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The Senate resumed the consideration of the motion of the 7th instant, requesting the President of the United States, to cause to be laid before the Senate the amount of money paid by the government of the United States, for the services of the militia during the late war: and agreed thereto.

Mr. Lacock, from the committee on Roads and Canals, to whom was referred the petition of a number of inhabitans of Washington county in the State of Pennsylvania, praying a change of a part of the route of the western turnpike road, made a report, together with the following resolution:

Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners ought not to be granted.

The report and resolution were read.

The bill respecting the heirs and legatees of Thomas Turner deceased, was read the second time, and considered as in committee of the whole: And,

On the question" Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?"

It was determined in the negative.

The bill requiring the Directors of the Bank of the United States to establish an office of discount and deposite in the District of Columbia, was read the second time. And,

On the question.-" Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?"

It was determined in the affirmative.

A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Dougherty their Clerk:

Mr. President-The House of Representatives have passed a bill entitled "an act directing the discharge of Oliver Spellman from imprisonment:" in which bill they request the concurrence of the Senate. And he withdrew.

The bill last mentioned was read.

Ordered, That it pass to the second reading. Mr. Daggett, from the committee to whom the petition of Thomas Law and others was referred, reported a bill authorizing the sale of certain grounds belonging to the United States in the city of Washington; and the bill was read.

Ordered, That it pass to a second reading.

The President communicated a report of the Secretary of the Treasury, comprehending the statements relating to the internal duties and direct tax, required by the 33d section of the act of Congress of the 22d July 1813; which were read.

The Senate resuuied, as in committee of the whole, the consideration of the bill to increase the salaries of the register and receiver of public moof the land-office at Marietta. And, On the question." Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?"


It was determined in the affirmative.

Agreeably to notice, Mr. Campbell asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill to authorize the State of Tennessce to issue grants and perfect titles on certain entries and locations of lands therein described; and the bill was read.

Ordered, That it pass to the second reading.

The Senate resumed, as in committee of the whole, the consideration of the bill making a further appropriation for the purchase of books for the library of Congress, and for other purposes; and the bill having been amended, the President reported it to the House accordingly.

On the question-" Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?"

It was determined in the affirmative.

On motion,

The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrowmorning.


The President communicated a letter from Jonathan Jennings, President of the late convention of Indiana, with a copy of the constitution as adopted for the government of the State of Indiana, which were read.

Mr. Roberts presented the memorial of Philip Jones and others, manufacturers of umbrellas in the city and county of Philadelphia, praying certain specific duties may be laid on the importation of umbrellas and parasols for reasons stated in the memorial; which was read.

On motion by Mr Roberts,

Ordered, That it be referred to the committce on Commerce and Manufactures, to consider and report thereon, by bill or otherwise.

Mr. Hunter, from the committee on Commerce

and Manufactures, to whom was referred the bill entitled “an act supplementary to an act to regulate the duties on imports and tonnage," reported it without amendment: and the bill was considered as in committee of the whole. And, Ordered, That it pass to the third reading.

Mr. Daggett presented the petition of Elisha Tracy of Norwich, Connecticut, representing that during the late war he held the office of a purchasing commissary; that in consequence of the failure in the government in remitting him funds he sustained a great loss: and praying relief as stated in the petition, which was read.

On motion by Mr. Daggett,

Ordered, That it be referred to the committee of Claims, to consider and report thereon by bill or otherwise.

Mr. Tichenor, from the committee to whom was referred the bill entitled " an act directing the discharge of Nathaniel Taft from imprisonment," reported it without amendment; and the bill was considered as in committee of the whole. And,

Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.

Mr. Roberts, from the committee of Claims, to whom the subject was referred, reported a bill for the relief of William Edwards; and the bill was read.

Ordered, That it pass to the second reading. Mr. Roberts also communicated the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the petition of William Edwards: which was read.

Mr. Horsey presented the memorial of the President and Directors of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal company, praying the aid of Congress as stated in the memorial; which was read.

On motion by Mr. Horsey,

Ordered. That it be printed, and that it be referred to the committee on Roads and Canals, to consider and report thereon by bill or otherwise. The Senate resumed the consideration of the report of the committee on Roads and Canals, to whom was referred the petition of a number of the inhabitants of Washington county, in the State of Pennsylvania, praying a change in part of the route of the western turnpike road.


Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners ought not to be granted.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the the report of the select committee, on the petition of Robert Kid.

On motion by Mr. Mason, of N. H.

Ordered, That the consideration thereof be further postponed until Monday next.

The Lill authorizing the sale of certain grounds belonging to the United States, in the city Washington, was read the second time, and considered as in committee of the whole. And,

On motion of Mr. Mason, of N. H.

Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until Monday next.

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