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dheling, with a population of about 3000 souls, and governed by one Raja and six Panghooloos.

Ayer Bangies possesses a fine harbour, at a distance of four English miles from the mouth of the river behind Poolon Pandjang, in which many ships may ride safely in all winds, whilst the river here presents the same facilities and advantages as that of Padang.

These advantages, added to the healthy situation of Ayer Bangies and the many facilities of communication with the interior of Nattal, render this place far preferable to any other as the capital of the Netherlands' possessions among the northern population.

To the jurisdiction of Ayer Bangies belong the following provinces, namely:

21st. Siekielang, bounded in the interior by Bondjol, with a population of 3000 souls, who are under the authority of two Rajas and Panghooloos.

22nd. Passaman, with a population of about 200 souls, is governed by one Raja and four Panghooloos, and bounded on the interior by Bondjol.

23rd. Kienillie, bounded in the interior by Bondjol with a population of about 3000 sou!s, governed by one Raja and four Panghooloos, is the last province on the coast, belonging to Ayer Bangies.

Eight days inland from Ayer Bangies, and much further from Nattal, is our fourth possession in the northern division, viz. Mandheling in the Batta loads, which comprised the following provinces, bounded on the south by Rau and on the east by Tambooan.

24th. Mandheling, contains 38 large kampongs with one Raja and six Panghooloos in each, and a population of about 40,000 souls, all belonging to the Battas, and of whose morals and usages, as quite distinct from the other Muhammadan population of this Presidency, we shall speak more at length hereafter.

25th. Looboo, contains ten large kampongs with four Rajas, sixty Ponghooloos, and a population of 10,000 Battas. 26th. Ankola, contains ten large Batta kampongs, each with. one Raja and ten Panghooloos, having together a population of 10,000 souls.

27th. Padang Lawe, contains eight large Batta kampongs, each having a Raaja and ten Panghooloos, and all together containing a population of about 8000 souls.

28th. Rau has twenty large kampongs with one Raja of the tribe of Menangkabau and fifteen Panghooloos, and each kampong has ten Panghooloos besides.

The population of this province may be estimated at 25,000 souls.

In 1832 this population, of its own free will, became subject to this government, and in 1834 rebelled: but was again reduced to obedience in 1835.

29th. Tambussey is a small province, situated to the east of Mandheling and Rau, bounded by Aracan. It is under the authority of the much famed Tocankoo tambussey, who often disturbs our peace at Mandheling, and who was the cause of the insurrection in Rau.

30th. Bondjol or Allahan Pandjang had formerly one Raja and seven Panghooloos, but having, under the authority of the Padris, become the capital of the government of the Malay sect, the government was managed by four priests named Tocankoo nan barampe. In 1832 this province became subject to this government, but rebelled again in 1833, and declared themselves independent, after having by gross treason destroyed our possession, being then governed by four chiefs, who named themselves Raja nan berampat. population of this province and some others connected with it, is estimated at 8000 souls. The occurrences that have since taken place in this country are known.


Having said as much as was necessary, of the provinces belonging to the northern division, we shall now proceed to speak of those of the middle division.

[To be continued.]

IV.-Nineteenth Annual Report of the Calcutta Baptist Missionary Society.

There is something exceedingly gratifying in the hastening in of so many Reports of Christian operations. They seem like couriers in the day of battle carrying tidings from all portions of the conflict, and conveying or exciting friendly sympathies, as they pass through the several divisions of the mighty host. We would indeed that all our reports were as simple and faithful as must be the tidings of those couriers whose mouths are fraught with life or death, in the day of eventful contest: still, we believe, that much if not most of the practical deceptiveness complained of by many, arises not from Reports themselves so much as from the use made of them;

and that a correct view of at least the operations of the Church of Christ may be formed from a combination of the annual documents sent out for information by the several divisions of the one Catholic body. Blessed be the Lord, the press is now so far enlisted in this service, that it brings out, in its best typography, the glorious tidings of the progress of Messiah's kingdom, and that multitudes of men are constantly employed in printing forth the wonders of a diffused and extending salvation! How blessed will be the day, when all the printing presses of this globe shall be in the hands of our Great Lordand when the daily news that men shall look for, will be concerning the progress of human salvation, and the overthrow of Satan's kingdom of sin!

In the meanwhile we would rejoice even in the "small things" of our day, remembering that there was a time, when they were smaller than they now are, and not forgetting that the smallness of the mustard seed will expand itself into the largeness of the mustard tree.

The Report quoted in our title is an interesting one. We have already given a short notice of it, and we now recur to the subject (as we promised in our last number) chiefly for the purpose of giving a few extracts from the document, which may speak for themselves. We fear it is too long for the bulk of readers; and we think that a good deal of the details might have been thrown into the appendix, so as not to have presented any obstacle in the way of the impatient perusers of such records, who prefer a bird's-eye view to a finished landscape painting. But this is a mere matter of opinion; and in it we must succumb to prevailing custom, in a case of simple expediency.


We are reminded at the outset of the vanity of life, and of the duty of exerting ourselves whilst it is called to-day. The death of our late esteemed brother, Mr. Penney, was indeed a sudden and affecting one; and calculated to teach to the whole body of his surviving fellow-labourers the value of time. what shall we now say to the repetition of that lesson which has just taken place, in the sudden removal of our beloved friend and brother PEARCE! We have just seen his dust committed to the tomb, in all that solemn suddenness with which death and burial are invested in this land of physical and spiritual trial. May the Lord who hath so dealt with his servants, give corresponding grace, so that the seed of death may produce the fruit of life! In Pearce the Missionary cause has lost one of those solid ornamental characters in grace, which are as the embossed flowers and pomegranates formerly in the house of the Lord, and which were as much the

subjects of divine direction and appointment as were the pillars and seas of brass.

