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self and with all others: Reconciliation to the FATHER, the remission of sins, victory over Satan, subjection of the flesh to the Spirit, and "good-will " from the ALMIGHTY to all "men of good-will."

O most gracious SAVIOUR, give me this good-will which Thou offerest us, that I may deny my own will, and follow Thine, which is holy, pleasing, and perfect, and the beginning of all good in me.

But who sent these "tidings of great joy ?" The Eternal FATHER, to honour His SON, and to show how He loved the world. I humbly thank Thee, therefore, O Heavenly FATHER, for this gift of Thy dear SON. Well hath He merited that Thou shouldest honour Him, since He hath humbled Himself to honour Thee. And O teach me to sing this hymn of Thy Angels, with the same spirit with which they sang it.


O Prince of Peace, lift up my heart that may glorify Thee upon earth, that whatever I shall say or do, whether of myself, or for others, may be to Thy glory, without seeking mine own; and that from my mouth and heart this word may never depart, "Glory to GOD."

Glory to the FATHER, for having given us His SON.

Glory to the SON, for having become man for our redemption.

And Glory to the HOLY GHOST, from Whose love this work did proceed. Amen. Make haste and tarry not, O Lord.

Come, LORD, and release Thy people from their sins.

Receive the Word, Virgin Mary, which is sent to thee from the LORD by the Angel, thou shalt conceive and bring forth Him that is both GOD and man; that thou mayest be called Blessed among women.

For thou shalt bring forth a SON, and suffer no loss of Virginity; thou shalt be with Child, and be the Mother ever undefiled. The LORD shall arise upon thee, O Jerusalem.

And His Glory shall be seen upon thee. Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the Just.

Let the earth be opened, and bud forth a SAVIOUR.

Lift up thine eyes, O Jerusalem, and behold the greatness of thy King:

Behold, the SAVIOUR cometh to loose thee from thy chains.

O LORD, show thy mercy upon us.
And grant us Thy salvation.

Remember me, O LORD, according to the favour that Thou bearest unto Thy people. And visit me with Thy salvation.

Come and deliver us, O LORD GOD of hosts.

Show the Light of Thy Countenance, and we shall be whole.

The heathen shall fear Thy Name, O LORD;

And all the Kings of the earth Thy Majesty.

Bow down Thine ear, O LORD, to our prayer, we beseech Thee, and enlighten the darkness of our minds by the grace of Thy visitation; Who livest and reignest with the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT, one GOD, blessed for ever. Amen.


LORD, have mercy.

CHRIST, have mercy.

LORD, have mercy.

Infant JESUS, hear us.

Infant JESUS, graciously hear us.

GOD the FATHER, of Heaven;
GOD the SON, our Redeemer;
Holy Trinity, One GOD;

Infant JESUS, Very GOD;
Infant, SON of the Living GOD;
Infant, Son of the Virgin Mary;
Infant, Begotten before the Morn-
ing Star;

Infant, Word made flesh;

Have mercy and Have mercy

come among us.

on us.

Infant, Wisdom of Thy FATHER;
Infant, Equal to Thy FATHER;
Infant, subject to Thy Mother;
Infant, precious Fruit of a Virgin;
Infant, Treasure of all Grace;
Infant, Fountain of Love;
Infant, Head of the Angels;
Infant, Stem of the Patriarchs;
Infant, Word of the Prophets;
Infant, Expectation of nations;
Infant, Joy of the shepherds;

[blocks in formation]

Infant JESUS, LAMB of GOD, Who takest away the sins of the world; Have mercy on us.

O LORD JESUS, Who didst vouchsafe so to annihilate the greatness of Thy Incarnate Divinity and most Sacred Humanity, as to be born in time, and become a Little Child; grant that we may acknowledge Infinite Wisdom in the silence of a Child, Omnipotence in weakness, Majesty in abasement; so that adoring Thy humiliations on earth, we may contemplate Thy glories in Heaven, Who with the FATHER and the HOLY GHOST, livest and reignest, GOD for ever and ever. Amen.

O LORD, be near to us, and to all who look for Thee in truth, that at the Coming of Thy SON our LORD, we may be presented unto Thee with deeds well pleasing in Thy

sight, through the same JESUS CHRIST Our LORD. Amen.

Grant, O GOD, that we who celebrate the Nativity of Thine Only-Begotten Son, may have new life in Him, through Whose heavenly mystery we have the true Meat, and the true Drink, even the Body and Blood of Thy SON our LORD. Amen. Our FATHER, &c.

From the far blazing gate of morn,
To earth's remotest shore,
Let every tongue confess to Him,
Whom holy Mary bore.

Lo! the great Maker of the world,
LORD of eternal years,

To save His creatures, veil'd beneath
A creature's form appears.
A spotless Maiden's virgin breast
With heavenly grace He fills;
In her pure womb He is conceiv'd,
And there in secret dwells.

That bosom, Chastity's sweet home,
Becomes, O blest reward!

The shrine of Heaven's Immortal King,
The temple of the LORD.

And Mary bears the Babe, foretold
By an Archangel's voice;
Whose Presence made the Baptist leap,
And in the womb rejoice.

A manger scantly strewn with hay
Becomes the Eternal's bed;

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