Imagens das páginas

BUDD (George), On Diseases of the Liver; third edit. 8vo. Lond. 1857 BUDGE (Julius). Specielle Physiologie des Menschen; siebente Auflage. plates, 8vo. Weimar, 1857

BULLOCK (William R.): Cazeaux on Midwifery (translated). BURMANN (Joannes). Thesaurus Zeylanicus, exhibens Plantas in insula Zeylana nascentes. plates, 4to. Amstel, 1737 BUSCH (Dietrich W. H.). On Uterine Hæmorrhage, translation: Copeman

BUTCHER (Richard G. H.). On Excision of the Knee-Joint. plates, 8vo. Dublin, 1855 Second Memoir on Excision of the Knee-Joint, with Example of the power of operative surgery in saving the same articulation. plates, 8vo. Dublin, 1857

Observations on the operative measures necessary in the treatment of Hare-Lip. plates, 8vo. Dublin, 1856 BUTTNER (Christoph G.). Vollständige Anweisung, wie durch anzustellende Besichtigungen ein verübter Kindermord auszumitteln sey, mit beigefügten eigenen Obductions-zeugnissen; mit Anmerkungen von J. D. Metzger. 8vo. Königsberg, 1804 CALMEIL (L. F.). Recherches sur la structure, les fonctions et le ramollissement de la Moelle Epinière. 8vo. Paris, 1828 CANSTATT (C.). Specielle Pathologie und Therapie, vom klinischen Standpunkte ausbearbeitet (Handbuch der medicinischen Klinik); dritte Auflage, von E. H. Henoch. 2 vols. 8vo. Erlangen, 1854 CAPOA (Lionardo di). Del Parere in otto ragionamenti ne'quali narrandosi l'origine e progresso della Medicina.

2 vols. 8vo. Cologna, 1714 CARPENTER (William B.). Principles of Comparative Physiology; fourth edition.

The Microscope and its revelations.

8vo. Lond. 1854 12mo. Lond. 1856

12mo. Lond. 1856

Manual of Physiology, including physiological anatomy; third edition.

CARUS (Julius Victor). Icones Zootomicæ, mit Originalbeiträgen von Allman, Gegenbaur, Huxley, Kölliker, Siebold, &c.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

plates, folio, Leipzig, 1857

CASPER (Johann Ludwig). Practisches Handbuch der gerichtlichen Medicin, thanatologischer Theil: Handbuch der gerichtlichmedicinishen Leichen-Diagnostik.

Atlas, von Hugo Troschel.

8vo. Berlin, 1857

8vo. Berlin, 1857

Catalogues: Catalogue of the Library of the Royal College of Surgeons

of England

vol. 3, p. 1 and 2, and vol. 4, p. 1, and Classified Index, 2 vols. 8vo. 1853-5

Bibliotheca physico-medica, von Leopold Voss.

8vo. Leipzig, 1832

Catalogues: American Catalogue of Books, or English Guide to American Literature. 8vo. Lond. 1856 CAZAUVIÉILH (J. B.). Du Suicide, de l'Aliénation Mentale et des Crimes contre les personnes comparés dans leurs rapports reciproques; recherches sur ce premier penchant chez les habitans des Campagnes. 8vo. Paris, 1840

-: Bouchet de l'Epilepsie. CAZEAUX (P.). Theoretical and practical treatise on Midwifery, including the diseases of pregnancy and parturition, &c.; second American edition, translated by Wm. R. Bullock

8vo. Lond. 1856

plates, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857 CHAMBERS (Thomas K.). Digestion and its derangements, the principles of rational medicine applied to disorders of the Alimentary Canal. 12mo. Lond. 1856 CHAPMAN (Henry T.). Varicose Veins, their nature, consequences and treatment, palliative and curative. Chassaignac (E.). Exposé des Travaux de. CHEVALIER (Thomas). Observations in defence of a Bill lately brought into Parliament for erecting the Corporation of Surgeons of London into a College, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1797 Cholera-Consigli sul modo di governarsi in caso d'invasione di Colera.

8vo. Paris, (1857)

8vo. Sassari, 1855

CHOMEL (A. F.). Elements de Pathologie générale; quatrième édi


Des Dyspepsies.

8vo. Paris, 1856

8vo. Paris, 1857

CHURCHILL (Fleetwood). On the theory and practice of Midwifery;

third edition.

