Imagens das páginas



November." Scorpius est quintus, et tertius est nece cinctus."

December." Septimus exanguis, vorax est denus "ut anguis."

Among the many notes in and additions to this Calendar, of later date, are the following.—Against March 1,— "Obitus Doctoris White, Residentiarii, 1623." Against March 31,-" Obitus Nicholai Sourgeon, 1458." Against November 2,-"Obitus Domini Willelmi Brewster, Residentiarii hujus ecclesiæ, Anno Domini 1465."

Mr. Bowtell, in his note above extracted, has treated these volumes apparently as containing only "rentals" belonging to the town of Cambridge. Their contents however are full of matters of antiquarian, and, occasionally, historical, interest, as the following extracts from the First Volume will shew; while the rentals occupy but a small proportion of their pages.

The commencement of the first entry in the volume is as follows:



"20 Henrici Octavi. Cantabrigiæ. Computus computantium infra scriptorum de diversis exitibus et proficuis per ipsos receptis, a die Dominica proxima "ante Festum Sancti Edwardi, anno supradicto:" the receipts of rents being then in the form of either money, wheat, or maslin (mixtilio).


The next year's Account is that for 1515. O n fol. 9 of it occurs. The payment of fees, presents, and rewards "of the said Thresorers the yere abouesaid." The following are extracts.-" First, paied for a pottell and "a pynte of swete wyne sent to Mr. Woode by the "commandement of Mr. Maior, the Monday after Ely


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Fayer Day, atte suche tyme as he drew a note of an "indenture confirming the Fayer, 10d. Item, paiede "to Mr. Hallehede allowaunce for cuttyng oute of the "waites lyverie, and they refused the clothe.. 38. 4d. "Item, paiede for the saide waites lyverie to the said "Mr. Hallehed, the yere . . 30s. Item, paiede "to William Stevyns for leading up of the Gypsyans [? Gipsies] to Londone, to the Kinges Counselle 68. 8d. Item, payede to Thomas Brakyne "for ii pikkes (pikes) geven and sent to my Lord Chief Juge, to London, upon Halowmesse Day... '8s. Item, in a present govene to my Lord Justice, commyng to Cambrigge the yere abouesaid, atte "Seint George's tyme, first in a pyke bought of J. "Coward . . . 2s. 4d. Item, in a tenche for the same,

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bought of Thomas Brakyne the same tyme, 14d. "Item, to Mr. Hugh Ranken, Maior, for his robe for "his yer of Maieraltie.. 20s. Item, in ii great pikkes govene in present to my Lady the Frensshe Qwene [Mary, daughter of Henry the Seventh] . . . 6s.

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Item, for two tenchis govene to the same . . . 20d. "Item, in reward govene to the Kinges Minstrelles, "this yer commyng to Cambrigge, by the command"ment of Mr. Maier 7s. Item, for two galouns wyne govene to my Lorde of Ely, beyng atte Bernewelle, serching for enclosure of londes. . 16d. Item, "for a pyke govene to my Lord Justice atte Seint Margaretes tyme the yere abouesaid, cummyng "to Cambrigge, 3s. 4d. Item, for two tenches to the . . 28. same..

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"Resceytes of bothes buylded upon the Chapelle ground [at the East end of the Fair]. At Byrchyne "Lane... Atte nether ende of Chepe, and for ale "bothes Item, of a wif of Bury, ii bothes, 68. Item, of a nother wif for an ale bothe, 4s." This item occurs four times.-" Resceytes for bothes upon "the Chapell grounde for Suffolk men." This was ground adjoining the Chapel formerly attached to the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalene, for Lepers.

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At fol. 14 are entered,-"The costes and charges of "the klensing of the Kinges Ditche in Cambrigge and "the Ditche by Penbroke Halle, and other ditches belongyng to the Towne." Among the items are the following." Item, payed to iii men for laboring in casting the ditche next St. Andrews Chirche Yard "for ii days, a man by the day 6d. . . 3s. Od. Item, payed for casting the menour [manure] oute of the "ditche in to the churche yard ther, and for making "of a mudde walle,--to the Churche Wardeyns for to "haue licence to lay the menour ther, 16d."

