Bel. Stay; come not in :- Here were a fairy. Guid. What's the matter, sir? Bel. By Jupiter, an angel! or, if not, An earthly paragon!-Behold divineness No elder than a boy! Enter IMOGEN. Imog. Good masters, harm me not: Before I enter'd here, I call'd; and thought To have begg'd, or bought, what I have took: Good troth, I have stolen nought; nor would not, though I had found Gold strew'd o' the floor. Here's money for thy meat: I would have left it on the board, so soon As I had made my meal; and parted With prayers for the provider. Arv. Money, youth? Guid. All gold and silver rather turn to dirt! Imog. I see, you are angry; Know, if you kill me for my fault, I should Imog. To Milford Haven, sir. Bel. What is your name? Imog. Fidele, sir: I have a kinsman, who Bel. 'Prythee, fair youth, Think us no churls; nor measure our good minds By this rude place we live in. Well encounter'd! "Tis almost night: you shall have better cheer G Ere you depart; and thanks, to stay and eat it.- Arv. I'll love him as my brother :- Be sprightly, for you fall 'mongst friends. Imog. [Aside.] 'Mongst friends! Bel. He wrings at some distress, What pain it cost, what danger! Imog. Great men, [Whispering them. That had a court no bigger than this cave, That did attend themselves, and had the virtue Which their own conscience seal'd them, (laying by That nothing gift of differing multitudes,) Could not outpeer these twain. Pardon, me, gods! I'd change my sex to be companion with them, Since Leonatus, false Bel. It shall be so: Boys, we'll go dress our hunt.-Fair youth, come in: Discourse is heavy, fasting; when we have supp'd, We'll mannerly demand thee of thy story, So far as thou wilt speak it. Guid. 'Pray, draw near. : Arv. The night to the owl, and morn to the lark, less welcome. Imog. Thanks, sir. Arv. I pray, draw near. [Exeunt into the Cave. SCENE III. The Forest, near the Cave. Enter CLOTEN. Cloten. I am near to the place where they should meet, if Pisanio have mapped it truly. How fit his garments serve me! Posthumus, thy head, which now is growing upon thy shoulders, shall within this hour be off; thy mistress enforced; thy garments cut to pieces before thy face: and, all this done, spurn her home to her father; who may, haply, be a little angry for my so rough usage; but my mother, having power of his testiness, shall turn all into my commendations. My horse is tied up safe: Out, sword, and to a sore purpose! Fortune, put them into my hand! This is the very description of their meeting-place: and the fellow dares not deceive me. [Exit, SCENE IV. The Forest and the Cave. Enter, from the Cave, BELARIUS, GUIDERIUS, ARVIRAGUS, and IMOGEN. Bel. You are not well: remain here in the cave; We'll come to you after hunting. Arv. Brother, stay here: Are we not brothers ? Imog. So man and man should be; But clay and clay differs in dignity, [TO IMOGEN. Whose dust is both alike. -I am very sick. Guid. Go you to hunting, I'll abide with him. Imog. So sick I am not;-yet I am not well: So please you, leave me; Stick to your journal course: the breach of custom Since I can reason of it. 'Pray you, trust me here. Guid. Brother, farewell. Imog. I wish ye sport. Arv. You health. - So please you, sir. [BELARIUS, GUIDERIUS, and ARVIRAGUS confer apart. Imog. [Aside.] These are kind creatures. Gods, what lies, I have heard! Our courtiers say, all's savage, but at court. I am sick still; heart sick:- Pisanio, I'll now taste of thy drug. [Drinks out of the Phial. Guid. I could not stir him: He said, he was gentle, but unfortunate; Dishonestly afflicted, but yet honest. Arv. Thus did he answer me: yet said, hereafter I might know more. Bel. To th' field, to th' field. We'll leave you for this time; go in, and rest. Arv. We'll not be long away. Bel. 'Pray, be not sick; For you must be our house wife. Imog. Well, or ill, I am bound to you. [Exit IMOGEN, into the Cave. Bel. This youth, howe'er distress'd, appears, he Arv. How angel like he looks! Nobly he yokes a smiling with a sigh. hath had Good ancestors. Guid. I do note, That grief and patience, rooted in him both, Bel. It is great morning. Come; away. place? Bel. Who's there? [BELARIUS, GUIDERIUS, and ARVIRAGUS retire. Enter CLOTEN. : Cloten. I cannot find those runagates; that villain Hath mock'd me. Bet. Those runagates ! [Exit CLOTEN. Means he not us? I partly know him; 'tis What companies are near: 'pray you, away; Let me alone with him. [Exeunt BELARIUS and ARVIRAGUS. Enter CLOTEN. Cloten. Soft! What are you That fly me thus? Some villain mountaineers ? I have heard of such. Thou art a robber, A law-breaker, a villain: Yield thee, thief. Guid. To whom? to thee? what art thou? Have not I An arm as big as thine? a heart as big? Thy words, I grant, are bigger; for I wear not Cloten. Thou villain, base! Know'st me not by my clothes ? Guid. No, nor thy tailor, rascal, |