12mo. Lond. 1855

On the Diseases of Women, including those of Pregnancy and Childbed; fourth edition. 12mo. Dublin, 1857 CHURCHILL (J. Francis). De la cause immédiate et du traitement spécifique de la Phthisie pulmonaire et des maladies Tuberculeuses. 8vo. Paris, 1858

CINISELLI (Luigi). Sulla Elettro-Puntura nella cura degli Aneurismi. 4to. Cremona, 1856

CLELAND (John). The Mechanism of the Gubernaculum Testis, with the development of the testes and the purpose of their descent from the abdomen. 8vo. Edinb. 1856

CLIET (H.). Observations medico-chirurgicales recueillies à l'Hôpital général de la Charité de Lyon.

8vo. Lyon, 1823

COLAS de Sourdun (E.). Règne Epidémique de 1842-3-4-5.

8vo. Paris, 1845

CONOLLY (John). The Treatment of the Insane, without mechanical


8vo. Lond 1856

COOTE (Holmes). Report upon some of the more important points connected with the treatment of Syphilis.

8vo. Lond. 1857

COPEMAN (Edward). Records of Obstetric Consultation Practice; and a translation of Busch and Moser on Uterine Hæmorrhage.

plate, 8vo. Lond. 1856 COPLAND (James). Dictionary of Practical Medicine.

parts xvii. and xviii. 8vo. 1855-7 On the Drainage and Sewage of London and of large towns.

12mo. Lond. 1857

4to. Lond. 1857

Oratio ex Harveii instituto, 1857. CORMACK (John Rose). Notes on the pathology and treatment of Cholera. 12mo. Lond. 1854 CORNARO (Lewis). Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life; translated [with the Italian original]. 8vo. Lond. 1768

CORVISART. On Diseases of the Chest: Forbes. COSTANTINO (Canella). Mezzi Meccanici per la istantanea assistenza la propriamente sul campo di battaglia dei soldati feriti con frattura delle ossa e con emorragia. 8vo. Torino, 1855 Discorsi sopra le malattie, Scrofola e Rachitide, e sopra l'abuso di curare le medesime coi Bagni di mare. 12mo. Torino, 1850 COULSON (William). On the Diseases of the Bladder and Prostate Gland; fifth edition.

8vo. Lond. 1857

CREPLIN (Frid. C. H.). Novæ observationes de Entozois.

plates, 8vo. Berolini, 1829 CRISP (Edwards). Treatise on the structure and use of the Spleen, with additional notes, and an appendix. plates, 8vo. Lond. 1855 CROLLIUS (Oswaldus). Basilica chymica, descriptionibus aucta a J. 12mo. Venet. 1643


Præfatio admonitoria.

Tractatus de Signaturis internis rerum.

12mo. Venet. 1643 12mo. Venet.

CRUVEILHIER (J.). Traité d'Anatomie Pathologique générale.

vol. 3, 8vo. Paris, 1856

CURLING (T. B.). Traité pratique des Maladies du Testicule, du cordon spermatique et du scrotum; traduit avec des additions et des notes, par L. Gosselin. 8vo. Paris, 1857 CUTLER (Docteur). Spa et ses eaux, observations sur les propriétés chimiques et thérapeutiques des eaux minérales de Spa, &c. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1856 CZYKANEK (Franz Xav.). Gedrängte Skizze der durch Uebertragung des Rotzgiftes auf den menschlichen Organismus sich bildenden Krankheit. 8vo. Wien, 1841

DALLAS (W. S.): Siebold on Parthenogenesis. DANIELSSEN (D. C.) et Wilhelm BOECK. Traité de la Spedalskhed, ou Elephantiasis des Grecs; traduit du Norwégien par L. A. Cosson de Nogaret. 8vo. Paris, 1848

Atlas de planches coloriées, par J. L. Losting.

: Boeck, Maladies de la Peau.

folio, Paris, 1848

DAVIS (Joseph B.) and John THURNAM. Crania Britannica; delineations and descriptions of the Skulls of the early inhabitants of the British Islands, together with notices of their other remains.

plates, Decades-, 4to. Lond. 1856DELORE (X.) et A. BERNE. Influence des decouvertes physiologiques et chimiques récentes sur la pathologie et la thérapeutique des Organes Digestifs. 8vo. Paris, 1857 DENIS (P. S.). Nouvelles études chimiques, physiologiques et médicales sur les Substances Albuminoïdes qui entrent dans la composition des solides et des fluides organiques. 8vo. Paris, 1856 DÉSESSARTZ (J. B.). Recueil de discours, memoires, et observations de Médecine clinique. 8vo. Paris, 1811 DEVILLIERS (C.). Recherches statistiques et scientifiques sur les Maladies des diverses professions du Chemin de Fer de Lyon, et Essai de topographie et de géologie médicales des chemins de fer. table, 8vo. Paris, 1857 DICKSON (Samuel). The Unity of Disease analytically and synthetically proved. 8vo. Lond. 1843 DIDAY (P.). Exposition critique et pratique des nouvelles doctrines sur la Syphilis, suivie d'une étude sur de nouveaux moyens préservatifs des maladies Vénériennes. 12mo. Paris, 1858 DIOSCORIDES (Pedacius). Opera: Medici Græci, tom. 25-6. DONDERS (F. C.). Physiologie des Menschen; aus dem holländischen übersetzt von F. Wilh. Theile.

