for them, would now go near to destroy all appetite among the fashionables of the present race; whilst the substantial viands which they formerly held, and which every body knows

Before I begin my contrasts of old and new fashions, I must tell you what a quandary I have been in, relative | to the proper application of the term fashion. After as familiarly as household words, have been banished, half an hour's hard study in Mr. Crabb's admirable in a great measure, especially from our large towns and work on English synonymes, to determine when I cities, the established arbiters and dictators of all fashshould use that term, or custom, or practice, or habit, I ions to the country. The successors of these viands gave the matter up in despair, and resolved, "meo are certain Frenchified kickshaws, the very names and perienlo," to make fashion act as a sort of omnium ga-substances of which are culinary mysteries, necessarily therum for every meaning of which Mr. Crabb had constituted the four terms, distributees. Against his apportionment I have not a word to say; for I plead incompetence clearly to understand his rules of choice; and I make this confession in hope of propitiating, in some degree, our newspaper-popes, of whom I am in such mortal dread; and whose next anathema, I fear, may be against my style. With this propitiatory offering to their acknowledged supremacy in giving the law on all matters of taste, of science, arts, morals, politics and religion; in short, on all subjects about which printers' ink can be shed, I proceed to my array of old fashions against new ones: and first, on the score of economy, in which a greater minuteness of detail will be necessary, than I would enter into, if I could well avoid it.

requiring some explanation before old-times-people can venture to eat any thing: unless, indeed, when simultaneously pressed by resistless hunger and the fear of betraying their rusticity, they could content themselves to follow the laudable example of an old country. gentleman, once at President Jefferson's table, who, (as report says,) incontinently made his dinner,--" entirely of baked Irish potatoes!" they being the only old acquaintance he could recognise among the sophisticated host of materials most abundantly spread before him. But this mystification of eatables, is not the worst of it, since they must be served up, for consistency sake, on very costly tables, and in sets of fine china, cut-glass, and sometimes silver, the first cost alone of which would purchase a full year's allowance of bacon for the largest Virginia family. Add to all this, and, likewise, for In by-gone times, our families generally, could ad- consistency sake, those dishes so numerous, so variegated, just their limbs much to their own comfort and satis- so exquisitely foreign in composition, taste, and titles, faction, in what were familiarly and figuratively called must, "ex necessitate rei," be well washed down with "flag-chairs." These cost from two shillings and six- equally exquisite foreign potations, maugre the cost!— pence, to three shillings, while those of a more patrician provided, always, that credit enough to buy them, can order, and specially intended for company, were only a once be established. Hence the former comparatively few shillings more costly. But to compensate, in some cheap drinks, which were used in "the olden time," at degree, for this extra expense, they were covered with the tables of what were then called, (par excellence) "the good substantial leather, quite strong enough for chil- gentry," have been nearly excluded, to make way for dren's shoes, or dancing pumps; when the then fashion- such a motley multitude of French, Spanish, Portuable style of "chicken-flutter and cross-shuffle," required guese, German, and other foreign wines, that I can no quadruple the strength which similar articles now do, more recollect, even their names and titles than I could under the "lackadaisical system," of practising this remember and repeat all the names and genealogies reexhilarating amusement, which, (by the way,) seems corded in the book of Genesis. Yet the many silly adentirely to have changed its nature by becoming most venturers in the still more silly race after gentility, dash decidedly soporific. In these days, a large portion of us, through them all, as if they belonged to their motherhave become so very delicate and sensitive in our tongue, although they make quite as sad havoc among members, that it is indispensable to their repose from the them, as the cost of these foreign wines does among their wearisomeness of existence, to deposite them gen- purses. This latter havoc is, not unfrequently such, in erally, upon rocking chairs with spring bottoms, cost- a single day, if the party be given by a planter or ing from fifteen to forty dollars each; or on sofas farmer, (whose only return probably, will be ridicule equally elastic, and covered with expensive materials, for his folly,) as to require some months of hard agriat thirty, forty, fifty times the price of the old fashioned cultural labor to pay for it. But, if such parties be frereceptacles for our basement stories, which formerly quent, the inevitable end of this tragi-comic farce is, supported their superstructures quite as well, quoad all that the performers must very soon exchange all the the purposes of health and comfort, as their modern comforts, luxuries, and social intercourse which they successors do, and at one-eighth or tenth of the expense. enjoyed in the old States, for the coarsest fare, incessant For the moral of this fact I refer you and your readers | drudgery, and the constant risk of dirks or Bowie knives

