THE BIBLE WORD-BOOK: A GLOSSARY OF Old English Bible Words, BY J. EASTWOOD, M. A. ST JOHN'S COLLEGE, AND W. ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A. LIBRARIAN OF TRINITY COLLEGE, London and Cambridge: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1866. 101.9.17. PREFACE. IT is the object of the following Glossary to explain and illustrate all such words, phrases, and constructions, in the Authorized Version of the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, and in the Book of Common Prayer, as are either obsolete or archaic. In books which have become so familiar, and which have so leavened our language, it is somewhat difficult to fix a standard by which to decide whether a word is partially or entirely obsolete, whether the phrase of which it is part is fallen into disuse, and whether the construction in which it is found is such as no modern writer would employ. In endeavouring to form an opinion for myself on these points, I have excluded from the comparison all such works in modern English literature as are immediately or indirectly derived |