Imagens das páginas


SANPONTS (Francisco). Analisis de las Aguas minerales de Gavá 8vo. Barcelona, en el principado de Cataluña. SARS (M.) og Th. KJERULF. Jagttagelser over den Postpliocene eller Glaciale Formation en del af det sudlige Norge.

map, 4to. Christiania, 1860 SARTORIUS (Christophorus F.). Rhachitidis Congenitæ observationes. plates, 4to. Lipsia, 1826

SAVONAROLA (Joannes Michaelis). Practica de Febribus: Canonica de febribus, de pulsibus, de urinis, de egestionibus, de omnibus Italie balneis, tractatus de vermibus-Cesaris Optati de hectica febre opus.

gothic letter, folio, Impressum Venetiis per L. A. de Gionta, 1517 Practica ad omnes egritudines utilissima. gothic letter, folio, Impressum Venetiis in edibus L. A. de Giunta, 1518 SCANZONI (Friedrich W. von). Lehrbuch der Krankheiten der weiblichen Sexualorgane; zweite Auflage.

woodcuts, 8vo. Wien, 1859

Beiträge zur Geburtskunde und Gynækologie.

4 vols. 8vo. Würzburg, 1854-8-60

See JOURNALS (Würzburger Med. Zeitschrift).

SCHAUENBURG (Carl Hermann). Ophthalmiatrik, nach den neuesten
Forschungen für das Studium und die Praxis; zweite Auflage.
(Schauenburg's Cyclus) 8vo. Lahr, 1858
SCHELLIG (Conradi). In Pustulas malas morbumque malum de
Francia vulgus appellat quæ sunt de genere formicarum.

gothic letter, 4to. circa 1500

SCHERER (J. J.). Lehrbuch der Chemie, mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung des Aertztlichen und Pharmaceutischen
8vo. Wien, 1859

SCHIFF (J. M.). Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen.
(Schauenburg's Cyclus) 8vo. Lahr, 1858-9

Vol. 1. Muskel und Nerven-physiologie.

SCHMARDA (Ludwig K.). Neue Wirbellose Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt, 1853-57. plates, 4to. Leipzig, 1859

Band 1. Neue Turbellarien, Rotatorien, und Anneliden.

SCHMIDIUS (Joannes Henricus). *De Feminis ex arte Medica claris. 4to. Lipsiæ, 1738

SCHMIDT (Eduard Oscar). Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie; vierte Auflage.

8vo. Jena, 1859

SCHÖNBEIN (C. F.). On Ozone [in Medico-Chirurgical Trans

actions, vol. 34].

SCHÖNBERG (J. J. Albrecht von): Troja (Biographie).

SCHROEDER VAN DER KOLK (J. L. C.). Bau und Functionen der Medulla Spinalis und Oblongata, und nächste Ursache und rationelle Behandlung der Epilepsie; aus dem Holländischen übertragen von Friedrich W. Theile.

plates, 8vo. Braunschweig, 1859

On the Minute Structure and Functions of the Spinal Cord and Medulla Oblongata, and on the proximate cause and rational treatment of Epilepsy; translated, with additions, from MS. Notes of the Author, by William Daniel Moore.

plates (New Sydenham Society, vol. 4) 8vo. London, 1859 8vo. Berlin, 1860

SCHUFT (Adolf). Die Austöffelung des Staars. SCHULTZE (Max.). Observationes de Retine structura penitiori. 4to. Bonnæ, 1859

SCHYLANDER (Cornelius). His Chirurgerie, a briefe Methode for the Curing of Woundes and Ulcers; translated by S. Hobbes.

black letter, 4to. Lond. 1596

SCOTT (Sir Walter). Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. 12mo. Lond. 1831

SCOTUS (Michael). Liber Phisionomia quem compilavit magister Michael Scotus ad preces D. Federici romanorum imperatoris. 4to. [per Pet. Maufer Paduæ impressum] 1477

: Lacinius de Philosophorum Lapide.

SEILER (J.). De la Galvanisation par influence appliquée au traitement des Déviations de la Colonne Vertébrale, des maladies de la poitrine, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1860

SEMPLE (Robert H.): Diphtheria (translations).

SERGENT (Lucien): Bazin (Affections Cutanées).

