Imagens das páginas
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Cherry-pit, a boyish game.

Cheveril, a kid, elastic leather.
Chew, ruminate, reflect.
Chewet, a magpie.

Chide, echo, resound.

Child, a female infant, knight, hero.
Childing, unseasonably fruitful.
Chop, to change.
Chopine, a high shoe.

Chough, a bird of the jackdaw species.

Christom-child, a child less than a month old.

Cicatrice, the scar of a wound.
Circle, crown.

Circummured, surrounded.

Circumstance, circumlocution.

Circumvention, foreknowledge.

Cites, proves.

Civil, demure, grave.

Clam your tongues, shut your mouths.

Clean, completely.

Clear, pure, unsullied.

Carbonadoed, cut like a piece of Clepeth, nameth.

meat for the gridiron.

Card, chart.

Carded, discarded.

Care, inclination.

Careires, bounds of good behaviour.

Carkanet, a necklace.

Carl, peasant.

Carlot, churl, peasant.
Carpet, a table-cloth.

Carracks, ships of great burden.
Carry, manage.

Carry coals, submit to any indignity.
Case, exterior, outside, to strip.
Cast, dismiss.

Castigation, penance.
Castilian, cant term for Spaniard.
Cataian, a lying sharper, romancer.
Cat the adage, "the cat would eat
fish, and would not wet her feet."
Catlings, lute strings.

Cautelous, cautious, insidious. Caviare, a Russian delicacy made of the roe of sturgeons, and limited in its use to the nobility, therefore too good for the common people. Cease, perish.

Censure, judgment, opinion, sen

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Clerkly, scholarly.

Cliff, key.

Cling, shrivel, wither.
Clip, embrace.

Clothier's yard, an arrow a cloth yard long.

Clout, the white mark at which archers shoot.

Coach-fellow, accomplice.

Coasting welcome, conciliatory ad

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Combine, bind.
Comforting, encouraging.
Comma, connexion.
Commended, committed.
Commission, authority.
Commodity, interest.

Commonty, comedy.

Compact, composed of.

Compact of credit, composed of cre dulity.

Companies, companions.

Companion, fellow.

Comparative, opponent.

Compare, comparison.

Comparisons, circumstances.
Compass'd, arched.

Compassed window, bow-window
Compassionate, complaining.
Competitor, confederate.
Complement, union.

Complements, accomplishments.

Complexion, humour.

Comply, compliment.

Compose, agree.

Composition, consistency.

Composture, manure.

Compt, account.

Comptible, accountable.

Conceit, wit, idea.

Conceited, ingenious.

Concent, harmony.

Conception, understanding.

Conclusion, riddle, experiment.

Concupy, concupiscence.

Condition, vocation, character, qua)

ity, temper.

Condolement, mourning.

Conduct, guide, conductor.
Coney-catching, thieving.
Confession, profession.

Confound, expend, consume.
Comes, rabbits.

Conjects, conjectures.

Consent, conspiracy.
Consist, insist.

Consorted, accompanied.

Constant, firm, stable-minded.

Contemptible, contemptuous.

Content, to acquiesce.

Continent, temperate.

Continents, contents, confines.

Continuate, continual.

Contraction, marriage contract.

Contringed, compressed.

Contrive, spend, wear away.

Control, confute.

Convent, to serve.

Convented, summoned.

Convey, manage, theft.

Conveyance, artifice.

Convicted, overpowered.

Convince, convict, attain, overpower. Convive, to feast.

Copatain, high crowned.

Cope, encounter, the heavens.
Copy, lease, subject, theme.
Corky, deceitful, withered.
Corollary, a surplus number.
Corrigible, corrected, humble.
Costard, a head.

Coted, overtook.

Cotsale, Cotswold, Gloucestershire. Couch, to cower.

Council, the Star Chamber.

Count-confect, a nobleman made out of sugar.

Counter, a hunting phrase.

Counter-caster, expressive of cuD

tempt, as a mere clerk.

Counterfeit, likeness, portrait

Counter gate, prison.

