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Thirty-first Senate District.


Henry W. Hill.

Tracy C. Becker.

John Coleman.

George A. Davis. ...

Post-office Address.

39 School street, Buffalo.

160 Highland avenue, Buffalo.
32 Newell avenue, Buffalo.
Lancaster, Erie county.

Jonathan W. Carter..... Eden Centre, Erie county.

Thirty-second Senate District.

Benjamin S. Dean....... 105 West Second street, Jamestown.

[blocks in formation]


1. A committee on the preamble and bill of rights, to consist of eleven members.


On the Legislature-its organization and the number, apportionment, election, tenure of office and compensation of its members, to consist of seventeen members.

3. On the powers and duties of the Legislature, except as to matters otherwise referred, to consist of eleven members. 4. On the right of suffrage and the qualifications to hold office, to consist of seventeen members.

5. On the Governor and other State officers, their election or appointment, tenure of office, compensation, powers and duties, except as otherwise referred, to consist of seventeen members.

6. On the judiciary, to consist of seventeen members.


On the State finances, revenues, expenditures and taxation, and restrictions on the powers of the Legislature in respect thereto, and to public indebtedness, to consist of seventeen members.

8. On cities, their organization, government and powers, to consist of seventeen members.


On canals, to consist of eleven members.

10. On railroads, transportation and electrical transmission, to consist of seventeen members.

11. On counties, towns and villages, their organization, government and powers, to consist of seventeen members.

12. On county, town and village officers, other than judicial, their election or appointment, tenure of office, compensation, powers and duties, to consist of seventeen members. 13. On State prisons and penitentiaries, and the prevention and punishment of crime, to consist of eleven members.

14. On corporations and institutions not otherwise herein specified, to consist of seventeen members.

15. On currency, banking and insurance, to consist of eleven members.


On the militia and military officers, to consist of seven members.

17. On education and the funds relating thereto, to consist of seventeen members.



On charities and charitable institutions, to consist of seventeen members.

On industrial interests, except those already referred, to consist of seventeen members.

20. On the salt springs of the State, to consist of seven members. 21. On the relations of the State to the Indians residing therein, to consist of seven members.

22. On the future amendments and revisions of the Constitution, to consist of seven members.

23. Revision and engrossment, to consist of seven members. 24. Privileges and elections, to consist of eleven members. 25. Printing, to consist of seven members.



Contingent expenses, to consist of seven members.

Rules, to consist of seven members and the president.


The Committee on Rules unanimously recommend the adoption of the following rules and orders:


Powers and Duties of the President and Vice-Presidents.

Rule 1. The President shall take the chair each day at the hour to which the Convention shall have adjourned. He shall call to order, and, except in the absence of a quorum, shall proceed to business in the manner prescribed by these rules.

Rule 2. He shall possess the powers and perform the duties herein prescribed, viz.:

1. He shall preserve order and decorum, and, in debate, shall prevent personal reflections, and confine members to the question under discussion. When two or more members rise at the same time, he shall name the one entitled to the floor.

2. He shall decide all questions of order, subject to appeal to the Convention. On every appeal he shall have the right, in his place, to assign his reason for his decision. In case of such appeal no member shall speak more than once.

3. He shall appoint all committees, except where the Convention shall otherwise order.

4. IIe may substitute any member to perform the duties of the chair during the absence or inability of both Vice-Presidents, but for no longer period than two consecutive legislative days, except by special consent of the Convention.

5. When the Convention shall be ready to go into Committee of the Whole, he shall name a chairman to preside therein, subject to right of committee to elect its own chairman.

6. He shall certify the passage of all amendments by the Convention, with the date thereof.

7. He shall designate the persons who shall act as reporters for the public press, not exceeding thirty in number; but no reporter

shall be admitted to the floor who is not an authorized representative of a daily paper. Such reporters, so appointed, shall be entitled to such seats as the President shall designate, and shall have the right to pass to and fro from such seats in entering or leaving the Assembly Chamber. No reporter shall appear before any of the committees in advocacy of, or in opposition to, anything under consideration before such committees. A violation of this rule will be sufficient cause for the removal of such reporter. Removal for this cause shall be vested in the President.

8. He shall not be required to vote in ordinary proceedings, except where his vote would be decisive. In case of a tie vote the question shall be lost. He shall have general control, except as provided by rule or law, of the Assembly Chamber and of the corridors and passages in that part of the Capitol assigned to the use of the Convention. In case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct in the galleries, corridors or passages, he shall have the power to order the same to be cleared, and may cause any person guilty of such disturbance or disorderly conduct to be brought before the bar of the Convention. In all such cases the members present may take such measures as they shall deem necessary to prevent a repetition of such misconduct, either by the infliction of censure or pecuniary penalty, as they may deem best, on the parties thus offending.

9. He shall also be ex officio member and chairman of the Committee on Rules.

10. In the absence of the President, or his inability to preside, his duties shall devolve upon the First Vice-President, or, if he also be absent, upon the Second Vice-President.


Order of Business.

Rule 3. The first business of each day's session shall be the reading of the Journal of the preceding day, and the correction of any errors that may be found to exist therein. Immediately thereafter, except on days and at times set apart for the con sideration of special orders, the order of business shall be as follows:

1. Presentation of memorials. Under which head shall be included petitions, remonstrances and communications from individuals, and from public bodies.

2. Communications from the Governor and other State officers, Under this head shall be embraced also communications from

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