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"Munday, item, paide for a quarte of Malvesay in the er they went, 5d. Item, ffor horse meat at "Barkwae... 8d. Item, spent for Mr. Maior and his cumpany. 19d. Item, for owre sopere at Ware . . "28. 10d. Item, for horse mete there.. 2s. 3d. Tuys. day, item, at Waltham for our breakfast.. 10d. Item, "ffor horse meate there. . 6d. Item, at Lundune, our "denere. . 8d. Item, gevyne to the Kinges footman.. "8d. Item, for our soppurs... 18d. Wenuysday, In primis, paide for our drynkynge in the morning, 4d. "Itom, paide to Mastur Nedygate 38. 4d. Item, "for boite hyur [boat hire], 5d. Item, for the apparenses of Mr. Maior and iiiior bailiffes. . 7s. Item, "for ther denar, 2s. Item, for our sopir . . 18d. Item, "for the coppy of the complaynt. . 3s." The account is then continued into the next week, that of Tuesday, the closing day in London, being as follows:Tuisday, item, for horsmett at London. . 15s. Item, “for our breakfaste . . 8d. Item, our denere, 16d. Item, for boite hyure. . . 3d. Item, oure sopire 21d. Item, for horsmete at Waire, 2s. 3d. "Item, our denere at Barkweye. . 2s. 4d. Item, for "horssemete there, 10d. Item, paid to Thomas Swerd"breike for his costes, 2s. 4d. Item, for the hyure of "vi horses x dais . 20s. Item, for the careage of "Mastur Mayors maylle [portmanteau] to Lundune " and home 20d."

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Among the expenses of the same year:


Item, paid for iii prykes [pikes] iii bremys gevyn to my Lorde Cownesby sitting at the Castille uppon "the Kingges Comysione.. 258. Item, ffor ii tenchis, bowght of Kateryne Stankke, 48. Item, flor iiiior galones off wyne to the said Lorde. . 2s. 8d." In the Account for 1521, 2, occurs an item,-" Received "of John Thirleby, for a kechyne belongyng to the "Cardenal Hatte [a booth in Sturbridge Fair], 8d." He had been one of the two Treasurers for the town of Cambridge a year or two before this, where he carried on the business of a scrivener, and ultimately became Town Clerk. He was the father of Thomas Thirleby, afterwards Bishop of Westminster, Norwich, and Ely, and ultimately deprived.

In the same account John Thirleby is paid 12 pence for writing out the rentals and the year's account. If written by him, this paper does him credit, as well for its orthography as its excellent writing.

Among other items in the same account are the following:

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"Item, payed for a pike, a tenche, and ii rostyng elys [roasting eels, or congers] gevyne to my Lord Brude"nell, Chief Justice, and to Mr. Brooke. Bought of "Bayly Brakyne, 7s." Brakyne, the fishmonger, was one of the four Bailiffs of the town, and afterwards Alderman and Member of Parliament. Repeated items occur also, as to gifts of wine and food to the Bishop of Ely [Nicholas West].




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Item, delivered to Master Bury, deputy to Mr. Mayer, in reward gevyn to the Kynges Justice, takyn paynes for Lichefeldes matter, 13s. 4d.

Item, payed for a pottelle Malvesyn gevyne to my Lord Brudenelle atte Dolphyne, commyng_from Bury Sessyon, by the commandement of Mr. Bury,



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In the Account for 1523, 4, the following (some of them of an unusual kind) are among the receipts at Sturbridge Fair :






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Item, rescevyd of Mr. Thomas Saunder in money "founde in the purse of Rose Lane, the wife of John "Lane, of Holbourne, 6s. 8d. obol. Item, rescevyd of fuller of Hersum, taken in Stirrebrigge Fayer, in in his purse money 16s. 8d. obol. Item, resceyved of Mr. Coward for a vacabunde, dwellyng in Lynne, in money in his purse 98. obol. Item, res"ceyved for a vacabunde havyng pokkes in his face 38. 4d. obol. Item, resceyved of a nother vaca"bunde by Mr. Saunders, 3s. obol. Item, rescey ved by thandes of John Harryson, for Rose Lane, of Holbourne, 12d. obol. Item, resceyved of the said "John Harryson, for Caltone, of London, 20s. Item, "in thandes of Mr. Siegge, a litell tidy horse hambling astray, price 68. 8d. Item, in thandes of John "Coward, tew sorry horses, oon colour blake, thodir "colour bay, strays. Item, in thandes of Mr. Mayer, i kyrtill, colour roset, of a woman of Huntyngdone, Item, resceyved of Mr. Mayor 2s. and Mr. Harryson 12d., for a blode shedde, made by Chandler "of John's Lane."




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In the Account for 1531, 2:

"Item, to Natures, for rydynge to Camps to know "whether the Duke of Norffolke's deer cum thedir or noo. . 2s. Item, to Master Brakyn, for ii pykes, that was gevyne for a present to the Erle of Surrey, at the commandement of Mr. Maier, Mr. Slegge, and others