being thrust into their vitals, in the new States and | lence"--" the Forsythe collon;" then as common as territories, if they only crook their fingers at any any other kind, under the title of "nankeen-collon,” one out of their own family. Here, if theory can although usually so mottled, that the arnotto-dye was be determined by practice, liberty means that every generally used to produce uniformity of color; after man shall do as he pleases to the full extent of his which, a country congregation of males, thus equipped physical powers, to indulge his brutish or any other pro- for Sunday exhibition, looked at a little distance for all the pensities. That there are hundreds and thousands of world like an assemblage of the tropical birds,-called men in these parts of our country, who deeply deplore Flamingos. Happy then, the country beau whose such a state of things, I have not the smallest doubt; breeches had most of this Flamingo hue; and still hapfor I have several personal friends among them, who pier the house-wife who had succeeded best in comhave assured me of the fact. But all their communica-pounding the arnotto-dye to adorn the lower extremitions contribute to confirm what I have just said; and that they, for the time being, are suffering a sort of moral martyrdom for the sacrifices which they formerly made, in some one or other of the old United States, to obtain the mere soap-suds-bubble of superior fashion and gentility. Most of the competitors in this preposterous,--may I not say, immoral race,--have been taught by the morbid public sentiment on this subject, to lavish their money for that which all the money in the world cannot purchase. They have been most fatally led to believe, that the greatest spendthrift among them will always gain the prize of gentility, in preference to the men most distinguished for their good morals, manners, and mental endowments--qualities which the wise and the good, whether poor or rich, and from time immemorial, have always determined can alone constitute any just title to the character of a real gentleman. Those who are truly entitled to this highly honorable distinction, may adopt different external modes, (all of which may be good,) at distant periods, of evincing their claims, and therefore I shall not now attempt to compare the present with the former fashions, any farther than to say, that it is much easier now, than in the olden time, to counterfeit the gentleman, since in these levelling-downward days, fit subjects for a penitentiary not unfrequently smuggle themselves into the genteelest society, under the specious disguise of a good suit of clothes and fashionable manners. In by-gone days, such an occurrence was hardly possible, for infinitely greater pains were taken to guard against such impostors. To aspire to the character of a true gentleman is certainly both honorable and highly improving in every point of view ; "Emollit mores, nec sinit esse feros :"

But to rest our pretensions on the success of the struggle, who shall squander the most money in the vain pursuit, is quite as great a folly, to say nothing of the sin, as we can possibly commit. In this, as in numerous other popular fallacies, we may rest perfectly assured, that "the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong."

Take another contrast. Fifty years ago, indeed still later, a gentleman's summer dress, especially in the country, usually consisted of a home-made straw-hat, worth perhaps twenty-five cents; a single change of coats of some cheap material; a few pair of nankeen breeches (if I may be pardoned for using so vulgar a term in these days of exquisite refinement;) and as many pair of thread or cotton stockings, protected, when he rode on horseback, by what were called "leggins," of check or "brown holland." The aforesaid breeches, (by the way,) were made, during the revolutionary war, of what is now called "par excel

