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of purchasing them with a view to assist the Society in a pecuniary point of view, will now have it in their power. It is not meant by this arrangement to prevent the amplest judicious gratuitous circulation of God's word through the instrumentality of our friends whose means of distribution may exceed their ability to purchase, The Scriptures, we find from this list, can be had at the Depository in the following languages: English, Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, Armenian, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Persic character, Ditto Roman character, Hindui Nágrí, Hindui Kaithí, Bengali, Ditto Roman character, Multana, Vickanira, Haroti, Assamese, Nepaulese, Cashmira, Javanese, Chinese, Welsh, Gaelic, Irish, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

The native Scriptures, especially those for the hill and border tribes, might be distributed with advantage just now as a wide door and effec tual is being opened for that distribution. The Society will feel a pleasure in committing copies of such Scriptures into the hands of any good friend dwelling amongst the people to whom they may be adapted. The New Testament in the Continental languages may be occasionally bestowed on the seamen of different countries who visit the Port, or opportunities may offer of giving a Testament to the strangers from those lands who occasionally dwell within our gates.

9.-LAMP OF Knowledge.

A new work has just appeared under the above title. It is written in Bengali by a very intelligent native. It is part of a series of school or educational books, the subjects are moral and instructive, the style upon the whole is good, though in many places pedantic and inflated-a sin which we trust the author will guard against in future numbers. It is free from every thing offensive on religious subjects, and may with propriety be put into the hands of females, to which purpose we trust our native friends will apply it. It is a very excellent little production, and the author deserves well at the hands of his countrymen, and all well-wishers o the improvement of the children of India. We encourage him to go on.


has sailed from Singapore. Admiral Elliot has also reached that island, and ere this has sailed to the scene of warfare. Before our next issue we shall doubtless be in possession of information that some active and decisive measures has been taken in the war.


Lord Stanhope brought forward his motion in the house of Lords on the iniquities of the Opium war and Opium growing. It was negatived without a division. Lord Melbourne declared that the Opium trade was lucrative and therefore it would not be discontinued-the war was justified, and the only people who appear to have taken a just view of the case either laughed or bullied into silence. The origin of the war is lost sight of in the lucrativeness of the traffic. The government of India will grow opium and make its lakhs and lakhs of rupees by its conniving at traders who sail away from the port armed to the teeth to run it on the coasts of China, to enrich themselves, while England will be paying the whole cost of the Chinese war.

12.-LA MARTINIERE-THE BISHOPS OF CALCUTTA AND NORWICH. The public prints have been lately occupied in discussing the merits of a correspondence between the Bishops of Calcutta and Norwich in reference to the principle on which La Martiniere is founded. In that institution the Protestant Episcopalian and Presbyterian divines, the Romanist

Priest and the laity of every varying shade in religious opinion may be associated. No religious peculiarity can be taught in public, but in private the Protestant and the Papist may teach the youth of their own communion, the peculiarities of their respective faiths. Provided it were a merging of all Protestant peculiarities, it would be a good and sound principle; but admitting, as it does, Papists, and as it may, Socinians or other equally baneful religionists, we look upon it as one of the most fallacious and unscriptural clap-traps of the age. That cannot be sound in principle which associates the Papist and the Presbyterian, for it is absolute hypocrisy to talk of merging differences between these parties. The concession of this principle is all on the side of truth-error alone gains by the admission. The Bishop of Calcutta felt this when the Bishop of Norwich applied the Martiniere case to the government plan of education at home? but the Bishop of Calcutta is too acute a reasoner not to perceive that the effect is one and the same as a deviation from principle: in the use made of it by those who would concede any point to procure a moment's false peace, and the influence it has on the Church and world at large. He did perceive this at once when the speech of the diocesan of Norwich reached him, and at once prepares to defend himself from the remotest supposition that he would lend his sanction to the Government plan were he at home. We are assured of it and therefore the more regret that one who has nobly defended Protestantism from both Popish and Puseyite error should have given the remotest sanction to such an union of light and darkness, Christ and Belial. The only reason that can be assigned for the course is, that if such men as Bishop Wilson and others do not sit in the councils of La Martiniere, it will fall into the hands of Papists and infidels. Well let it; for according to the Bishop's own statement it is but a small school in Calcutta: and he admits the working of the plan has not been over well as yet, and hence its influence may be easily corrected: but if it were a large school-if it were a system for the land, the Bishop by implication says he could not and would not sanction itit large or be it small, it is all one so far as the principle is concerned. Do the council of La Martiniere carry out the principle of liberalism to its full extent ? Is the child of a Baptist obliged if he learns any catechism in the school to commit to memory the one taught by Pædobaptists in which he will be obliged to say that his godfathers and godmothers gave him his name in baptism ?”- -or are the children of Episcopalians and Papists allowed to bow at the name of Jesus?-or would the child of a Musalmán or Hindu be obliged to receive the mellifluously united Christianity of the council? If we understand the tenor of General Martine's bequest, it is for all classes and creeds without exception; and if so, on what principle can the council interfere with any peculiarity or refuse to instruct any boy or girl in that which his or her parents or guardians believe to be truth?