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38. 8d. Item, for a tubbe and a bolle [bowl] to put "in the fysshe, to the fermour Corp's wyfe . . 2d. "Item, to Thomas at the Pumpe, for ii galouns Rumnev "for the saide Erle . . 2s. 4d. Item, payede to Ryca"arde Colynsone, for a brydill and a sadyll clothe, that was lost whanne the horse went from us, rydinge to "Campis Castle [Castle Camps, in Cambridgeshire] "14d. Item, payede to John Cooke for bakynge of a bryste of venyson, that the Juges gave to Mr. Mayer "and his cumpany, with mele, salte, and pepir. . 16d. 'Memorandum, all costes and charges payed for fetching the doos that the Duke of Norfolke gayve to "Master Maier and his bretherne, beyng with him at Campys :-Item, payede to Raf Waleys and another manne v dayes for their labours, 38. 4d. Item, paide "for iii horse v days to carry the said doos, 58. Item, "at the signe of the Swanne at Newmarket, outward, "for ther soper and brekfast. . 9d. Item, for horse meate at the said signe of the Swanne. . 15d. Item, "at Burnham, at the signe of the Wyspe.. 5d. Item, at Lopham, at the Bowier.. 8d. Item, at Stobyll flott, "at the sygne of the Angyll, for horsmete, 12d. Item, "for their soper at the saide place. . 6d. Item, at Bun"gay, at the sygn of the Garlonde. . 2d. Item, for an

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"hors shoo, 2d. Item, at Erfam their dees [? deners].. DOWNING "8d. Item, at Lopham, for ther dyner. . 6d. Item, for "iii elles canvas to truss [pack] in the venysun.. 15d.; "sold to Fanne for 10d.-5d. Item, at Lopham, for "horse mete 4d. Item, to bothe the kepirs for their "fees. . 6s. 8d. Item, at Thetforde for drynke and "horse mete. . 20d. Item, for a horse shoo.. 2d. Item, at the sign of the Swanne at Newmarket, home15d." "ward, for dyner and horse mete

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At the end of this account, written in a hand somewhat difficult to be deciphered, is the following:"Memorandum, that we desyre you that be owre "Auditors, that ye wolbe good to to [sic] hus, for the soper that we made; ffor we haue loss by the farme of "the market and owre soper, to the sum of iiiil., and "that we wyll take owre othys upon a boke before ye all. "And yt ys notheir plesur nor profyt for ye that be

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"We fyrst payed to the yonge Duke's players, by the "commandement of Mr. Mayer... 6s. 8d. Item, in "rewarde gevene to my Lorde of Derbye's pleyer [sic] by the commandement of Mr. Mayer. . . 58. Item, a reward govyne to Mr. Brandone, the Kinges Jugguler, at Mr. Hasyll, and in a banket ther made, "with all the charges, etc. . . 10s. 4d. Item, in expenses of a banket made at the Dolphyn, upon Seint Jamys Day, at night, ther beyng my Lorde Chief "Justice. 78. Item, in reward gevyn to the Kynges "mynstrelles, at Styrrybrygge Fayer tyme, atte the "commandement of Mr. Mayer. 68. 8d. Item, "payed to the Qwenys mynstrelle that brought letters "to Mr. Mayer of the byrthe of the Pryncesse after"wards Queen Elizabeth] . . 58. Item, payd for ii "loodes woode for gaudes, at the bone-fyer in Sturbrigge Fayer, made in certeyn places within the said 66 fayer. 38. 10d. Item, payed for iiii galouns wyne exspent at the sayde gaudes, 28. 8d."

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In the Account for 1535, 6.—

"Item, payed to servaunts of the Kynge, of the blakke garde [scullery servants], by the comaundement of "Mr. Mayor, 20d. Item, payed to my Lord Rutteland's mynstrelles, by the comandement of Mr. Mayor 28. Item, payed to the Kynges waytes, in the presens of Mr. Symond Trus, by comaundement of "Mr. Mayor . . 6s. 8d. Item, payed to my Lord "Leonard Marquys [sic] mynstrelles, at the com"mandement of Maister Mayer, upon Michelmesse Day.. 58. Item, payed in reward govyne to the waytes of Lynne, by the commaundement of Mr. Mayer. . 12d. Item, payed to Brandon, the Kynges Gugeler, by the commandement of Mr. Maier, 68. 8d. "Item, payed for a soper for Mr. Brandon and other, "at Mr. Mayer's.. 20d. Payed for ii galouns wyne, "marmelake [sic], and sokettes [succades, or sweet"meats], govyne to Mr. Doctor Leygh, the Kynges "Visitour, the xxvi day of October, anno xxviii, by "the commandement of Mr. Mayer,. 38. 4d. Item, payed for a present govene to my Lady Oxynforde, "at the commandement of Mr. Mayor, 5s. Item, iiii great pykkes govyne to my Lord Crumwell, price "of every of them 58., summa 20s. Item, iii great "tenches, gevyn to the same, price of every of them "3s. 4d., summa 10s."

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Expenses of Mr. Bakyn [correctly, Brakyn], Ed"ward Slegge, [member of Parliament for the borough], and Robert Chapman, with their servauntes, "made in ryding to London, and ther abode ther, "from the xxvi day of October unto the vi day of "Novembre."-A most interesting diary as to the movements and expenses of the deputation, but too lengthy for transcription. They put up at the Green Dragon; the inn, most probably, so called, in Bishopsgate Street. Mr. Slegge appears, on this occasion, to have got himself confined in the Fleet Prison, and his friends had to use their best endeavours to procure his release.