Counterpoints, counterpanes.

Counts, scars, marks.

County, count.

Courage, ardour.

Courser's hair, it was imagined that

a horse hair placed in stagnant water became an animal. Court-cupboard, side-board Courtesies, ceremony.

Court holy-water, fair words.

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Crab, wild apple.

Crack, a stripling, lively.
Cranking, bending.

Crants, garlands.

Crare, a slow-sailing vessel.

Craven, a coward.

Credent, unquestionable.

Crescent, growing.

Crescive, increasing.

Cressets, lights.

Crest, perfection.
Crisp, bent.

Critical, censorious.

Critics, cynics.

Cross, a coin once current.

Crossed, thwarted.

Crow-keeper, scare-crow.
Crowned, dignified.
Crownct, coronet.

Cruel, crewell, worsted.
Crush, drink.

Cry, company, a pack.

Cry aim, to encourage.
Crystal, the eyes.

Cub-drawn, sucked dry.

Cubiculo, chamber.

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Cue, the last few words of a preced- Disvouched, contradicted.

ing speech.

Cuisses, armour.

Cunning, skill, knowledge.

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Divert, to turn aside.
Dividable, separated.
Division, music.

Divulged, spoken off.
Doff, do of.

Dole, alms, lot, distribution.
Dolphin, dauphin.

Done, consumed, destroyed.

Double-set, twenty-four hours.
Doubt, awe.

Dout, extinguish.
Dower, gift.

Dowle, a particle of down.

Down-gyved, hanging down like a fetter band.

Drachma, a Roman coin.

Entertain, recommend.
Entitled, ennobled.
Entreatments, favours entreated.
Envy, malice, hatred, spite.
Ephesians, dissolute persons.
Equipage, stolen property
Erinnys, the spirit of discord.
Errant, twisted, wandering.
Erring, wandering.

Escape, escapade, exploit.
Escoted, paid.

Esil, Weisel, the river Vistula.

Esperance, hope, the motto of the
Peroy family.

Espials, spies.
Essential, real.
Estate, high rank.
Estimate, price.

Estimation, conjecture.
Estridge, hawk.

Eterne, eternal.

Et tu, Brute, And thou, Brutus !
Even, remember, the fellow.
Ever parted, endowed.
Evitate, avoid.

Excrement, beard.

Executors, executioners.

Exempt, excluded, acquit.

Exequies, obsequies.

Exhibition, an allowance, mainten


Exigent, end.

Expect, expectation.

Expedience, expedition.

Expedient, expeditious.

Expense, waste.

Expiate, expired.

Expostulate, discuss.

Express, reveal.

Exsufficate, swollen, contemptible

Extend, praise.

Extent, violence, seizure.

Extirped, extirpated.

Extravagant, wandering.

Extreme, extravagant.
Eyases, nestlings.

Eyas-musket, a young hawk.
Eye, presence.

Eye of green, shade of, tinge of green.
Eyne, eyes.

Drachmas, a Greek coin, value about Eysell, vinegar.

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File, majority, a list.

Filed, polished, defiled.

Fills, the shafts of a carriage.

Fine, to bring to an end, artful, to

make showy.

Fineless, endless.

Fire-drake, a firework.

Fire-new, quite new.

Fitchew, a polecat.

Fives, vives, a distemper in horses.

Flag, a straw, a rush.
Flamens, priests.

Flap-dragon, an inflammable substance drank off in wine.

Flapjacks, pancakes.

Flask, a soldier's powder-horn.

Flaw, blast, fortune.

Flecked, streaked.

Fleet, float.

Fleeting, inconstant.

Flews, the large chaps of a hound.

Flight, a kind of shooting.

Flote, wave.

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Forespoke, forbid.

Forewearied, worn out.

Forfeit, to transgress, punishment.

Forfend, forbid.

Forgetive, inventive.

Forked heads, barbed arrows.
Formal, sensible.

Former, foremost.

Foul, homely, plain.

Fox, a cant name for a sword.
Forship, low cunning.