ties of her husband, son, or brother, as the case "mought" be. But this is a digression (to which I am most unfortunately, and I fear incurably, addicted ;) let me, therefore, add to the above, two pair of shoes; one for every day, the other for Sundays, with one Sunday coat,-and the summer wardrobe for an oldtimes' gentleman was complete. His external habiliments for winter, were, a good "beaver hat," made, not like Peter Pindar's razors “only to sell," but to last until he was tired of it, and long after; a plain, neat, broadcloth coat, rarely if ever costing more than thirty shillings or thirty-six shillings a yard, with the coat of the previous year, for daily use,-except Sunday, when the best was put on as a matter of course. The breeches, or "inexpressibles"—as it became the modest fashion to call them, before the beaux, who had no calves to their "spindle-shanks," succeeded in their final expulsion-seldom exceeded two pair, neither of them very costly; his shoes were the same in number, but more water proof; and with them he associated a single pair of stout boots-worn only upon grand occasions,— such as musters, county courts, and elections. Moreover, these said boots were made of leather so strong and durable that no fair play could wear them out in much less than three or four years: for be it remembered that boots were not then as now, the wear for every day in the year. To finish the winter wardrobe, and furnish a defence against rain or snow, (for mere cold was little regarded in those days, even by ladies,) one great coat was kept, of some very strong cloth, costing from ten to twenty shillings a yard, and so lasting as to perform most effectual services through several winter campaigns.

But now, what do we find to be deemed all essential in forming a gentleman's wardrobe, for both seasons? Not only an entire change of form-against which I shall say nothing,-but a most striking one in the number, materials, and cost of the articles ;--to an amount more than triple what it formerly was, while individual income, especially from agriculture, the paymastergeneral, has diminished in nearly an equal ratio.

In by-gone days, we deemed our heads quite hard enough, if protected by a hat with some brim around it, to encounter any degree of summer heat, without the smallest risk to our brains of being either addled, baked or roasted. Now, our craniums have become so ex ceedingly tender, and the consequent hazard of such disaster so imminent, as to render fur caps and bandbox hats for winter, with non-descript noddle covers of silk, for summer,--but umbrellas also-articles of vital necessity, and thereby adding two or three hundred per cent to what may well be called our self-imposed skull tax, for both seasons. Even the beaux and belles among our darkies have adopted the fashion, and have

Would you guard then

learned to flourish their umbrellas, (numberillas, as they | results from false education. call them,) quite as stylishly as their masters and mis-against this greatest of all curses, both to individuals tresses, except when they first put themselves into and nations, the education of our sons should not be training; during which time their extreme awkward- either by inculcation or mere sufferance, to spend more ness in handling these skull protectors, forms a most of the family property than their parents allow them. ludicrous burlesque of the higher powers. A corres- It should not be to dictate to their fathers or mothers, pondent change in the summer-covering of our limbs either in opinions, manners, morals, or domestic duties. and bodies, has been deemed equally essential to suit | It should not be to think that very expensive dress and their diminished power of enduring summer-heat; so costly living constitute either the man or the gentleman. that the old fashioned, cheap pair of coats are now It should not be to become the most frequent, roistering, thought far too heavy, hot, and what is much worse, too arrogant, and boisterous attendants at tavern bars, grog ungenteel, to be sustained by those who can hardly sur-shops, and eating houses:—not to consider profanity, vive the dog-days in any thing but the thinnest and lightest of those costly gossamer fabrics, at present used for gentlemen's summer apparel. Our foot tax. also, for both seasons, contributes its full share to widen the difference between old fashioned and new fashioned expenditures: for most of us-especially our youth-run up bills with their tailors and with tavern keepers, must now have have at least two pair of thin boots for summer-two of more substance for winter, (although none of them are made to keep out water,) besides slippers, pumps, bootees, Jefferson shoes, &c., &c., the total number and cost of which, for one man, would formerly have kept a whole family in boots and shoes for double the period.

gambling, hard drinking and lewdness, altogether the most genteel accomplishments they can acquire:—not to deem the effort to become of somewhat greater use in the world, than merely "to consume the fruits of the earth," either needless or derogatory to their stations:-not to

during their minority, which afterwards will require their whole income, for some years, to pay :-not to deem it penurious to keep accurate accounts of their receipts and expenditures—a habit (by the way) never to be acquired, unless commenced in early life:-not to become critics in the sublime art of cookery, nor first rate judges of every variety of intoxicating liquors :-not to believe their young stomachs even so early as their tenth or twelfth year, incapable of performing all their healthful functions without the smoke or juice of that poisonous narcotic, tobacco;—not to feed their young brains with snuff, as if that were the only food they are capable of receiving. And lastly, it should not be to assume to be men, before they have qualified themselves to act as such.