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Here "Thomas Brakyn, Esquyer," the fishmonger, is named as being "Burgesse of the Parliament," and receives 63 shillings for his services as such, during 63 days.

"Item, spent at a junkett in the cumpanye of Mystrys "Hynde, at the comaundement of Mr. Mayer . . 6s."

At this date "My Lorde Chancellor's players" receive 6s. 8d.; "My Lord of Sowthfolke's players 58.," and the "Erle of Sussex players 6s. 8d."


Item, to yomen of the Croune when they came for "the sertyfycatt to knowe howe manye were deed in "the towne of Cambryge, 6s. 8d. Item, for theyr "brekefast. . 3s."

In the Account for 1539-40.-"Item, a reward yeven "unto Prynce Edwardes players, at the commande"ment of Mr. Maior and Mr. Chapman 68. 8d." They had received a similar reward the year before. "Item, for a reward to my Lord Crumwell's players, "3s. 4d. :"-among the last payments they would receive in that capacity, their master being executed in July 1540.

From the Second Volume, which contains the Borough Accounts from the year 1560 to 1589, a few extracts may be added :

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1560. Item, to the Duchess of Suffolk's Players "10s." 1583. "Item, to the Quene's Players, the ix "of July 20s." 1584. Item, to the Quene's Players.. 26s. 8d." 1586. "Item, to the Plaiers "that plaied before Mr. Maior. . 30s." 1586. "Item, given to the Lord Admirall's Players.. 10s." In the same volume "Lord Strangis Players" and "Lord "Rich's Players" are also mentioned.

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At this period, the Guildhall seems to have been let from time to time, for the celebration of marriage festivities therein.

1592. "Marriages kept in the Hall.-Item, of Richard "Hull, for his dynner kept in the Hall, 20d. Item, "of Daniel Cawcott, for the like.. 3s. 4d. Item, of "Stanton, for his dynner kept there, 20d. Item, of Boydon, for the like. 3s. 4d. Item, of John Sanders, for the like. . 20d. Item, of Newman, for the "like, 2s. 6d."



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1594. "Item, of John Wicksted [whose name will be "found mentioned elsewhere in this Report,] for his "admission to the place of an attorney within this "town.. 20d." 1596. "Item, gyven to the Quene's "Players, by the comaundement of Mr. Mayor.. 20s." From about 1560 to 1600, the fees and presents given by the Corporation to Judges, high officers, and persons of rank, seem to have been both numerous and expensive.

From the Fourth Volume of the "Libri Rationales," 1611 to 1628, the following passages have been extracted.

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1614. "For gloves for the Kinge and Prince att their "second cominge. . 41. 10s. Item, for a towne bull.. "56s. 8d." 1615. "Item, to Stephen Willimott, for playing at Reach Fayre, an[d] att another feast. . "208." 'Item, to Bicun the trumpeter, for playing on "Bartholmew's Day, at night, by the appoyntment of "the Maior and Aldermen . 2s. 6d. Item, more to Stephen Willmott, for playing that night 10s."



The remaining six volumes of the "Libri Rationales embrace the following dates:-1629-1642; 1643-1661; 1662-1676; 1677-1687; 1688-1698; 1700-1787.




A small quarto paper book, of about 50 leaves, with miscellaneous entries, in hands of the 17th, and early COLLEGE. part of the 18th, centuries. Inside the cover is written, "This book was given to me by Mr. James Burleigh. "J. Bowtell." On the outside of the parchment cover is the following written notice,-"Howland Nutting, att the Black Beare Inn in Cambridge, for ye use of Sturbridg Faire, an[n]o 1711. If lost, pray send as " aboue." On the other side there is written an almost similar notice. At one end, the context begins with this entry,-"September 1711. A survey of all the "booths in Sturbridge Faire, belonging to the towne "of Cambridge, beginning on the north side of Cheap"side, from Mr. Kemp's 18 foot, abutting on Garlick "Row." Speaking in general terms, it may be said to contain a topography of the Fair, as the booths were arranged at that date:-Soapers' Lane, the Duddery, a booth called "the Eagle and Child," Tounk Row, victualling booths called the Quart Pott" and "the "Boot," Timber Fair, Booksellers' Row, Broakers' Row, Horse Fair, the Dolestone, from which all admeasurements of distance within the Fair were estimated, Hopp Row, a booth called " 'the Sheepskin," the Fish Faire, the Town Lee Way, the Pewterers' Row.