SEYMOUR (Edward J.). Letter to the Earl of Shaftesbury on the Laws which regulate Private Lunatic Asylums, with a comparative view of the process "De Lunatico Inquirendo" in England and the law of "Interdiction" in France. 8vo. Lond. 1859.

SHAKESPEARE (William). Psychology of: Bucknill.

Medical Knowledge of: Bucknill.

SHELDRAKE (T.). Practical Essay on Distortion of the Legs and Feet of Children; second edition, with appendix of cases. plates, 8vo. Lond. 1806

SHILANDER: Schylander. SIBSON (Francis). On the Changes induced in the Situation and Structure of the Internal Organs under varying circumstances of health and disease, and on the nature and external indications of these changes.

(From Provincial Association Transactions) 8vo. Worcester, 1844 SICHEL (Jules). Iconographie Ophthalmologique, ou Description avec figures coloriées, des Maladies de l'Organe de la Vue; comprenant l'anatomie pathologique, la pathologie, et la thérapeutique medico-chirurgicales. Text and Atlas, 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1852-59

SICHEL (J.): Hippocrates, de la Vision.

SIEBOLD (Eduard C. J. von). See JOURNALS (Monatsschrift für Geburtskunde).

SIGMUND (Carl Ludwig). Südliche Klimatische Curorte, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Pisa, Nizza und die Meran und Gries; zweite Auflage.

Riviera, Venedig, 12mo. Wien, 1859

Anweisung zur Einreibungscur mit grauer Salbe bei Syphilis-formen; zweiter Abdruck. 8vo. Wien, 1859 SIMON (Friedrich Alexander). Der Kampf mit einem Lindwurm oder unerwiesene Existenz der konstitutionellen Syphilis vor 1495. 8vo. Hamburg, 1859 SKEY (Frederic C.). The Principles and Practice of Operative Surgery; second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858

SMEE (Alfred). General Debility and Defective Nutrition, their causes, consequences, and treatment. 12mo. Lond. 1859 SMITH (Edward). Practical Deductions from an experimental Inquiry into the Influence of Foods.

Second edition.

(From Dublin Quarterly Journal) 8vo. Dublin, 1860 Experimental Inquiries into the Chemical and other Phenomena of Respiration, and their modification by various physical agencies. (From the Philos. Trans.) 4to. 1860 SMITH (Henry). Hæmorrhoids and Prolapsus of the Rectum, their treatment by the application of nitric acid. 8vo. Lond. 1859 12mo. Lond. 1860 SMITH (Thomas). Manual of Operative Surgery on the dead body. 8vo. Lond. 1859 SOLANO (Francisco). Origen Morboso, comun y universal generante de los accidentes todos, segun la irrefragable doctrina del grande Hipocrates. 12mo. Malaga, 1718 SOLIVA (D. Salvador) y Joaquin RODRIGUEZ. Observaciones de las eficaces virtudes nuevamente descubiertas en varias Plantas. plates, 3 vols. in 2, 8vo. (Madrid) 1787 SOLOMON (James Vose). Epiphora or Watery Eye: its successful treatment by the new method of dilatation, with illustrative 8vo. Lond. (1859) SPALLAROSSA (Juan). Disertacion physico-medica en que se demuestra la utilidad y seguridad de la Inoculacion de las Viruelas; escrita en Toscana y traducida. 8vo. Cadiz, 1766 SPIEGELBERG (Otto). Lehrbuch der Geburtshülfe.


(Schauenburg's Cyclus) 8vo. Lahr, 1858 SPURGIN (John). Cure of the Sick, not Homœopathy, not Allopathy, but Judgment. 12mo. Lond. 1860 STADELMANN (Heinrich). Bemerkungen zur Lehre von der Operativen Behandlung der Necrose. plates, 4to. Nürnberg, 1859 Lieferung 1. Necrosis interna.

STAMMER (Karl). Lehrbuch der Physik.

(Schauenburg's Cyclus) 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Lahr, 1859

STANLEY (Edward). Manual of Practical Anatomy for the use of Students engaged in Dissections; third edition.