But we proceed to make a few extracts of interest,

First, a specimen of the primary and radical operation of preaching to the Heathen in Calcutta:

"This most important part of Missionary labour has been constantly attended to. Mr. C. C. Aratoon, Shujáatali, Bishwanath, Ganganárayan Sil, and the elder students of the Native Christian Institution have been more or less regularly engaged in the Chapels for the heathen or on the highways and public places. These engagements of course differ very much from the regular and quiet service of a Christian congregation. Many of the hearers often pass away during the sermon, and others take their places. Questions of all kinds and from every class of objectors have to be answered, and the service usually ends with a distribution of Tracts and portions of the Scriptures, and a friendly conversation with any who remain, on the truths which have been presented to them. In Ján Bazar Chapel services have been held almost daily during a greater part of the year, and mostly to well attended congregations. In April last a new Chapel was erected at Sealdah, the north-east part of Calcutta. Two services have been held there weekly, and the hearers, chiefly Hindus, have averaged from 60 to 90. The dif ferent festivals, at which immense crowds are usually collected, have also been attended; and large numbers of tracts and scriptures have been given to all who could read them. Regular visits have also been made to the houses of pious friends, which have given the opportunity of close and impressive appeals to the consciences of the heathen servants; while in the masters and mistresses themselves a missionary spirit has been cherished and strengthened. Another numerous and important, but degraded and neglected class, the Roman Catholics, have also received attention. One house in Baitakkhánah has been rented for preaching, and another has been voluntarily opened by its Roman Catholic inmate. In each of these places weekly meetings are held, and the truth as it is in Jesus is preached to them; while another Roman Catholic family have lately requested that meetings might be held in their house, and arrangements have consequently been made to meet there on the Sabbath evening. All these services are held in Bengáli.”

Next, let us take a specimen of Native Church work:

"During the past year the Church has been under the pastoral care of Mr. C. C. Aratoon, who has laboured assiduously and affectionately for the welfare of its members. Mr. Pearce, however, for whom he officiated, having now returned to India, has consented, at the request of the members, seconded by Mr. A., to resume his engagement as their pastor from the commencement of the present year.


"Till October last the acting pastor was assisted by our valued native brother Shujáatali; but the state of health of the latter rendering ne cessary a change of air, he accompanied Messrs. Parsons and Phillips to Monghir, from which place he hopes to return in a few weeks. regret to say that he is still suffering from indisposition; but re joice to add, that under it he manifests a patience and fortitude highly honourable to the Christian character. During his absence, his duties as assistant to the pastor have been performed by our native brother Gangánárayan, who manifests a pleasing degree of zeal and activity in the service of the Gospel.

"At the date of the last Report the number of members composing the church in Kalingá, independant of persons under suspension, was stated at twenty. During the year it has received an accession of ten members; nine by baptism, and one by letter of dismission: while on the other hand it has been reduced by the loss of five; two by dismission to other churches, with two by exclusion and one by suspension, for unchristian conduct; making a total in full communion at the present time of twenty-five persons. Besides these, there are several under suspension, who express a wish to be restored to the communion of the church'; but as they do not manifest that deep repentance for sin, and that earnest desire to obey the Divine commandments which characterize the true penitent, the church do not feel justified at present in complying with their wishes.

"The number of regular attendants on the Lord's-day (all of whom are professing Christians) is encouraging. Including the children of the Female Department of the Native Christian Institution, it averages 90 in the morning, and 60 in the afternoon. We regret to say, that the week-uy services, which are still continued, are not so well attended. There does not appear among the members generally, that concern to avail themselves of these privileges which we could desire. We are happy to dd, however, that in some instances the case is very different. It is worthy of notice, that several members of this church, some of them converted Hindus and Muhammadans, have exerted themselves during the year for the conversion of those who are professed Christians. They have attended frequent meetings, held in the week-day evenings at the houses of Roman Catholics, for the purpose of friendly discussion on those important subjects on which they differ from the Protes tants. These discussions have been often prolonged to a late hour, and have excited considerable interest in the neighbourhood. They have also been blessed to the real conversion of several attendants, some of whom have already joined the church, and are among its most active members. "Mr. PEARCE has of late been frequently visited by an up-country brahman, whose mind is evidently becoming more and more convinced of the truth of Christianity, and more impressed with the excellency and suitability to himself of the Gospel plan of salvation. He has gained courage enough to avow to his friends his intention of becoming a Christian, and throw off the appendages of idolatry; and at last to attend with the Christian brethren at the Native Chapel. He suffers much, however, from the derision and reproaches of his friends, and is a striking exhibition of the difficulty with which a Hindu has to contend on determining to embrace the Saviour. As an instance we may mention, that in a late conversation one of his friends said to him, "What a fool you are, to give up your caste as a bráhman, and instead of being called great king (Maháráj), and lord (Thákur), to be despised of all men ! Did you get plenty of money for the sacrifice, it might be worth your while to make it; but to do it without the hope of gaining any thing, shews you indeed to be a fool!" What forcible arguments are these to a carnal heart, and what grace does it require in a new and timid believer to count all earthly advantages but dross and dung, so that he may be found in Christ! Such appears, at present, the state of mind of our Hindu inquirer. May he have grace to endure even unto the end !"

There is an interesting passage as to the death of a young native christian. How cheering to see the grace producing the same effects in the young Convert, as in the aged pastor!

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