A Summary of the Powers and Duties of a Justice of the Peace in Scotland, with Forms of Proceedings, &c., Comprising a Short View of the Criminal Duty and of the Greater Part of the Civil Duty of Sheriffs and Magistrates of Burghs

J. Anderson, 1828 - 593 páginas

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Página 334 - That he alloweth the Book of Articles of Religion agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops of both provinces, and the whole clergy in the convocation holden at London in the year of our Lord God...
Página 492 - Any officer, non-commissioned officer, or soldier, who, being present at any mutiny or sedition, does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, or, coming to the knowledge of any intended mutiny, does not, without delay, give information thereof to his commanding officer, shall be punished by the sentence of a court-martial with death, or otherwise, according to the nature of his offence.
Página 265 - ... and to chastise and punish all persons that offend against the form...
Página 267 - And also of all those who have there lain in wait, or hereafter shall presume to lie in wait, to maim or cut or kill our people...
Página 436 - That if any Persons unlawfully, riotously and tumultuously assembled together, to the Disturbance of the Public Peace, shall unlawfully, and with Force demolish or pull down...
Página 267 - ... made or taken, and not yet determined ; And to make and continue processes thereupon against all and singular the persons so indicted, or who before you hereafter shall happen to be indicted, until they can be taken, surrender themselves, or be outlawed ; And...
Página 93 - ... unlawfully stab or cut any of his majesty's subjects, with intent in so doing, or by means thereof, to murder, or rob, or to maim, disfigure, or disable such his majesty's subject or subjects...
Página 363 - ... be committed, there to be dealt with according to law, where the nature of the offence shall authorize such commitment by any other law, and where the nature of the offence shall not authorize such commitment by any other law, then such commitment shall be for any time not exceeding three calendar months, at the discretion of such justice or justices.
Página 230 - Refreshments, as near to one Side of the Road as conveniently may be, either with or without any Horse or Beast of Draught harnessed or yoked thereto ; or shall lay any Timber, Stone, Hay, Straw, Dung...
Página 190 - Act, and who shall trade with or under colour of such licence, shall cause to be written, painted, or printed, in large legible roman capitals, upon the most conspicuous part of every pack, box, bag, trunk, case, cart, or waggon, or other vehicle or conveyance in which he or...

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