Imagens das páginas

bers of Affembly for any county or counties in this colony, then, and in fuch cafe, the fame may, on the principles of more equal reprefentation, be lawfully done; any thing in this charter, to the contrary notwithstanding: fo that the whole number of Reprefentatives in Affembly, shall not, at any time, be lefs than thirty-nine.

IV. That all inhabitants of this colony, of full age, who are worth fifty pounds, proclamation money, clear estate in the fame, and have refided within the county, in which they claim a vote, for twelve months immediately preceding the election, fhall be entitled to vote for Reprefentatives in Council and Affembly; and also for all other public officers, that shall be elected by the people of the county at large.

V. That the Affembly, when met, fhall have power to choose a Speaker, and other their officers; to be judges of the qualifications and elections of their own members; fit upon their own adjournments; prepare bills, to be paffed into laws; and to empower their Speaker to convene them, whenever any extraordinary occurrence fhall render it neceffary.

VI. That the Council fhall alfo have power to prepare bills, to pafs into laws, and have other like powers as the Affembly, and in all respects be a free and independent branch of the Legiflature of this colony fave only that they fhall not prepare or alter any money bill-which fhall be the privilege of the Affembly: that the Council fhall, from time to time, be convened by the Governor or VicePrefident, but must be convened, at all times, when the Affembly fits; for which purpose the Speaker of the House of Affembly fhall always, immediately after an adjournment, give notice to the Governor, or Vice-Prefident, of the time and place, to which the Houfe is adjourned.

VII. That the Council and Affembly jointly, at their first meeting after each annual election, fhall, by a majority of votes, elect fome fit perfon within the colony, to be Governor for one year, who fhall be conftant Prefident of the Council, and have a cafting vote in their proceedings; and that the Council themfelves fhall choofe a Vice-Prefident, who fhall act as fuch in the abfence of the Governor.

VIII. That the Governor, or, in his abfence, the VicePrefident of the Council, fhall have the fupreme executive

power, be Chancellor of the colony, and act as captain-ge neral and commander in chief of all the militia, and other military force in this colony; and that any three or more of the Council fhall, at all times, be a Privy-Council, to confult them; and that the Governor be ordinary or furrogategeneral.

IX. That the Governor and Council, (feven whereof shall be a quorum) be the Court of Appeals, in the last resort, in all claufes of law, as heretofore; and that they poffefs the power of granting pardons to criminals, after condemnation, in all cafes of treafon, felony, or other offences.

X. That Captains, and all other inferior officers of the mili tia, fhall be chofen by the companies, in the refpective coun-ties; but field and general officers, by the Council and Affembly.

XI. That the Council and Affembly fhall have power to make the great feal of this colony, which fhall be kept by the Governor, or in his abfence, by the Vice-Prefident of the Council, to be used by them, as occafion may require: and it fhall be called The Great Seal of the colony of New-Jersey..

XII. That the Judges of the Supreme Court fhall continue in office for feven years: the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in the feveral counties, Juftices of the Peace, Clerks of the Supreme Court, Clerks of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Seffions, the Attorney General, and Provincial Secretary, fhall continue in office for five years and the Provincial Treafurer fhall continue in office for one year; and that they fhall be feverally appointed by the Council and Affembly, in manner aforefaid, and commiffioned by the Governor, or, in his abfence, the Vice-Prefident of the Council. Provided always, that the faid officers, feverally, fhall be capable of being re-appointed, at the end of the terms feverally before limited; and that any of the faid officers fhall be liable to be difmiffed, when adjudged guilty of misbehaviour, by the Council, on an impeachment of the Affembly.

XIII. That the inhabitants of each county, qualified to vote as aforefaid, fhall, at the time and place of electing their Reprefentatives, annually elect one Sheriff, and one or more Coroners; and that they may re-elect the fame perfon to fuch offices, until he fhall have ferved three years, but

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no longer; after which, three years must elapfe, before the fame perfon is capable of being elected again. When the election is certified to the Governor, or Vice-Prefident, under the hands of fix freeholders of the county, for which they were elected, they fhall be immediately commiffioned to ferve in their respective offices.

XIV. That the townships, at their annual town meetings for electing other officers, fhall choose Constables for the dif tricts respectively; and alfo three or more judicious freeholders of good character, to hear and finally determine all appeals, relative to unjust affeffments, in cafes of public taxation: which Commiffioners of Appeal fhall, for that purpose, fit at fome fuitable time or times, to be by them appointed, and made known to the people, by advertisements.

