Imagens das páginas

destruction, this intellectual vandalism, the clergy, the traditional and, bitter foes of the secular poet, were more or less conscious tools, while the master-singers contributed to the same result by their ineptitude. Then there was the rise, both economic and political, of the middle class. The importance of this factor in the overthrow of court-verse1 cannot well be overestimated. Already in the reign of Frederick II. a wandering gleeman, Freidank, had scented the offence. and revenged it in advance. His antipathy found vent in opprobrious terms. The knights, the clergy, and the peasants were the orders created by God. The fourth, or trading, class was of the Devil.

Internal decay.

Over and above these external enemies, however, it is possible to detect in the court-poetry of the fourteenth and concluding portion of the thirteenth century many signs of decay. signs that are strictly parallel with evidences of old age in the individual. "The gay poets of the Middle Age," remarks M. Dinaux,2 « began with singing love and its delights; later they turned into verse the tales, the histories, and the fabliaux of the country; then, when age and infirmities overtook them, they fell back on sacred and philosophic subjects." He adds that the


1 The words "court-verse,' 99.66 court-poetry," &c., though in universal use on the Continent, have been adopted not without misgivings. The terms are new, and have been censured as exaggerating the influence of courts on the poetry in question. The diminution of this influence, however, was of capital importance in the transformations poetry was now to undergo.

2 Trouvères du Nord de la France et du Midi de la Belgique, vol. iv.


gay poets did not always observe these "time-limits," and that, in general, their compositions exhibit a fine medley of the worldly and other-worldly. The speech and confession of a typical trouvère, Hugues de Bersil, explain this apparent contradiction by the real contradiction of preaching and practice :

"Hugues de Bersil qui tant a
Cerchié le siecle çà et là
Qu'il a veu qu'il ne vaut rien,
Préesche ore de fere bien :
Et si sait bien que li plusor
Tenront mes sermons à folor;
Qar il ont veu que j'avoie
Plus que nus d'aus solaz et joie,
Et que j'ai aussi grant mestier
Que nus d'aus de moi préeschier."

M. Dinaux refers to a tendency only; and in these lines the tendency is clear enough. We also have to do with a tendency, and another French writer, quite independently, sums up the character of the fourteenth century in the words: "Every discourse is practically a sermon. To speak is to preach. In the art of preaching lies the whole art of speaking." True, on the whole; and yet, in its inconsistencies, the period resembles the gay poets. Outstanding inconsistencies are the futile attempts of epic and romance to survive and thrive in this uncongenial atmosphere; and convenience suggests that these failures be noted first. To the decadent lyric, naturally more capable of adaptation, will be consecrated the ensuing chapter.

One striking feature of the "death-struck" epic is

destruction, this intellectual vandalism, the clergy, the traditional and, bitter foes of the secular poet, were more or less conscious tools, while the master-singers contributed to the same result by their ineptitude. Then there was the rise, both economic and political, of the middle class. The importance of this factor in the overthrow of court-verse1 cannot well be overestimated. Already in the reign of Frederick II. a wandering gleeman, Freidank, had scented the offence and revenged it in advance. His antipathy found vent in opprobrious terms. The knights, the clergy, and the peasants were the orders created by God. The fourth, or trading, class was of the Devil.

Over and above these external enemies, however, it is possible to detect in the court-poetry of the fourteenth and concluding portion of the thirInternal decay. teenth century many signs of decaysigns that are strictly parallel with evidences of old age in the individual. "The gay poets of the Middle Age," remarks M. Dinaux,2 " began with singing love and its delights; later they turned into verse the tales, the histories, and the fabliaux of the country; then, when age and infirmities overtook them, they fell back on sacred and philosophic subjects." He adds that the

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1 The words "court-verse,' court-poetry," &c., though in universal use on the Continent, have been adopted not without misgivings. The terms are new, and have been censured as exaggerating the influence of courts on the poetry in question. The diminution of this influence, however, was of capital importance in the transformations poetry was now to undergo.

2 Trouvères du Nord de la France et du Midi de la Belgique, vol. iv.

gay poets did not always observe these "time-limits," and that, in general, their compositions exhibit a fine medley of the worldly and other-worldly. The speech. and confession of a typical trouvère, Hugues de Bersil, explain this apparent contradiction by the real contradiction of preaching and practice :

"Hugues de Bersil qui tant a
Cerchié le siecle çà et là
Qu'il a veu qu'il ne vaut rien,
Préesche ore de fere bien :
Et si sait bien que li plusor
Tenront mes sermons à folor;
Qar il ont veu que j'avoie
Plus que nus d'aus solaz et joie,
Et que j'ai aussi grant mestier
Que nus d'aus de moi préeschier.”

M. Dinaux refers to a tendency only; and in these lines the tendency is clear enough. We also have to do with a tendency, and another French writer, quite independently, sums up the character of the fourteenth century in the words: "Every discourse is practically a sermon. To speak is to preach. In the art of preaching lies the whole art of speaking." True, on the whole; and yet, in its inconsistencies, the period resembles the gay poets. Outstanding inconsistencies are the futile attempts of epic and romance to survive and thrive in this uncongenial atmosphere; and convenience suggests that these failures be noted first. To the decadent lyric, naturally more capable of adaptation, will be consecrated the ensuing chapter.

One striking feature of the "death-struck" epic is

the quality of inventiveness. In the cavalier handling of the various matières, whether of France,

Enfances. or Britain, or "Rome la grant," the later poets do on a large scale what their precursors had only ventured to do piecemeal and apologetically. Even the Chanson de Geste, supposed to be strongly based on the bed-rock of historical fact, manifests this caprice. Doubtless the fiction of veracity had still to be maintained, but a compromise was not difficult of attainment, and lay in the direction of enfances (i.e., first exploits) and genealogy. A well-known name like that of the rather mysterious William is made the pivot of a whole cycle of poems more or less "contaminated." To this particular cycle- the Geste of Garin de Montglane, as it was called in mediæval times -belong about twenty epics, assonanced or rhymed, ranging from the commencement of the twelfth to the end of the thirteenth century, and recounting the feats of seven or eight generations of heroes, in which are commonly included the taking of a town and the winning of a Saracen princess. Of these the Enfances Guillaume, the Département des Enfants Aimeri, and the Enfances Vivien are wholly outside tradition. The Enfances Garin de Montglane, perhaps the last of the series, pertains to the fourteenth century.

The lack of reverence already implied in the tampering with history or legend, the ascription of imaginary doings to traditional names, comes to a head in works like Hugues Capet, le Bastard de Bouillon, Baudouin de Sebourc, Tristan de Nanteuil, and Charles le Chauve, none of them attached

Revolutionary spirit.

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