Which comes to punish us, and we punish it [Exeunt, bearing ANTONY. SCENE VIII. The same. A Monument. Enter, at a Window above, CLEOPATRA, CHARMIAN, and IRAS. Cleo. O Charmian, I will never go from hence. Cleo. No, I will not: All strange and terrible events are welcome, Enter DIOMEDE. As that which makes it. - How now? is he dead? Diom. His death's upon him, but not dead. Look out O'the other side your monument. But see, Enter ANTONY, borne by the Guard. Cleo. O sun, sun, Burn the great sphere thou mov'st in! darkling stand Ant. Peace: Not Cæsar's valour hath o'er-thrown Antony, Cleo. So it should be, that none but Antony Cleo. I dare not, (Dear, dear, my lord, your pardon that I dare not) Lest I be taken: Not the imperiotis show Of the full-fortun'd Cæsar ever shall Be broocht with me: if knives, drugs, serpents, have Your wife Octavia, with her modest eyes, [CLEOPATRA and her Women throw out certain Ant. O, quick, or I am gone. SCENE IX. Inside of the Monument. Cleo. Here's sport, indeed! How heavy weighs my lord! Our strength is all gone into heaviness, That makes the weight: Had I great Juno's power, The strong-wing'd Mercury should fetch thee up, And set thee by Jove's side. Yet come a little, |