When we compare the old with the new outfit for a winter campaign, the contrast is still more striking, still more illustrative of what I am trying to prove. Now, after a modern gentleman has ensconced himself in all imaginable envelopes deemed essential to his comfort and preservation within doors, at greatly increased cost, compared with former times, he has, alas! to guard himself with more than double diligence, against what the amiable Sancho Panza used to call, "the Could modern parents only be prevailed on to exert inclemencies of the Heavens." To do this most effectu- their whole authority, aided both by wise precepts and ally in the olden time, every man firmly believed, that virtuous example, to correct the numerous heart-sickena single, substantial great coat was amply sufficient, ing evils in modern education;-to exert it too, but for and his practice accorded with his faith. Now, should a few years, without either cold or hot fits in applying the thermometer sink only a few degrees below thirty- it; and the whole generation of idlers, drones, dandies, two, not less than two over coats, (for great coats they and profligates, would be swept from the face of the can no longer be called, being much more like gun-cases earth, to be replaced by a band of hardy, active, inin tightness,) with a cloak to make assurance doubly dustrious, intelligent and moral young men―the pride sure, must be added, to guard at least against being of their parent's hearts, and an honor above all price, frost-bitten, if not frozen to death. This triple pro- both to themselves and to their country. Do not, I vision against the horrors of congelation is particularly beseech you, understand me to say, or even to think, remarkable in a large portion of those truly unfortu- that we have no such young men, among the present nate victims of parental neglect just arriving at that generation. No,-God forbid; for it rejoiceth my old much envied, I wish I could say enviable age, when so heart-now almost worn out-to feel, with absolute cermany of them become their own masters, who are ut-tainty, that our good mother, Virginia, has many such terly unfit to be masters of any thing. But far be it to sustain her waning fortunes. But the misfortune is, from me to blame them so much for it. Their parents that their number is small, when compared with those are the great criminals in these cases: for they might of opposite character, and consequently it requires far have given their sons, by a proper physical education, more moral courage than young people-even the most constitutions too hardy to require such unmanly indul- intelligent, virtuous and best educated-usually possess, gences; and by a correct moral education, principles and to resist the ridicule and innumerable artful devices sentiments which would have led them to aspire to far always used to drive or to lure them from the paths of higher, much nobler distinction, than notoriety for dan- rectitude. The youths who, in these times, can sucdyism, and effeminacy. cessfully resist such baneful, deadly enemies, deserve all the praise, all the honors, all the rewards that a grateful and generous country can confer.

On this vital subject of education for our sons, I have much more to say, than my present purpose will allow me. But if you will pardon a short digression, I will here state as briefly as I can, what it should not be, leaving the all important inquiry, what it should be, for a few concluding remarks: since I deem it demonstrable, that every thing censurable in the present times

In pursuing my contrasts between past and present times, relative to expense, I was about to say something of ladies' dresses; but on further reflection, I deem them quite too mysterious matters for us old men to talk about, with no better information than our modern

exquisites and men-milliners can give us. I will there-in attempts, often utterly abortive, to teach them cerfore be admonished on this delicate and recondite sub-tain things called "accomplishments,” for which a very ject by the good old proverb, "least said is soonest large portion of these truly pitiable victims of paren mended." There are, however, some differences be- tal folly and vanity, have neither taste nor talents; actween their former and present educations-both phy-complishments, too, of which they make not the least sical and moral, which require animadversion. To use, after once gaining the liberty to neglect them. Nay, them, therefore, I will request your attention for a few why should they not neglect them, since a mere smat minutes. tering is the sum total of all their most costly, labori

The parents of former days were not entirely guiltless of this preposterous shameful waste and misapplication of time and money, in educating their daughters. Although housewifery, a term nearly obsolete in these perfectibility-days, always then held a conspicuous rank among the things to be taught; yet spinnets and harpsichords, (the fashionable instruments of those times,) were often made household gods, where no true wor shippers could be either found or made, even by the most laborious and costly efforts. These instruments, however, were rare, comparatively speaking; and when kept at all, were looked upon as a kind of heirlooms to last for some generations. There is now one of these remembrances of by-gone times in a branch of my own family, but an alien bought for others' use, which seems destined--after indoctrinating three or four