8vo. Leipzig, 1856

DUBOIS (Paul Antoine). Traité complet de l'art des Accouchements. tome 1, 8vo. Paris, 1849

DUNCAN (J. Matthews). On the advancement of Midwifery Education in Scotland.

8vo. Edinb. 1856

8vo. Edinb. 1857

Is Ovariotomy justifiable, or not? DUNN (Robert). Some observations on the varying forms of the Human Cranium, in relation to the outward circumstances, social state and intellectual condition of man. 8vo. (Lond.) 1855

Physiological Psychology, a case of Suspension of the Mental Faculties, of the powers of speech, and special senses, with the exception of sight and touch, for many months.

8vo. Lond. 1855 DURAND-FARDEL (Max.). Traité thérapeutique des Eaux Minérales de France et de l'étranger et de leur emploi dans les maladies chroniques. map, 8vo. Paris, 1857 DURIAU (Frédéric). * Parallèle du Typhus et de la fièvre Typhoïde. 8vo. Paris, 1857 EBRARD (-). Nouvelle Monographie des Sangsues Médicinales, description, classification, nutrition, reproduction, &c. plates, 8vo. Paris, 1857 EDWARDS (H. Milne). Leçons sur la Physiologie et l'Anatomie Comparée de l'homme et des animaux.

2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1857

EDWARDS (H. Milne). Manual of Zoology; adopted by the Council of Public Instruction of France, translated by R. Knox.

plates, 12mo. Lond. 1856 ELCHO (Lord). Speech on Medical Reform on the second reading of the Medical Profession Bill. 8vo. Lond. 1857

ELLIOTSON (John). * De Inflammatione Communi.

8vo. Edinb. 1810

ERICHSEN (John). The science and art of Surgery, being a treatise on Surgical injuries, diseases, and operations; second edition.

8vo. Lond. 1857 ESCHENBACH (C. E.). Observata quædam anatomico-chirurgicomedica rariora. plate, 4to. Rostochii, 1753 ESMARCH (Friedrich). Ueber Resectionen nach Schusswunden.

On Resection: Stromeyer.

8vo. Kiel, 1851

EULENBERG (Herm.) und Ferd. MARFELS. Zur pathologischen Anatomie des Cretinismus.

plate, 8vo. Wetzlar, 1857

EYRE (Sir James). The Stomach and its difficulties; third edition.

FABRICIUS (Otho). Fauna Groenlandica.

12mo. Lond. 1855

8vo. Hafniæ, 1780

FABRIZI (Paolo). Sopra una modificazione nelle Forbici chirurgiche.

8vo. Valletta, 1841

Lettera intorno ad un viaggio fatto a pro 'degli infermi indigenti della Corsica durante 1845-6-7; seconda edizione.

4to. Nizza, 1854

Riflessioni sopra alcuni punti relativi alla Rinoplastia.

plates, 8vo. Nizza, 1856

Résumé des leçons de Médecine opératoire Acoustique.

plates, 8vo. Nice, 1856

FAIVRE (Ernest). Etudes sur l'Histologie comparée du système Nerveux chez quelques animaux inférieurs.

plates, 4to. Paris, 1857

FALLOT (L.). Mémorial de l'Expert, dans la visite sanitaire des hommes


8vo. Brux. 1837

de FELL (J. Weldon). Treatise on Cancer, and its treatment.

8vo. Lond. 1857

FERGUSSON (William). System of Practical Surgery; fourth edition.

FLAMM (J. H.). Cholera und Vergiftung.

12mo. Lond. 1857

8vo. Wien, 1856

FLINT (Austin). Physical exploration and diagnosis of Diseases affecting the Respiratory Organs. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856

FLOURENS (P.). Eloges historiques lus dans l'Académie des Sciences.

Descartes, Newton, Fontenelle, G. Cuvier,
Hilaire, Blainville, L. de Buch, &c.

12mo. Paris, 1856 Blumenbach, Geoffroy Saint

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