Imagens das páginas

Mr. Murphy, from the committee appointed to wait upon the Governor, reported that they had performed the duty imposed upon them, and that the Governor informed them that he had no further business to communicate to the Senate.

Mr. Dickinson offered the following:

Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate be and is hereby extended to the assistant and other clerks of the Senate for the prompt and energetic manner in which they have performed the duties of their various positions.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Bowen, from the committee appointed to wait upon the honorable the Assembly, reported that they had performed the duty imposed upon


The hour of six o'clock having arrived, the Hon. Wm. B. Woodin, President pro tem., declared the Senate adjourned sine die. CHARLES R. DAYTON, Clerk.

[blocks in formation]



Abandoned canals, to repeal act in relation to.... .......265, 275, 753, 805,
Abortions, act for the better prevention of the procurement of...153, 159, 293,
342, 344, 388, 436, 453,






Academies, petition for additional appropriation ....
Academies, Union Schools and distribution of public funds, in relation to..951, 970

995, 1051
Addison Spring Water Company, to incorporate.... .226, 282, 307, 310, 319, 1014
Adirondack Company, to construct branch railroad....367, 471, 578, 591, 613, 1155
Agricultural and horticultural societies, to facilitate formation of, 182, 191, 352, 381
Akron, to amend laws relative to.....
Albany, to extend jail liberties of county of ...

to amend act to reorganize fire department of..
to establish Court of Special Sessions in.....
to amend charter of..

.338, 359, 370, 371, 382, 664,
...365, 377, 556, 572,

relative to purchase of lands for public building.
to amend act relative to public parks in

to amend the several acts in relation to .....

.586, 660, 702, 725,


[ocr errors]

.105, 116, 158,


.108, 176, 193,


[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

to close part of Quackenbush street in..

.525, 581, 606, 653

to make provision as to police department in .
to change the name of the Sixth Ward Savings Bank
to issue bonds to pay for public building....
to amend act relative to appointments by the mayor..837, 849, 856, 874,
to amend charter of, relative to police department...
to close a part of Orange street in.......

[blocks in formation]

to abolish office of county superintendent of poor in ...1082, 1118, 1137, 1161
to authorize construction of bridge over Hudson river at ..473, 566, 656, 677

construction of road from, to Cohoes.................


act to fill vacancies in board of public instruction in...49, 53, 60, 71, 72, 74
City Dispensary, to provide for the support of....274, 341, 392, 399, 401, 1047
Hospital, to amend act to incorporate
Penitentiary, to authorize confinement of convicts from Dutchess county,

Pier, to incorporate proprietors of


.218, 234, 274


995, 1016, 1103
.....124, 328, 1245

Produce Commission Company, act to incorporate....57, 72, 83, 89, 92, 163


Albany and Schenectady, to amend act establishing turnpike between ....878, 885

Young Men's Association, to incorporate..........
Albion, to amend charter of village of....
Athens, relative to holding lands devised by.

912, 938
.738, 753, 768, 792
.50, 52, 58, 59, 60, 61, 154
...67, 347

.146, 242, 343, 346,


.118, 175, 221, 224, 226,


.651, 685, 699

.568, 596

to confirm title to lands conveyed by...
American Bible Society, act to amend charter of.
American Improvement Company, to incorporate...
American Land and Emigration Company, to incorporate..
American Loan and Improvement Company, act to incorporate....
American Women's Suffrage Association, memorial of, for amendment to the

..301, 450


Amsterdam Water-works Company, to incorporate.....697, 735, 768, 783, 786, 1019
Andes, to authorize trustees to protect village from high water...642, 650, 729, 760
Animals, amend act relative to running at large in highway, 878, 896, 1175, 1186, 1248
Arcade, to legalize act of commissioners of, in purchasing bonds, 177, 243, 289, 294
Assessors and collectors of taxes, act concerning duties of...254, 309, 345, 420,



Astoria and Hunter's Point Railroad Company, to extend road...370, 442, 604, 627

Atlantic Dock Company, to erect piers in Brooklyn......

Attica Union Free School, to fix the number of trustees of.......522, 565, 597
Attorneys and counselors, in relation to qualifications of persons to be admit-
ted as such.....

Auburn, to amend charter of..