Frampold, fretful, peevish.
Frank, sty.

Franklin, freeholder.

Frankly, freely.

Fraught, freight, cargo.

Free, liberal

French brawl, a dance.

Freshes, springs.

Friend, friendship, a lover.

Frippery, an old clothes' shop.
Frize, a Welsh cloth.

Frontlet, a cloth worn by ladies to make the forehead smooth.

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Gilded, slimy.

Gilder, a coin.

Gillyvors, gillyflowers.

Gilt, money.

Gimmal, a ring, machinery.
Ging, a gang.

Gird, to jibe, reproof, sarcasm,

Glass, reflection.

Gleek, scoff,

Globe, head,

Gloze, explain, to flatter.
Gnarled, knotted.

God before, God be my guide.

God 'ild you, God reward you,
God's sonties, God's sanctities.
Gongarian, Hungarian.
Good, rich.

Good-den, good evening.
Gourd and fullam, false dice.
Government, self-control,
Grace, power, favour.
Gracious, pleasing, beautiful.
Grained, ingrained, furrowed.
Grange, a solitary farm-house.
Grates, offends.

Gratillity, gratuity.

Gratulate, to rejoice in

Grise, degree, step.

Hoar, mouldy.
Holding, chorus,
Holy-all, Whitsuntide.
Holyday, affected.

Honesty, liberality.

Honeyseed, homicide.

Honeysuckle, homicidal,

Hoodman-blind, blindman's buff.

Hopes, expectations.

House, scabbard.

Hores, hamstrings.

Hulling, tossing.

Hunt-counter, a bailiff's follower.

Hunts-up, a bridal song.

Hurly, noise.

Humorous, changeable.

Humour, cajole.

Hurtling, scuffle, boisterous, clash


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Grave, engrave.

Graymalkin, a cat.

Green, fresh,

Impleached, interwoven.

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Impose, command, injunction.

Groundlings, the people in the pit Implorators, implorers.

of the theatre.

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Handfast, contract.

Haggard, a hawk not well trained. Halcyon, the kingfisher, which, when hung up dead in a room, was supposed to turn its beak to wards the quarter whence the wind blew.

Hallidom, a petty oath signifying faith, &c.

Hap, chance.

Happies, makes happy.
Hardiment, bravery.

Harlots, sometimes applied to male cheats.

Harnesss, armour.

Haughty, high-spirited.

Hatch, to engrave.

Haunt, company.

Having, estate.

Havings, accomplishments.

Hazard, a place in a tennis court,

Head, source.

Heart, sincerity

Heavy, cloudy, dark,

Hebenon, henbane.
Heed, aim, direction.
Hefts, heavings,

Hell, a cant name for a prison.
Helm, helmet,

Impossible, incredible.

Impress, motto.

Impugn, oppose.

Incapable, insensible.

Incarnadine, dye red.

Incense, instigate.

Inclips, encloses.

Include, to conclude,

Incontinently, immediately.

Incony, knowing, cunning.
Increase, produce,
Inde, India.
Index, outset.
Indite, convict.
Indurance, delay.
Induction, beginning.
Informal, crazy.
Ingaged, disengaged.
Ingraft, rooted.

Ingrate, ungrateful, an ungrateful person,

Inhabitable, uninhabitable.

Inherit, possess.

Inhibited, forbidden.

Inkhorn mate, book-worm

Inkles, worsted galloon.

Inland bred, well brought up.

Innocent, an idiot.

Insane root, henbane,

Insconce, defend,

Insculp'd, carved in relief

Insisture, constancy.

Instance, proof, example.
Instances, motives.
Insuit, solicitation,

Intend, pretend, to direct.
Intenible, unretaining.

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Liberties of sin, licensed offenders

Liberty, libertinism.

Lic, reside,

Liefest, dearest.

Liege s, ambassadors.

Lieu, in exchange for.
Lifter, a thief,
Lighter, inferior.
Lightly, commonly.
Lightness, levity.

Like, thrive on.

Likelihood, similitude.