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Then follow, in a hand of earlier date,-" Dues, customs, and toll to be taken in Sturbridge Faire of "divers merchandize, 1658 :" among which are these items,-"For every pile muddfish, for groundage, 4d. "For every load of bushell skeppe [large baskets], "ffans, leapes [baskets], and such others, 4d. For every keele or boat that beareth a healme, as oft as "he commeth." A table of reference to the contents of the Town Book called the "Cross Book,' " then follows. [This book has already been described, as belonging to the Corporation of Cambridge, in a preceding Report.]- This is succeeded by "Ordinances "and Costomes concurning Sturbridg Fair, 1658, as they stand in ye Cross Book," the section ending with "Sturbridg Faire, soo called from Stur,' a "littell rivolit; on ye east side whereof its keept, on ye east of Cambridge, Midsomer Faire proclamed ye "Eve of St. Audery, which fall on ye 23rd of June." Then follow a few memoranda on the early history of Cambridge. Beginning at the other end of the volume, is entered:-"A copy of Sturbridge Fair's Charter to "the town of Cambridge (1708),-the Charter of Queen "Elizabeth to the town, for Cambridge Faire." Then follows, in a much earlier hand, a series of orders relative to the Fair and the town of Cambridge; among them, "It is ordered that no bayliff shall let the "Tolbooth in the Fair to any citizens of London, uppon



paine of forfeit of ten pounds for every time, and to "loose his liberty." An order follows, against building up "Segge Reeks" [Sedge Ricks] within the town; as a precaution, no doubt, against fire. Many of these orders and memoranda are very curious.

A volume, in a hand of the 17th century, containing "Statutes of the University of Cambridge; also, "Statutes of the King's College of the Blessed Mary "and St. Nicholas, at Cambridge." Within the cover is written-"Sum Johannis Bowtell, Cantabrigiensis."

A small quarto volume of 77 pages, containing a manuscript history of Cambridge, in a hand of the be. ginning of this century, probably John Bowtell's. It is written apparently in a somewhat grandiloquent vein, but it evidently contains much that is of interest, and the result of extensive research.

A small quarto volume, containing about 196 written pages, of Collections, mostly in reference to the early history of Cambridge; apparently, a compilation by Bowtell in the first 10 or 12 years of the present century. The account of the Roman settlements in or near Cambridge is probably of some value.

A small quarto paper volume, written in a hand apparently of about 1770 to 1790, containing collections for a contemplated history of each of the Colleges in Cambridge. So far as it goes, it appears to be replete with curious biographical information. The following passage gives an anecdote respecting Dr. Barnes (born in 1745), the late Master of Peterhouse, who is still remembered by many in Cambridge. (P. 45.)—“ On "the 30th of August 1787, Revd George Borlase, Fel"low and Tutor of St. Peter's College, and Reva Francis "Barnes, Fellow of King's College, were nominated by "the College to the Bishop of Ely [Dr. James Yorke], "to chuse one to be Master thereof. The Bishop conceiving they had not made a proper nor fair nomina"tion, he presented Mr. Longmore (a former Fellow of "St. Peter's), who in consequence was inducted into


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against the presentation of Longmore, as not being "nominated by them. The consequence was, the


Bishop saw that the scheme of the Society was to "insure Borlase the Mastership by nominating a "stranger, and therefore returned Mr. Barnes, who on "the 11 of May was inducted." Upon his appointment to the Mastership, Dr. Barnes vacated the Professorship of Casuistry, or Moral Theology, which he had previously held, and, uniting in his own person the electoral rights of Vice-Chancellor and Master of Peterhouse, together with the casting vote, conferred the office upon Mr. Borlase, whom he had thus, to some extent, supplanted. The collections in the volume under notice extend only to St. Peter's College, Clare, and Pembroke. Borlase was nephew of the great Cornish antiquary and naturalist, of the same name.

Five small quarto volumes, numbered on the outside 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, (vols. 1 and 2 being wanting, or else overlooked by me), containing collections by Mr. Bowtell, for a history of the town of Cambridge. The contents of these volumes are illustrated with paintings and drawings, and fill apparently from two to three thousand pages.

A small quarto volume of about 50 leaves of memoranda, forming Collectanea for a history of the County of Cambridge; in a hand, apparently, of the middle of last century. There is a letter in it, loose, from O[liver] Le Neve, [brother of Peter Le Neve, Norroy King of Arms], to Mr. Stephen Offley, Merchant, of Hybridge, near Norwich, dated-" Witchingham, Octo"ber ye 14th, 1696," in reference to drawing a bill for payment of a sum of money.

A small quarto volume, of about 85 leaves, of collections towards an account of the more distinguished members of each College of Cambridge, taken in the chronological order of the foundations; written in a hand of the latter part of last century.

A small quarto volume, in a hand of about the middle of last century, on the art of Bell-ringing and Changes; an elaborate work by Dr. Charles Mason, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Woodwardian Professor. There are in it some curious plans, or diagrams, of peals, signified by notation. As a Sample, one Series has the following names for its changes :-London Doubles, Antelope, St. Dunstan's, the Dream, Fortune, Gogmagog (only Grannie), New Doubles, the Cheat, Jack on both sides, the Contention, Westminster Doubles, Topsie turvie, a Cure for Melancholy, Winwick Doubles, None such, Old Doubles, Hudibras, the Quirister, Blunderbuss, St. Clement's Doubles, the Primerose, the Morning Star, Camelion, New Doubles and Singles, Cambridge Delight, Reading Doubles, Halliwell, Merry Andrew, My Honey, the Tulip, Grand Paradox, the Parasite, the Honeysuckle, the Adventure, May Day, Oxford Paradox, What you please, Morning Exercise, the Medley, the Checquer, St. Edmond's Principle.