[blocks in formation]


relative to Citizens' Gas-light Company in
petition of citizens of, for city hospital......337, 339, 651, 778, 802, 804, 1080
to authorize construction of street railroad in...
to incorporate Safe Deposit and Trust Company of....102, 214, 231, 240, 260

.689, 718, 770

263, 267
Auburn State Prison, to amend act in relation to bodies of deceased convicts.. 973
988, 993, 1006

to authorize agent of to sell certain land belonging to the State, 146, 206, 251
255, 1003, 1012, 1047, 1100


Baldwin, Timothy, Jr., to take and hold real estate

.879, 888, 949, 980

Baldwinsville canal, to improve navigation of, 666, 733, 890, 918, 989, 994, 1099, 1247
Ballston Spa, to amend charter of village of

to authorize the sale of the State Armory at

Banking, to amend act to authorize business of

..914, 948, 952, 970, 1009

.914, 970, 1091

..108, 134, 205

Barber's Point to Westport, to establish ferry from. [See Lake Champlain.]

Barnard, Geo. G., relative to impeachment of.....
Barnum, David B., to legalize acts as notary public ...

Batavia, to amend charter of .....

Batavia Library Association, act to incorporate.

Bath, to amend charter of village of .....

Bay Ridge Contracting Company, to incorporate


.....1135, 1149

.456, 514, 578, 592, 614

.315, 326, 478, 517, 536, 579, 1013

.46, 55, 63, 71, 308, 333, 334, 338

349, 738, 773

.644, 660, 729, 760

...226, 282, 307, 310, 318




Belmont Lodge of Independent Order of Good Templars......
Benevolent, charitable and scientific societies, to amend act relative to ....775, 857

1071, 1115

Benevolent, charitable, scientific and missionary societies, relative to.....603, 629
Bently, O. C., appointed reporter.....




..398, 469, 605, 632

Bethany, to raise money for roads and bridges.....190, 214, 259, 263, 266, 647,
Bethlehem Cemetery, act relative to ......
.427, 551, 686, 709,
Binghamton, common council of, to borrow money for purchase of site for
authorize city of, to use portion of Chenango canal for public street, 398, 750
1001, 1038, 1071, 1123, 1247
to amend act to incorporate city of......
..398, 468, 604, 633, 633
common council of, to fund a debt incurred for railroad purposes...398, 468

605, 628, 706

to amend act to incorporate city of .............972, 991, 992, 993, 1098, 1180
to confer upon recorder the powers of justices of the peace.
to supply, with pure and wholesome water..457, 729, 751, 756, 776, 832, 847
construction of bridge over canal at


.689, 766, 831,


in relation to the Supreme Court Library at....
relative to Washington Street and State Asylum railroad in....226, 324, 467
723, 820, 830, 844
common council to borrow money to purchase site for school ......644,
Dushere and Williamsport Railroad Company, to lay track on part of
Chenango canal


...527, 852

and Port Dickinson Railroad Company, act to incorporate..601, 641, 821, 830
Black Lake, amend act relative to draining lands adjoining, and improving hy-
draulic power at Ogdensburgh . ......61, 201, 281, 291, 327, 478, 517, 568
petition for draining wet lands adjoining.
...181, 189
244, 649

Black, Mary Ann, to release interest of State to..
..775, 829, 892, 936,
Black River Annual Conference, to transfer certain property....202, 216, 240,

Black River, Canal Commissioners to construct bridges over...876, 1042, 1071, 1115

Black Rock Harbor, in relation to completing certain work in...... .1151, 1185, 1247
Blooming Grove, to lay out a public highway in........476, 479, 546, 637, 746, 905
Blossburgh Coal Company, authorize to hold real estate, 303, 376, 564, 581, 606, 763
Board of Audit, to define power and authority of...


Board of Home Missions of Presbyterian Church of America, act to incorpo-
.388, 399, 400, 763



Bogart, William H., appointed reporter....
Bonds and mortgages, petition to exempt from taxation, 205, 262, 299, 300, 308,

Booneville, to improve highways...




366, 379,
.346, 347, 378, 548, 563, 570, 1013
.971, 996, 1031, 1112

Boughton, Rosa Abba, for the relief of.....
Brooklyn, act to regulate elections in..135, 183, 394, 664, 703, 811, 823, 960, 978,
act for the construction of sewers in....



act to erect an armory in the Seventeenth ward in....642, 663, 729, 759, 798
petition for opening Park avenue..

to alter the commissioners' map of..


.884, 968, 971, 1152

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