Imagens das páginas

DOMIS (H. J.). Beschrijving van een Misvormd Kind in 1824 in de residentie Samarang geboren. plate, 8vo. 1824 DRAPER (John William). Human Physiology, statical and dynamical, or the conditions and course of the Life of Man.

woodcuts, 8vo. New York, 1856 DUNCAN (James Foulis). God in Disease, or the manifestations of design in morbid phenomena; second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1857 DUNCAN (J. Matthews): Braun on Uræmic Convulsions (translated). DUNN (Robert). Essay on Physiological Psychology.

8vo. Lond. 1858

EARLE (Pliny). Medical opinion in the Parish Will case,

8vo. New York, 1857 EDWARDS (H. Milne). Leçons sur la Physiologie et l'Anatomie comparée. vol. 3 (Circulation du Sang), 8vo. Paris, 1858 ERICHSEN (Joannes). *De textura Nervi Olfactorii ejusque ramorum. plate, 8vo. Dorpati, 1857 ESPINE (Marc d'). Essai de Statistique Mortuaire comparée, renfermant les monographies étiologiques des accidents et des maladies mortelles et expliquant les lois de la mortalité.

8vo. Genève, 1858 EVANS (Conway). See REPORTS (Sanitary Condition).

plates, 8vo. Paris, 1857 substances formed in, or

FABRE (J. P. A.). Traité du Goitre et du Crétinisme, et des rapports qui existent entre ces deux affections. FARRE (Arthur). On the nature of various discharged from the Uterus and Vagina (from Beale's Archives). plate, 8vo. 1858

The article "Uterus and its Appendages" (from the Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology), comprising the normal and abnormal anatomy, physiology, and development of the Uterus, Ovary, Fallopian Tube, Vagina, Vulva, and Placenta.

8vo. Lond. 1858 FERNET (Emile). *Thèses-1. Du rôle des principaux éléments du Sang dans l'absorption ou le dégagement des gaz de la respiration. 2. Propositions de Zoologie, de Botanique, et de Géologie.

plate, 4to. Paris, 1858 FICK (Adolf). Die medizinische Physik. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1856 FISCHER (Emil): Catalogue (Med. Library of Pennsylvania Hospital). FLOCON (Ferdinand): Moleschott du Regime (traduction). FLOURENS (P.). De la Vie et de l'Intelligence.

12mo. Paris, 1858

Eloge [satirique] de Marie Jean-Pierre Flourens, par le docteur Periergopoulos.

8vo. Paris, 1858

FRAMBESARIUS (N. A.). De recta curandarum Febrium ratione.

12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1647

FRERICHS (Fried. T.). Klinik der Leberkrankheiten.

vol. I (Die medicinische Klinik, vol. 1), 8vo. Braunschweig, 1858

Pathologisch-anatomischer Atlas. Part I. 4to. ib. 1858 FUNKE (Otto). Atlas der physiologischen Chemie, als Supplement zu Lehmann's Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie; zweite Auflage. 4to. Leipzig, 1858

Lehrbuch der Physiologie; zweite Auflage.

2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1858

Medical Education, three 12mo. Edinb. 1858

GAIRDNER (W. T.). On Medicine and lectures, with notes and an appendix. GALENUS. De Sanitate tuenda libri sex, Thoma Linacro Anglo interprete. GALLOWAY (Robert). Manual of Qualitative Analysis; second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858

folio, Paris. 1517



Gamgee (J. S.)-Statement of the Professors of the Queen's Hospital,
Birmingham, relating to the election of Mr. Gamgee to the office
of Surgeon.
GANT (F. J.). Evil results of over-feeding Cattle, a new inquiry,
illustrated by coloured engravings of the hearts, lungs, &c., of
Diseased Prize Cattle.
plates, 8vo. Lond. 1858

GARNIER (P.): Barral, Climat de Madère (traduction).
GAULTIER de Claubry (H.). Chimie Légale: Briand, Méd. Légale.
GEGENBAUR (J.): Harley.