In old times a degree of skill in housewifery was es-ous, and reluctant acquisitions?—acquisitions moreover, teemed an important, although by no means the most which, if made at all, require almost constant gadding essential acquirement for most ladies; since the great- about from home to display them! er part of their lives would probably be devoted to such domestic duties as wives and mothers should always be well qualified to fulfil--at least such wives and mothers as were taught to believe themselves under a sacred obligation to become real helpmates to their husbands-devoted, faithful, affectionate, ever watchful guardians of their children. In those by-gone days, it had never entered into the minds even of the most imaginative, the hop-step-and-jump racers after hutan perfectibility of which we had none before philosopher Godwin's day-that the entire emancipation of mankind from all moral and religious restraints was to be attempted, much less achieved, by reformers in petticoats-nor that females utterly regardless of all the general sentiments of mankind, relative to their appropriate occupations and duties, should become itinerant public lecturers or teachers of any thing. The univer-generations of " ne plus ultra" strummers in the musical sal opinion, in the olden time, was, that woman's most sacred duty, her greatest praise and highest honor, consisted in the zealous, untiring, faithful and judicious discharge of all those arduous, but delightful duties, (where they succeed,) which naturally devolve upon the mistresses of families. May God, in the plenitude of his mercy, forever bless them all, both in this world and the next; for painful indeed, most painful is often their lot; complicated, laborious, and frequently revolting, their necessary occupations; distressing in the highest degree, the scenes wherein they are the chief, the only actors; whilst they, most generous, most noble souls! ask no other reward in this world, than the love and devoted affection of husbands and children-the sincere friendship and lasting attachment of other relatives and friends; yet too seldom, alas! do they meet this reward, highly as they deserve it, and easy as it is to bestow. Pardon me, Mr. Editor, should you think I dwell more on this subject than is due to its intrinsic merits; but my mind and my heart are full of it, and I plead, in justification, the old adage, that "out of the heart the mouth speaketh." Our matrons, our mistresses of families, not only give a tone to society, but contri-pharnalia, to every daughter who has gained a husband bule (unobtrusively as they work,) more than all other causes put together, to form the national taste, opinions, principles and morals; how vitally essential then is it that all possible attention should be paid to their education. Our children derive from them their first lessons in every thing. Should they be incapable of giving them to good purpose, all their pupils will probably become instruments of evil rather than of good, and curses instead of blessings to society. Yet, for every dollar now spent towards qualifying our daughters to discharge those all important duties for which nature's God designed them-duties which men are physically as well as morally, incapable of performing-hundreds and thousands of dollars are worse than thrown away

art-to sound its last expiring notes in my own county. "Requiescat in pare," is my most earnest wish for it; but if it could speak, while remembering all it has suffered in being forced to attempt impossibilities, I have not a shadow of doubt it would exclaim, “let me return to my original dust, for I have had no peace, no pleasure on earth, during nine-tenths of my existence." Look at the present fashion in this matter of music-mania, if you can do it with impartial eyes, and what will you see? Not only must all be forced to learn, “nolens volens," and often to the entire exclusion of every really useful branch of knowledge, whatever interdiet nature or circumstances may have interposed; but both nature and art must be tortured to perform what the one has forbid, and the other is incapable of achieving. Now, at least one piano, (pyannees, as some of the illiterate aspirants call them,) must be kept in almost every house, whatever the condition and circumstances of the owners may be, as a standing and necessary article of furniture, for visitors, as well as the females of the family to strum upon; but another more costly, must be given as an essential part of the wedding para

(God help him!) by her fingers. It once happened to me, that in passing along the main street of a town, I counted in less than a quarter of a mile, some eight or ten of these instruments on which the diligent performers were murdering certain marches and waltzes, although nearly as easy to execute as the once popular old tune of “Poor Betty Martin, tip toe fine,” with as much uniformity, as if it had been a matter of previous agreement. I cannot affirm that there was in either case the "malice prepense" required by law to constitute the crime of murder in the first degree; but if there had been, the heinous act could not have been more effectually perpetrated.

Permit me to exhibit another still more striking con

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