Likeness, appearance.
Likes, pleases.

Liking, condition, substance. Limbeck, alembic, a vessel. used in distilling.

Limber, flimsy.

Limbo Patrum, prison.

Lime, birdlime, to ensnare, to cement.

Limited, legitimate, appointed.
Limits, estimates.

Lincolnshire bagpipe, croaking of a frog.

Line, lineage, extent,
Lined, delineated.
Link, a torch of pitch.
Linstock, match.

List, listen to, desire, selvage.
Lists, limits, bounds.

Lither, yielding.

Little, miniature.

Livelihood, appearance of life.
Loach, a prolific fish.

Lob, an expression of contempt.
Lockram, linen.

Lode-star, pole-star.

Loggats, an ancient game resembling nine pins.

Longing, eagerly expected.
Longly, longingly.

Loofed, brought close to the wind,
Loose, lust.
Lop, branch.

Lord have mercy on us, the inscrip-
tion on plague-visited houses.
Lordling, diminutive of lord,
Lottery, allotment.

Lover, mistress, friend,

Love-spring, early shoots or buds of love.

Lown, a sorry fellow.

Lowted, treated with contempt.
Lozel, scoundrel.

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Mace, sceptre.
Maculation, place, spot.
Mad, inconstant,
Made, skilled, trained.
Madonna, Italian, dame.
Magnificoes, chief citizens.
Magot-pies, magpies.
Mail, bag.

Main, mass of

Makeless, mateless, widowed,
Malkin, scarecrow.
Malt-worms, drunkards,
Mammering, doubting.
Mammock, to tear.

Manage, government, horsemanship.

Mandrake, or Mandragora, a root
possessing soporific qualities,
Mankind, masculine,
Manner, in the fact.

Man of wax, a handsome man. Marches, the English and Scottish borders.

Margent, marginal notes.
Marish, marsh.

Mart, market place, exchange.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


per donate, pardon me,

Miscreate, spurious.

Miser, wretch.

Misery, avarice.

Misprised, mistaken.

Misprising, despising, undervaluing

Misprision, misconception.
Miss, do without.
Missingly, at intervals,
Missive, messenger.
Mistempered, angry.
Mobled, muffled, veiled.
Model, representative.
Modern, trite, familiar.
Modesty, moderation.
Module, model
Moe, make mouths.
Moiety, part.

Moist star, the moon.
Moldwarp, the mole.
Mome, block head.

Monarcho, a fantastical personage
who lived in Shakespeare's time.
Month's mind, desire for something.
Mood, manner, resentment

Moody frontier, cloudy looks, melancholy.

Moon, a month.

Moonish, changeable.

Moral, concealed meaning, applica


Moralize, to interpret

More and less, rich and poor.

Morisco, a morris dancer.
Morris-pike, Moorish spear.
Mortal, abounding, deadly.
Mortified man, ascetic.

Mort o' the deer, the note proclaiming the death of the deer.

Mot, motto.

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Next, nearest,

Nice, trifling, weak.

Nicely, sophistically.

Nicholas' clerks, St, a cant name for thieves.

Nicholas, St, patron saint of children and scholars.

Nick, reckoning, calculation.
Nicked, a mark set upon fools.
Night-rule, night-revel.
Nill, will not.

Nobless, nobleness.

Noddy, a game at cards.

Noise, a band of musicians.
Nomination, mentioning.
Nonce, purpose, time.

Nook-shotten, thrust in a corner.

No poynt, the double negative of the French, non point.

Note, notice.

Novum, Novum quinque, a game with dice.

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Pack, to bargain with, to trick.
Packed, combined.

Packings, underhand dealings.
Paddock, toad.

Pageants, mocking shows.
Pain, penalty.

Painted cloth, cloth with painted • mottoes.

Pales, encompasses.
Pall, to wrap, fail.
Palliament, a robe.

Paragon, beyond compare.

Parallels, wrinkles.
Parcel, partly, add to.
Parcel-gilt,, partly gilt.
Pard, a leopard.