GERLACH (J.). Mikroskopische Studien, aus dem Gebiete der mensch-
lichen Morphologie.
plates, 8vo. Erlangen, 1858
GERVAIS (Paul) et P. J. Van BENEDEN. Zoologie Médicale: exposé
méthodique du Regne Animal, basé sur l'anatomie, l'embryogénie
et la paléontologie, comprenant les espèces employées en médecine,
venimeuses et parasites.
2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1859
GIROLAMI (Giuseppe). Sulla Pazzia studj psicologici e patologici.
8vo. Livorno, 1856
GLOVER (R. M.) and J. B. DAVIDSON. The New Medical Act, with
explanatory notes for the guidance of the medical practitioner and
12mo. Lond. 1858
GMELIN (Leopold). Handbook of Chemistry; translated by Henry
(Cavendish Society), 8vo. Lond. 1857

Vol. XI. Organic Chemistry, vol. 5.

GRAHAM (Thomas) and Henry WATTS. Elements of Chemistry, including the applications of the Science in the Arts; second vol. 2, 8vo. Lond. 1858


GRAY (Henry). Anatomy, descriptive and surgical, [with woodcuts from] drawings by H. V. Carter.

royal 8vo. Lond. 1858

GRAY (Samuel F.). Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia; third edition: Redwood.

GREENHOW (Edward Headlam). See REPORTS (Sanitary Condition

Diseases of Districts).

GREENHOW (H. Martineau).

Observations on Excision of the Os

Calcis, with cases; with a letter by T. M. Greenhow.

8vo. Lond. 1858

GRIFFIN (John Joseph). The Radical Theory in Chemistry.

8vo. Lond. 1858

GROSS (Samuel D.). Elements of Pathological Anatomy; third 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857


GUBLER (Adolphe).

Etudes sur l'origine et les conditions de développement de la Mucédinée du Muguet (oidium albicans).

GUÉPIN (-). Des Eaux Mineralisées.

HAMERNIK (Josef). Das Herz und seine Bewegung.

8vo. Paris, 1858

8vo. Paris, 1857

8vo. Prag, 1858 HANNOVER (Adolph). Das Epithelioma, eine eigenthümliche Geschwulst, die Man im allgemeinen bisher als Krebs angesehen hat. plates, 8vo. Leipzig, 1852 HARLEY (George). Ueber Urohæmatin und seine Verbindung mit animalischem Harze. 8vo. Würzburg, 1854

On the direct action of Strychnine upon the Spinal Cord. 12mo. Lond. 1856

Notes of three Lectures on the physiological action of Strychnia. 12mo. Lond. 1856 On the physiological action of Atropine in dilating the pupil. 8vo. Edinb. 1856 Recherches sur la physiologie du Diabète sucré: méthode pour produire artificiellement le diabète chez les animaux. 8vo.

On the organs of Cutaneous Respiration, principally on those of the Rana Temporaria (Microsc. Soc. Trans.). 8vo. 1857 The Histology of the Supra-Renal Capsules.

12mo. Lond. 1858

und J. GEGENBAUR. Untersuchungen des Harns und Blutes einer an Hydrops und Albuminurie leidenden Schwangern.

8vo. Würzburg, 1854 HARVEY (Alex.). Four Letters to Sir James Clark on Administrative Reform, in relation to the Medical Schools and the Examining Boards. 8vo. Lond. 1858 HARVEY (William). The Ear in health and disease, with practical remarks on the prevention and treatment of Deafness; second edi12mo. Lond. 1856


HEADLAND (Frederick W.): Royle's Materia Medica (edited).
HEBRA (Ferdinand). Atlas der Hautkrankheiten. folio, Wien, 1858
Lieferung 2. Favus, herpes tonsurans, pityriasis versicolor, alopecia areata.
HECKER (Carl Fr.). Die Elephantiasis oder Lepra arabica.

4to. Lahr, 1858

HÉDOUIN (-). Des Eaux de Saint-Sauveur, et de leur influence curative dans la Dyspepsie.

8vo. Paris, 1858

HENOCH (Eduard). Klinik der Unterleibs-krankheiten.

HENLE (J.). Handbuch der systematischen Anatomie des Menschen.

Vol. 1, p. 3. Muskellehre.

