Imagens das páginas

Messianic interpretation of Deut. 18: 15—
19, 645.

Middle Ages, Scholastic Theology of, 143.
Middle Ages, forged literature of, 484.
Millennarian theory considered, 420.
Miracles, by Enoch Pond, D.D., 304. De-
fined, 504. Miracles of knowledge,
304. Predictions, 306. Miracles in-
volve a suspension of natural laws,
308. Difference between true and false,
309. Scriptural miracles, real ones,

Hume's objections considered,
311. Object of the Scriptural miracles,
312. Argument from miracles, 312.
Miracles not continued, 318. Ecclesi-
astical miracles considered, 319.
stances of false miracles, 321.
Miracles, the credibility of the testimony
of, 423.



Neander's Church History noticed, 571.
Necessity of Esthetic culture, 524.
Nero, not the Apocalyptic beast, 293.
Nicholas I. and Forged Literature of the
Middle Ages, 484.


Occam, William, 147.

Origin of Evil considered, 354.


Paley's Natural Theology noticed, 570.
Papacy, the, prophesied in the Apoca-
lypse, 274.

Philosophy and Theology, 153.

Photius exposed by Nicholas I., 486.
Pickering's Greek Lexicon, noticed, 379.
Piety and natural character, 135.
Pious Frauds, 490, 502.

Poetry, Lyrical, of the Bible, by Rev. G. H.
Hastings, 323. Infelicity of the com-
mon translation in respect to poetry,
324. Different kinds of poetry in the
Bible, 325. Song of Moses, 326. Mode
of its performance, 328. Office of the
Levites, 329. Book of Jehovah's wars,
329. Influence of Hebrew bards on the
people, 331. Moses' last ode, 334. De-
borah's ode, 340. Influence of Samuel,
343. David, 344. Elegy of Saul and
Jonathan, 346.

Politics, conflict of, with Christianity, 111.
Porter, Rev. N., Jr., Prognostics of Ame-
rican literature, 504.

Pond, Rev. Enoch, D.D. Miracles, 304.
Prescott's History of Peru, 572.
Progress, Law of, in its application to
Christianity, by Rev. William Adams,
D.D., 193. Extremes of opinion on the
subject, 194. What is meant by pro-
gress of science, 195. Not imply pro-
gress in the objects of science, but in our
knowledge of them, 195. Reference to

progress in the science of astronomy,
196. Do. physiology, 196. Philosophy,
197. Christianity not complete at first,
198. Complete with the finishing of
the canon, 199. No change in it, but
may be progress in our modes of view-
ing, comprehending, &c., 200. Strug-
gles of Christianity with the Gnostic
philosophy, 202. With paganism, 203.
With philosophy of Aristotle, 204. Ef-
fect of the Reformation, 204. Calvin,
205. Improvements in stating doctrines,
206. Specimens of the theology of the
reformers, 210. Progress in later times,


Prophet, the, like unto Moses, by Rev. E. P.
Baums, jr, 645. Deut. 18: 15--19 con-
sidered, 646. Non-Messianic interpreta
tions of the passage, 647. Jewish in-
terpreters, 647. Original utterance of
the prophecy, 648. Refers to a particu-
lar person, 649. The phrase "like unto
thee," 651. Resemblance between Mo-
ses and Christ, 652.

Prophetic imagery, spirituality of, 421.
Proverbs, coincidence with Job, 181.
Proverbs, economical character of, 133.
Psalms, coincidence of certain, with Job,

Pulpit, the, Range of topics for, by Rev.
James Rowland, 721. Decreased influ-
ence of the pulpit, 721. Limits of pul-
pit discussion, 722. Style of preaching
to be modified by the state of know
ledge, 722. Variety in preaching prac-
tical subjects, 723. Improving provi
dences, 724. Effects of constant hortatory
preaching, 726. On the attributes, 726.
On Evidences, 727. Ecclesiastical his
tory, 728. Need of books, 730.

