shall thereafter be entitled to vote, at all elections held in this State, upon the same qualifications and conditions as are in this section prescribed as to male citizens. It shall be the duty of the Governor by his proclamation, to make known the result of such election, as to the question so separately submitted, immediately upon the completion of the canvass by the State canvassers. GIDEON J. TUCKER. MINORITY REPORT FROM MR. TUCKER, OF THE COMMITTEE ON SUFFRAGE, DISSENTING FROM REPORT OF SAID COMMITTEE ON PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, INTRODUCTORY No. 8, GENERAL Order No. 33. To the Constitutional Convention : The undersigned, a minority member of the Committee on Suffrage, respectfully, but positively opposes the adoption by the Convention of the report of the majority of said committee in favor of the amendment (No. 8) introduced by Hon. Mr. Gilbert, imposing as a qualification for the exercise of the right of suffrage, that the voter must be able to read the Constitution in the English lan guage. He believes such a condition imposed upon the right of voting to be unjust to our adopted citizens of continental European birth. He will never consent to disfranchise, now or hereafter, any American citizen, and deprive him of his voice and share in the government, and of the privilege and the protection of voting for those who are to conduct and administer it, because that citizen learned in his childhood to speak in a tongue other than English. He submits that the broad and generous spirit of American democracy revolts at distinctions among citizens founded upon the accident of birth and language. Our fathers abolished such dis ́tinctions, and their sons should refuse to restore and sanction them. The undersigned, therefore, respectfully recommends that the Convention strike out from the first section of the second article, as reported by the committee, the following words: "Who shall not be able to read the Constitution in the English language, and write his name." August 8, 1894. GIDEON J. TUCKER. DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF LIFE. MINORITY REPORT. OF THE COMMITTEE ON PREAMBLE AND BILL OF RIGHTS ON THE PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO AMEND ARTICLE ONE OF THE CONSTITUTION, AS TO DAMAGES FOR THE LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE - No. 192; INT. 191. The undersigned, a minority of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights, present the following report: We recommend to the Convention the following PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT To amend article one of the Constitution, as to damages for the loss of human life. The Delegates of the People of the State of New York, in Convention assembled, do propose as follows: Article one of the Constitution is hereby amended by inserting the following new section: Sec. The right of action is hereby given for loss of life and for injury to the person, and no statutory limitation shall be placed upon the amount of damages recoverable, or upon the right to recover by civil action for the loss of human life or for injury to the person. GIDEON J. TUCKER. W. D. VEEDER. DORMANT ACCOUNTS OF SAVINGS BANKS. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKS ON DORMANT ACCOUNTS OF SAVINGS BANKS, IN RESPONSE TO THE RESOLUTION OF MR. KELLOGG. ORDERED PRINTED AND REFERRED TO COMMITTEE on Currency, BANKING AND INSURANCE. STATE OF NEW YORK : Banking Department, To the Constitutional Convention, Albany, N. Y. : Gentlemen. In pursuance of your resolution of June twentyseventh, reading as follows: "Resolved, That this Convention request the savings banks or institutions for savings in this State to furnish to the Superintendent of Banking, upon his demand for the same, the amount of their unclaimed deposits without delay, and that when such report is completed the Superintendent of Banking transmit the same forthwith to the Convention." I had prepared and sent to the several savings banks and institutions for savings of the State a circular letter, which included the above resolution in full, a copy of which is hereto annexed. I have the honor to transmit herewith a tabulated statement of the information furnished to me by said banks and institutions in response to said circular letter and in accordance with the requirements of said resolution, giving number and amount of dormant accounts, as there are no such accounts as unclaimed deposits carried by the savings banks. Dormant accounts are always liabilities of a bank and payable on demand. Some of the banks, however, have reported accounts of twenty years' standing and accounts under five dollars, not confining their statements to the accounts which they are required to report to the department by the provisions of section 28, chapter 689, Laws of 1892, to wit, those of twenty-two years' standing and over five dollars in amount. Gentlemen.-I am in receipt of communication of which the following is a copy: STATE OF NEW YORK: Constitutional Convention, Albany, June 27, 1894. On motion of Mr. Kellogg : "Resolved, That this Convention request the savings banks or institutions of savings of this State to furnish to the Superintendent of Banking, upon his demand for the same, the amount of their unclaimed deposits without delay, and that when such report is completed the Superintendent of Banking transmit the same forthwith to the Convention." By order of the Convention. CHAS. E. FITCH, Secretary. To the Superintendent of Banking : The foregoing circular letter has been sent to the various institutions of savings of this State. Yours respectfully, CHAS. E. FITCH, Secretary. Please furnish to me the information indicated so that I can tabulate the same for use of the Constitutional Convention. By "unclaimed deposits" I understand "dormant accounts" is meant. To... Very respectfully, Superintendent of Banks. |