HENRY (Ossian) père et fils.

vol. 3, 8vo. Berlin, 1858

8vo. Braunschweig, 1858

Traité pratique d'Analyse chimique des Eaux Minérales potables et économiques, avec leurs principales applications à l'hygiène et à l'industrie.

woodcuts, 8vo. Paris, 1858 HENSCHEL (G. E. T.): Salerno (Collectio Salernitana).

Part 1, 4to. München, 1857

HERMANN (F. B. W. von). Ueber den Anbau und Ertrag des Bodens im Königreiche Bayern. HEUSINGER (Carl F.). System der Histologie; Theil 1, Histographie.

4to, Eisenach, 1822

HOBSON (Benjamin). Treatise on Human Physiology.

8vo. Canton, 1851

First Lines of the Practice of Medicine and Surgery; in Chinese. 8vo. Shanghae, 1857 HOGG (Jabez). The Ophthalmoscope, its mode of application explained, and its value shown, in the exploration of Internal Diseases affecting the Eye. plate, 8vo. Lond. 1858 HOLLAND (Sir Henry). Chapters on Mental Physiology; second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858 HOLTHOUSE (Carsten). On Squinting, paralytic affections of the eye, and certain forms of impaired vision.

12mo. Lond. 1858

HOPPE (J.). Anleitung zum Experimentiren mit Arzneimitteln an den thierischen Thätigkeiten. 8vo. Giessen, 1857

HÖRBYE (J. C.). Observations sur les Phénomènes d'Erosion en Norvège; publiées par B. M. Keilhau.

maps, 4to. Christiania, 1857 HUGHES (Richard). The Motor Nerves of the Muscles, being a tabular view of the muscles of the body with the nerves which supply them. 12mo. Lond. 1858 HUMPHRY (George Murray). Treatise on the Human Skeleton, including the joints.

plates, 8vo. Cambridge, 1858

HUNT (Thomas). Guide to the treatment of Diseases of the Skin, with suggestions for their prevention; second edition.

12mo. Lond. 1857

HUPPERT: Lehmann, Zoochemie. HUSS (Magnus). Chronische Alkoholskrankheit, oder Alcoholismus chronicus: ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Vergiftungs-krankheiten; aus dem Schwedischen uebersetzt von Gerhard van dem Busch. 8vo. Stockholm, 1852 Statistics and treatment of Typhus and Typhoid Fever, from twelve years' experience at the Seraphim Hospital in Stockholm, 1840-52; translated by Ernst Aberg.

8vo. Stockholm, 1855 INMAN (Thomas). The Phenomena of Spinal Irritation, and other functional diseases of the nervous system explained, and a rational plan of treatment deduced. plates, 8vo. Lond. 1858

JACQUOT (Félix). Du Typhus de l'Armée d'Orient.

8vo. Paris, 1858

JAEGER (Eduard). Beiträge zur Pathologie des Auges.

plates, part 3, 4to. Wien, 1856

JAMES (Constantin). Guide pratique aux Eaux Minérales de la France et de l'étranger, et aux bains de mer; quatrième édition. plates, 12mo. Paris, 1858 JEFFREYS (Julius). The British Army in India, its preservation by an appropriate clothing, housing, locating, recreative employment, and hopeful encouragement of the troops; with Appendix on India, its climate, resources, &c. plates, 8vo. Lond. 1858

JOBERT de Lamballe (A. J.). Des Appareils Electriques des Poissons électriques. 8vo. Paris, 1858

Atlas de Planches.

JOHNSTON (George). Practical Midwifery: Sinclair.


JONES (H. Bence) et W. H. DICKINSON. Recherches sur l'effet produit sur la Circulation par l'application prolongée de l'eau froide à la surface du corps de l'homme. 8vo. Paris, 1858

JONES (T. Wharton). Catechism of the physiology and philosophy of Body, Sense, and Mind. 12mo. Lond. 1858

JORDAN (Furneaux). Introduction to Clinical Surgery, with a method of investigating and reporting surgical cases.

12mo. Lond. 1858

KIDD (Charles). On Æther and Chloroform as Anæsthetics.

12mo. Lond. 1858

12mo. Lond. 1858

KING (Richard). The Cause of Death in the Still-born; second edition.

KLETZINSKY (Vincenz). Compendium der Biochemie.

tables, 8vo. Wien, 1858

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