John Milton: 1732-1801John T. Shawcross Psychology Press, 1995 - 452 páginas The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling students and researchers to read for themselves, for example, comments on early performances of Shakespeare's plays, or reactions to the first publication of Jane Austen's novels. |
Period of Textual and Religious Criticism | 41 |
Anonymous reactions to Bentleys beliefs January | 50 |
Anonymous criticism of Bentley March 1732 | 56 |
RICHARDSON JR on an emendation for Paradise Lost | 62 |
RICHARDSON on Miltons religious beliefs and Paradise | 83 |
IO WARBURTON on Milton and Tolands Life November | 89 |
Anonymous comment on charge of Arianism April | 96 |
BENSON on Miltons verse 1739 | 104 |
SI HUMB On Milton 1757 | 237 |
WILKIB on epic poetry 1757 | 239 |
BLAIR on the sublime the twin poems and Paradise Lost 175960 | 244 |
LYTTELTON on Milton 1760 | 249 |
SS GRAY on Miltons prosody 1760 | 250 |
GIBBON on the relationship of religion 1761 | 251 |
KAMBS on rhyme and blank verse 1762 | 252 |
WBBB on imagery 1762 | 255 |
PECK on Miltons style 1740 | 111 |
DAVIES Rhapsody to Milton February 1740 | 118 |
Period of Alleged Plagiarism Some Analysis Praise and Dispraise 174151 | 121 |
MANWARING on Miltons verse 1744 | 126 |
HARRIS on Miltons versification 1744 | 129 |
PATERSON on Paradise Lost 1744 | 130 |
RAMSAY and POPE on Paradise Lost 1744 | 132 |
LE BLANC on the majesty of nature in Paradise Lost 1745 | 133 |
LAUDERs first charges of plagiarism 1747 | 135 |
RICHARDSON against Lauders allegations 1747 | 140 |
LAUDERS rebuttal 1747 | 144 |
Anonymous poem on attempted depreciation of Milton August 1747 | 146 |
HURD on Miltons language 1749 | 148 |
JOHN MASON on the verse of Paradise Lost 1749 | 149 |
JOHN MASON on Miltons versification 1749 | 150 |
NEWTONs notes to Paradise Lost 1749 | 153 |
JOHNSON on Comus 1750 | 169 |
JOHNSONs preface to the revision of Lauders charges 1750 | 171 |
LAUDERS revised charges of plagiarism 1750 | 173 |
DOUGLASS vindication of plagiarism 1750 | 181 |
JOHNSONS rebuttal against Douglas 1751 | 189 |
LAUDERS remarks on Douglass vindication 1751 | 192 |
Anonymous comment on Bentley 1751 | 198 |
HURD on Miltons invention 1751 | 199 |
JOHNSON on Miltons versification 1751 | 200 |
JOHNSON on Samson Agonistes July 1751 | 217 |
Period of Defence and Analysis 175273 | 223 |
WILLIAM MASON on Samson Agonistes 1753 | 225 |
JOSEPH WARTON on Miltons defects October 1753 | 226 |
SHENSTONE on Lycidas 1754 | 231 |
JOSEPH WARTON on the Nativity Ode 1756 | 232 |
WILLIAM MASON on Miltons achievement 1756 | 234 |
SO BURKE On Miltons sublimity 1756 | 235 |
HURD on romance in Miltons works 1762 | 257 |
EVANS on Miltons literary use of the Psalms 1772 | 258 |
Period of Praise and Some Detraction 17741801 | 259 |
BEATTIE on Miltons learning 1776 | 285 |
RICHARDSON on the companion poems 1779 | 286 |
JOHNSON on Cowley and Milton 1779 | 288 |
JOHNSON on Philips and Milton 1779 | 289 |
JOHNSON on Miltons life and works 1779 | 290 |
BLACKBURNB on Miltons political principles 1780 | 311 |
HAYLEY on Miltons epic 1782 | 314 |
THOMAS WARTON on the minor poems 1785 | 315 |
SCOTT On Lycidas 1785 | 326 |
CUMBERLAND on Samson Agonistes 1785 | 333 |
WHITE on analogues to Paradise Lost 1786 | 338 |
WHITE on the Sonnets 1786 | 341 |
HAWKINS on Johnsons criticism of Milton 1787 | 342 |
MICKLE On Samson Agonistes 1788 | 344 |
NEVE On Milton and the poems 1789 | 350 |
COWPER on Miltons disinterment August 1790 | 362 |
BURNEY on Miltons Greek 1790 | 364 |
COWPERS notes on Paradise Lost 17912 | 366 |
GODWIN on Satan 1793 | 372 |
DUNSTERS notes on Paradise Regaind 1795 | 374 |
HAYLEY on the last poems 1796 | 378 |
HAYLEY on the origin of Paradise Lost 1796 | 381 |
Anonymous discussion of Miltons similes 17968 | 383 |
GODWIN on Miltons prose style 1797 | 390 |
PENN on Samson Agonistes 1798 | 400 |
BOYD on the fallen angels before 1809 | 410 |
427 | |