Parle, talk, parley, dispute.
Parlous, dangerous,
Part, relationship.
Partaker, confederate.
Partizan, a pike.
Parts, parties.

Pash, to strike, a tuft or head of hair.

Passage, passengers, passing recollection.

Passed, exceeded.

Passes, devices,
Passionate, mournful,

Passions, sufferings, feelings.
Patch, a simple fellow, a fool,

Patched fool, a fool in a parti-
coloured coat.
Patchery, roguery.
Pathetical, affecting.

Patins, a small flat dish used in the administration of the Eucharist.

Pauca, pauca, few words.

Platforms, plans.

Plausibly, with applause.
Pleach'd, folded.
Plebeii, plebeians.

Pleurisy, superabundance, fuiness.
Plot, a piece of ground
Point, fully armed.
Point-devise, nice to excess.

Points, hooks for fastening the breeches.

Poize, weight,

Politic, crafty, astute.

Poll, to clear.

Pomander, scent-bag.

Pomewater, a species of apple.
Poor, low, humble.

Poor-john, salted fish.
Poringer, cup.

Porpentine, porcupine.

Port, appearance, carriage, gate.
Portable, bearable, endurable.
Possessed, informed, insane,
Potch, poke, push.

Pouncet-boz, a box for perfumes.
Power, army, forces.

Practice, conspiracy, stratagem, malignant art, artifice,

Prank, to dress splendidly.
Precedent, pattern,

Precepts, warrants,

Precisian, physician.

Prefer, to advance.
Preferred, presented.

Pregnant, full of, apprehensive, ready.

Prenominate, already named,
Presence, dignity of manner, pre
sence chamber.
Present, presents.

Paucas pallabris, a word to the wise. Press, crowd.

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Peereth, appeareth.

Peevish, foolish, silly.

Peg-a-Ramsey, name of an old song.

Peize, to weigh.

Pelican, blood-sucking.

Pelt, to clamour.

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Pentecost, Whitsuntide

Penthesilia, Amazon, Perdu, forlorn hope. Perdurably, lastingly.

Pressed, ready.

Pressure, impression.

Pretence, intention, design.

Pretend, indicate.

Prevent, to anticipate.

Prick, point, skewer.

Prig, thief.

Prime, the spring.

Primer, more urgent.

Primero, game at cards,

Principals, chief timbers of a build


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Perdy, a vulgarised French oath, Professes, keeps.


Peregrinate, foreign.

Perfect, well-informed, assured. Periapts, amulets.

Perish, destroy.

Perjure, perjurer.

Perpend, consider.

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Pew-fellow, companion.

Pheere, or feere, partner, a mate, husband,

Pheeze, to curry, to beat,
Phraseless, indescribable.

Pia mater, the interior cover of the brain.

Pickaxes, fingers.

Picked, affected, spruce, trimmed. Pickt-hatch, thieves' resort in Clerk


Pieled, piled, shaven, stripped. Pight, resolved.

Pilcher, scabbard or case.

Pill'd, pillaged, stripped.
Pinch'd, painted honour.

Place, dwelling-house,
Placket, a petticoat.
Plait, to fold.

Planched, wooden,
Plants, feet,
Plush, pool,

Plates, silver coin

Prolizious, delaying, superfluous. Prone, self-willed, stubborn, hum

ble, addicted to.

Proper, handsome, comely.
Proper-false, seeming fair.
Propertied, taken possession of
Properties, articles required in a

Property, performance.

Proportion, measure.

Proposing, conversing.

Propriety, property.

Propugnation, defence.
Prorogue, prolong.
Provend, provender.
Provincial, accountable.
Provost, gaoler.

[ocr errors]

Pruning, preening, as a bird trims its feathers.

Pudency, modesty.

Pugging, thievish.

Puissance, powers, force.

Pump, shoe.

Pun, pound.

Purchased, stolen, ill acquired.

Purl, to curl.

Puttock, kite.

Puzzle, a drab.

Pyramises, pyramids.


Quail, relax, a harlot

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