Two 12mo. volumes on the same subject, also written by Dr. Mason.

A small quarto volume of collections (many of them loose) for a history of distinguished members of the University; written in part, apparently, by the above Dr. Charles Mason. These volumes probably came into Mr. Bowtell's possession soon after the death of Dr. Mason in 1770 (aged 72), if we may judge from the article next ensuing.

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A thin paper folio volume, half bound, containing a list of the Mayors and Bailiffs of Cambridge. On a fly-leaf is written,-"This valuable MS. was collected by the great pains and diligence of Dr. Charles Mason, at the sale of whose Library it was purchased "for the sum of 21. 12s. 6d. by me, J. Bowtell." A good deal of research has evidently been expended upon this compilation. It begins with, "Mayors and Bailiffs "without date, in 3 Henry and 1 Edward," the list commencing with Roger de Wykes, Mayor, Peter de Wilburgham, and William Elliot. The contents are stated to have been mostly collected from old deeds at Trinity and Corpus Christi Colleges. Loose in this volume is a copy of an abusive letter (date 18 May 1736) written by Thomas Purne, Fellow, to (Dr. Bentley) the Master of his College (Trinity); wherein he accuses the Master of having made him College Preacher for sinister purposes of his own; its extreme violence being only equalled by its deficiencies in grammar and spelling. The following expression occurs in it,-"Whilst you securely sultan it in the Lodge, with none but mutes "and slaves about you." There is also loose in the volume a Computus of Receipts of John Moore, Re

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"The Pontage Book of Cambridge;"—a large folio volume, half bound, of about 85 leaves of paper, beautifully written in one hand, of the date of about 1725, and probably, to a great extent, a copy of an older book. It is wholly filled with matters relative to the navigation of the river Cam, and the maintenance of its bridges. There is a note on a fly-leaf at the beginning, probably in Bowtell's hand :-"Concerning the inhabi"tants of Cambridge town being indicted for not re

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pairing the Great Bridge in the year 1717, and how "the several Parishes agreed to oppose the same by traversing the indictment, see Great St. Mary's "Church Book, pp. 185 and 296, transcribed from this "book, p. 127, etc. See account of Rates granted by "the inhabitants of the several Parishes for defending "that business, p. 127. For a statement of the number "of hides, etc., charged with the pontage, see p. 159, "and also Butler's account in Barnwell Church Book. "Curious account of the river Cam, in arguing the "necessity of restoring the navigation thereof, pp. 143, 4."


A Computus, on paper, of Robert Tynley, ReceiverGeneral of the Cathedral Church of Ely, 3 and 4 James I.; lying loose in the "Liber Rationalis" of 1560-1589. There are a large number, it may be here remarked, of loose manuscript leaves lying promis cuously in the volumes forming the Bowtell Collection; it would be an advantage perhaps if they were collected and placed in a portfolio by themselves.

"Metcalf's Thesaurus:' -a small folio volume, so labelled, consisting of 212 leaves, besides Index, half bound, and written in various hands of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. On a fly-leaf is written:-"This "MS. was formerly in the possession of Alderman

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Metcalfe, and afterwards in the hands of his son "Walter; who wrote those curious memoranda relat"ing to the town, some of which were transcribed by "Mr. Baker in his 36th volume. It afterwards got into "worse hands, and, in that tattered state, was at length "rescued from destruction, A.D. 1788, by the writer of this, who bestowed on it a new coat, in view to preserve it for the perusal of posterity. J. Bowtell." The first portion is a Common-place Book, written early in the 17th century, as to the duties of the Mayor, officials, and burgesses, of Cambridge, its apprentices and trades, and its booths at Sturbridge Fair. fol. 70, the subjects being still of a kindred nature, the writing begins to be of an earlier date, towards the close of the reign of Elizabeth, some pages consisting of a Journal of proceedings of the Corporation at the close of that reign, and the early part of that of James the First. At fol. 96, in a hand of the 17th century, begin Compositions "made between the town of Cambridge and other towns or Corporations, the Prior of Barnwell, the town of Northampton, and Lynne; these being followed by copies of the Charters of Elizabeth to the University and the Town, as to Sturbridge Fair; followed by "Taxationes Collegiorum," cut out of a smaller book, and inserted at fol. 152, date 1553. On fol. 152 are entered "The custome and tolle "to be taken in Sturbridge Fayer of divers marchan"dize;" fol. 156, "The Customes of the Towne of

