The Power of the Soul Over the BodyLongmans, Green, and Company, 1868 - 436 páginas |
Palavras e frases frequentes
according action active affections animal asso associated atoms attention awake become believe blood bodily body brain breathing capable cause cerebellum cerebrum Christian condition connection consciousness constituted corpus striatum Croonian Lectures death desire direct disease disorder divine dreams electric eel emotion employed energy enjoyment eternal evil evinced excited exercise existence experience fact faculties faith feeling functions habit heart heaven Hence human ideas imagination impressions individual influence insanity intellectual John Herschel kind knowledge Laura Bridgman laws light living man's manifestation manner matter memory ment mental mind moral motion muscles nature nerves nervous system objects observed Omnipotence operation organisation organs ourselves passions PAUL BROCA perceive perfect persons phrenologists physical physiology possess present produced proper prove purpose reason regard relation revealed rience sensation senses sleep somnambulism soul spirit sympathy things thought tion tricity true truth Ultramontanists uncon voltaic pile words
Passagens conhecidas
Página 237 - And through his side the last drops, ebbing slow From the red gash, fall heavy, one by one, Like the first of a thunder-shower; and now The arena swims around him— he is gone, Ere ceased the inhuman shout which hail'd the wretch who won.
Página 430 - ... whose passions are trained to come to heel by a vigorous will, the servant of a tender conscience; who has learned to love all beauty, whether of Nature or of art, to hate all vileness, and to respect others as himself.
Página 237 - The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven ; And, as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation, and a name. Such tricks hath strong imagination, That, if it would but apprehend some joy, It comprehends some bringer of that joy ; Or, in the night, imagining some fear, How easy is a bush supposed a bear ! Hip.
Página 430 - That man, I think, has had a liberal education who has been so trained in youth that his body is the ready servant of his will, and does with ease and pleasure all the work that as a mechanism it is capable of; whose intellect is a clear, cold logic engine with all its parts of equal strength and in smooth working order; ready like a steam engine to be turned to any kind of work, and spin the gossamers as well as forge the anchors of the mind...
Página 251 - Remember thee? Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, That youth and observation copied there; And. thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain, Unmix'd with baser matter: yes, by heaven.
Página 170 - In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed ; 16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, 17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.
Página 42 - Os homini sublime dedit, — ccelumque tueri Jussit, — et erectos ad sidera — tollere vultus.
Página 80 - There was one of two ways to be adopted : either to go on to build up a language of signs on the basis of the natural language which she had already commenced herself, or to teach her the purely arbitrary language in common use: that is, to give her a sign for every individual thing, or to give her a knowledge of letters by...
Página 317 - And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Página 80 - The poor child had sat in mute amazement, and patiently imitated everything her teacher did ; but now the truth began to flash upon her ; her intellect began to work. She perceived that here was a way by which she could herself make up a sign of anything that was in her own mind, and show it to another mind ; and at once her countenance lighted up with a human expression.