12mo. Lond. 1826

STILLÉ (Alfred). Therapeutics and Materia Medica; a systematic treatise on the action and uses of medicinal agents, including their description and history. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860 STINSTRA (Goëthius). Commentatio physiologica de Functione Lienis. Svo. Lugduni Bat. 1859

[merged small][ocr errors]

STRAHL (Moritz). Ueber die wahren Ursachen der habituellen Leibesverstopfung und die zuversässigsten Mittel diese zu beseitigen. 8vo. Berlin, 1859

STRECKER (Adolph): Chemie: Regnault. STROMEYER (Louis). Handbuch der Chirurgie; zweiter Abdruck. 8vo. Frieburg, 1851 STRUMPF (F. L.). Allgemeine Pharmakopöe nach den neuesten Bestimmungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1859 SUCQUET (J. P.). De la Circulation du Sang dans les membres et dans la tête chez l'homme. SUESSANUS: Pascalis Suessanus.

8vo. Paris, 1860

SUNDT (Eilert). Om Aedrueligheds-Tilstanden i Norge.

4to. Christiania, 1859

SUTRO (Sigismund): Beneke (Springs of Nauheim).
Sydenham (Thomas): Brown (John).

SYNESIUS: Artephius.

TARDIEU (Ambroise). Étude médico-légale sur la Strangulation.

8vo. Paris, 1859 TARNIER (S.). Des Cas dans lesquels l'Extraction du Foetus est nécessaire et des procédés opératoires relatifs à cette extraction. 8vo. Paris, 1860

TAYLOR (Alfred Swaine). On Poisons in relation to Medical Jurisprudence and Medicine; second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1859 : Pereira's Materia Medica (fourth edition).

TAYLOR (Robert) and Edward C. HULME. Cases illustrating the use of the Ophthalmoscope.

plate (from Beale's Archives) 8vo. 1860 TEALE (Thomas Pridgin). Treatise on Neuralgic Diseases, dependent upon irritation of the spinal marrow and ganglia of the sympathetic nerve. 8vo. Lond. 1829

TENNER (Adolf): Kussmaul on Epileptiform Convulsions.

THEILE (Friedrich W.): Schroeder van der Kolk, Medulla Spinalis. THÉRY (Jean Pierre). De l'Asthme.

8vo. Paris, 1859

THOMAS LONGUEVILLE (P. F.). Recherches sur le Choléra Asiatique observé en Amérique et en Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1857 THOMSON (John). Account of the Life, Lectures, and Writings of William Cullen, M.D.; published in 1832, reissued, with a biographical notice of the author, and concluded by David Craigie. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1859 THOMSON (Robert Dundas). Cyclopædia of Chemistry, with its applications to Mineralogy, Physiology, and the Arts.

8vo. Lond. 1854 THOMSON (Thomas). [History of the Royal Society, from its institution to the end of the eighteenth century. 4to. Lond. 1812]

The History of Chemistry.

portrait (National Library) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1830

TIMME (Thomas): Quercetanus.


TIMMS (Godwin). On Consumption, its true nature and successful 8vo. Lond. 1860 TODD (Robert Bentley). Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology; edited by Robert B. Todd [with the Supplement and General Index]. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836-59 Clinical Lectures on certain Acute Diseases.

TOMES (John). System of Dental Surgery.

12mo. Lond. 1860

12mo. Lond. 1859

TOPINARD (Paul). Quelques Aperçus sur la Chirurgie Anglaise.

4to. Paris, 1860

TOURNEFORT (Josephus Pitton). Institutiones Rei Herbariæ; editio tertia, appendicibus aucta ab Antonio de Jussieu.

plates, in 3 vols. 4to. Parisiis, 1719

TOYNBEE (Joseph). The Diseases of the Ear; their nature, diag nosis, and treatment. 8vo. Lond. 1860

TRAUBE (L.). Beiträge zur experimentellen Pathologie und Physiologie. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1846

Heft 1. Antheil des Magens beim Mechanismus des Erbrechens, von H.


Ursachen derjenigen Veränderungen des Lungen Parenchym nach
Durchschneidung der Nn. Vagi.

Leistungen in Bezug auf den Process des Athmens, von P. Loewen


Heft 2. Verstopfung der Lungen Arterie, von Virchow.

Erstickungs-Erscheinungen am Respirations-apparat.

Genesis der mikroskopischen Elemente in den Entzündungsproducten, von B. Reinhardt.

Respirationslehre, von P. Loewenberg.

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