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Cambridge;" fol. 162, "Orders made by Thomas "Lord Coventry, Lord Keeper, and High Steward, for "the better government of the town, 6th August 1629," written in an almost contemporary hand; and on fol. 163 are entered copies of two letters from the same Peer to the Corporation. At fol. 187 is given a list of the Mayors, Bailiffs, High Stewards, Recorders, and Treasurers, of Cambridge, from A.D. 1488 down to the close of Elizabeth's reign, the whole written in a hand, apparently, of the latter date. The original leaf containing the entries from 1596 to 1603 is lost, but it is supplied by another, apparently in Bowtell's hand. The entries in old hands are then continued down to 1638, after which date, down to 1702, all the entries are probably of Bowtell's compilation. Thomas Metcalfe, or Medcalf, was Mayor of Cambridge in 1592. specting Walter Metcalfe, already named, there is an entry, among some miscellaneous matter, at fol. 209: "Walter Metcalfe, the sonn of Thomas Metcalfe,




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babtysed in Great St. Marye's Church, in Cambridge, "the 9th of November 1572." Among the miscellaneous matters entered about 1618, in the hand probably of Walter Metcalfe, is the following, fol. 207,“This 27, 28, 29 of August 1618, the newe pulpitt at "St. Maiere's was sett up, and on Soundaye the 30 "daye Mr. Bellcombe of Penbrok Hall preached the "first sermond in it;" and, on the other side of the same leaf," This Midsomer Fear [Fair] 1617 ther was


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soe great a flode that the salte bootes [boats], with "the sope and hemp, packthread and other waires, "that was useallie sowlde uppon the common stream [of] the river, were browght up with bootes unto the "bancke syde, along bye the Sping [? Spring] heade.” Fol. 268" The fower tenementes against Emanuel "College were built by Skepper Carpinder and Peter "Thatcher, massoun, in July, Auguste, and September "1598." There are nearly a hundred miscellaneous entries (in a wretched hand) on the last seven leaves, in reference to the town of Cambridge, apparently from 1610 to 1620, many of them of considerable interest.

"Notæ de Cantabrigia;" a folio volume of stiff paper, half bound, of the close of last century, being entries of earlier documents and various transactions relative to the town of Cambridge. On a fly-leaf is written,-"This MS. was the property of Mr. James "Day, Town Clerk of Cambridge, who, in December "1790, gave it to me. J. Bowtell." It seems to be a volume of no particular value.

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A folio volume, half bound, containing 324 leaves of paper, mostly in various hands of the 17th century, and consisting of two separate parts, containing 174 leaves and 150 respectively. On a fly-leaf at the beginning is entered, apparently in Bowtell's hand.-"This MS. is partly in the hand of J. Wickstede, formerly Mayor [A.D. 1614] of Cambridge." The First Part consists, for the most part, of formal documents connected with the Town and University of Cambridge. At fol. 67 is entered,-"An Epitaph written one the untimelie death "of Mr. John Wicksted, Fellowe of St. John's Coll. in "Oxford." In fol. 68; in a hand, apparently, of Elizabeth's time,-" Quæ deposita reddenda Pro-Cancellario electo, ab antecessore suo, per syngrapham seriatim. "In primis, liber pergameni de cartis et privilegiis Academiæ, vocatus, The Black Parchment Booke.' Item, Registrum rerum memorandarum Achademiæ, quod vocatur The Black Paper Booke.' Item, Registrum, sive Liber Judiciorum.-Hic liber est in "manibus scribæ.-Item, Liber Rationalis de rationi"bus et compotis Pro-Cancellarii, Procuratorum, etc., "vocatus "The Accomptes.' Item, indentura sigillata sigillo villæ Cantabrigiæ, de emundatione platearum. Item, sigillum officii Pro-Cancellarii argenteum, cum "cathena, sed jam sine cathena. Item, 4 claves de "cistis Achademiæ. Item, obligationes duorum Procuratorum de solvenda leta, et de solvendo sallario "Sub-Senescalli et bedelli. Item, sigillum Regiæ Majestatis ad causas ecclesiasticas Pro-Cancellario "Accademiæ. . . . Item, si quæ alia monimenta perti"nentia ac [ad] Accademiam." This is followed byQuæ reddenda Taxatoribus."-" Imprimis, a brasen busshell, with a strike of woode. Item, a gallon, a pinte of brasse. Item, a tubb with one busshell of "musterd seede, and a keler. Item, 2 payre of scales "for breade, with 2 piles of brasse, Item, 2 seales for "barrells, and another for the busshell of the towne. "Item, a key for the markett-bell." In the record of a trial at fol. 170, John Wickstede is mentioned as being an Attorney, and an Alderman of Cambridge, in the reign of James the First.



