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" He Has vindicated Eloquence and Wit. His candid Stile like a clean Stream does slide, And his bright Fancy all the way Does like the Sun-shine in it play ; It does like Thames, the best of Rivers, glide, Where the God does not rudely overturn, But gently... "
A new and general biographical dictionary - Página 483
por New and general biographical dictionary - 1762
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The History of the Royal Society of London, for the Improving of Natural ...

Thomas Sprat - 1667 - 470 páginas
...Where the God does not rudely overturn, But gently pour the Cryftal Vrn, And with judicious hand doss the whole Current guide. T' has all the Beauties Nature...And all the comely Drefs without the paint of Art. AN Advertifement to the Reader. tJe Reader is intreated to take notice. That much of this Difcourf...
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The Art of English Poetry Containing: Rules for making verses. A collection ...

Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 624 páginas
...But gentry pour the chryftal Urn, And with judicious Hands does the whole Torrent guide ; *T has all Beauties Nature can impart, And all the comely Drefs, without the Paint of Art. • Cnl. Thy even Thoughts with fo much Plainnefs flow, Their Senfe untutor'd Infancy may know : Yet...
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The History of the Royal Society of London, for the Improving of Natural ...

Thomas Sprat - 1722 - 470 páginas
...rudely overturn, But gently pour the cryflal Urn, And with judicious Hand does the whole Current guide. H'as all the Beauties Nature can impart, And all the comely <Drefs without the Taint of Art. A. COWLEY. AN ADVERTISEMENT TOTHE READER. Q HE Reader is entreated to take Notice, that...
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Select Works, Volume 1

Abraham Cowley - 1772 - 230 páginas
...pour, the cryftal urn, And with judicious hand does the whole current guide. [o] Dr. Sprat. - 'Thas "T has all the beauties, nature can impart, And all the comely drefs, without the paint of art. END OF THE POEMS. IIAEON HMIST HANTOS. A PROPOSITION I, A » PROPOSITION FOR •• . : I . ! The ADVANCEMENT...
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Select Works of Mr. A. Cowley: In Two Volumes, Volume 1

Abraham Cowley - 1772 - 264 páginas
...rivers, glide, Where the god does not rudely overturn, B,ut gently pour, the cryftal urni An^ ^ith judicious hand does the whole current guide. 'T has all the beauties, nature tan impart, And all the cwmely drefs, without die paint of art* [0] Dr. Sprat. *-*.* 5CX.THE xx. THE...
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Select Works of Mr. A. Cowley: In Two Volumes: with a Preface and Notes by ...

Abraham Cowley - 1777 - 266 páginas
...glide, Where the god does not rudely overturn, But gently pour, the cryftal urn, And withjudicious hand does the whole current guide. 'T has all the beauties, nature can impart, Arjd 'all the comely drefs, without the paint of art, [o] Dr. Sprat. XX. THE COMPLAINT K. TN a deep...
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The Works of the English Poets: Cowley

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 378 páginas
...rudely overturn, But gently pour, the cryftal urn, Ahdwith judicious hand does the whole current guidei 'T has all the beauties Nature can impart, And all the comely drefs, without the paint, of Art. UPON THE CHAIR made out of Sir FRANCIS DRAKE'S Smfi Prefented to the Univerfity Library of Oxford,...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 7

English poets - 1790 - 296 páginas
...Thames, the beft of rivers ! glide. Where the God does not rudely overturn, But gently pour, the cryftal urn, And with judicious hand does the whole current...And all the comely drefs, without the paint, of Art. UPON THE CHAIR made out of Sir FRANCIS DRAKE'S SHI PI Prefented to the Univerfity Library of Oxford,...
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The Works of the British Poets, Volume 5

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 738 páginas
...overturn. But gently pour, the cryftal urn, And with judicious hands does the whole current guide. It has all the beauties Nature can impart, And all the comely drefs, without the paint, of Art. ELEGIAC POEMS. An elegy an tit death of Joint Littleton, Efq. fan and hrir tl Sir Thomas Littleton,...
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Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler. Rochester. Roscommon. Otway. Waller. Pomfret ...

Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 842 páginas
...Where the God does not rudely overturn, But gently pour, the cryftal urn, And with judicious hand docs the whole current guide: 'T has all the beauties Nature...And all the comely drefs, without the paint, of Art. UPON THE CHAIR MADE OUT OF SIR FRANCIS DRAKE'S SHIP, PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF OXFORD,...
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