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Rev. S. M. Schmucker, 141. Difficulty of
defining the different systems, 141.
Origin of Scholastic theology, 144.
Sketch of eminent scholastics, 145.
Peter Abelard, 146. Aquinas, 146.
Duns Scotus, 147. Wm. Occam, 147.
Characteristics of scholastic theology,
148. Ignorant of the Bible, 148. Bible
not studied till 1502, 148. Indulged in
metaphysical speculation, 149. Realists
and Nominalists, 151. Genus and spe-
cies, 151. Luther and Cardinal Caje-
tan, 152. Scholastics introduced their
philosophic systems into theology, 153.
Influence of papacy upon scholastic
theology, 154. Its bearing upon the re-
formation, 156. Division of scholastic
writers, 157. Decline of, 157. Strifes,
158. The Mystics, 158. Good accom-
plished by it, 160.
Schmucker, Rev. S. M. Supra, 141.
Schmucker, Rev. S. M. History and me-
rits of Jansenism, 689.
Scriptures, wrong reading of, 152.
Sermons, what constitute effective, 642.
Shepard, Rev. G., D.D. Preaching of the
late Dr. Griffin, 623.

Smitz's History of Rome, noticed, 569.
Solomon's Song, by C. E. Stowe, D.D..
255. Origin, 255.
Not versified, 256.
Second scene, 256.
Fourth scene, 259.

Characters, 256,
First scene, 256.

Taste and Morals, the necessity of Esthetic
culture, by Rev. H. N. Day, 524. Ap
propriateness of the word esthetics,
524. Different ends of art, 525. Im-
pure and pure, 525. Indications of an
improving taste, 526. The animal
senses distinguished from the esthetic
senses, 528. Sensualism distinguished
from animalism, 529. Relation of
wealth to esthetic culture, 530. Indica-
tions of a want of esthetic culture, 531.

Superficial philanthropy, 532. Reli-
gious formation, 532. Beauty the ob
ject of esthetics, 534. Three different
elements of beauty, 536. Nature of
beauty, 538. Grace, the revelation of
moral freedom, 540. Relations of truth
and beauty, 542. God the highest ideal
of beauty, 543. Esthetic culture essen-
tial to the highest forms of virtue, 516.
Teaching of Christ and the doctrines of
the Essenes, 172.

Theology, Scholastic, of the Middle Ages,

Topics, range of the pulpit, 720.
Truth, consistency of scientific and reli-
gious, 656.

Turnbull's Genius of Scotland, noticed,



Third scene, 257. Useful Arts, Bigelow's, noticed, 192.
Fifth scene, 259.
Sixth scene, 260. Seventh scene, 261.
Eighth scene, 262. Its canonical autho-
rity, 263. Objections considered-its
alleged indelicacy, 264. That it is a
description of physical love, 265. To
be interpreted as an allegory, 266. Ob-
jections to its allegorical character con-
sidered, 268.

Vachinger, F. G. Date of the book of
Joh, 174.

Song of Moses, 326.

Spear, Rev. S. T. Christ attended by
miracles yet rejected, 423.
Store, C. E., D.D. Solomon's Song, 255.
Childhood of Luther and commence-
ment of Reformation, 594.

Stuart on the Apocalypse, review of, 272.
Stuart, Prof., review of on date of Apo-
calypse, 385.

Sufferings of Christ noticed, 190.

Symbols of Judaism foretelling Christia-
nity, 411.

Syriac Version, not prove the Neronian
date of the Apocalypse, 402.
Syro-Phenician women, the, narrative of, by
Rev. W. M. Reynolds, 547. Olshausen's
interpretation, 547. Import of the word
dog., 549.


Table Talk of Luther, 553.
Tappan, H. P., D.D. Bible its own In-
terpreter, 95.

Valley of the Mississippi. Moneltes' His
tory of, 380.

Violations of good taste in Sermons, 629.
Voltaire, Life and Character of, by Ret.
Samuel M. Hopkins, 458. Brougham's
life of Voltaire, 459. Voluminousness
of his works, 460. Sceptical spirit of
his historical writings, 460. Specimens,
461. Theological works, 462. His
Dictionnaire, 464. Wrote anonymous.
ly, 466. Brougham's apologies for Vol-
taire's Infidelity, 469. His relations to
Madame de Chatelet, 471. Quarrel
with Madame de Graffigny, 473. His
interposition for the Calas family con
sidered, 476. Do. for D'Etallonde and
La Barre, 477. The Serven and Ab-
beville cases, 478. The closing scene,
480. His hatred of Christ, 481.

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