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The Second Part commences at the other end of the volume, and contains miscellaneous matters of a less formal nature. At fol. 2 is entered,--" A Letter written "to Sir Edward Wingfeild, Knight, from Thomas Stanley, a notable theife, who brooke the Castell of Cambridge, and departed from the same, with sixe more of his companions, the fourth of June, anno "xxxix. [of Elizabeth], in the time of Anthonie "Cage, Esquire, Sherife." It is a long letter, and there is a note at the end of it, to the effect that he was taken again in Worcestershire, brought to Newgate, and condemned to be hanged, but, through the intercession of the Lord Chief Justice, was pardoned, and by him made one of the overseers of Bridewell; to which account, however, is added in another hand,"and last of all, was hang'd at West-Chester, 1630 [Chester on the Dee, in contradistinction to Chesterle-Street], when he was lxx years at the least, for a "robbere done by his man and hymselfe." In fols. 2 and 3 is "A Pedler's tale that was told to our Majesties

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"Grace at Sir Thomas Heneage's house, in London," an insipid story, at the best. In fol. 11, an account of "A whale that was killed near Lynne anno quadragesimo Elizabethæ Reginæ, about Christmas," and of "A Fish taken near West-Chester, between Easter and "Whitsuntide, 1636." In fol. 11 is a copy of a 66 Letter " left by William Dorington, Esquire, who left it with "his staffe upon the top of the stepple of St. Sepul"chre's, casting himself therefrom, a cause being to be "heard against him next day in the Star Chamber." At fol. 13 is given, at great length, the speech made by the Earl of Essex on the scaffold. Fols. 18-20 contain "A Journal of the several days' fight at sea in 1588;" and fol. 20 an account of the Expedition to Cadiz, in 1596. At fol. 25 are-" Verses given to the Lord Treasurer upon New Yeare's Day, upon a dozen of "trenchers, by Mr. Davis;" the subjects being,-" The "Courtier, the Devine, the Soldiour, the Phisition, the "Lawyer, the Merchant, the country Gentleman, the "Bacheler, the Marryed Man, the Wife, the Widow, "the Maide;" whether these lines have hitherto been printed or not, they merit notice for their smartness.


In fol. 27 is "The Coppie of a lewde Letter sente by "the Greate Turke to the Emperor Radulphus, worde "by worde, extracted out of the Dutch coppie." Fol. 28, "The Poore Man's Petition to the Kinge's Hyghnes;' the closing requests (13 and 14) are evidently of a political complexion,-" Goode Kinge, make not the "Lord of Lincolne Duke of Shordicke, for he is a "etc [sic]. Goode Kinge, make not Sir Water Rawley "Earle of Pancredge [St. Pancras], for he is a etc." This is followed by-"Notes taken at the arraignment "Jan. 27 1605 [1606], in Westminster Hall," on the trial of Thomas Winter, Guye Faulx, and the other conspirators in the Powder Plot. Fol. 40 contains "A

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copy of a Letter sent by Sir Walter Rawley to Sir "Robert Carre, the King's favorit" - Fol. 41, "A· "Letter written to the Lord Coke, Lord Cheife Justice "of England, from Paull Tompson, one of the Seniors "of Trin. Colledge in Cambridge, when he was "committed to Cambridge Castle, for clippinge of gould, A.D. 1614; and a "Letter from Paul Tompson to Mr. Harrison, Vice-Master of Trinity." Fol. 42 continues the subject, with-" A Letter written "by Mr. Butler, the famous phizition of Cambridge, to "Paull Thompson, being in Cambridge Castle, for clipping of gould ;" an abusive production, beginning with,-"Your giddie headed phantastique fiddling

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fingers, and scribblinge pen, directed by the quicke "motion of your quicksilver brayne." A second Letter, from the same to the same, begins,-"The Kinge heares you terme yourself Parson of the Castle; howe he "takes it, you may heare hereafter;" after upbraiding him with hypocrisy, it ends,-" Wright no more, for I am weary." Then follows, "The Motto upon Senior "Cornuto"-" Dæmon languebat, tunc monachus [mo. "nachus tunc] etc." [hitherto generally misquoted, as Egrotat dæmon etc."]

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"It was," he further says, the pryme city of the East Angli, and King was King of Cambridge, and "after him King Florentius, and Cambridge was the kingdom of Guthelme." Fol. 45 contains-" Expenses att his Majesties first coming to Cambridge, in the "time of one Thomas French, then Mayor, being yeoman purvior for fresh fishe; a proude man, who "abused the Corporation." Fol. 46:-"A grave poeme, as yt was presented by certeine divines, by waye of "interlude, before his Majeste in Cambridge, stiled, Liber novus de adventu Regis ad Cantebrigiam,' "faithfullie done into English, with some liberal advantage, made rather to be sung then read, to the "tune of 'Bonny Nell." It contains 26 stanzas of six lines each, and is but a poor attempt at wit, being a skit at the expense of Cambridge, written by an Oxford man, without the name given, but in reality, Richard Corbet, afterwards Bishop of Oxford and Norwich. It is fol




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