On Saturday evening last the Bungalow Chapel for native preaching, connected with the London Missionary Society, in the Bow Bazar, was re opened for the public worship of Christ. The place has been almost entirely rebuilt. The service was opened by reading the scriptures by the Rev. G. Gogerly, the Rev. A. F. Lacroix preached to the people, and the Rev. J. Campbell closed with prayer. The congregation was numerous and very attentive. May God make this chapel the birth-place of many souls.-Advocate.



We are confident it will afford our readers the greatest pleasure to learn, that the Mission established by the London Missionary Society in the groupe of Islands called the Navigators', not more than ten years ago, has been signally blessed of God. The Missionaries state that at present they have about 40,000 people under Christian instruction, several hundreds have received baptism, 200 have become Church members, and upwards of 20,000 can read. Several elementary books have been prepared," portions of the Old and New Testaments have been translated, a press has been sent from England,-in fact the whole work is marvellous in our eyes and can only call forth our warmest praise to the Lord our righteousness and strength. These Islanders were cannibals, and well do we remember the first Missionary who went forth to bring them to Christ.-Ibid.


The Missionaries in the Sandwich islands have intreated the King of those Islands to cause an investigation to be made into the charges brought against them by the Papist Missionaries and French authorities, viz. ; that they were the principal parties in stirring up his majesty to expel the Romish priests, &c., which gave rise to the extraordinary conduct of Captain Laplace, to which we have referred in former numbers. His majesty in reply fully exonerates the Missionaries from all participation in the act, and agrees to their request, the result of which had not transpired when the last accounts reached England.—Ibid.


During the last week the native papers state that two satis have occurred within a short distance of Calcutta-one even at Ishra, midway between Calcutta and Serampore, directly opposite to Mrs. Wilson's Orphan Asylum. Surely this cannot be; or if so, the Police authorities ought to institute the most rigid inquiry into the matter. As the law now stands, satí legally considered is murder; and the parties instigating, aiding, or abetting the misguided persons, ought to be sought out and held up as a public example, warning and terror to all similar evil-doers. We trust for the sake of human nature-even fallen human nature-this is mere rumour. Should it however prove true, which we more than fear it will, it shows us how much is yet to be effected before the natives of India will be able to walk erect and become amenable to the laws of humanity and decency; and we may also gather from it how much it is to be feared the dark and cruel rites connected with Hinduism are still practised in the less favored parts of the country-parts where the influence of education and religion have not been experienced; for if such an act can be perpetrated in the vicinity of the metropolis of India, the centre of all civilization and enlightenment, what can we expect in the darker parts of the land? Verily they must be habi. tations of cruelty.

The native papers have also disclosed to us another of the crying evils of the country. A native rájá, it appears, lays claim to all the widows in his territory, appropriating to his own purposes such as he deems fit, and disposing of the others as articles of merchandize and for the vilest purposes. A short time ago we heard of a band of miscreants, who on a mountain height to the eastward were more than suspected of offering up human sacrifices to appease the rage of an offended deity. Surely such things should awaken in our hearts the deepest pity for our fellow-men, and lead us to put forth every energy by which they may be blessed with the humanizing and elevating blessings of Christianity. But in the mean time surely the law

tempered with mercy ought to institute the most rigid inquiry into such rumours, and either vindicate the character of the Hindus from charges so foul, or punish with all due severity such flagrant violations of all law both human and divine. We suspect Sir Charles Forbes had no such scenes in his mind's eye when he lauded the virtues and amiabilities of the native community. May the natives soon deserve the praises he bestowed upon them, by the absence of crimes, (committed remember under the sanctions of religion,) at which humanity shudders, and from which every man with the feelings of a man, must turn away with disgust and abhorrence.-Ibid.