XV. That the laws of the colony fhall begin in the following ftyle, viz. "Be it enacted by the Council and General Affembly of this colony, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the fame:" that all commiffions, granted by the Governor or Vice-Prefident, fhall run thus-" The colony of New-Jerfey to A. B. &c. greeting" and that all writs fhall likewife run in the name of the colony: and that all indictments fhall conclude in the following manner, viz. "Against the peace of this colony, the government and dignity of the fame.'

XVI. That all criminals fhall be admitted to the fame privileges of witneffes and counfel, as their profecutors are or fhall be entitled to.

XVII. That the eftates of fuch perfons, as fhall destroy their own lives, fhall not, for that offence, be forfeited; but fhall defcend in the fame manner, as they would have done, had fuch perfons died in the natural way; nor fhall any article, which may occafion accidentally, the death of any one, be henceforth deemed a deodand, or in any wife forfeited, on account of fuch misfortune,

XVIII. That no perfon fhall ever, within this colony, be deprived of the ineftimable privilege of worshipping Al. mighty God, in a manner agreeable to the dictates of his own confcience; nor, under any pretence whatever, be compelled to attend any place of worship, contrary to his own faith and judgment; nor fhall any perfon, within this colony, ever be obliged to pay tithes, taxes, or any other rates, for

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the purpose of building or repairing any other church or churches, place or places of worship, or for the maintenance of any minifter or miniftry, contrary to what he believes to be right, or has deliberately or voluntarily engaged himself to perform.

XIX. That there fhall be no eftablishment of any one religious fect in this province, in preference to another; and that no Proteftant inhabitant of this colony fhall be denied the enjoyment of any civil right, merely on account of his religious principles; but that all perfons, profeffing a belief in the faith of any Proteftant fect, who fhall demean themfelves peaceably under the government, as hereby established, fhall be capable of being elected into any office of profit or truft, or being a member of either branch of the Legislature, and fhall fully and freely enjoy every privilege and immunity, enjoyed by others their fellow-fubjects.

XX. That the legislative department of this government may, as much as poffible, be preferved from all fufpicion of corruption, none of the Judges of the Supreme or other Courts, Sheriffs, or any other perfon or perfons poffeffed of any poft of profit under the government, other than Juftices of the Peace, fhall be entitled to a feat in the Affembly; but that, on his being elected, and taking his feat, his office or post shall be confidered as vacant.

XXI. That all the laws of this province, contained in the edition lately published by Mr. Allifon, fhall be and remain in full force, until altered by the Legislature of this colony (fuch only excepted, as are incompatible with this charter) and fhall be, according as heretofore, regarded in all refpects, by all civil officers, and others, the good people of this province.

XXII. That the common law of England, as well as fo much of the ftatute law, as have been heretofore practifed in this colony, shall still remain in force, until they fhall be altered by a future law of the Legiflature; fuch parts only excepted, as are repugnant to the rights and privileges contained in this charter; and that the ineftimable right of trial by jury fhall remain confirmed, as a part of the law of this colony, without repeal, for ever.

XXIII. That every perfon, who shall be elected, as aforefaid, to be a member of the Legislative Council, or Houfe

of Affembly, fhall, previous to his taking his feat in Council or Affembly, take the following oath or affirmation, viz.

“I, A. B. do folemnly declare, that, as a member of the Legislative Council, (or Affembly, as the cafe may be,) of the colony of New-Jerfey, I will not affent to any law, vote or proceeding, which fhall appear to me injurious to the public welfare of faid colony, nor that fhall annul or repeal that part of the third fection in the charter of this colony, which establishes, that the elections of members of the Legislative Council and Affembly fhall be annual; nor that part of the twenty-fecond fection in faid charter, refpecting the trial by jury, nor that shall annul, repeal, or alter any part or parts of the eighteenth or nineteenth fections of the fame."

And any perfon or perfons, who fhall be elected as aforefaid, is hereby empowered to adminifter, to the said members, the faid oath or affirmation.

Provided always, and it is the true intent and meaning of this Congrefs, that if a reconciliation, between Great-Britain and these colonies, should take place, and the latter be taken again under the protection and government of the crown of Britain, this charter fhall be null and void-otherwife to remain firm and inviolable.

Burlington, July 2, 1776.
By order of Congrefs,


Extract from the Minutes,

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The Conftitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as ra-
tified in Convention, the 2d day of September, 1790.


HE legislative power of this commonwealth fhall be

Senate and House of Reprefentaives.

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