life, it would not have been zo long as 'tis by a vortnight.-Nay, an' thou com'st near th' old man, I'st try whether your costard or my ballow be th' harder. Osw. Out, dunghill ! Edg. Chill pick your teeth, zir: come, no matter vor your foines, [EDGAR knocks him down. Osw. Slave, thou hast slain me; oh! untimely death! Edg. I know thee well, a serviceable villain. Glost. What? Is he dead? [Dies. Edg. This is a letter carrier, and may have Some papers of intelligence, that may stand Our party in good stead to know. -- What's here? [Takes a Letter out of his Pocket, and reads it. To Edmund Earl of Gloster. Let our mutual loves be remembered : you have many opportunities to cut Albany off. If he return the conqueror, then I am still a prisoner, and his bed my gaol; from the loathed warmth of which deliver me, and supply the place for your labour. GONERIL. A plot upon the duke her husband's life, As best shall serve our purpose. Come, your hand; [A March at a Distance. Far off methinks I hear the beaten drum : ACT THE FIFTH. SCENE I. A Chamber. KING LEAR asleep on a Couch. CORDELIA, PHYSICIAN, and Two KNIGHTS standing by him. Cord. His sleep is sound, and may have good effect To cure his jarring senses, and repair This breach of nature. Phys. We have employ'd the utmost pow'r of art, And this deep rest will perfect our design. Cord. O Regan! Goneril! Inhuman sisters! Had he not been your father, these white hairs Had challeng'd sure some pity! Was this a face To be expos'd against the jarring winds? My enemy's dog, though he had bit me, should Have stood that night against my fire. He wakes; speak to him. Phys. Madam, do you; 'tis fittest. Cord. How does my royal lord? How fares your majesty ? Lear. You do me wrong, to take me out o'th' grave. Cord. Speak to me, sir; who am I? Lear. You are a soul in bliss; but I am bound Upon a wheel of fire, which my own tears Cord. Sir, do you know me? Lear. You are a spirit, I know; when did you'die? Cord. Still, still, far wide! Phys. Madam, he's scarce awake; he'll soon grow more compos'd. Lear. Where have I been? Where am I? Fair day light? I am mightily abus'd; I should even die with pity To see another thus. I will not swear These are my hands. Cord. O, look upon me, sir, And hold your hand in blessing o'er me.-Nay, Lear. Pray, do not mock me; Cord. Nay, then farewell to patience? witness for me, Ye mighty pow'rs, I ne'er complain'd till now! Lear. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man; Yet I am doubtful; for I'm mainly ignorant Cord. O, my dear, dear father! Lear. Be your tears wet? Yes, 'faith; pray, do not weep. I know I have given thee cause, and am so humbled With crosses since, that I could ask Forgiveness of thee, were it possible That thou couldst grant it; If thou hast poison for me, I will drink it, Bless thee, and die. Cord. O, pity, sir, a bleeding heart, and cease This killing language. 1 Lear. Tell me, friends, where am I? Lear. Do not abuse me. Phys. Be comforted, good madam; for the violence Of his distemper's past; we'll lead him in, Nor trouble him, till he is better settled. Will it please you, sir, walk into freer air? Lear. You must bear with me, I am old and foolish. Forget and forgive. [The PHYSICIAN leads off KING LEAR, followed by the Two KNIGHTS. Cord. The gods restore you! [A distant March. Hark, I hear afar The beaten drum. Old Kent's a man of's word. Like the fierce thunderer's, when the earth-born sons [Exit CORDELIA. SCENE II. A Valley near the Field of Battle. Enter EDGAR and GLOSTER. Edg. Here, sir, take you the shadow of this tree For your good host; pray that the right may thrive: Cord. What toils, thou wretched king, hast thou endur'd, To make thee draw, in chains, a sleep so sound! thought. And now, my Edgar, I remember thee : O gods! a sudden gloom o'erwhelms me, and the image Of death o'erspreads the place.-Ha! who are these? Enter CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD, another OFFICER, and SOLDIERS with Cords. Capt. Now, sirs, despatch; already you are paid In part, the best of your reward's to come. Lear. Charge, charge upon their flank; their left wing halts; Push, push the battle, and the day's our own; And now a pris'ner here!-What mean the slaves? H |