The anniversary of this Society was held in London at the latter end of the month of April, and from brief accounts which we have just received, we gather that it is pursuing the more than even tenor of its way. It continues to distribute the word of life to our brave soldiers and sailors who are called to contend for the weal and honor of their country. Many a soul has it refreshed and blessed. We notice amongst those recorded as present some of the veteran warriors by sea and land of former days. May their days long be spared to labour in so good a cause, in which they do in spirit fulfil the words of prophecy, turning their spears into pruning-hooks and their swords into plough-shares; learning war no more. There always was, and we trust always will be, a devout and soul-refreshing sweetness about the meetings of this Society that were especially invigorating, it is one of the many gatherings of the British Isreal towards which we look back with peculiar pleasure.


This noble Society is progressing in strength and usefulness. It is the Wilberforce of Societies-the defender of the rights, the pleader and redresser of the wrongs of the helpless and almost (in one sense) speechless and misrepresented aborigines of all the British Colonies. We trust that it may be the means of preserving from destruction, the colored tribes who have been brought under the sway of the British Sceptre, for it is the foulest blot on our national escutcheon that our presence and property as a people has been purchased at the expence of the happiness, liberty and even lives of the aborigines conquered by us. The approach of the white man has been the signal for the black man's retreat. sword that conquered but too often been the precursor of the spade that has dug a nation's grave. May this evil for the future be averted by the labours of this and similar institutions.



The convention of the Anti-Slavery delegates from every quarter of the United Kingdom was held at Exeter Hall in the month of May last. Prince Albert presided on the occasion. The assemblage was very large. Amongst the delegates were nearly all the most renowned philanthropists of the age; all shades, creeds and politics appear to have merged in the great question, "When shall the enslaved portion of the human race be made permanently happy and free?” The Prince delivered a very frank and generous speech on the occasion, which together with the free and easy manner in which it was delivered appears to have won for him golden opinions. May they never be dimmed. The result of the meeting was a strongly expressed resolve, to neither tire nor faint until the Demon Slavery should be scourged from the earth, and freedom be the birthright of every man.-Amen and Amen.


The discussions connected with the subjects of patronage or no patro nage of intrusion or non-intrusion must, we think, be speedily brought to a close. The Assembly have, by a majority of 87, voted the non-reception of Lord Aberdeen's bill, which many had hoped would remove the existing differences in the Kirk. We are rejoiced to find that there are found men in the country who boldly contend for the spiritual independence of the Church; they are now, if not before, according to Bishop Philpotts, a Protestant Church; they protest now as they did when Rome or England would have placed the yoke ecclesiastio-political on their shoulders, and say with one of olden time, "We want Christ's yoke and none else will we have." It may lead to the secession of many, but it will lead to nobler consequences; it will shew the sternness and independency of religious principle; the power of truth over present selfish interest, and that there are a few men in Sardis in this age of trimming and timeserving who are worthy of the name and cause of Christ. Lord Aberdeen's bill we look upon as a sop to Cerberus; it leaves the evil it would cure untouched and will not be accepted, we venture to predict, by the majority of the people of Scotland any more than it has been by the majority of her Clergy.


Accounts from the West Indies are very conflicting; they yet nevertheless inform us of one fact, that the Negroes as a body are willing to labor for fair remunerative wages, but that the proprietors will not-they say they cannot-afford the wages required of them by the Negroes, the consequence is, refusal to labour for inadequate remuneration on the one hand, and attempts at coercion in the form of legislation on the other.— The labour party without they be exterminated by the sword, must triumph, for the British legislature never can sanction a cooly trade; hence the proprietors will be forced to comply with the demands of the negro labourers, or give up their plantations in mortification and despair. If their lands will only enrich them by oppressing the labourer and by giving him inadequate support, there must be something radically wrong in the constitution of things; for that land, or rather that which is produced from it, must be a curse both to proprietor and labourer, which cannot remunerate both the one and the other for their outlay of money and strength. Sir Charles Metcalfe is, we fear, in a fair way to tarnish his good name in his West Indian administration. He has forwarded a despatch to the home authorities in which he certainly blows hot and cold in the same breath. He says that the Negroes are, on the testimony of the Stipendiary Magistrates-" orderly and irreproachable" "-the general tranquil state of the country without any police is a strong proof of the peaceable desposition of the inhabitants; their freedom has given them more the spirit of independence than that of submission to the will of others." And why not? This is the race that were represented years ago as the connecting link between the human and brute species. "They are generally," he adds "or as far as I can see, cheerful and merry. They are generally in this neighbourhood with smiling faces and civil tongues and seem pleased with being noticed. In some instances the labourers have purchased small lots of land; others become prosperous." This is the character drawn of the Negroes by Sir Charles Metcalfe both from what he has heard from stipendiary magistrates and from what he has seen himself. Surely a people cheerful, civil, industrious and thoughtful such as he has described cannot be bad subjects, nor bad servants. The fact

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