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" His characters are so much nature herself, that it is a sort of injury to call them by so distant a name as copies of her. Those of other poets have a constant resemblance, which... "
A new and general biographical dictionary - Página 341
por New and general biographical dictionary - 1762
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The Works of Shakespear: In Six Volumes, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1745 - 582 páginas
...conilant refemblance, which mews that they receiv'd them from one another, and were but multiplyers of the fame image : each picture like a mock-rainbow is but the reflexion of a reflexion. But every lingle character in Shake/fear is as much an Individual, as thofe in Life it felf ; it is as impofllble...
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The Works of Shakespear: In Eight Volumes, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 556 páginas Copies of her. Thofe of other Poets have a conftant refemblance, which Jhews that they receiv'd them from one another, and were but multipliers of...reflexion of a reflexion. But every fingle character in Sbakefpear is as much an Individual, as thofe in Life it felf ; it is as impoffible to find any two...
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The tempest. A midsummer-night's dream. The two gentleman of Verona. The ...

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 550 páginas Copies of her. Thofe of other Poets have a conftant refemblance, which fhews that they receiv'd them from one another, and were but multipliers of...mock-rainbow is but the reflexion of a reflexion. But every fmgle character in Shakefpear is as much an Individual, as thofe in Life it felf ; it is as impoflible...
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The Works of Shakespear: Tempest ; Midsummer night's dream ; Two gentlemen ...

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 576 páginas as Copies of her. Thofe of other Poets have a conftant refemblance, which mews that they receiv'd them from one another, and were but multipliers of...mock-rainbow is but the reflexion of a reflexion. But every fmgle character in Sbakefpear is as much an Individual, as thofe in Life it felf ; it is as impoflible...
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The Works of Alexander Pope Esq, Volume 6

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 368 páginas diftant a name as- espies of her. Thofe of other Poets have a conftant refemblance, which fhews that they received them from one another, and individual, as thofe in life itfelf ; it is as impoffible to find any two alike ; and fuch as from' their relation or affinity in any refpeA appear...
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The Works of Alexander Pope: Miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 382 páginas fo diftant a name as copies of her. Thofe of other Poets have a conftant refemblance, which ftews that they received them from one another, and were but multipliers of the fame image : «ach picture like a mock-rainbow is but the reflexion of a reflexion. But every fmgle character...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. ...: Miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 372 páginas
...that they received them from one another, and wrre but multipliers of the fame image : each pi&ure like a mock-rainbow is but the reflexion of a reflexion. But every fingie character in Shakefpear is as much an individual, as thofe in life itfelf ; it is as impoflible...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose

Alexander Pope - 1752 - 438 páginas fo diftant a name as copies of her. Thofe of other Poets have a conftant refemblance, which mews that they received them from one another, and were...image : each picture like a mock-rainbow is but the reflection of a reflection. But every fingle character in Shakefpear is as much an individual, as thofe...
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The works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections, additions ..., Volume 7

Alexander Pope - 1754 - 346 páginas dill a;.: a name as copies of her. Thefe of other Poet' have 1 conftant refemblance, which fhcws that they received them from one another, and were...image : each picture like a mock-rainbow is but the reflection of a rcHect.-o- . But every fingle character in Shakefpear is as much an individual, as...
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The Works of Alexander Pope: Letters

Alexander Pope - 1757 - 344 páginas fo diftant a name as copies of her. Thofe of other Poets have a conftant refemblance, which fhews that they received them from one another, and were but multipliers of the fame image : each pifture like a mock rainbow is but the refleftion of a refleftion. But every fmgle charafter in Shakefpear...
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