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served and propagated the light of true religion,-instances numerous witnesses against the encroachments and errors of Rome,— amongst others, archbishops and abbots, but particularly the Waldenses, the Albigenses, the Lollards, the Hussites, and the Reformers of the 16th century. According to this view the Waldenses were pre-eminently, but not exclusively those witnesses who were to protest against the corruptions that would disfigure christianity, especially within the limits of the western Roman empire-during the calamitous period of 1260 years.


AT the close of a volume composed of distinct treatises, but treatises which severally tend to one point, the defence of truth and its adherents, the exposure of error and its advocates; a volume which includes, to some extent, from its very nature, biography, and history, argument, and illustration,—and where the late moderator has not forgotten, it is hoped, the temper of the christian, in any vain display of his skill as a polemic;-his editor may perhaps be permitted to compare his own inferior occupations and researches to those of the tourist, who, penetrating to the farther districts of Italy, looks around with delight at the villages and vineyards that surround Vesuvius; ascends-not without some diligence and labour-to the summit to view its hideous crater; or visits affecting monuments of its former destructive effects amidst the ruins of Herculaneum or Pompeii.... For the historical documents of the Waldenses present equally mournful memorials of tremendous visitations from the Vatican, as from a volcano; whose anathemas and

armies, like lava, laid waste the possessions, and destroyed the lives of unsuspecting and unoffending victims.

It was not, however, the object of the moderator, in his address to dignitaries of the church of Rome, nor is it his editor's object in superintending the publication, to awaken any feelings of hatred and revenge in the breasts of christians of the present generation, on account of the atrocities of generations that are past. In the name of the author,-now no more; and on his own behalf, he would disclaim the slightest intention to perpetuate feelings so repugnant to the spirit of christianity, so injurious to the peace of the community, and so hostile to the investigation of truth.

But whilst christians ought never to appear in array against each other with sanguinary intent, like the gladiators in an amphitheatre; nor for ostentatious display as at a tournament in an age of chivalry; it is their bounden duty to contend, yet always with meekness, candour, and benevolence, for "the faith once delivered to the saints."

The christian religion having, like the Roman empire, lost much of its ancient lustre, the Waldenses seem to have been eminently the depositaries of the true faith during a series of ages, when the darkness of error had overspsead all

the Gothic kingdoms. They were, as we have just attempted to prove,-WITNESSES for God and his holy truth.

Roman catholics will not admit this assertion to be correct; but contend that the church of Rome is properly the one holy, catholic, and apostolic church,-and that it is distinguished from others by these four characteristics:(1.) Apostolic origin, &c.; (2.) Sanctity; (3.) Unity; and (4.) Universality, or catholicism.* Are these the criteria by which we are to

* Per qual ragione la chiesa si dice apostolica?

Primo, perchè è stata fondata col mezzo degli apostoli ; Secondo, perchè è governata dai successori degli apostoli ; Terzo, perchè la di lei dottrina è quella degli apostoli.

Perchè la chiesa si dice Santa?

Perchè ha il capo invisibile, ch'è Cristo, Santo, e perchè ha molti membri Santi, la fede, la legge, ed i Sacramenti Santi.

Qual è il terzo segno della vera chiesa ?

Dee esser cattolica, che vuol dire universale.

Perchè si chiama universale?

Perchè ella è estensibile a tutti i luoghi, a tutte le nazioni, ed a tutti i tempi.

Chi ci insegna, che Gesù Cristo ha instituito una sola chiesa?

Gesù Cristo istesso, che parla sempre di un solo ovile, e di un solo pastore.

In che consiste questa unità?

Consiste in questo, che dee avere una stessa fede, gli stessi

determine whether a church has adhered to, or apostatized from the primitive faith?— Then it becomes an interesting point to ascertain whether the church of Rome, or the Waldensian church, can produce the fullest proof that it possesses them. As the contents of this volume may enable the reader to decide that question impartially and satisfactorily, it appears desirable to concentrate the rays of evidence scattered through its several present the argument with full force



to the mind.


(1.) With respect to apostolic origin, the church of Rome stands on the same footing as Antioch, Damascus, Ephesus, and other cities which were founded in the time of the apostles, and by their efforts or those of their fellowchristians. They were all daughter-churches of the principal and parent church,--the fountainhead of religious knowledge-the church of Jerusalem. The church of Rome appears to owe its origin to those "strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes," who were at Jerusalem on the

sacramenti, ed un sol capo.-Catechismo ad uso della Diocesi di Pinerolo.

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