Imagens das páginas

Glossorial Index.

Anthropometamorphosis J. Bul- | Bankes's horse. 104.

wer's. PAGE 7, 40, 70.

Apothecaries sold tobacco, and

wines. 119, 120, 175.

Apple-squires. 35.

ARBUSCULA, a Roman actress.


Arcadian gentlewomen. 149.
Archery. 84.

Arches of the ruff. 41.

Arrows of archers. 84.

Barbaria. 91.

Bastome. 143.

Battledoor. 23.

Beard red. 147.

stuffing breeches, and ten-
nis-balls. 126.

Beast breath of the great. 131.

of many heads. 124.
Begged for a concealment. 51.
Belly hath no ears. 128.
Belman. 171.

B distinguish from a battledoor. Bias, philosopher. 21.


Baboons, or babions. 69.

Bale of dice. 125.

Bills brown, staves. 25, 39, 169.

Birchin, or Birchover's lane, 37.

Block, hat. 94, 101,


[blocks in formation]

Chain of gold. 152.

Charm, song, to sing, to tune, or

attune. 31.

Chimney Indian. 79.

Chinese plays. 56.

Chitterling of the shirt. 90.
Clarke Will. 93.

Cleft to the shoulders. 165.
Clock, watch so called. 107.
Coat with four elbows. 13.
COCAGNE pays de. 143.
Cock Plato's. 67.

Cockatrice. 145, 155, 159.

Codpiece blistered. 39.



College of criticks. 15, 123.

Collar standing. 41.

Collegiates. 123.
Complemental. 94.

Complimental courtesy. 15.
Concealment. 51.

Conjurer in hogsheads. 155.
Conycatchers. 51.
Counters. 143, 154, 174.


Courtesy of the cellar. 164.
Crookes his ordinary. 44.

Crost, not indebted. 98.


Cuckoo in June. 11.

naked in christmas. 67.

Cutter. 173.

Cyprus, or cipers. 100, 152.

Dove rough-footed. 76.
Draught, a privy. 121.
Drum Dutch crier's. 20.

Dumb show. 56.

Dun, hangman, 55.

Dunstical. 25, 32..

Dutchman same with German. 7.

Ebritians, 63.

Daggers, forks, or voiding knives. ECUME DE MER pipe. 176.


Dancingschool, 155, 177.

Danish rowsa. 26,

sleeve. 40.

Element of drink. 158.

Endymion his sleep. 61.

Equinoctial of the saltcellar. 127.

Estrich feathered. 136.

Euphuesed gentlewomen. 150,

Exhibition, income. 125.

quoted. 56, Eye of the element. 62.

Dawcock. 141.

Dedekind Frederick. 4.

63, 64, 73, 82, 83.

Derick the hangman. 58.

Diogenes, philosopher. 67.

Disimparks, or disparks. 81.

Dog, to stick close. 99.

Factors. 131.

DIACATHOLICON AUREUM. 52. Fan-handles. 89.

Dorpes, 38.

Fan of feathers. 89.

Fashionate. 94.

Fashions, or farcin. 42, 101.

Faunus, 25.


Feathers. 83.

Fencers. 51.

Fence-school. 177.

Fencingschool. 154.

Fight by the book. 93.

Finger wet. 160.

Flapdragons. 28.

Fool Away with the! 18, 142.
Fool's coat. 12.
Fork silver. 44.

Fortifications in pastry. 42.
France. See Tennis-court.
Freezeland for Friesland. 66.
French lord. 122, 151.
Frets no musick without. 148.
Frill of the shirt. 90.

Galleries penny. 32.

tricks in. 177.

Gallery-commoner. 132.

Galligaskin, 39.

Gallonius's table. 36.

Galloway nag. 109.

Gamut. 15.

Garters broad. 93.

Gates new-painted. 79.
Gear. 50.

Gilded, gelded or gelt, i. e, taxed,

tributary, amerced. 115.

Girder. 138.

Girds. 18.

Glibbed. 88.

Gloves. 28.

Gotham. 78.

Grave Maurice. 112.

Great, indebted. 37, 98,
Grobianism. 4.

Grobians. 7.

Ground eaten bare with the ar-
rows of archers. 84.

Groundling. 132.

Gull-groper, or money-monger.


Gulls. passim.

Hair long. 83, 86, 88.

short. 83.

Handful high. 42.

Handkerchief wrought. 98.


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