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DAVID GARRICK was born at Hereford in the year 1717. His father followed the military profession and bad at the time of his death been advanced to a Majority in the Army. Our Author received the first Rudiments of bis Education at the Free School at Litchfield, which be afterwards compleated at Rochester, under the celebrated Mr Colson, since Mathematical Professor at Cambridge. On the gtb of March 1736, he was entered of the Honourable Society of Lincolns-Inn, being intended for the Bar; but whether be found the study of the Law too heavy, saturnine, and barren of amusement for bis more active and lively disposition, or that a genius like bis could not continue circumscribed within the limits of any profession, but that to which it was more particularly adapted; like the Magnetic needle pointed directly to its proper centre, or perhaps botb, it is certain that be did not long pursue the Municipal Law; for in the year. 1740, be quitted it entirely for the Stage. Having performed a noviciate at Ipswich, he made his appearance at Goodman's Fields; and October 19th 1741, acted Richard III. for the first time. His acting was attended with the loudest acclamations of applause; and bis fame was so quickly propagated through the town, that the more established Theatres of Drury Lane, and Covent Garden, were deserted. Patentees, alarmed at the great deficiency in the receipts of their houses, and at the crouds which constantly filled the Theatre of Goodman's Fields, united their efforts to destroy the new raised seat of Theatrical empire; in consequence of which, Garrick entered into an agreement with Fleetwood, Patentee of Drury Lane for £.500 a-year, The fame of


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our English Roscius was now so extended, that an invitation from Ireland, upon very profitable conditions, was sent bim to act in Dublin, during the months of June, July, and August, 1742; which invitation be accepted. His success there exceeded all imagination; he was caressed by all ranks as a prodigy of Theatrical Accomplishment, and the play-bouse was so crowded during this hot season, that a very mortal Fever was produced, which was called Garrick's Fever. He returned to London before the winter, and now attended closely to his Theatrical professions, in which he was irrevocably fixed.—April 1747, be became joint Patentee of Drury Lane Theatre, with Mr Lacy; and in July 1749, married Mademoiselle Vilette.-In 1763 he undertook a journey into Italy for the benefit of his health; and during bis travels gave frequent proofs of his Theatrical talents; for he could, without the least preparation, transform himself into any character, tragic or comic, and seize instantaneously upon any passion of the buman mind. After he had been abroad about a year and an half, he turned bis thoughts homewards, and arrived in London April 1765.In 1769; be projected and conducted the memorable Jubilee, at Stratford, in bonour of Shakespeare, so much admired by some, and so much ridiculed by others.-On the death of Mr Lacy in 1773, the whole management of the Theatre devolved on him; but being advanced in years, and much afflicted with chronical disorders, be finally left it in June 1776, and disposed of his moiety of the Patent to Messrs. Sheridan, Linley and Ford, for L.35,000. He died at his house in the Adelphi, Jan. 15th 1779. Notwithstanding his constant employ as both actor and manager, he was perpetually producing various little things in the dramatic way; some of which are originals; others translations or alterations from other authors, adopted to the state of the present times; besides which, he wrote innumerable prologues, epilogues, songs, &c.

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SCENE, a Grove.

With a View of the River LETHE.

CHARON and Esor discovered.


RITHEE, philosopher, what grand affair is transacting upon earth? There is something of importance going forward, I am sure; for Mercury flew over the Styxthis morning, without paving me the usual compliments. Esop. I'll tell thee, Charon; this is the anniversary of the rape of Proserpine: on which day, for the future, Pluto has permitted her to demand from him something for the benefit of mankind.

Char. I understand you ;- -His Majesty's passion, by a long possession of the lady, is abated; and so, like a mere mortal, he must now flatter her vanity, and sacrifice his power, to atone for deficiences--But what has our royal mistress proposed in behalf of her favourite mortals?


Esop. As mankind, you know, are ever complaining of their cares, and dissatisfied with their conditions, the generous Proserpine has begg'd of Pluto, that they may have free access to the waters of Lethe, as a sovereign VOL. I remedy


remedy for their complaints- -Notice has been already given above, and proclamation made; Mercury is to conduct them to the Styx; you are to ferry 'em over to Elysium, and I am placed here to distribute the waters.

Char. A very pretty employment I shall have of it, truly! If her majesty has often these whims, I must petition the court either to build a bridge over the river, or let me resign my employment. Do their majesties know the difference of weight between souls and bodies? However, I'll obey their commands to the best of my power; I'll row my crazy boat over, and meet 'em ; but many of them will be relieved from their cares before they reach Lethe.

Esop. How so Charon ?

Char. Why, I shall leave half of 'em in the Styx; and any water is a specific against care, provided it be taken in quantity.


Mer. Away to your boat Charon; there are some mortals arriv'd; and the females among 'em will be very clamorous, if you make 'em wait.

Char. I'll make what haste I can, rather than give those fair creatures a topic for conversation. [Noise within, boat, boat, boat!] Coming-coming-zounds, you are in a plaguy hurry, sure! no wonder these mortal folks have so many complaints, when there's no patience among 'em; if they were dead now, and to be settled here for ever; they'd be damn'd before they'd make such a rout to come over,but Care, I suppose, is thirsty, and till they have drench'd themselves with Lethe, there will be no quiet among 'em; therefore I'll e'en to work; and so, friend Esop, and brother Mercury, good bye to 'ye. [Exit Charon.

Esop. Now to my office of judge and examiner, in which to the best of my knowledge I will act with impartiality; for I will immediately relieve real objects, and only divert myself with pretenders.

Mer. Act as your wisdom directs, and conformable to your earthly character, and we shall have few murmur


Esop. I still eain my former sentiments, never to refuse advise or charity to those that want either; flattery


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